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: This Board is to discover what influenced Tolkien  ( 8664 )
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Firstborn of Imladris

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« : September 29, 2005, 12:01:08 AM »

To produce information read and learnt,  and to discuss and hypothesise on this information.

I would like to build up a library of information about what really influenced Tolkien, for instance on his creation of magical creatures, or how he adapted folklore etc to fit into Middle Earth

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« #1 : September 29, 2005, 03:00:25 PM »

probably a little of both. He obviously took mythical creatures from several european countries and altered them to what he required in his tales.


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« #2 : September 29, 2005, 03:08:39 PM »

I agree with Lessa. I think he looked into many different mythical and lengendary creatures and beasts and then altered or took bits from them to create the creature he wanted in his books.

I also think it's a great idea, EG, that you want to creat a library of information about what influenced him, I think it's a very important, key and interesting subject to discuss.
Firstborn of Imladris

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« #3 : September 29, 2005, 06:28:26 PM »

well thats it.  I want to write about the mythical creatures that are around in folklore etc, and discuss how Tolkien took those creatures and made them his own

You will see the masses of information Ive been reading about recently on the ancient Elven world, from before Tolkien, and how Tolkien wanted to recreate those elves.  Im going to post it all up here... and it'd be great then to move onto other races/landscapes etc....  with "real" information about them
« : September 29, 2005, 06:30:02 PM Elril Galia »

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« #4 : September 29, 2005, 07:55:34 PM »

Sure I watched a documentary about this and it mentioned something about the books being loosely based on his experiences during the World War.
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« #5 : October 15, 2005, 11:55:18 PM »

I have a book, here, which has a lot of information on this subject - The World of Tolkien, by David Day.

It is basically a comprehensive guide to the influences of Tolkien, Mythological, historical, linguistic, and other sources.

For instance, the story of Earandil the Mariner in the mythology of Middle Earth, is based on fragments of Icelandic saga's, also Norse, and Anglo Saxon myth may pop up now and again.

Firstborn of Imladris

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« #6 : October 16, 2005, 04:24:13 PM »

Be interesting if you could post some relevant exerts Waelith :)

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« #7 : November 17, 2005, 05:51:29 AM »

Hi all,

I'm an American-hope that's OK. I'm very new to the internet and constantly making  mistakes and being impolite without intending to be, so I'm apologizing up front. If I do something awful just tell me-no need to yell- and I'll clean up my act.

I wanted to tell you about a great new book, Beowulf and Grendel by John Grigsby revealing research that links LOTR characters to very ancient myths of northern Europe. His ideas are fascinating and I'm working with him on a flow chart that shows the evolution of key personalities and events from ancient times to Beowulf to LOTR. From what I've read here I think you'd be interested, unfortunately I'm computer illiterate and can't do links, or lift and move things yet. You can find the chart and a lot of Grigsby's ideas at I don't think the 1k is part of the address but as I said I'm new. Grigsby's a Brit, like you-all so maybe that'll make up for my being American. The chart is on the LOKI'S LEAR forum, About John Grigsby thread/ page 7. Hope you find it interesting.

« : November 17, 2005, 03:00:29 PM Lessa »
The Oldish Wicked Took

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« #8 : November 17, 2005, 03:08:08 PM »

welcome to Aotr Doris. If you have any problems just IM me or the other Admin or mods on the site. Just click on the Personal message on the left. If you go here there is a whole thread devoted to helping you use the various buttons.

I fixed the link you posted and also I think found the other link you meant

is this it? The chart is on the LOKI'S LEAR forum, About John Grigsby thread/ page 7.

 click on the highlighted words to get the links. :D


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Firstborn of Imladris

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« #9 : November 17, 2005, 03:45:35 PM »

Doris and John have said that we can copy their flowchart here so that we can read and comment on it if necessary

Ive made a seperate topic on this board for it

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya
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