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: LOTR Character Bios  ( 102361 )
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« #60 : August 30, 2004, 09:04:49 PM »

(Here's My Main Character From Now On)

Name: Valo
Gender: Male
Age: 25
Bio: Valo was firstly born into a family that didn't want him. So his family abandoned him in the forest of Fangorn. Destined to die there. A miracle happened. The animals of Fangorn took Valo in. He learned everything he needed to learn from the animals. He learned the history and languages of middle earth from the ents. He learned to hunt from the wolves, he learned to be quick by the deer, and he learned to be quiet and sly from the foxes. Valo now goes out on his own from place to place but will always call Fangorn his true home.
Weapons: He carries but one sword his found on the forest floor.
¤ Lor'ie`a¤

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Must you look at me this way?

« #61 : August 31, 2004, 12:49:12 AM »

Name: Alanna
Age: Unknown, but could be 16 or 17
Race: Mirkwood elf
Weapons: Any
Desrip: Long black/blue hair, radiant blue eyes, and pale skin. Alanna is headstrong, yet quiet. Her boistrous nature, when it erupts, can get her into trouble. She is poetic and very flirtatous.

« : August 31, 2004, 12:49:36 AM ElvenGoth »

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Ranger of the North

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« #62 : August 31, 2004, 06:11:32 PM »

(ok heres another 2 of my characters who I will be using alot)

Name: Kelthris
Race: Easterling
Age: 37
Weapons: Easterling halbeird, sword, 2 daggers and a long bow
Bio: After the fall of the dark lord Sauron Kelthris and his men found themselves wanderers, with no real home of lord to serve. they now fight as mercenaries to those who will pay him the most. His soldiers are among the most feared and disciplined in the world.

Name: Manaros
Race: man
age: 43
Weapons: Battle axe, sword
bio: The ruler of a tribe of "savages" that live in the far north in the wastelands. He is cruel and malicious and hates all of the weaklings that live in the southlands.
« : August 31, 2004, 07:48:15 PM Meltharius »

Guard of the Citadel

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« #63 : September 04, 2004, 04:41:12 AM »

Here's my Hobbit character ;D

Other: Daisy is brave and very trustworthy. She is usually very cheerful and smiley but when her friends are in danger she would risk her life for them

Midge Modge
Of the Twilight

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Sirius will return!!

« #64 : September 07, 2004, 02:36:41 AM »

My Elf Character

Names: Eärilmadith
Age: Unknown
Race: Elf
History: She was once a royal elf at Mirkwood however was forbidden to return when roumours had gone round that she tried to kill The Queen to take her royal place. She now wonders middle earth, Always under her cloke she hides from strangers as she lives in fear of hatred.
Looks: Long,Oak coloured hair and wears very feminine clothes under her cloke which she hides in when she doesnt wish to be seen, mostly in public places as most people hate and try to attack because of the romours from her past. Has a hard time getting close to someone.
Weapons: Magic which her rarly uses, Bow and arrow which she is very skilled in.

My Main Human Character

Aragorn (need i say more?)

"Hey Don't Take The Michael outta me!!" "Pudsey Bear is soo cute!" 
 Your ALL a complete an utter bunch of loonies..but wouldn't have you any other way! Love you!
Protected By Samwise, Protector Of All Of My Friends! :) 
Amy Lee

« #65 : September 18, 2004, 12:23:52 AM »

Name: Deotreise Summers
Age: 17
Race: Half Maia.
Bio: Deotriese's mother was a maia, her father was human. The maia were furious with this union and forced her mother to kill herself by taking her father hostage. Deotriese is the half blood they want to kill. She is immortal and fairly powerful, but she acts too much like a human.

Name: Zala Eventide
Age: 24
Race: Ranger
Bio: After her family threw her out, Zala took to wandering the wild. She discovered she had rangers blood after she ran into a sorceror who identified it instantly. She now wanders with her new family, a band of rangers.

Name: Benjamin
Age: 18
Race: Human/Sorceror.
Bio: The twin brother of Selasaydel (see page 1 of this topic), He is as dark as she is light, and not to be crossed.
« : September 18, 2004, 12:24:24 AM Amy Lee »

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There is always hope! Immortal Love!

