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: The Death Penalty/Capital Punishment  ( 36670 )
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Remmirath - Nazgûl Queen of Mordor

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« : January 02, 2006, 06:36:32 PM »

*Quote from an Amnesty International website*
"The death penalty is the ultimate cruel, inhuman and degrading punishment.

It violates the right to life.

It is irrevocable and can be inflicted on the innocent. It has never been shown to deter crime more effectively than other punishments.

As an organization dedicated to the protection and promotion of human rights, Amnesty International (AI) works for an end to executions and the abolition of the death penalty everywhere.

The progress has been dramatic. When AI convened an International Conference on the Death Penalty in Stockholm, Sweden, in 1977, just 16 countries had abolished capital punishment for all crimes. Today the figure stands at 86.

Each year since 1997 the United Nations Commission on Human Rights has passed a resolution calling on countries that have not abolished the death penalty to establish a moratorium on executions. The latest resolution, adopted in April 2005, was co-sponsored by 81 UN member states, five more than in 2004 and the highest number ever.

AI issues updated information and news of developments, and maintains a library of reports on the death penalty worldwide.

AI is a member of the World Coalition against the Death Penalty, a coalition that unites national and international human rights organizations, bar associations, trade unions and local and regional authorities in an effort to rid the world of the death penalty. "

What are your opinions on the Death Penalty...Are you for, or against? State your reasons why.

High Dúnedain King

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« #1 : January 03, 2006, 08:27:18 PM »

I agree with the Death Penalty.


Becase its the fairest sentence there is.  I know innocent people can get killed by it, I'm not saying thats right.  But if someone murders or rapes someone, they deserve death. 

Well, ideally they deserve slow, slow torture which lasts years and when they beg for death....they don't get it...but still...

No one will EVER agree with me there.  However, I agree with the death penalty. 

And when anyone argues with me, just stop and think.  What if someone killed the person you love most in the whole world?  Completely cold-blooded?

Honestly, what do they deserve?  I believe if there is hard evidence against someone for murdering or raping someone, then they need death.  They deserve death.


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« #2 : January 03, 2006, 11:32:15 PM »

Right so basically you agree with an eye for an eye?

Because someone has murdered someone, they do not deserve to die themselves, no one is the judge of that, and no one has the right to be the judge of that, not a posh upper class judge, not a politician, not society. What is good and evil?

Capital punishment is one of the most backward answer of some societies. 400 years ago you would be burnt at a stake for not being christian, or a muslim in the middle east, or for being a jew, or wiccan, or else you can think of. Thats a form capital punishment, state murder, it's inhumane and yet they still saw it as right and for the good of god, etc etc. Religious morality still plays a huge part of it. 

I've stopped and thought about it before, I wouldn't want them to recieve capital punishment, it deals with nothing, it solves no answers on why the person done it, and when you bring in the few like that Williams fella last month, he was helping deal with the situation ulimtately (something white old conservative politicians can't do and never will be able to do), yet again christian morality and state murder played their part.

You are no one to wish death on someone, condemning someone to death and having it carried out is also murder as far as I'm concerned.

Ranger of the North

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« #3 : January 04, 2006, 02:17:35 AM »

Death is an easy way out as far as I'm concerned. I'd rather see someone spend the rest of their nautural life regretting what they'd done than than just seem them simply killed. Death should not be dealt out as a punishment. Killing a criminal solves nothing, the only thing it saves is money clothing and feeding that particular prisoner and killing someone for money is no justice. I always here people complain "Why should my taxes feed and clothe murderers?" These people fail to realise if we executed everyone who had commited a murder the dent in our taxes would be small to say the least. The government would still raise taxes anyway.

An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth? The fact that anyone would hand out death so easily due to a 2000 year old principal is appauling. The EU has the right idea in adopting an anti-death penalty stance. The death penalty does not prevent crime at all. In the states in America that enforce the death penalty rates of violent crimes continue to rise so it's clear that as a preventative it does nothing. As with any issue we need to tackle the causes of the problems, not hand out more severe punishments.

High Dúnedain King

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« #4 : January 04, 2006, 04:57:16 PM »

Right so basically you agree with an eye for an eye?

Because someone has murdered someone, they do not deserve to die themselves, no one is the judge of that, and no one has the right to be the judge of that, not a posh upper class judge, not a politician, not society. What is good and evil?

