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: Of Elves and Valinor  ( 5098 )
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Firstborn of Imladris

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« : October 16, 2005, 04:08:40 PM »


Norns; but there are many norns: those who come to each child that is born, to appoint his life; these are of the race of the gods, but the second are of the Elf-people, and the third are of the kindred of the dwarves, as it is said here:

Most sundered in birth       I say the Norns are;
      They claim no common kin:
Some are of Ćsir-kin,       some arc of Elf-kind,
      Some are Dvalinn's daughters."
Then said Gangleri: "If the Norns determine the weirds of men, then they apportion exceeding unevenly, seeing that some have a pleasant and luxurious life, but others have little worldly goods or fame; some have long life, others short." Hárr said: "Good norns and of honorable race appoint good life; but those men that suffer evil fortunes are governed by evil norns."

XVI. Then said Gangleri: "What more mighty wonders are to be told of the Ash?" Hárr replied: "Much is to be told of it. An eagle sits in the limbs of the Ash, and he has understanding of many a thing; and between his eyes sits the hawk that is called Vedrfölnir. The squirrel called Ratatöskr runs up and down the length of the Ash, bearing envious words between the eagle and Nídhöggr; and four harts run in the limbs of the Ash and bite the leaves. They are called thus: Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr, Durathrór. Moreover, so many serpents are in Hvergelmir with Nídhöggr, that no tongue can tell them, as is here said:

Ash Yggdrasill suffers anguish,
More than men know of:


The stag bites above;       on the side it rotteth,
      And Nídhöggr gnaws from below.
And it is further said:

More serpents lie       under Yggdrasill's stock
      Than every unwise ape can think:
Góinn and Móinn       (they're Grafvitnir's sons),
      Grábakr and Grafvölludr;
Ófnir and Sváfnir       I think shall aye
      Tear the trunk's twigs.
It is further said that these Norns who dwell by the Well of Urdr take water of the well every day, and with it that clay which lies about the well, and sprinkle it over the Ash, to the end that its limbs shall not wither nor rot; for that water is so holy that all things which come there into the well become as white as the film which lies within the egg-shell,--as is here said:

I know an Ash standing       called Yggdrasill,
A high tree sprinkled       with snow-white clay;
Thence come the dews       in the dale that fall-
It stands ever green       above Urdr's Well.
That dew which falls from it onto the earth is called by men honey-dew, and thereon are bees nourished. Two fowls are fed in Urdr's Well: they are called Swans, and from those fowls has come the race of birds which is so called."

XVII. Then said Gangleri: "Thou knowest many tidings to tell of the heaven. What chief abodes are there more than at Urdr's Well?" Hárr said: "Many places are there,


and glorious. That which is called Álfheimr (1) is one, where dwell the peoples called Light-Elves; but the Dark-Elves dwell down in the earth, and they are unlike in appearance, but by far more unlike in nature. The Light-Elves are fairer to look upon than the sun, but the Dark-Elves are blacker than pitch. Then there is also in that place the abode called Breidablik, (2) and there is not in heaven a fairer dwelling. There, too, is the one called Glitnir, (3) whose walls, and all its posts and pillars, are of red gold, but its roof of silver. There is also the abode called Himinbjörg; (4) it stands at heaven's end by the bridge-head, in the place where Bifröst joins heaven. Another great abode is there, which is named Valaskjálf; (5) Odin possesses that dwelling; the gods made it and thatched it with sheer silver, and in this hall is the Hlidskjálf, (6) the high-seat so called. Whenever Allfather sits in that seat, he surveys all lands. At the southern end of heaven is that hall which is fairest of all, and brighter than the sun; it is called Gimlé. (7) It shall stand when both heaven and earth have departed; and good men and of righteous conversation shall dwell therein: so it is said in Völuspá:

A hall I know standing       than the sun fairer,
Thatched with gold       in Gimlé bright;
There shall dwell       the doers of righteousness
And ever and ever       enjoy delight."
Then said Gangleri: "What shall guard this place, when the flame of Surtr shall consume heaven and earth?" Hárr

