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Liberal Democrats

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: Voting...?  ( 21676 )
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« : October 16, 2005, 04:53:58 PM »

Obviously as I live in the North of Ireland, I don't directly contribute into who forms government - we've a democratic deficit here, because the three main parties in Great Britain don't stand for election over here....

But if I did vote over there I would definitely vote Labour, regardless of its unpopular leadership I think it is the grassroots of the party that is important, the backbenchers who represent their constituencies. Now, I like Tony Blair myself, so nothing would stop me voting Labour (if I could). Plus, if anyone, it'll be a Labour government which will unite Ireland, which'll be one for me :P

As I said, I live in the Occupied 6 of Ireland, so I vote Sinn Fein. But in terms of this poll, I'm clicking Labour. :da:

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« #1 : October 16, 2005, 05:39:34 PM »

Lol... well if you look at the choices we have, we are not exactly spoilt for choice... so yeah, probably Labour.::)

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« #2 : October 16, 2005, 06:24:04 PM »

I vote labour.  Although, I have to say I do not have much faith in them.  It is a case of voting for the least worst of a bad lot!!  I think it is disgusting that there is no real representative of the masses any more.  A party that really represents the working classes is desperately needed imo.  I bet they would get in ... no problem.  No wonder people are so disinterested in politics when they have no voice or any say about what happens to them. 


« #3 : October 16, 2005, 06:30:06 PM »

No one in my family votes because we feel it is actually a waste of time.  My parents used to the same one each year (can't remember what) and they never won, so they thought what was the point and stopped and now that my brothers and myself are of "legal age" to vote, we don't bother either.

(Oh and no one say "well don't complain" or whatever because I don't :dry: )

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« #4 : October 16, 2005, 07:53:07 PM »

Lol... well if you look at the choices we have, we are not exactly spoilt for choice... so yeah, probably Labour.::)

Hey, it's better than America....2 parties who are practically the same.

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« #5 : October 16, 2005, 09:35:18 PM »

I'll be able to vote next time round and I intend to vote Labour. A vote for Lib Dems is a vote wasted due to out first past the post system and the Tories scare the hell out of me.  ::)


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« #6 : October 16, 2005, 11:12:20 PM »

Obviously as I live in the North of Ireland, I don't directly contribute into who forms government - we've a democratic deficit here, because the three main parties in Great Britain don't stand for election over here....

But if I did vote over there I would definitely vote Labour, regardless of its unpopular leadership I think it is the grassroots of the party that is important, the backbenchers who represent their constituencies. Now, I like Tony Blair myself, so nothing would stop me voting Labour (if I could). Plus, if anyone, it'll be a Labour government which will unite Ireland, which'll be one for me :P

As I said, I live in the Occupied 6 of Ireland, so I vote Sinn Fein. But in terms of this poll, I'm clicking Labour. :da:

That's not true. Sometimes they do stand (I believe Consevatives stood in 3 seats in Northern Ireland in 2005, and 4 in 2001 - but that's off the top of my head), but because no one ever votes for them the main parties have decided not to stand. And, of course, the Unionist parties are off-shoots of the Conservative Party anyway, the Liberal Democrats endorse The Alliance, and the SDLP are an off-shoot of the Labour Party.

I also think your list of parties is faulted: 22% of people in Brighton voted Green party; both UKIP and Greens have European MPs; Plaid Cymru and SNP?

And, of course, you have made one fundamental mistake with your poll which is why we don't have the same party all the time: there are floating voters - people who change their vote, so they wouldn't have a party.

I am a floating voter myself but I align myself more with one than the other two (but I would vote for all three).

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« #7 : October 17, 2005, 01:22:59 AM »

Ideally I'd vote for the Liberal Democrats as I agree with most of their values, not all but a fair few. Although in the real world, the constituency in which I live is a very clear Labour majority and so a vote for them doesn't really go anywhere. The only thing I do know is that I would never go Conservative or any further right wing.


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« #8 : October 17, 2005, 02:33:20 AM »

Do you do A level politics on the CCEA board? :dry:

Ahh, thing about the Lib Dems is that alot of their policies are extremely fair, but their flaw is that many of them are too idealistic.

Its interesting, I went on the Liberal Party's website and seen they were still about. I thought they died off after the split. They're still proud of being the government about 500 years ago... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


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« #9 : October 17, 2005, 03:07:16 AM »

Do you do A level politics on the CCEA board? :dry:

Ahh, thing about the Lib Dems is that alot of their policies are extremely fair, but their flaw is that many of them are too idealistic.

Its interesting, I went on the Liberal Party's website and seen they were still about. I thought they died off after the split. They're still proud of being the government about 500 years ago... :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

83 years ago in a coalition government (90 years ago on their own).

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« #10 : October 17, 2005, 03:06:21 PM »

Don't try and be a smart-ass. I was exaggerating and you know it.

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« #11 : October 17, 2005, 03:33:29 PM »

this is a poll on which party you will vote for please try to keep it to that and not degenerating into arguments about who is best. Just state you opinion and let others state theirs


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« #12 : November 22, 2005, 05:01:15 AM »

Obviously as I live in the North of Ireland, I don't directly contribute into who forms government - we've a democratic deficit here, because the three main parties in Great Britain don't stand for election over here....

But if I did vote over there I would definitely vote Labour, regardless of its unpopular leadership I think it is the grassroots of the party that is important, the backbenchers who represent their constituencies. Now, I like Tony Blair myself, so nothing would stop me voting Labour (if I could). Plus, if anyone, it'll be a Labour government which will unite Ireland, which'll be one for me :P

As I said, I live in the Occupied 6 of Ireland, so I vote Sinn Fein. But in terms of this poll, I'm clicking Labour. :da:

That's not true. Sometimes they do stand (I believe Consevatives stood in 3 seats in Northern Ireland in 2005, and 4 in 2001 - but that's off the top of my head), but because no one ever votes for them the main parties have decided not to stand. And, of course, the Unionist parties are off-shoots of the Conservative Party anyway, the Liberal Democrats endorse The Alliance, and the SDLP are an off-shoot of the Labour Party.

I also think your list of parties is faulted: 22% of people in Brighton voted Green party; both UKIP and Greens have European MPs; Plaid Cymru and SNP?

And, of course, you have made one fundamental mistake with your poll which is why we don't have the same party all the time: there are floating voters - people who change their vote, so they wouldn't have a party.

I am a floating voter myself but I align myself more with one than the other two (but I would vote for all three).
I think the point of his poll is what party would you vote to go into government. I think its fair to say that the UKIP, Green party, Plaid Cymru and the SNP won't be the government or opposition as long as Labour and the Tories are around.

I personally would have voted for Labour. I like a lot of Lib dem policies but to be honest they're soft touches on a lot of issue, Conservatives can't decide on a long term party leader never mind sit in government, and most of their policies where nicked by Tony anyway.

Otherwise, I vote for Sinn Fein.

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« #13 : November 22, 2005, 05:22:02 AM »

I have never, nor will I ever vote.

Until someone comes along who I agree with, I won't vote.

And no, I don't complain  :dry:


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« #14 : November 22, 2005, 05:25:15 AM »

I have never, nor will I ever vote.

Until someone comes along who I agree with, I won't vote.

And no, I don't complain  :dry:

Well, it seems you're complaining about immigration in the Christmas topic.

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