« #66 : September 19, 2004, 09:17:37 PM »

My main character:

Name: Delorfilinde
Race: Elf
Sex: Female
Age: Unknown, although it is thought that of Arwens
Weapons: 2 Elven Blades, Elven Bow & Arrows, she is a especially gifted archery!
Bio: She is advisor & best friend to Arwen, and has lived in Rivendell all her life. She is very well known in Rivendell and is of high status. Her father was good friends with Elrond, and went to war with him, it was during 'the last allience' that he died. After this her mother surcome to grief and sailed away to the undying lands, leaving Delorfilinde behind. She became Arwens advisor and grew to become best friends with the elven princess. She also grew to know Aragorn, who taught her how to use elven blades in self defense. She is a gracefull, wise elf, with a strong heart of a warrior ( she was gifted at birth with the gift of archery). On a trip to mirkwood she met a ranger, a close friend of Aragorn, called 'Eldarion' who she fell deeply in love with. He visited her at Rivendell regulary, and they were soon married, much to the disappointment of many of the male elves of Rivendell. But her heart was broken when he died in battle alongside Aragorn. It was Aragorn who told her the news, Arwen comforted her, but she went into mourning. With a broken heart she is known to loose herself in her thoughts at Rivendell & wander the paths of mirkwood where they met.


other characters used:

Name: 'Linwë' Fallen fairy of the Dragons
Sex: Female
Age: Unknown
Race: Fairy
Height: 2ft 3"
Weapon: Powers of the long forgotten fairies, most of which people have never witnessed. She also has the power of the Dragons, as she has a personal dragon, known by men as 'the red dragon', the elves know him as 'Lómawien'!
Bio: The fairies had been settled in mirkwood before the Elves had travelled to middle earth. When the Elves arrived, the Elven King of Mirkwood made a deal with the fairies, that let them stay in the forest, but if the elves ever needed assistance in battle the fairies would come. For fairies had powers beyond that of the elves. However Linwë didnt like the elves and thought them to be arrogant, because the fairies had been there before them. So when the time came to go to war, Linwë remained behind and refused to go, along with several others. The Elven King returned and banished them from Mirkwood, so they fled up into the mountains and valleys that surrounded them. Here is where the Dragons lay, and as the banished fairies hatred grew and they fell into darkness, they became friends with the Dragons. They helped the dragons threw many situations, and now when Linwë is in danger, the 'Red Dragon', her trusted friend, comes to her rescue!


Name: 'Vanessë' Mistic Princess of the night
Sex: Female
Age: Unknown
Race: 1/2 Elf 1/2 Human
Weapon: The Royal sword of her family. She rides her unicorn, Twilight, who was thought to be untamable.
Bio: Her mother was that of the Elven race, a decendant of Luthien. Her father was a noble man of Gondor, a decendant of Anárion (brother to Isildur). She is a lost princess who dwells in a castle in the misty mountains near Gondor. She is said to ride out at night, on her unicorn, Twilight, and fight the evil forces from Mordor. She is never seen during the day, which is why she has been given the name 'Mistic Princess of the night'.


Name: 'Kalilian'    'Royal Warrior Daughter of Gondor'     
Sex: Female
Age: 19
Race: Human (Gondor)
Weapon: The Royal sword of her family.
Bio: Kalilian is daughter to Maedd & Afirewiel. Maedd was a well respective man in his own right, he was one of the guards of the white tree at minas tirith, but he was killed in battle. Afirewiel is Lord Aragorn's cousin. She is a fair women, who tries not to lingear in the past and mourn her husband. When Maedd past away, Kalilian was taught to fight by the royal guards, who also trained her mother in basic combat skills. Kalilian was given the sword that her father used. It was a accient royal sword given to Maedd by Aragorn as a gift. Kalilian is well loved by many of the soliders in Minas Tirith, who not only think she is beautiful but admire her for her courage and skill. She is often seen staring from the walls of Minas Tirith, wearing her royal blue dress, sword in hand, ready for battle. 


