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: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?  ( 33123 )
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Remmirath - Nazgűl Queen of Mordor

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« #15 : October 18, 2005, 01:39:59 PM »

My manager at work has a rotten cough and cold. he caught it off his missus, who's still got it...after 2-3 weeks. the have only recently flown back from a 2 week break in Slovenia... :police:I dont think theres any bird flu in Slovenia. Not sure how close it is to Romania, or Turkey though.


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« #16 : October 18, 2005, 01:51:32 PM »

Romania and Turkey really aren't ....

*gets distacted by squittel running across roof of house opposite

.... that close to Slovenia.
So it's not going to be anything to do with this.


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« #17 : October 18, 2005, 08:30:56 PM »

i am rather worried about it. if it does mutate and develop into a disease that can be passed on from human to human, which is obviously a big IF, then we should be scared. lets just hope they can contain it before it moves any further. the testing time will probably be this winter or possibly next winter as the flu seasons are obviously going to be the hardest times.

i think the government is doing all they can. they have stockpiled lots of the antiviral drugs (tammyflu and some other i think) which at the moment is the only thing that can help with bird flu. and they have already ordered millions of vaccines once they have actually been made.....which isnt yet :P

"Its claws are as big as cups and for some reason its got a tremendous fear of stamps…mrs doyle was telling me that it’s got magnets on its tail so that if your made of metal it can attach itself 

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« #18 : October 20, 2005, 07:19:48 AM »

Yes, I'm worried.....

Oh wait, you thought I was going to say of the bird flu coming here!!  ;D No, I don't think it'll come here.

However, I'm worried by the Government's complete lack of knowledge of this virus, and complete lack of knowledge on vaccines to it. Who cares what particular strain it is, in the name of national security and human rights, make all available vaccines now and stockpile them until necessary, they might never need using, but it's better to be safe than sorry- especially with the projected deaths among the elderly and young that this virus could potentially cause. The flu is bad enough- the flu everyone's scared of is worse.

However, I do believe it's scaremongering- we'll see how much further it spreads before we panic, shall we?

I believe it's reached Greece, but then, who knows really?

stockpiled lots of the antiviral drugs

Unfortunately, that's an inaccurate statement, as these are not the anti-virus at all, merely a drug that can slow, or stifle the effects of a Bird Flu pandemic- these pills cannot and will not cure everyone, and specific vaccines could take half a year to mass produce enough to give to everyone. The bottom line is, these drugs they have are like Lemsip is to a cold- you'll feel relievingly better, but not to the point where you can recover quicker.

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p
Remmirath - Nazgűl Queen of Mordor

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« #19 : October 20, 2005, 01:36:59 PM »

Adding to Edge's post...In fact, there is no "cure" for a cold or flu on the market. There are many drugs out there that relive the symptoms, but none of them actually cure it.
As for anti-viral drugs, quite often, the flu jab can make you feel worse.
Besides that, flu jabs are only given to those who reach a certain criteria. For instance, you are over 60, or asthmatic, or stuff like that.
If you dont fall into that criteria, you wont be offered a flu jab.

Even if the bird flu thing became a problem here, and there are vaccines available to protect people from it, once again, You will probably need to fit into the criteria, the same with the regular flu jab.

If you are a normal "healthy" adult, like me, you wont be offered any vaccine.

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« #20 : October 20, 2005, 04:20:11 PM »

I'm really not that worried about it. I think the government should be doing more to prevent it, and they should be stockpiling much more vaccine. That said, if they are only keeping something like 200,000 vaccines, then they can't be that worried about it.
It is all scaremongering. I don't think that in a rich, well-developed country like the UK, that it will kill normal healthy adults. It is the people who are at risk such as frontline NHS workers, children, the elderly and anyone with compromised immune systems they need to be vaccinating. I had regular old flu about 8 or 9 months ago and although it was horrible, it didn't kill me or do me any harm.
Same happened with the salmonella thing years ago, then it was BSE, then foot and mouth. None of them killed large numbers of people, so there is no reason that avian flu should be allowed (or able) to do the same.

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« #21 : October 21, 2005, 03:45:19 AM »

I dont know enough about Bird flu to be honest  :[
But I am worried about my lovely birds. Ma daddy building a dam avery in which we hope to hold all collection of birds and quail (quite alot like a chicken a quail is) But what more we wants exotic birds in our avery  :[ We want sexy looking parrots.....and such other birds..
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« #22 : October 23, 2005, 12:55:11 AM »

waaah we have a dead parrot!!!!   :8o :o :8o

Does this call for a dead parrot sketch do you think?   :laugh:

Nah Im not scared.  Whats the point?  If you are gonna get it, you will get it.  I cant see them managing to keep it out for long though. 

But these flu scares are quite a regular occurence arent they?   ::)


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« #23 : October 23, 2005, 02:05:18 AM »

Yeah, the parrot died in quarantine didn't it on British soil. But it's still only with the birds and hasn't mutated yet into a human infectious form of the virus.


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« #24 : October 26, 2005, 02:14:54 AM »

I'm not sure if I'm worried or not ??? It's a bit of a conflict really :[
Obviously(as mentioned earlier) if it does mutate into a disease harmful towards humans, then no doubt I'll be pretty darned jumpy ;)
But then again, I am the kind of person to say "well if it happens", so if the time does come, I think I'll do my best to face the music with a smile ::) :P

Anyhoo, I don't feel like putting all my trust in the government, but I do believe a vaccination could quite possibly be discovered or developed in time. All we can do is put faith in science and hope.

Jag älskar dig Philip!

« #25 : October 26, 2005, 03:24:40 AM »

Actually it was found in Romania. And I agree, tis nothing to worry about and besides I get first call on the vaccine :P

LOL yeah, nice one Chris..  ::) Too late anyways, it's reached the UK, by means of a parrot.. :dry: Let's hope there won't be anymore. But there probably will be. With the amount of trade in pet birds and the types of diseases they carry, and then them coming into the country also.

« #26 : October 28, 2005, 05:07:00 AM »

Nope, i'm not at all worried about Avian Flu really.. i can see it as being, as people suggested, more of a scare monger than a real problem. Afterall, Virus's cannot turn into harmful himan Viruses over night, there is alot of changing to be undertaken for humans to be receptable for these animal Viruses and Bacteria! I mean, if this was a problem then we'd all end up with Kennel Cough, Cat flu, and other such illness found in our pets!

Avian flu's been around for a long while but there's no mass death's from it, as far as i am aware..i might be wrong! so why the sudden comotion about it now?
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« #27 : October 28, 2005, 10:32:21 PM »

I'm sure someone else has pointed this out but come on the Parrots were in quarantine. That's the point of quarantine, to stop the spread of any disease. If the bird died in quarantine then it did not bring Avian Flu into this country. To be honest I'm about as worried about bird flu as I am worried about Aliens invading.... ::)


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« #28 : November 02, 2005, 06:13:33 AM »

who touches dead birds anyway?

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
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« #29 : November 03, 2005, 03:19:44 AM »

Not really, mostly because I'm practically a vegitarian, I only eat meat on \Special occasions if it's served, and when I eat it it's a VERY small amount...meat sickens me.

Hmmmmmm...wonder if this'll get me into modleing....
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