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: The Elavie  ( 38963 )
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High Dúnedain King

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« #15 : February 09, 2006, 03:38:10 PM »

Anaiya spotted Chacero, and grinned.  "There you are, I wondered where you went." she said, and pointed proudly at her carving.  "Look what Ibhait did for me, isn't it wonderful?"

Eagle of the North

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« #16 : April 03, 2006, 07:33:53 PM »

He grinned back at her. "Where on earth did you think I might be?! Surely you knew the dried meat stores are growing low and we need some more?" He shrugged, not actually worried whether she did know or not, it was more of a rhetorical question anyway. As she held up the carving he nodded, glancing briefly at Ibhait. "Impressive likeness. You ever thought of taking that carving skill of yours further?"

Samwise Gamgee

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« #17 : April 05, 2006, 02:09:28 AM »

Ibhait gazed suspiciously at the others, a frown creasing face. He stayed silent, silently admiring the animal that Chacero had caught. It was big enough to feed the village for a while, at least. Suddenly, Ibhait realised that Chacero had spoken to him, and he looked at him. "Where exactly would I take it?" Ibhait asked softly, though not in a mocking tone, just a matter-of-face way. "Because oh, so many people are queuing up to take them off of my hands."
« : April 08, 2006, 02:13:29 AM Samwise Gamgee »

When Sam gives up hope, there is no hope

Sam left the tunnel-side and shrank towards Frodo, and their hands met and clasped, and so together they still went on
:D Voted 'Best Female Roleplayer', 'Most Dedicated to Roleplay' and 'Best Roleplay Character'! :D
Eagle of the North

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« #18 : April 06, 2006, 02:28:42 PM »

(By the way its Chacero not Keran ;) You've got too used to that name haha)

Chacero smiled, he had of course known that would be Ibhat's response. "No Ibhait... I do not mean to the Elavie." He fell silent for a moment, letting the import of his words sink in to all those around him. "You do realise the humans, in their great mechanical forests, do on occasion have things that our people could use. It is rare that we have something we can use to get hold of these things." Quite how Chacero always seemed to know such things was a mystery to most. In fact, he had never told anyone but Anaiya. It had been curiousity more than anything about their non magical brethren that had led him to one day sneak off on an apparent hunting trip but instead travel to one of those great man-made forests.

Samwise Gamgee

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« #19 : April 18, 2006, 01:43:09 AM »

Hey Everyone,
I just thought that you need to know that I am going on holiday from tomorrow, Tuesday (18th) to next Saturday (22nd). It’s not too long, but if anyone does need to move my character/s so the r/p can move on, please feel free to do so. I don’t know if I will be able to post on the Saturday night, but probably will on the Sunday.


When Sam gives up hope, there is no hope

Sam left the tunnel-side and shrank towards Frodo, and their hands met and clasped, and so together they still went on
:D Voted 'Best Female Roleplayer', 'Most Dedicated to Roleplay' and 'Best Roleplay Character'! :D
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