« : May 31, 2005, 11:07:07 PM Delorfilinde »

Thanks to Wendy Li from elvishdevotion for the pics for my sig & to Lucy Brandybuck for making it!!
¤ Lor'ie`a¤

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« #67 : September 22, 2004, 07:56:14 PM »

well, heres a couple others  ;) ;D

Name:Amar'a NightslayerAge:Unknown, but looks about 17
Race:Dark elf
Descrip:She once had long blonde hair and blue eyes, but now possesses black locks and gray eyes. Her beauty is beyond compare, and all who look upon her are instantly hypnotized by her percing gaze. She has the ability to read minds, and uses it to their detriment. She was turned evil by Him(Melkor), and now goes about turning others to the dark side. She has deathly pale skin, and is so evil that she makes even the evilest things shudder. She still has some of her light elven tendenses, such as love, tendernes, and caring. Her iron will and ruthless killing make her a perfect alli, but a deadly enemy. She is loved by no one...and apparently does not love, either. She is, however, very close friends with Moonchild, Isaril, and her secret sister, Earade. Amar'a killed her arch enemy, Melkor, and is now the ultimate evil power, than none can stand armies, weapons, or incantations can stand in her way.....

  Here are two pictures of Amar'a: One when she is evil...and the other of before she was turned to evil:

Name: Lena
Race: Elven Fae
Age: Unknown, although looks about 17 or 18
Gender: Female
Descrip: Lena has long blackish brown hair, pale skin, and violet eyes. Her beauty is very rare, and desirable. She has luminescent wings, and has the powers of the earth. She has a very alluring and flirtatious way about her, for that is what her name means. Lena is intelligent and clever, and sometimes caniving and manipulative. Her mischievious acts get her into trouble, but she usually gets out of them with her charm and looks. Lena loves to sing and dance, and is always dancing at the faerie rings, and participating in merryment. She realizes that the Elven Faerie world is drawing to a close, and she wishes to help restore it to it's former days.

« : October 13, 2004, 10:32:54 PM ¤†Black Pearl†¤ »

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« #68 : October 21, 2004, 12:53:23 AM »

Name: Mouth
Power: fire
Sword: Celeg
Prophecy: He shall return each time the Dark Lord returns, and by him shall the Dark one be slain.
Dragon: Mmomenth  
Dog: Sam
Wolf: Silver Fur
Other: ¾ Dragon ¼ bird called storm  
Horse: Shadow

Desc: wears a Jet Black Travelling cloak, the hood well up to hide the face. Brown leather trousers, but not made out of the normal leather, more made out of Wherry Hide, there was extra padding on the knees, a greeny black top made out of the same material as the Trousers. The sword belt was brown but it had the red gem of Benden Weyr inlaid, and also the dagger that showed the ranking, this one was the Weyrleader, was also there. The hilt of Taraldur is well crafted, and easily recognizable with the gem pattern of 4 jewels forming an upside down T. But Mouth has recently changed swords; Stormfriend is now the bearer of Taraldur Mouth uses a greater more powerfuller sword Celeg, the Dragonsword.

History: A long time ago. Longer then most can remember, there was Lomendir, son of the great warrior Beladur. Years passed and Beladur went into war. One day though, when Lomendir was about seven he did not return. Years passed, Lomendir used to venture away from his home in Imladris. Until one day, he too did not return. But unlike his father he had not died, but had been taken prisoner by orcs, of Mordor. He was tortured terribly until he finally turned evil. He worked his way up the ranks and eventually became the Mouth of Sauron. By that time he did not know his name or any of his previous life before he had been taken, he only remembered how great Sauron was.
   Many more years passed, Mouth of Sauron committed many evil acts, against those he had once held dearest. Yet when he was 27, he suddenly realised how wrong he was. Why should he kill innocent people, or Elves? That was when he first started to betray Sauron, his mind was his own. Though he still did not know his childhood days, his mind was no longer Saurons to command.
   When he was 28, he finally left Sauron, and Mordor. Though by doing so he inflicted great pain on himself. But he bore it. He journeyed many leagues on foot away from Mordor, despite the fact he had not eaten and the pain was immense. It was 12 days until he fainted, of a mixture of Pain, Fatigue and Hunger.
   A group of high elves found him laying there. They knew he might be evil yet they tended too him. They could easily escape if he was evil. 1 day later Mouth finally came round. He was surprised to see Elves tending him. He instinctively felt for the hilt of the sword he had taken from the battlefield near Mordor. He knew the blade and hilt; it had been his fathers, now he had taken it up. The leader of the Elves came over to him.
   “How do you feel?” He asked.
   “All right, I suppose,” Mouth replied. “why did you help me? What if I was evil still?”
   “You are not though. If you were still evil then you’d of killed us all by now,” The Elf replied.
Mouth sighed. You could never win with Elves in a way. The Elf smiled at Mouth. He had known Mouth of old, when he was still Lomendir.
   “We will be leaving tomorrow, if you aren’t awake before you leave we’ll leave some food behind, nearby is a valley of relative safety,” The Elf said before striding away.
Mouth fell asleep again, a deep dreamless sleep, for now. Soon his sleep would become more troubled, but Mouth did not know this He was just sleeping blissfully.

