The Age of the Ring

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High Dúnedain King

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« : November 22, 2005, 07:13:16 PM »

I have changed this story a little bit, I have written quite alot now, but here's just the Prologue.  If you want to read more, just ask and I'll post more up  :)


       The tavern door opened, a cool breeze coming from the doorway as Anaiya walked through into the warm, smoky room.  She pulled her hood further over her head, her eyes wide and a little frightened. 
       The tavern room was quite small.  A bar ran across the wall nearest the entrance, with a barkeeper stood behind it cleaning glasses, watching Anaiya with interest.  The rest of the room was filled with small round tables and short stools, with men around almost every table, talking and drinking, playing cards, or just sat alone. 
       Gathering her courage, she walked over to the bar, and had no need to get the barkeepers attention as he briskly came to her, with a toothless grin on his face.  He was a big fellow, with a bald head and friendly face.  He wore a dirty white apron over a white shirt and black trousers. “’ello there, Miss.  And what can I do fer ye?” he asked, his accent strong.
      Anaiya smiled back, although her face was covered with shadow from her hood.  “Um…I would like a room please Sir, just for a few days.  I am travelling, you see, and need a rest.” She replied.
      The barkeeper’s smile widened, and he held his arms out. “Of course, Miss!  My tavern has five rooms, and just so happens a man left today, leaving one free.  But they do cost, Miss.” He added.
       Anaiya put a hand underneath her cloak, and brought out a little bag which jingled as it moved.  “I hope this will suffice.  It is all in silver.”
      The barkeeper’s eyes sparkled with glee as he held the little bag.  “This…this will suffice, M’lady!  ‘Ere…” he put a hand in his apron pocket, and handed her a key. “Yer in room three Miss.  And the names Warren.  If yer have a problem, don’t hesitate to ask!  Now, would yer like a little drink?  Take a seat and I’ll bring it to yer” he said happily, pocketing the little bag of coins.
      Nodding, Anaiya thanked Warren, and placing the key in a pocket under her cloak, she made her way over to an empty table, sitting down so she had a good view of the room.


      Arandor watched the newcomer, as he puffed slowly on his pipe.  He could see a little golden glimmer of her blonde hair which fell just beneath her hood.  He chuckled softly to himself, and carried on puffing on his pipe.  She was obviously new to taverns.  He thought her very lucky in choosing this one as her first.  This tavern was renowned as being a friendly place, and only decent men came here to talk and drink.  But had she gone to any other tavern in the area, she would probably have unwanted attention from the men…and more than likely get in trouble.

      Arandor watched the woman for a few hours, and it surprised him how many mugs of ale she was drinking.  Did she even know how strong it was?  She slowly became louder, laughing and giggling at herself, swaying in her seat and talking in a slurred voice.  Even though he found this amusing, it did worry him how the ale was affecting the woman.
      Gradually, she became worse, shouting over to the barkeeper, giggling madly, asking for more drink.  But then, horrified, Arandor stood up.  The woman had let her hood fall for the first time since coming to the tavern, and Arandor stood terrified watching her.  Her golden hair fell about her shoulders tousled and her eyes sparkled with intoxicated glee.  He recognized that face…he had to get her out of here fast, before anyone noticed.
       Walking briskly over to the woman, he grasped her arm, and with his free hand he pulled her hood back over her head.  Dragging her towards the back of the room, he tried to ignore her slurred protests.  But he became intercepted by Warren, the barkeeper.
      “Hey, where d’you think yer goin’ with that young woman?” he demanded, standing with his hands on his hips.
     “I’m taking her to her room.  She’s had a little bit too much to drink…I am her husband, you see.” Arandor replied, giving Warren a weak smile.
       Warren raised an eyebrow, “She never said nothin’ about no husband.  Why should I believe yer?  You may want to have yer wicked way with her!” he accused.
        “I assure you, I mean no such thing.  I am her husband, but we had a little argument, that is why we came here separately.  But I must take care of my…wife now.  Please.”   Arandor replied, a little pleadingly. 
       Warren sighed, and nodded.  “Well, yer sound like yer care ‘bout her, none too many men are like that.  Alright, take her up.  Just ask me if yer need anything for her.” he said, a little reluctantly. 
        Thanking Warren, Arandor made his was through the door at the back of the room.  Behind it was a corridor leading to the kitchen, and a staircase to the left.  Helping the woman up the staircase proved to be difficult, as she stumbled on every stair, laughing at her stupidity, and now and again she’d go limp in Arandor’s arms.
       When he finally got to his room, he kicked the door open, and lifting her up into his arms, he walked over to the bed and lay her down.  She was still laughing, and slurring, and rolling about.  Rolling his eyes, he knelt beside the bed, and opening his bedside table, took out a few leaves of different colours and sizes.  Placing them in a small wooden dish which he kept on the bedside table, he crushed the leaves together, making a fine powder.  Tipping the powder into a glass, he poured some water from a large jug into the glass, and holding the woman’s head up, made her drink his little potion. 

