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: Political Correctness Gone Overboard!!!  ( 61650 )
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« : November 18, 2005, 05:05:23 PM »

I think that political correctness has gone too far this year!!

I mean bannin christmas, whats that all about??? they sed it were because it may offend other faiths, but when dey took a survey, no other faiths in this country were offended by it as it is a british institution and as were in britain, how can it be changed.

Remmirath - Nazgûl Queen of Mordor

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« #1 : November 18, 2005, 05:18:41 PM »

Oh for flibble sake... *sorry about my use of language* but what the hells going on? Who's banning Xmas?
The government or something?


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« #2 : November 18, 2005, 05:31:37 PM »

I don't think the government are banning it, but they've stopped alot of shops having xmas decorations in their windows, and some schools aren't allowed to have a nativity play anymore....

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« #3 : November 18, 2005, 06:59:00 PM »

I'm happy about it. I hate Christmas because a) I am an atheist b) it is just an excuse for shops to get money.

Sorry if that's scroogy, but I just don't like it.

But 99% of the time I would agree with you about political correctness (Christmas and the use of AD/CE are two examples when I won't).

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« #4 : November 18, 2005, 08:20:43 PM »

..He's a mean one - Mister Grinch..

Hahahah, banning it'll be puppy dogs and rainbows, mark my words. As if Christmas is really about the Christian faith anymore anyway.

But hey, if you want political uncorrectness watch an episode or two of American Dad.


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« #5 : November 19, 2005, 01:22:59 AM »

I'm not bothered whether it's really about Christianity now or not. The fact is it is a Christian celebration, one which I hate.

You want "political uncorrectness" go to a BNP seminar...

All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given to us
Mettanna Nárendur ah mauya mahtië mettanna!
Remmirath - Nazgûl Queen of Mordor

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« #6 : November 19, 2005, 07:53:32 PM »

I am not religious, or anything like that, but I have always been brouhgt up to believe its the one time of year that the family should spend a day together...(Non existent scenario with my family these days, but still...) I dont think they should ban Xmas.::)


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« #7 : November 19, 2005, 08:19:42 PM »

why ban christmas?  Its christian, but EVERYONE gets 2 weeks holiday

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.

« #8 : November 19, 2005, 08:29:05 PM »

[politically incorrect] If this country and much of the world continues on this trend you might as well hand the country to the Muslims and make it the Islamist Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.[/politically incorrect]

 I have decided I cannot stand idle when c-r-a-p like this happens. Earlier on this week they said religious jokes will be banned and you are liable to be prosecuted for up to 7 years depending on the extent of the offence.

 I'm so waiting for the nuclear winter or mad max days (whichever first) and when it happens I already have a whole list of people to go and visit (to slap them proper) :n: :e:

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« #9 : November 19, 2005, 09:00:41 PM »

Grrr...this politically correct world is so Stupid!  It really gets on my nerves living in such a restricted place.

Not even say racist jokes?  I'm sure the OTHER people living in this country, such as Muslims and whatever, make plenty about us, but they won't get 'told off'.

And I'm not Christian, far from it, I'm Wiccan, so I do celebrate Yule, but not Christmas Day....but banning Christmas because it might offend someone?

If they're so offended by OUR traditions, they can bloody well go back to their own country!

Gah, you live in Britain, you live LIKE a Briton...that should be new law  >(


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« #10 : November 19, 2005, 09:14:08 PM »

If they're going to ban christmas they are going to have to ban Ramadan and Hyneca (sp?) ect as well!

We call it Christmas and if other people from other countries find that offensive here in the UK then should they go back to their own country?!  >(

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« #11 : November 19, 2005, 09:17:07 PM »

If they're going to ban christmas they are going to have to ban Ramadan and Hyneca (sp?) ect as well!

We call it Christmas and if other people from other countries find that offensive here in the UK then should they go back to their own country?!  >(

Agreed  :)


« #12 : November 19, 2005, 09:34:30 PM »

 It's like me. I'm a guest to this country, and I do not like the food but hell you can eat it all if you like, it's your choice after all.

 It's just not right when people go around the world and expect to turn the place they live in a little niche ressembling their place of origin.

 Some people should just be banned from travelling, or even from living.  :fr:

 And yes you do get jokes from their part.

 it's funny the double standards isn't it?

 You can say Jihad, but you cannot say Crusade (when Jihad is the same s-h-i-t-e a holy war)
 You cannot refer to them as anything but muslim but they can refer to you as infidels (there's a denigrative word for it which they use in their circles)

 You can call an Australian and Aussie without them getting upset, a New Zealander and Kiwi without them being offended, but you can't call a Pakistani a Paki.

 Yes I agree that when used with an abusive tone it's not accetable, but what the hell? I come from Venezuela, and I'm a frigging Vennie, do I get upset?

 It shouldn't amaze me anymore, after all I know this world will go wrong, and this country is heading there faster than most.
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« #13 : November 19, 2005, 10:32:18 PM »

Exactly.  I totally agree.  I can't see how these people who live here, who are not from here originally, get to set our standards.  They seem to make the rules here  :dry:

When we visit certain places, we are expected to abide by their rules.  For example, I can't think what country it is, but women aren't allowed to show their shoulders, so most women from the UK don't were strappy or sleeveless tops. 

It just gets on my nerves how Britain is so much of a push-over


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« #14 : November 19, 2005, 10:48:40 PM »

It's strange because most Muslims etc. aren't offended by people celebrating Christmas anyways.... so there shouldn't really be any problem, but the Government are petrified something is going to happen if they do offend Muslims (or anyone else that doesn't celebrate xmas...).

It's rather ridiculous all this political correctness mumbo jumbo, when no-one gets offended in the first place, waste of time....

I agree Icy, Britain really is a push-over.... :dry:

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