Night passed, uneventful. When Dawn broke, Mouth woke up. The elves had already left, but they had also left some food. He broke a small piece of the Lembas off and ate it; he remembered well its use. That was all he could remember of his childhood adventuring though.

Soon Mouth was on the move again. This time he was headed to the nearby Valley. Where he would find his future Horse for life, and indeed one of his future homes.
   Tiredness was starting to set in as night began to fall. Mouth refused to pause though. He kept going, testing his endurance to the full. Mouth knew he was pushing it, but he also knew he could make it. As the next day dawned, he could hear the sound of a waterfall.
   Mouth crested a ridge and there below him was the valley the Elves had spoke of. He recognised it, he had once heard of it in one of the Elven stories, long ago. That was something else he had remembered.
   Years passed, Mouth came and went to certain places. He made friends with the Prince of Mirkwood, and defended it many a time. But he did not know there was bigger trouble brewing. He found this out when he was forced to fight Morgoth over middle Earth.
   The Battle would have been tremendous to watch. Both forces used different powers. Fire, Water, any element they could use to weaken the opponent, any spell, it was used there. Mouth won narrowly, and even then, it was only because he was nimbler. Eventually Morgoth was felled. Mouth had won that battle, but not forever. Soon Morgoth would return once again. And once again, Mouth would face him. But would he win this time? Fate will decide that…

My bio for Mouth, reposted.
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« #69 : February 25, 2005, 06:35:46 PM »

name: Legendel
status: elf prince
race: Noldorin
he's the son of Gil-Galad,  after the death of his father, he became the high king of the noldor in ME, but their were few left. during the war of the ring he and his men lived in a secret hideout near the great Eastern Waste, hunting down the dragons that were send to the west by Sauron. there he met Laurei.

-the Dragonslayer, on the day his father perished in Mordor, Ulmo himself sended the Dragonslayer to Legendel.

Ringil - former sword of Fingolfin, brought to him by Gwaihir, who received it from Thorondor. its the only sword that has pierced Morgoth, and because of this, Morgoths blood is still on it, and everyone wounded by it is poisoned.

colour: gold
bio: first of the dragons of Middle Earth, Morgoth made Glaurung after seeing Laurei in the northern wastes of Beleriand, and the mightiest. he was tamed by Legendel and only obeys to him.
« : April 09, 2005, 05:05:38 PM Legendel the Dragonslayer »

Life it seems, will fade away
Drifting further every day
Getting lost within myself
Nothing matters no one else
I have lost the will to live
Simply nothing more to give
There is nothing more for me
Need the end to set me free

No one but me can save myself, but it to late
Now I can't think, think why I should even try
Yesterday seems as though it never existed
Death Greets me warm, now I will just say good-bye

Metallica - Fade to Black
Nill Smallburrow Grubb

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Faith, Courage, Love

« #70 : February 28, 2005, 12:27:30 PM »

Here are my main charicters.

Name: Ammaryllis
Race: Halfling or Hobbit or whatever you wish to call her
Age: Late 30's
Gender: Female
Desc: Her hair is Red, her eyes Green, and she looks a bit older then she actully is.
Bio: Amm (as she is known by those that hear the bards stories of her) is a well known mage in all the realm. But no one dares go against her for it is said that she once killed her entire party while in a strange rage and it was only after the last one fell that she realized what she had done. She has never forgiven herself for this action and swares that an evil god posessed her at the time of these murders. It is also rumered that she once stole a very powerful magic known as spellfire from the dwarves and used it to kill a great Dracolich. It haas been rumored that she still has the ability to wield this spellfire, though none have seen her do so since the dracolich was slain.