      He sat on the small chair beside the bed and watched her as she became quiet, and fell into a deep sleep.  Now she was dead to the world, he removed her cloak as gently as he could, and hung it on the room door, and pulled the blankets over her. 
       Smiling at the pretty thing, he walked out of the room, leaving her to dream.

Brown Istar, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #1 : November 23, 2005, 01:07:56 AM »

Oh wow, that's such a great prologue honey! But what happens?! Is he really her husband or some mass-murderer?! :wacko: Please tell me or write some more! :D

Oh yeah, and it reminded me of the Prancing Ponywhen the Hobbits came in and Aragorn was watching them. ;)

Firstborn of Imladris

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« #2 : November 25, 2005, 04:31:07 AM »

OOooh I want to know what happens next!!!

More more please Icy!

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya
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« #3 : November 25, 2005, 08:17:24 PM »

Hehe, ok, here's the next bit :D  (BTW this was based on an old roleplay so until I change the names, you may recognise some hehe)

Chapter One

       Arandor went back down to the common room, and smiled when he saw a well-known face sat at the of the tables.
       “Well, Tristan, got yourself into any more trouble since I saw you last?” he said, grinning.
       Tristan looked up, his green eyes sparkling with happiness at seeing his old friend.  “Well Arandor, of course I have, only you weren’t there to get me out of it.” he laughed, standing up to embrace his friend. “How have you been, my friend?” he added, sitting down and offering Arandor a seat.
        Sitting down opposite Tristan, Arandor smiled.  “As usual, Tristan, as usual.  Keeping out of everyone’s way, helping those that need helping and generally being invisible.  And you?  How much money, or fingers, have you lost since we last parted?”
      Tristan laughed,  “Ahh Arandor, you know me.  I can’t help but gamble, and I can’t help offend someone who’s losing by winning.  But alas, no fingers lost yet.  I am just too quick.” he gave Arandor a sly grin.
      Arandor chuckled and shifted in his seat.  He was thinking about the girl he had taken back to his room…was it such a good idea?  What if she woke up alone?  And what was he going to do with her?
     “Oh no…Oh no, who’s after you?  Is it a Duke, or…or a King?” Tristan suddenly said seriously, his eyes panicked.  Arandor looked at him puzzled.  “What are you talking about?”
          Tristan looked at Arandor steadily,  “Well, I’ve never seen you look this tense or nervous before.  Something important must be wrong…so what is it?  And don’t hide it from me…you know I can read you like a book.”
          Arandor sighed, and reluctantly recounted what had happened with the girl - except that he recognised her - as Tristan listened intently.
           “…and now I don’t know what I’m going to do.  What can I do?  I had to help her, but in doing so I’ve put myself in a tricky position.” he concluded, and sighed. 
           Tristan shook his head, “If I were you, I’d take her to the Palace in Aldawyn…at least there they can find out who she is and take her home safely…better than you doing it yourself anyway and waste your time.” he answered, and downed the last of his drink.  “I really wish I could help you with this, maybe I can.  Right now I have to go help my old Mentor with some medicines he’s making…I can meet you tomorrow, by the Palace, in our old Inn we gambled almost all our life away.” he winked, and chuckled. 
          Arandor smiled, “I could not ask anything of you.  After all, I got myself into this.  But thank you, my friend.”  He said, shaking Tristan’s hand.
            Tristan smiled, and stood up.  “Well, I’m sorry but I must dash.  I shall see you on the ‘morrow, Arandor!” he said loudly, then with a dramatic bow, turned around and left the Tavern, leaving Arandor chuckling, but thankful that he had his old friend back