Capital punishment is one of the most backward answer of some societies. 400 years ago you would be burnt at a stake for not being christian, or a muslim in the middle east, or for being a jew, or wiccan, or else you can think of. Thats a form capital punishment, state murder, it's inhumane and yet they still saw it as right and for the good of god, etc etc. Religious morality still plays a huge part of it. 

I've stopped and thought about it before, I wouldn't want them to recieve capital punishment, it deals with nothing, it solves no answers on why the person done it, and when you bring in the few like that Williams fella last month, he was helping deal with the situation ulimtately (something white old conservative politicians can't do and never will be able to do), yet again christian morality and state murder played their part.

You are no one to wish death on someone, condemning someone to death and having it carried out is also murder as far as I'm concerned.

I have every right to wish death on someone who took the life of another.  Its fair. 

So your saying its fair to keep the sorry excuses for humans in jail for the rest of their life, where they're fed, watered and cared for?  Gah I don't see the logic.

Its like that Model, Sally Anne, who got murdered a few months ago.  She was a young, pretty girl with the world at her feet, and some low-life took that from her.  Your saying he deserves to live? 

And there's no point keeping them alive so they can regret it.  If these people can kill in cold blood, they can't possibly feel emotion like everyone else.  They'll just laugh at the rest of us, sat in their jail cell.

And we're not talking about 400 years ago Jim, or differing religions.  I am fully aware of my Religions history, and I am fully aware of the witches who were hung, burned, crushed...

I agree that isn't right, but I'm talking about the people who deserve death here, not the religious history of capital punishment.


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« #5 : January 04, 2006, 08:55:49 PM »

And at which point along the multiple crimes committed would you say the death penalty would no longer be a needed punishment.
Where would that borderline be?

As Jim said, no one should have the right to condemn someone to death. There is always the risk of that person being innocent. But even if they are guilty, then how can one person or group of people deliver such a penalty, without becoming more like the perpetrator of the crime.

It may ease your conscience to condemn them to death, but in doing this you're just committing another murder.

High Dúnedain King

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« #6 : January 04, 2006, 09:03:36 PM »

If you even read my first post, I DID SAY that they should be condemned to death if there is hard evidence against them.

Honestly, human frigging rights has gone too far.

So Gollum, if I killed the person you loved most in the world, you wouldn't mind if I got a few years and then lived my life?

The death penalty is the only way to deal with these murderers.  Its not murder to kill a murderer...its justice. 

Plus, the death penalty is a deterrent.  If people know that murderers and rapists died when caught, they'd think twice about doing it, wouldn't they?

I just think, if an evil person does something as bad as end a persons life, they have to die. 

I am honestly scared at the fact there are people alive in the world that can do that.

Without the death penalty, its basically saying to the public "Do what you want, kill a hundred people, don't worry, nothing will happen to you, you#ll just get a few years then you'll be out!  Heck, we might even take you on holiday for free!"

Gah...I hate this world sometimes

Aranel i Eldaliéva, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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Ú-chebin estel anim. Nai hiruvalye Valimar.

« #7 : January 04, 2006, 11:21:44 PM »

I agree with the death penalty ONLY when it can be proven 100% that the person is guilty.

If someone was to murder someone I loved, I wouldn't want to see that person serve a few years in prison, then be free to live their life again. I believe that a life sentence should mean that person will spend the rest of their life in prison. That way, they would be paying the price for taking another life, by not being able to live their own. And not every criminal feels remorse for their crime; murderers are out there living conscience-free.
One thing is feel very strongly about here is paedophiles. I think the death penalty should exist in every country for them because they are so sick and dangerous, I do not believe they can be 'cured' and the thought that such evil individuals are alive and walking this earth makes me angry. They are the lowest type of scum and deserve to die.

Please rush me my portable walrus polishing kit. Four super brushes that will clean even the trickiest of seabound mammals. Yes, I am over eighteen, though my IQ isn't.

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« #8 : January 05, 2006, 02:05:22 AM »

If you even read my first post, I DID SAY that they should be condemned to death if there is hard evidence against them.
I agree with the death penalty ONLY when it can be proven 100% that the person is guilty.

But evidence can sometimes be faked, or people framed. What then?
You'd send innocent people to their deaths?


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« #9 : January 05, 2006, 02:27:10 AM »

WOW. Jesus Icy, you'd put Maggie Thatcher to shame with your extreme-right-wing views. :o

Heh, perhaps its oul Bruce Dicky's Tory roots. :P ;)


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« #10 : January 05, 2006, 02:32:16 AM »

I have every right to wish death on someone who took the life of another.  Its fair. 