Age:looks about 17
Gender: female
Desc:Brown hair, green eyes.
Bio: Valia is the daughter of Haldir. She was a girl of only 13 when the war of the Ring took place and lived in Rohan at the time of the battle of Healms Deep, and was the true reason that Haldir came to Aid the people of Rohan. She was hiding in a high tower when her father was slain in battle, and saw it all for herself. After this she assumed that the battle was lost and she fled into the mountains, never to return to Rohan.

Name: Runa
Race: Shapechanger (she normally appears as a halfling or dwarven warrior, though she has been known to appear as a human, an elf, a halfling mage, or a nymph. It is even rumered that she once took the form of an Ogre.)
Age: She looks to be about 18 when in human form
Gender: Female
Desc:In all forms she had emerald green eyes adn is somewhat well endoughed, though all other atributes will vary with each form. Here are a few forms she favors. Also, in all forms she carries a round shield made from the scales of a chromatic dragon.
Halfling warrior
Halfling mage
Elven Warrior
Bio: Runa is the last of her kind, that she knows of. Her family, along with the rest of her village, was killed by a chromatic dragon when she was a young child. Ever since then she has dedicated her life to slaying any dragon she finds while on her search to find the dragon that killed her family.

I often tend to use these next three together, though Mellona might be used by herself.

Name: Princess Elanor
Race: Human
Age: About 16
Bio: Her father has done his best to keep her away from people since her mother was murdered 12 years ago, because of this none of her subjects know what she looks like.

Name: Rose
Age: About 16
Bio: Rose is the handmaiden and close friend of Elanor

Name: Mellona(sometimes spelled Malonna depending on my mood)
Age: About 16
Bio: Mellona is the body guard of Elanor. She fights mainly with two battleaxes and is known to be very short with people. No one knows where she came from or how she came to be the princesses bodyguard. She works nights as a bar wench when she is not needed by the princess.
« : April 28, 2006, 09:33:09 AM Nill Smallburrow Grubb »

What wisdom might i have to offer, you may ask.
Only this,
When God gives you a second chance...TAKE IT! And never look back.
I did, and I've never felt better.

I AM NOT RETREATING! I am merely advancing in the wrong direction.

« #71 : March 02, 2005, 04:22:00 AM »

(Well then I have recently stoped using a few characters and created a few new ones  :P Here we go :P)

Male Chars

Name: Kree Dankill
Age: Usially 18-19
Gender: Male
Weapons: Kree carries a single long sword which was given to him by his grandfather.
History: Kree's mother died while giving birth to him. His father has always felt resentment towards him. Although Kree has always tried to show his father what he is capable of. His father never reconizes his son's acheivements.

Name:Rath Daskar
Gender: Male
Age: 23
History: Brough up by his rebel father Rath has grown into a vicious hard and non-vengful man. He never knew his mother. Having been brought up with little love Rath finds it hard to open up to people. A skilled swords-man Rath is rarley defeated in  battle. Many have lost their lives in challenging him. He feels no remorse for killing. A short tempered youth haunted with the glimpses of the future. A gift he has never told anyone he has.

Name:Sir Isal Neldrich
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Other: Isal was born to Lord Covil and Lady Isabella. He was pampered through life. When his father was sent away to do battle. Isal was left in charge. His father died soon afterwards. His mother died shortly after his father. At 16 Isal was ophaned. Left with much money and his home he gave it all up to go travel. Usially prefers his own company.

Name: Ungort Imish
Age: Uknown
Race: Unknown
Gender: Male
Status: Sorceror
Other: Ungort was brought up in a poor enviroment. His grandfather often beat him. His childhood was an unhappy one. When Ungort was 16 he left home. His grandfather was found dead a week later a dagger in his heart. Ungort was not seen or head from for over thirty years. When finally he did return to where he was raised he was a changed man. Darkness had consumed him and his practices in the dark arts had gained him many followers....