Chapter Two

        Anaiya’s eyes fluttered open, and she stared at the ceiling.  Grimacing, she held her head.  It throbbed with a dull ache.  The last thing she remembered was coming to an Inn and sitting down….then her memory was blank after that.  She didn’t know how she got to this comfortable bed, to this room. 
        Yawning widely, she sat up slowly, still holding her head with her hand. 
“Your head will hurt for a while.” said a male voice somewhere in the room. 
       Anaiya’s eyes opened wide, and she saw a man sat on a small chair at the bottom of the bed.  He looked at her blankly.
       “Who…who are you?”  she asked fearfully, pulling the blankets close to her.  She was fully dressed, but the blankets gave her a false sense of protection against this man. He had long, dark hair, and his brown eyes sparkled. 
        The man smiled at her, “Do not worry so!  I mean you no harm, but I have had my share of hangovers and your head will hurt after all that ale you consumed last night.” He informed her, arching an eyebrow at her in amusement.
       Anaiya felt suddenly ashamed and angry at herself, and at this mans attitude.  How dare he talk to her like this!  “Your name?” she asked through gritted teeth.
       The man smiled warmly, “My name is Arandor, and I brought you her when you almost showed yourself up downstairs last night in your drunken state.”
         Anaiya blushed, “I…I did not realise how much I was drinking.” She said quietly, then suddenly looked up at him in surprise.  “Show myself up?  How?”  She did not remember anything!
         Arandor’s face  suddenly looked emotionless, and he stood up.  He moved to the window of the room, and leaned against it.  Anaiya could not help notice his lean, slender body and his strong arms…
         “I know who you are…Princess Anaiya.  I have seen you many times.  I often visit your city…Aldawyn.” He said, looking out the window.  The sunlight shone on his face, making him look angelic.  Anaiya bowed her head in shame and annoyance.  She could not even run away properly.  “Why come here all alone?” Arandor said suddenly, making Anaiya’s head jerk up to look at him.  His face was now turned towards her, watching her intently. 
          Anaiya took a deep breath before speaking.  “I could not take the life anymore.  Everything was set for me.  The clothes I would wear, the meals I would eat…everything was chosen for me.  I had no say in anything I did.  I was like a prisoner.  Yes, living in luxury, but paying the price of my freedom.”  She said, sorrow touching her voice.  “I needed something to do…I wanted to know what it was like going where you wished, wearing what you liked, eating what you chose.  I needed freedom.”
          She looked at him and, to her surprise, he was smiling at her knowingly.  “A wolf in a cage, just like me.  You cannot stand the confinement.” He said, walking to the bed and sitting beside her.  He raised a hand, and then suddenly stopped.  “May I?”
Anaiya nodded and closed her eyes as he touched her cheek ever so softly, and drew the backs of his fingers slowly down to her chin, then let his hand fall to his lap.  “Such a pretty woman should not be alone in this world.  There are too many bad people who would want to ruin your life because of your beauty, either out of jealousy or out of pure desire for you.”  He said, his voice trembling with a mixture of anger and protection for her. 
           Anaiya opened her eyes, and saw the anger on his face.  “Why do you care for me so?” she asked, her voice soft and gentle.
           Arandor looked into her eyes, “I have known you since I was young, I grew up in your Kingdom.  I was a Guard of the Palace for a very short while, but I always stayed loyal to you and your Father even when banished…” he said, lowering his head and looking into his lap.  “I feel I must protect you at all costs, My Lady.”
             Anaiya bit her lip, and watched the man curiously.  He was so mysterious in looks.  His dark hair hung down to his shoulders, and his brown eyes held an unknown, strange glint. Yet Anaiya found him intriguing. 
             “Then you have permission to protect me, Arandor.” She replied, smiling at him. 