1. Elf-home. 2. Broad-gleaming. 3. Glittering. 4. Heaven-crag. 5. Seat or shelf of the Fallen. 6. Gate-seat. 7. Either dative of Himill = Heaven (?) (Cl.-Vig.), or Gem-decked (Bugge).


answered: "It is said that another heaven is to the southward and upward of this one, and it is called Andlangr; (1) but the third heaven is yet above that, and it is called Vidbláinn, (2) and in that heaven we think this abode is. But we believe that none but Light-Elves inhabit these mansions now."

XVIII. Then said Gangleri: "Whence comes the wind? It is strong, so that it stirs great seas, and it swells fire; but, strong as it is, none may see it, for it is wonderfully shapen." Then said Hárr: "That I am well able to tell thee. At the northward end of heaven sits the giant called Hrćsvelgr: he has the plumes of an eagle, and when he stretches his wings for flight, then the wind rises from under his wings, as is here said:

Hrćsvelgr hight he       who sits at heaven's ending,
      Giant in eagle's coat;
From his wings, they say,       the wind cometh
      All men-folk over."
XIX. Then said Gangleri: "Why is there so much difference, that summer should be hot, but winter cold?" Hárr answered: "A wise man would not ask thus, seeing that all are able to tell this; but if thou alone art become so slight of understanding as not to have heard it, then I will yet permit that thou shouldst rather ask foolishly once, than that thou shouldst be kept longer in ignorance of a thing which it is proper to know. He is called Svásudr (3) who is father of Summer; and he is of pleasant nature, so that from his name whatsoever is pleasant is called 'sweet.'

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya
Firstborn of Imladris

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Men ? Men are weak ...

« #1 : October 16, 2005, 04:13:04 PM »

Then said Ganglere: Great tidings you are able to tell of the heavens. Are there other remarkable places than the one by Urd's fountain? Answered Har: There are many magnificient dwellings. One is there called Alfheim. There dwell the folk that are called light-elves; but the dark-elves dwell down in the earth, and they are unlike the light-elves in appearance, but much more so in deeds. The light-elves are fairer than the sun to look upon, but the dark-elves are blacker than pitch. Another place is called Breidablik, and no place is fairer. There is also a mansion called Glitner, of which the walls and pillars and posts are of red gold, and the roof is of silver. Furthermore, there is a dwelling, by name Himinbjorg, which stands at the end of heaven, where the Bifrost-bridge is united with heaven. And there is a great dwelling called Valaskjalf, which belongs to Odin. The gods made it and thatched it with sheer silver. In this hall is the high-seat, which is called Hlidskjalf, and when Alfather sits in this seat, he sees over all the world. In the southern end of the world is the palace, which is the fairest of all, and brighter than the sun; its name is Grimle. It shall stand when both heaven and earth shall have passed away. In this hall the good and righteous shall dwell through all ages. Thus says the Prophecy of the Vala:

       A hall I know, standing
       Than the sun fairer,
       Than gold better,
       Gimle by name.
       There shall good
       People dwell,
       And forever
       Delights enjoy. (7)

      Then said Ganglere: Who guards this palace when Surt's fire burns up heaven and earth? Har answered: It is said that to the south and above this heaven is another heaven, which is called Andlang. But there is a third, which is above these, and is called Vidblain, and in this heaven we believe this mansion (Gimle) to be situated; but we deem that the light-elves alone dwell in it now.

Translation of Prose Edda

Forsete is a son of Balder and Nanna, Nep's daughter. He has in heaven the hall which hight Glitner. All who come to him with disputes go away perfectly reconciled. No better tribunal is to be found among gods and men. Thus it is here said:

                Glitner hight the hall,
                On gold pillars standing,
                And roofed with silver.
                There dwells Forsete
                Throughout all time,
                And settles all disputes.
« : October 16, 2005, 04:15:26 PM Elril Galia »

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya
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