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: Political Correctness Gone Overboard!!!  ( 61461 )
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« #15 : November 20, 2005, 01:43:30 AM »

I am not religious, or anything like that, but I have always been brouhgt up to believe its the one time of year that the family should spend a day together...(Non existent scenario with my family these days, but still...) I dont think they should ban Xmas.::)

Thats what christmas is to me, its all about family and being with them, yes its about christianity too, but 2 me its about family
Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #16 : November 20, 2005, 03:47:16 AM »

You know, the scary thing about this is, just how far will it go?  I cannot believe that this is happening just because there arent enough people to defend the Christian festival.  It is politically incorrect to pick on a minority religion isnt it?  Just because these days most Brits are no longer Christian that is NO reason to discriminate against Christianity. 

Personally, it does not apply to me I am certainly no Christian.  But I find it offensive that Christianity is being treated in such a ragged fashion just because there are less Christians around these days. 

AAANNDDD.... surely if WE think this way there are many many others in this country who feel the same way too.  We need a voice.  The Brits in this country need a voice to represent us in parliament.  Hang on... arent we already supposed to have one of them?  Oh yes.... Your local member of parliament is the one to write to and complain.  I am so gonna do this.  We HAVE to do this.  Dont you see?  It is because we sit back and say and do nothing that this sort of thing gets in.

We HAVE to take some action. 

*writes to her local mp immediately*   :-\ :o


« #17 : November 20, 2005, 04:55:16 AM »

We need a voice.  The Brits in this country need a voice to represent us in parliament.  Hang on... arent we already supposed to have one of them?  Oh yes.... Your local member of parliament is the one to write to and complain.  I am so gonna do this.  We HAVE to do this.  Dont you see?  It is because we sit back and say and do nothing that this sort of thing gets in.

We HAVE to take some action. 

*writes to her local mp immediately*   :-\ :o

They wont listen to you, we need a massive shake up in government to do that.

« : November 20, 2005, 04:57:29 AM angleseyboi »

« #18 : November 20, 2005, 05:05:43 AM »

We need a voice.  The Brits in this country need a voice to represent us in parliament.  Hang on... arent we already supposed to have one of them?  Oh yes.... Your local member of parliament is the one to write to and complain.  I am so gonna do this.  We HAVE to do this.  Dont you see?  It is because we sit back and say and do nothing that this sort of thing gets in.

We HAVE to take some action. 

*writes to her local mp immediately*   :-\ :o

They wont listen to you, we need a massive shake up in government to do that.


 I'm up for that!   :PP

 Wait I could be done for that :ph34r: I will watch from behind and cheer for your cause instead, and be water boy too, aaaand can give you battle strategy, a very good strategist I am  :angel:

« #19 : November 20, 2005, 05:17:49 AM »

I'll hold you up 2 that H˙llyn lol

I shall overthrow tony bliar and george bush, overthrow the UN, and place myself as emperor of the world after declaring it the territory of the TERRAN EMPIRE!!!!!

Mwahahahahahahahaha, mwahahahahahahahaha, mwahahahahahahahaha  >:( >:( >:(
« : November 20, 2005, 05:19:26 AM Emperor Daffers »

« #20 : November 20, 2005, 05:28:26 AM »

 Ok, so long as you let me set up a smithy at #10 Downing Street :pk:

 Nah add to that the Houses of Parliament as my outlet premises and then will help ya  :laugh:

« #21 : November 20, 2005, 05:31:45 AM »

Ok, so long as you let me set up a smithy at #10 Downing Street :pk:

 Nah add to that the Houses of Parliament as my outlet premises and then will help ya  :laugh:

U can be the minister for blacksmithing  :P

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« #22 : November 20, 2005, 04:53:55 PM »

Gah, you live in Britain, you live LIKE a Briton...that should be new law 

Aye, right. That's integration, which happens in France...and look what happened there. So with that statement, you think it's right for Muslim headsarves to be banned? That's not right Icy, that's discrimination, and racial prejudice by the back door.

Although I see where you're coming from's a bit pathetic really, but Christmas isn't a Christian holiday anymore, it's just a marketing ploy when people buy, sell, recieve, give. Instead of banning it, it should be renamed to Capitalistmas. ;)

In saying that, I read a headline of the Daily Star (which in itself, questions the legitamacy of the story) that Piggy Banks were going to be banned because it's offensive to Muslims, which is pathetic.**

** = Note that it's from the Daily Star, a paper which is trashy, full of racist tripe and the headline is as far as I went, I wouldnt be caught dead reading that trash.  :8o

Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #23 : November 20, 2005, 05:27:19 PM »

Christmas IS a Christian holiday for practicing Christians Phil.  I know people who go to church on Christmas day etc etc ..... just because the capitalist pigs (no not pigs it could be construed as offensive I know.....dogs...((or would that be offensive to Chinese people??!!))  have got hold of it doesnt mean that Christians do not still regard it in the same light. 