Firstborn of Imladris

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« #4 : December 02, 2005, 06:03:01 AM »

excellent!!  Im enjoying this story :D

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya
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« #5 : January 12, 2006, 04:20:13 PM »

Arandor sat back in his chair, and placed the fork down on the now empty plate.  The lunch the landlord had given him was a filling pile of potatoes, peas and meat, smothered in gravy.  He let out a gentle sigh, but sat bolt upright as the door to the room slowly opened. 
            Arandor had to fight to keep his mouth closed and not let it fall open.  His eyes were locked in one place.
            Anaiya walked in, her head bowed slightly in embarrassment.  She was wearing a cotton dressing gown, as she had just got out of a bath.  Her hair hung damply around her shoulders, looking darker when wet and it framed her face perfectly.  Her skin held a tint of pink, making her look younger than before.  The cotton dressing gown showed her true figure now, as it clung to her damp body.  Arandor could only stare.  Her waist was small, but her hips curved out smoothly, and her breasts were not too big or small, making her body perfectly formed.  Arandor admitted in his head that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen.
           “The landlord told me you were in here…I’m sorry if I interrupted your lunch” Anaiya said softly, noticed his plate.
            Arandor coughed, and calmed his nerves.  “No, no…I have just finished in fact.” He replied, and stood up.  “You look…better now.  Do you feel better?” he asked, standing in front of her, a look of concern in his eyes. 
             “Yes thank you, I feel much better now I have had a snack and a bath.  Feels as though it washed away the pain.” She smiled.

            Arandor smiled back, “Good, I’m glad you’re feeling better.  Now, I would have taken you into town today to buy you extra cloths, but it is very busy there today.  Would you like to see my horse?” he asked.  He felt if they were alone, he may find out more about her running away from her home. 
            “I would love too.” Anaiya smiled, and took hold on his hand.  Arandor glanced down at their hands, and had to gulp to keep from making some pathetic sound.  He coughed again, and smiled. 
            Arandor led her out of the room, closing the door behind him, and guided her through the corridor.  He pushed the back door to the Inn open, which led to the stables.  He pulled her to the largest stable, which could fit about three horses in it.  He clicked his tongue, and opened the stable door.  “Come on in Anaiya, he’s stood at the back.”
            Anaiya followed Arandor into the stable, and looked in awe at the large black stallion.  His coat gleamed, holding a slight tinge of dark brown.  His mane fell to its shoulder, and had little waves in it. 
           Arandor patted the stallion on the neck, and beckoned Anaiya over.  “He hates strangers usually, so don’t go too near.”  He said, but Anaiya looked at the Stallion.  Its eyes were watching her curiously, and she moved nearer to him. “What’s his name?” she asked. 
           “His name is Goliath.” Arandor answered softly, moving away slightly.  He could see Anaiya moving closer.  He was curious to see what Goliath would do.  He had never stood this still with someone else in the stable. 
            Anaiya stretched her arm towards Goliath, and went to touch his neck.  He flicked his ears back momentarily, but looking her up and down, they flicked forwards again, and he moved his head nearer her in reach of her hand.  She stroked his neck and smiled.
            Arandor watched in amazement as Anaiya stroked and patted Goliath, and more amazing, Goliath was letting her!  Arandor moved back, and sat down on a pile of hay that lined the one wall of the large stable. 
            “Can I brush him?” Anaiya asked, looking back at Arandor.  She looked at him closely.  He looked very handsome now, lying back on the hay.  His long, dark hair spread about the hay, and his lean body looked inviting….she shook her head…how could she think like that!
             Arandor looked up at her, “Of course you can, there is a brush on the wall beside you.” He said, smiling at her.  He watched her as she picked the brush up and began dragging the bristles through the Stallions coat.  Feeling incredibly relaxed, Arandor leaned back, placing his hands underneath his head.  He closed his eyes, but moments later he was suddenly alerted by a gentle tune.  Keeping his eyes closed, he listened intently.  The sound was coming from Anaiya he could tell, but that tune…it was beautiful.  She was humming a gentle love song, her voice making it sound enchanting.  He felt himself lull into a fantasy…

It gets rather steamier then, so am I allowed to post?  Nothing sexual but y'know  :D