Name: Troven Ulfgar
Age: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Status: Fighter
Gender: Male
Other: Troven is the brother of Ungort Imish. He was sent to an eternity in hell for his crimes on earth. But Ungort released him. Forcing Troven to serve Ungort. But secretly Troven plots to kill his brother

Name: Kiall
Gender: Male

Name: Maggrig
Gender: Male
Status: Archer
Other: Maggrig was brought up in a monistary. When he was 16 he ran away and joined a group of travllers. He soon became skilled with the bow. There are some doubts over Maggrig's sexuality. He is shy and usially tends to keep himself to himself.

Name: Matthaias Wyatt
Gender: Male
Other: As a prince much weight is put on Matt's young shoulders. He is haunted by deamons and his mind troubled. Abused as a child by his insane witch of a mother. Matt seeks refuge in the arms of many women.

Name: Leoryn
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Race: Elf

Name: Egolas Greenleaf
Age: Looks to be in his late teens
Gender: Male
Race: Elf
Other: Is Legolas' twin brother

Female Chars

Name: Lady Honey
Gender: Female
Other: The apple in her father's eyes as well as the thorn in his side. Honey has vowed not to marry any man her father picks for her. Her stubborn nature is well known

Name: Sharwyn
Age: 23
Gender: Female
Other: Sharwyn was raped when she was young and still carries the scars of her past. Although skilled with the blade the young woman's eyes tell a story of her sorrow hidden by a mask of cruelty which she inflices on many victims.

Gender: Female
Other: Lidda's husband died a month after they were married. After that she vowed never to fall in love again. She became a theif and skilled with throwing daggers

Name: Rose
Gender: Female

« : March 17, 2005, 06:10:40 AM Lady Deathwalker »

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« #72 : March 23, 2005, 03:55:59 AM »

My main character (at the moment)
Amarie. She is half elf, half witch; skilled in witchcraft and healing. She can also handle a bow. Her most striking feature is her flaming red hair, which is very unusual for an elf, which reaches her waist.
Her father was a wizard, rather on the dark side and no one knew if her mother submitted willingly. She left for Valinor shortly after Amarie's birth, leaving her an basically an orphan, since she had hid her child in Rivendell. Amarie's father never knew about her birth. (in one rp I think he was a good wizard, but generally he is not.) Amarie's mother is related to Elrond (She is his sister, but if this does not fit into an rp, she can just be distantly related). So after her departure he became Amarie's guardian and educated her. She grew up with Arwen and Aragorn and also knows Legolas. With time her talents developed and Gandalf, who happened to notice them taught her to use her magical powers. But Elrond detested this side of her, for it reminded him of the black wizard who was her father and of the reason why her mother, who had been dear to him left.
After  a while Amarie became a messenger for Rivendell, often spending a long time away from Rivendell. She was the messanger sent to Lorien to anounce the arrival of the Fellowship, but otherwise had nothing to do with the war of the ring.
In her travells she also aquired considerable healing skills.
« : March 23, 2005, 09:53:21 PM Amarie »

Mae govannen!Oio naa elealla alasse'! 
In AmericEar

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« #73 : January 27, 2006, 10:46:26 PM »

OK this is going to be my main character from now on.... untill i next think one up lol

Name: Arenea Ellessar
Age: Unknown
Gender: Female
Desc: Wavy brown hair, quite tall, fair face and beautiful smile. She stands tall and proud. Very beautiful.
Bio: She is Aragorn Ellessar's sister and has always been kept behind by him, he is very protective of her since she nearly died once. She is younger than him.



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Ima Glam Trash Zombie

« #74 : February 27, 2008, 06:32:13 PM »

Name: Kristina of the Midnight Light
Age: 1.560
Race: Elf (moon-wood)
Description: Long, Black and blue hair. Beautiful. Brave and cruel. Got ancient tattoo and piercing.
History: Left her family and for a shrt time joined dark side. Arwen came to her and brought her back to goodness. Now she dont know what she really is. Always walk around dark woods near Isengard and spy on enemies. Got nickname Shady Wanderer.  :laugh:
Weapon: Thunder sword/Arrows, bow. Got magical storm powers.

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