Aye, right. That's integration, which happens in France...and look what happened there
  Nevertheless, that is the way to go though.  Separate communities within communities are what cause the problems. 

So with that statement, you think it's right for Muslim headsarves to be banned?
  No one has banned headscarves of any kind in public places.  Each school has a right to adhere to their uniform rules with EVERYONE.  Children with innapropriate colour hair, or inappropriate clothing have always been excluded in order to get them to conform to the school rules.  You see, if the parents dont like the school rules then they can move their children to a school that DOES allow such things.  Freedom of choice does NOT just apply to Muslims.... it applies to EVERYONE.  I think that is fundamentally what is going wrong.

I work in a place that claims to respect everyone whatever race, colour or creed they are.  I would say that as a white Brit I am definately in the minority there and it is an interesting feeling to have.    However, back to the point. 

All the Muslims who work there were allowed to take time off for the Muslim holidays.... they were allowed special breaks to adhere to their fasting last month...but when it came to Divali last week (or whenever it was)  people had to really fight to get the day off for it.  So..... where is the equality in that?  One of my friends there is a Muslim and she said to me that it just wasnt right that the Jewish festival was not given the same creedence as the Muslim ones and I have to agree with her. 

You see, the pendulum seems to have to tipped too far in one direction and in view of some peoples religious fundamentalism/fanaticism it is an extremely worrying trend. 

In my opinion political correctness needs to be balanced.  Somehow it needs to be regulated.  Somehow there needs to be some sanity brought to bear within its bounds.  Dont you think? 

And, incidentally, you are wrong about your local MP.  They are voted in to represent us.  If enough people write to their local MP on a certain issue, they are morally bound to bring it up in Parliament for discussion.  They are morally bound to say that they are representing their constituents in whatever issue they are discussing.  The more noise we make about something, the more will be done.  The main problem is that most Brits are either too lazy or too downtrodden to say anything! 

Oh incidentally, you may or may not be interested in this.  But the employer I am referring to is Royal Mail.  A long standing British institution. 
« : November 20, 2005, 05:29:46 PM Beleriel »

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« #24 : November 20, 2005, 07:40:04 PM »

Gah, you live in Britain, you live LIKE a Briton...that should be new law 

Aye, right. That's integration, which happens in France...and look what happened there. So with that statement, you think it's right for Muslim headsarves to be banned? That's not right Icy, that's discrimination, and racial prejudice by the back door.

Who cares if its discrimination?  They (whoever they are :|) want to ban Christmas...why can't I want to ban Headscarves? 

I can't see the logic in it at all...If people live here, they SHOULD abide by our rules.  They are guests in this country, they should live as if they are part of our country. 

If they don't like it, send them back to wherever they came from, because I sure as heck don't want them living near me.

Anyway, the deal with Christmas...these people who want to ban it are idiots.  I wouldn't call it a Christian holiday anymore, because everyone celebrates it almost.  But its a nice time of year where people have fun, and feel content and be with family and friends.


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OMG! he is sooooo buff! :D

« #25 : November 20, 2005, 10:23:32 PM »

-^- ditto!

If they don't like our religion and our traditions (i mean lets face it, it IS a tradition) then they can bog off back to wherever it is they came from originally!

And before anyone says i am racist or whatever, i'm not! That comment was strictly aimed at people who were orginally not from our country!  8)  :)

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!

« #26 : November 20, 2005, 10:48:22 PM »

-^- ditto!

If they don't like our religion and our traditions (i mean lets face it, it IS a tradition) then they can bog off back to wherever it is they came from originally!

And before anyone says i am racist or whatever, i'm not! That comment was strictly aimed at people who were orginally not from our country!  8)  :)

 Legy, the problem is not one of colour of skin, the problem is one of religious fundamentalism and its consequences, so I don't think it's racist to despise people for their religion (or all of their religions) as opposed to their colour of skin.  :fr:

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OMG! he is sooooo buff! :D

« #27 : November 20, 2005, 10:52:42 PM »

I wasn't talking about being racist through the colour of people's skin, i was talking about it through their religion. :)
I know it's not about skin colour! It's quite evident that it's not to be honest. ::) :)

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!

« #28 : November 20, 2005, 11:16:51 PM »

 I wasn't disagreeing with you Legy, I was just trying to explain your point with more depth rather than asuming people could.  ::)

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« #29 : November 20, 2005, 11:30:55 PM »

I'm honestly disgusted at what I'm reading here. It's sad to know that in an apparent liberal society we've people with these sort of views. I'd expect it in the BNP or National Front manifesto, honestly.


And no, it isnt racism, it's sectarianism.

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