Firstborn of Imladris

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« #6 : February 17, 2006, 11:11:36 PM »

oooh!  (damm!  sorry, I didnt read this before!)  Getting exciting now... :D :D

Steamy  yeah.... as long as there is no sex in it ;)

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya
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« #7 : June 12, 2006, 07:49:06 PM »

Sorry for the delay, been ill and on holiday and such!   :D  Here's the next part  :D

Arandor felt Anaiya’s silky skin against his.  He felt her fingers gently trailing across his chest.  He felt her soft, warm lips kissing his…
He felt his own fingers running gently over her skin, up her thigh, across her stomach, over her breasts, and finally touching her cheek.  His other hand moved behind her head and he pulled her closer to him…kissing her deeper…

           Arandor opened his eyes, his chest heaving.  He lifted his head, but Anaiya was not stood by Goliath.  He looked to his left, and found her sitting next to him, looking down at him.  “Were you having a nightmare?” she asked, her eyes full of concern.
             Arandor steadied his breath and shook his head.  “No, no…have you finished brushing Goliath?” he asked, wanting to change the subject.  The image of his dream was still fresh in his mind.  He could still feel it…
             “Yes, he stayed still through it all.” She smiled.  “He seems to like me.”  Arandor smiled, “Indeed he does.” He replied.  “It’s the first time he has ever let someone touch him, except for me.”
            Anaiya lay back and breathed in deeply.  “I don’t know why he lets you touch him, you are too mysterious.  I would think he would be suspicious of you.” She said suddenly, but looking at her, Arandor saw she was grinning.  She was winding him up.
“Well, I wonder why he let you touch him.  You hardly look trusting.” 
           Anaiya opened her mouth wide in mock disgust, “How dare you, Sir?” she exclaimed.  Arandor sat up on one arm, and looked down at her.  “How dare I merely say as I see?” he said, raising an eyebrow at her. 
           Anaiya gave him a look of indignition.  But before she could say another word, Arandor hand his hands placed firmly on Anaiya’s sides and tickled her.  Anaiya immediately fell into a fit of squealing and laughing.  “Get off!  Arandor…stop it!  It tickles!” she squealed. 
            “Really?  I didn’t think it would…how odd.” He said sarcastically, tickling her more.  Anaiya wriggled underneath him, trying to get away from his tickling hands.  But he suddenly stopped.  Anaiya looked up at him. 
            Arandor just stared down at her, looking into her sapphire eyes. His face was soft and gentle, yet his eyes shone with lust.  He lifted one hand, and stroked her cheek, and then ran a single finger over her lips.  His fingers felt so nice against her skin, she felt a fire ignite within her.  She ached for him.
             “Arandor…I don’t…I’m not…” she tried to say, but she looked into his eyes and they stopped her. 
            Arandor placed a finger over her lips, and bit his own lip.  He struggled to get the words out which he wanted to say.  He wanted to ask her, but he feared rejection.  He did not want her running from him…he was entranced by her beauty.
          “Anaiya…I do not wish to do anything against your will.  I…I know I want you.  I feel so much, yet I have only known you a day.  But I desire you so much…stop me if you do not wish anything to happen.  Walk out of here now, I will understand…” Arandor whispered, closing his eyes.  He went to move away from her, but her hand grasped the collar of his shirt tightly and pulled his forcefully towards her until his lips met hers.
          The kiss created an explosion of desire.  Arandor stroked Anaiya’s cheek as he kissed her, and he wrapped his other arm around her shoulders.  Anaiya cupped his face between her hands, and pulled him closer.  She wanted him then and there…she didn’t think of any dangers of being seen.  She didn’t care if they were seen right then.  All she cared about was Arandor, and kissing him, and giving herself wholly to him.
           Arandor moved his hand from her faced, and slowly dragged his fingers down her body, down to her leg, and then bringing it back up.  He made to unbutton the dressing gown she wore….

