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: To live like the elves  ( 14260 )
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« #15 : May 23, 2006, 02:58:28 AM »

we also dont know enough about the basics of elven life either.

As Nil said, how did they produce their clothes etc... they had forges, so must have had some form of machinery... and were they all hand driven :-\  probably I would guess. 

I guess what you are hinting at is that we all ought to live more ecologically aware... reduce pollution, be more considerate to each other, reduce crime, appreciate what we are given.  We probably dont need to live in a hut in the middle of the countryside to achieve that tho.

But, yes, it would be good if we all lived to that ideal..  but going right back to basics, I dont think would appeal to many...  after all, it would mean leaving luxuries, like computers and tvs, cars etc behind :-\

and as for elves... well they always had "other powers" to help them achieve their aims didnt they ;)

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« #16 : July 31, 2012, 03:05:13 AM »

  I think everyone can improve their carbon/ ecological/ environmental footprint..  I recycle and I strive to not hurt nature, but to appreciate it..  I don't drive a big ass truck that uses diesel fuel (but that pollutes more than other vehicles)..  I would love to be able to have solar panels, but those are expensive to invest in..  I enjoy looking at (and used to enjoy being in) nature and I hate to see litter alongside the road or to see over-industrialization of an area..  I feel that I could do more to help the environment, but I don't know that I could do without the technologies we all have grown accustomed to..  I would feel so disconnected if I didn't have a computer or a cell phone..  I already feel disconnected from the outside world because of mental health issues that cause me to stay inside and stay at home..  I do wish that I could live out in the country, with sprawling forests and rolling hills instead of ever-expanding cities and reduced trees and foliage because of industrialization..

  As far as living just as the elves did... well, I wish that were possible but with all the amenities of the modern world..  Like, for instance, what would we do without our current health care system?  Or even without the close proximity most of us are to medical facilities?  I, for one, could never function without regular visits to doctors/ psychiatrists (I require a lot of medical attention)..  I reckon we'd have more deaths/ more severe, untreated injuries that need medical attention but don't receive it..

  And just a thought, but if even the elves needed weaponry, how peaceful were they really?  I realize it was only (generally) for self-defense, but still..

  In closing, I think we all could do more to be friendly and conscientious of the environment and what footprint we leave on the earth..  Like the hiker's mantra: take only memories and leave only footprints..  Feet footprints, that is..  :P

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