So your saying its fair to keep the sorry excuses for humans in jail for the rest of their life, where they're fed, watered and cared for?  Gah I don't see the logic.

Its like that Model, Sally Anne, who got murdered a few months ago.  She was a young, pretty girl with the world at her feet, and some low-life took that from her.  Your saying he deserves to live? 

And there's no point keeping them alive so they can regret it.  If these people can kill in cold blood, they can't possibly feel emotion like everyone else.  They'll just laugh at the rest of us, sat in their jail cell.

And we're not talking about 400 years ago Jim, or differing religions.  I am fully aware of my Religions history, and I am fully aware of the witches who were hung, burned, crushed...

I agree that isn't right, but I'm talking about the people who deserve death here, not the religious history of capital punishment.
Right, so what gives you the right to condemn someone to death? Whats fair about it? I fail to see what is fair about that. But more less, yeah, I am saying to keep them in jail where they are watered and fed like plants for the rest of their lives, a life is a life regardless of what they done.

I'll put it simpler, the Birmingham 6. The Judge said quite famously that he would give them the death sentence in a second if it was still in practise - and it turns out all 6 of them where completely innocent. Now according to you, these 6 people should have been dead, since we where all so sure at the time they done the bombing  ::)

We are talking 400 years ago, we are talking 1000 years ago, and we are talking today. State murder is a terrible thing and its happened throughout human history, why should it continue? Because someone feels that they have the higher moral stance? Bollocks. The religious history of capital punishment is important and I'll keep bringing it up untill the day Religion is truely seperate from state, which is a long long time away.

Human rights hasn't gone far enough when people are still being locked up for nothing in the farce of freedom of speech in western countries, and it's even worse in other countries.

Without the death penalty, its basically saying to the public "Do what you want, kill a hundred people, don't worry, nothing will happen to you, you#ll just get a few years then you'll be out!  Heck, we might even take you on holiday for free!"
Hardly. Have you ever seen the inside of a jail? People don't go on hunger strikes for proper rights, or try and break out for no reason.

Basically; Why kill the killer, when you can begin to understand the underlying problem and prevent it properly.

High Dúnedain King

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« #11 : January 05, 2006, 03:40:22 PM »

Actually yes, I have seen the inside of a Jail, and I also happen to have a horrible person in my family inside for, probably the rest of this life.  I do know.

I'll put it simpler, the Birmingham 6. The Judge said quite famously that he would give them the death sentence in a second if it was still in practise - and it turns out all 6 of them where completely innocent. Now according to you, these 6 people should have been dead, since we where all so sure at the time they done the bombing

Its a problem, agreed, but I don't want to live in a world where there are real murderers and rapists wandering around.

And please do not compare me to any Tory or Maggie Thatcher.  I'm Welsh, and we pride our selves on hating the woman  :P  I'll convert Brucey one day  :D  I agree, I do have very strong, and sometimes rather....contreversial opinions  :angel:  But, I just say it as I see it. 

Anyway, back on topic...

I ask you just one question, and please answer it.

What gives the murderer the right to condemn someone to Death?

Ranger of the North

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« #12 : January 06, 2006, 12:50:03 AM »

None. Murder is a terrible crime and so is rape. But what gives us the right to sentence them to death. You say you agree with the death penalty if it can been 100% proved they're guilty. In law if you are found guilty by a jury of your peeps you are GUILTY. There are no ifs and buts, you are guilty by law. You get appeals and what not but after being found guilty you are guilty until that is revoked by law. You can't prove 100% that someone is guilty, even in our legal system someone found guilty is found guilty because of evidence, but evidence (No matter how compelling) can never be 100% infalliable. Thus it is impossible to prove someone 100% guilty. Even DNA evidence is not infallible, it just has a higher likely hood of not being wrong.


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« #13 : January 06, 2006, 04:52:27 AM »

What gives the murderer the right to condemn someone to Death?

Two wrongs never make a right.


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« #14 : January 06, 2006, 05:23:00 AM »

Right so basically you agree with an eye for an eye?

basicaly yes! if you shoot someone you should be shot in the same place as they were n in the same conditions!

like if they werebeaten the crap out of then the person who shot them will be beaten the crap out of then told to run n then shot!

i beleave it will bring serious crims down if the death penalty was brought back!
and i do beleave that public exicutions should be brought back too!

December 12th 2003 London Earls Cort what a night to remember!

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