             A sudden loud neigh from Goliath made Arandor jump in shock, and move away from Anaiya.  He panted as he sat upright, running his hands slowly through his hair.  What was he thinking!?  He kissed a Princess!  The Princess of his home city…Was he wool headed!  Did he even have a brain!
            “I…I’m sorry, princess…I shouldn’t have…I mean, I never meant too…” Arandor tried to get out, but he couldn’t.  He avoided looking at her, and stood up. Before she could say a word, he had disappeared out of the stable, leaving the stable door banging softly against the frame.

             Anaiya stared at the door.  Her hair was now covered in bits of hay, and her face was pink from emotion.  She was stunned. 
              She had felt such passion with Arandor then…his kisses relit the embers of her teenage romances, but instead of being small flames like those boys had been, with Arandor, it felt as if a furnace had been lit within her.  It burned inside her now.  She wanted to follow him, kiss him again.  But she couldn’t.  She knew what they were doing was wrong.  She would have to go home one day, she knew it, but she could not take Arandor.  He would be killed.  She was set to marry another…
                In the stable, with only Goliath as company, Anaiya sat up and placed her face in her hands.  She cried her heart out.  Tears ran like a stream down her face, falling on to the golden hay. 

            Arandor slammed the room door behind him, and leaned against it.  He stared at nothing, and slowly slid down to the floor.
            What was he thinking?  How could his desire overcome his reason?  He knew all the time it was wrong for them to do anything, yet he did anyway.  He risked himself, and more importantly, Anaiya.
       Arandor awoke the next day with a feeling of dread.  Anaiya had stayed in the Stables all night.  At one point, he gritted his teeth and went down to ask her in, but she merely pointed out it was a cool night and she would very much like to sleep in the soft hay and groom Goliath. 
         Arandor could not do anything but accept this, so he had gone back to his room and had a restless night.

Now, with about a total of an hours sleep, and the fact he knew he had to face Anaiya, he groaned and sat up.  He stretched and yawned widely, then stood up too look at himself in the rather cracked and dirty mirror. 

“Look at you, you look terrible and older than your years…and your hair…!” the little voice in his mind said nastily to him.

Arandor was just about to wash his face in the small basin when he spun around, nearly falling back onto the bed.  The door had opened suddenly, surprising him. 
          “I’m terribly sorry Arandor!  Are you ok?” he heard Anaiya’s concerned voice say.  Arandor looked at her.  She was so beautiful…but he could NOT let himself make the same mistake…he could be executed for even touching her.  Instead, he forced his face to be emotionless and unsmiling.  The only way he could get her safely home was if he didn’t think of her in THAT way ever again.
          “I’m taking you home Princess.  This world isn’t safe for you, you have no idea how to take care of yourself.  You would die within a few weeks, or get mixed up with the wrong kind of…men.” he said, his voice cold and firm.
          Anaiya was taken aback by this sudden change in Arandor’s temperament.  Why did he suddenly become so cool towards her?
          “I…why…I cannot go back.” she said, lowering her head to look at the floor.  “I will be in a lot of trouble, and my life will be even more confined than it was before, and I couldn’t stand it before Arandor, I hated it!” she screamed.  Her voice had gradually risen during this explanation.  She looked back up, and glared at him.  Her eyes were flashing with anger.
            Arandor look right back at her, his gaze unwavering and cold.  He took a deep breath, and replied.  “You are going back.  I don’t care if I have too tie you up and drag you there kicking and screaming, I am going to get you back….Princess.”  he said this last word through gritted teeth.  “And we leave now.”

Cuthien, Wolf-maiden

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« #8 : July 19, 2006, 10:36:43 AM »

Oooh...good so far.  I like.

"God is the Lord, of angels, and of men-and of elves."-J.R.R. Tolkien

And I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood and I,
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

To the class of 2005-Rock On!

From The Dark Side

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« #9 : August 13, 2006, 03:41:04 AM »

I likes alot.

Hurry up and write more!

Soon as the evening shades prevail,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale,
And nightly to the listening earth,
Repeats the story of her birth.

Whilst all the stars that round her burn,
And all the planets, in their turn,
Conform the tidings as they roll,
And spread the truth from pole to pole.
High Dúnedain King

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« #10 : September 18, 2006, 08:27:38 PM »

Ok will post some more up when I get home!  On the work PC at the moment, but shall do when I get a chance :D  Glad you enjoy it peoples! :D

Eagle of the North

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« #11 : October 22, 2006, 08:45:55 PM »

Icyyyyyyy!! Why is there no more for me to read?! *Stamps foot impatiently*

Btw, out of interest, was I in this roleplay later on, because it seems tantalisingly familiar so far, and Im not much of a one for reading roleplays that Im not in.... :-\

High Dúnedain King

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« #12 : October 22, 2006, 09:51:04 PM » may have been Morry!  I'm not sure!  It was originally me, Aragorn and may have joined further on :S  It's in the archives on Roleplay Village tho, if you wanna check, called 'In the Pub' ;)

Anyways, more!

"Arandor jumped into Goliath’s saddle, and pulled the reluctant Anaiya up in front of him, now dressed in a woollen riding dress and a long brown cloak.  She had tried for the last hour to get him to let her go, but she knew he was a Ranger and could track her down anytime he wanted.  He told her that if she ran away from him, he would track her down, and even threatened to poison her with a sleeping draught and take her to the Palace unconscious!
           Anaiya grabbed Goliath’s mane and Arandor kicked the horse into a walk.  His arms slipped around her waist and grabbed the reins, and Anaiya glanced down at his hands.  What she would give to feel them touching her cheeks again..
           “It will take us until tomorrow night to reach Aldawyn and the Palace.  I suggest you try and sleep to pass the time.” Arandor said in his emotionless voice.  Anaiya rolled her eyes.  Get sleep on this horse?  Was he mad?!


Anaiya felt she would fall asleep while riding Goliath….but not from tiredness, just from pure boredom.  The scene since leaving the Village had not changed once…it was all the same vast areas of grass, the odd dotted tree and narrow dirt paths.  Not once did another village turn up, a stream, or even a field of crops. 
         She looked up at the horizon.  The sun was going to go down soon…she hoped they would stop for the night, she felt numb from the waist down from the long hours of riding.
          As if reading her mind, a few minutes later Arandor told her they would stop by the next patch of trees to camp the night.  Anaiya almost cried with relief when she dismounted Goliath and lay down on some soft, bouncy grass beneath a patch of tall trees.  She rubbed her feet as Arandor tied Goliath up and began making a small fire. 
         As he got the fire going, Arandor tried not to look at Anaiya.  He hated himself for acting so cold towards her, but if he softened, he knew he could not help himself with her…and if he had the chance, he knew he would want her too badly and take her.
        Instead, he concentrated on the fire.  After an hour, he had a good blaze going, and he sat back, admiring his work and holding his hands out towards the warm flames, grateful for the warmth. 
          But he made the mistake at looking at Anaiya.

She glowed in the firelight.  The orange flames danced in her golden hair, and her face seemed to shimmer.  She looked serene…why did she torment him so?  How did she get this ever growing hold over him? 
         “I’m sorry about this morning.” her voice made him jump suddenly, and look into her eyes.  She looked so distressed, and he noticed she was wringing her hands nervously.  “I didn’t mean for it to happen, and I guess I just got carried away…but I promise I won’t let it happen again.  It was a stupid mistake…on both parts.  You are just as guilty as I am.  But let us please put it behind us and travel tomorrow with at least a few courteous words said between us.” she said, her sparkling eyes pleading with his. 
         Her desperate voice made it obvious that she didn’t like this bad atmosphere between them, and it made his heart ache.  But he could not be nice with her…being nice would inevitably lead to the same mistake again.
         Instead, he stood up and handed her something wrapped in cloth.  “Eat this.  Its not much, but it will keep you going.  Goodnight Princess.” he said, in that horrible uncaring voice, and walked over between two trees and sat against one of them, staring out at the horizon.
Anaiya sighed, lying down and staring at the stars.  They twinkled, mocking her, showing her how beautiful it would be with him…she knew a relationship with Arandor would be as beautiful as the stars…but it could never be…never.
           “It can never happen…you know that…no matter how much you want to love him.” she told herself quietly.  “He would be a terrible husband anyway…he isn’t stable…he has no riches…he doesn’t even have a home!”  she told herself angrily, trying to get mad at herself, trying to make herself see sense.  But she sighed deeply, and turned on her side, staring at Arandor’s silhouette beside the flickering flames.  “But he would make you feel so loved and wanted…and you could love him more than anything.” she admitted to herself, and tears began to fall slowly as the night wore on, the food he had given her left…


          “Hours Arandor!  Hours on this horse, and I have not had a rest!  I cannot feel my legs anymore!” Anaiya cried over her shoulder as they galloped through some sparse woodland.
          “We will not stop!  Aldawyn is barely an hour away!  Just be quiet and be patient!” Arandor shouted back irritably. 
          He was right.  Less than an hour later, Anaiya watched the foreboding City walls rise before them, the Palace roofs leering ominously over them. 
           Anaiya  pulled the hood of her cloak over her head.  She didn’t want the guards to spot her - they’d surely kill Arandor on sight if he was seen with her.  She would have to turn herself in on her own, without him.

Arandor rode up to a grim looking guard keeping watch of the City Gate.  Arandor gave him a warm smile, “Evening my good man!  My Wife and I have travelled far, and we are weary.  Could you let us pass so we could find a room for the night?” he said happily.  Anaiya could tell he was smiling just from his voice.  “Wife!? And he can’t pass a civil word to me!” she thought angrily.
          The guard eyed Anaiya, and then Arandor, and frowned.  “It’s late.  Why should I trust ye?” he asked suspiciously.
           Arandor chuckled, and threw a gold coin at the guard.  “Do you trust in money?  Let me pass.” he said, his eyes glinting.  The guard’s eyes widened and he smiled, signalling to another guard to open the Gate.  He gave Arandor a small bow.  “Please proceed, Sir.” he said.
            As the Gate creaked open, being pulled up by two guards up in the Gate turrets.  Arandor kicked Goliath forward, and rode beneath large gate, away from the guard, who was now flipping his coin in his hand gleefully.




“I just don’t see why you had to give him money to let us in!  He would have let us in after a few moments, Eadwyn always does, he just likes being mean to people.  After a while, he would have gotten bored of you.” Anaiya ranted at Arandor.  They were now in the Stable of The King’s Crown Inn.  It was Arandor’s idea to stay the night, then he would escort Anaiya to the Palace the next day.  Anaiya did not agree with this, but she was so exhausted from all the riding that she needed a night’s sleep before facing her Father.
            Arandor pulled Goliath’s saddle off and sighed.  “I told you before, I had to do it, I don’t want to attract any attention to myself.  A quick way in was all I needed.”
             Anaiya leaned against the pillar in the middle of the stable and huffed at Arandor, crossing her arms.  She watched him take Goliath’s bridle off.  He looked so handsome…why was life so cruel? All she wanted was…
          “Ohh, what a pretty lil’ thin you are!”  a horrible voice said suddenly, and she felt an arm grab her waist and hold her tightly.  She felt the man’s warm breath against her cheek, and suddenly fear gripped her as she felt the cold blade of a dagger rest against her neck.
        Arandor wheeled around and looked fearfully at Anaiya and the man. He worked up all his strength to stand up straight and look the man in the eyes.  All he could see of the man was his dark long, dirty hair and his toothless grin.
       “Let her go.” Arandor said firmly, clenching his fists.  The man gave a sickening laugh, “Ohhh, you say ‘let ‘er go’ and you think I’m gonna?  Whatcha think I’m stupid?  I ain’t never had a woman this perty before, and I sure ain’t gonna give up this chance.  So if yer’ll kindly leave the stable so I can do what I needs to!” he said, moving Anaiya forward slightly, towards Arandor.
        Arandor’s heart was pounding against his chest, and he tried his best to look unwavering, but in his heart, he was terrified of this man and what he would do to Anaiya.  “I’m sorry, but this is my woman, and you cannot have her.” he said, hoping his voice didn’t show his terror.
         The man let out another terrible laugh, and pressed the knife against Anaiya’s skin, making her gasp in fear.  “Nah, she was yours mate, but she’s all mine now!  Ain’t ye?” he said, tightening his grip around her waist.  "

: [1]   

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