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: Photography  ( 17397 )
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« #15 : October 21, 2005, 02:07:36 AM »

Cameras second hand can be cheap and you could probably get your college/school to pay for it or get money back for it at the end of the year.

You can get a good SLR + lens for £60 second hand.

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« #16 : October 21, 2005, 06:16:25 PM »

Oooh, £60!? That's quite good really, considering the high prices of just about everything these days ::)

Ta very much *skippets off down to Jessop's*

the -S-k-y- is __x__ a :L.A.N.D.F.I.L.L:


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« #17 : October 23, 2005, 06:33:20 AM »

Erm well, you won't find them in Jessops, thats for sure.


« #18 : October 24, 2005, 05:23:57 PM »

Jessops are rubbish for photography, well, they were for me.
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« #19 : January 04, 2006, 08:24:10 PM »

i like photgraphy .. but just to look at better with like a real camera

my mate pete took these

i think they are really good

It seemed to last for hours
It seemed to last for days
This lady of the flowers
And her hypnotic gaze
*~CoS NoOne WiLL RuIn Me IF I HaVE to I WiLL RuIN MYselF And It WiLL BE My RUin ~*

« #20 : January 05, 2006, 02:37:45 AM »

Well, ive signed myself up for a photography class next year :P

I mostly just take pics of myself nowadays for my profile on vf and stuff..if you wanna check them out, look here


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« #21 : January 06, 2006, 04:12:08 PM »

Aww man... I'va always wanted to be a photographer... There's always something I see that I'd like to capture, so that I can look at it again and again...

There is so mch good work on deviantART, I practically live on that site. Gwarf is incredible... I can stare at his photos for hours. :wub:

Hero - what a film. That, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon are about my favourite films ever just because of their sheer beauty.

I'm hoping to do a photography A level next year.

Unfortunately I don't have a camera. :-\

My mum got my camera from argoose... I don't think it was INCREDIBLY expensive, and it's pretty good quality - lovely images!!

But if you're doing an a-level at a college or sixth form, they usually provide cameras anyway ;) it's the film and paper you usually have to buy - that's where the money goes!!

Rubber Ducky, you're the one, you make bathtimes lots of fun,
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« #22 : January 06, 2006, 09:23:46 PM »

We wheren't provided cameras or any equipment apart from chemicals and a roll of film.


« #23 : January 09, 2006, 06:20:39 PM »

 I'm an entire amateur with some basic grasp of things, however these were a couple I took recently in Avebury, Stonehenge and Bath

 Bath Abbey



 The last one is the only colour one fast shutter speed and medium aperture, the idea was to underexpose it anyway as the camera without filters is a bit annoying at the moment, could do with some polarizer and a couple of colour filters.

 The other two are black and white for that very reason, less light to consider more composition to deal with which isn't as complicated in my opinion.

 You can be critical as it only helps improve.

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« #24 : January 09, 2006, 07:21:49 PM »

Excellent composition Nil, very pleasing images... very dark though, was that intentional? I would have used a filter of some sort to add more contrast between the mid tones when I exposed it.. Would have made the stonework less solid and imposing.. but to each their own.

Rubber Ducky, you're the one, you make bathtimes lots of fun,
my rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you

~*~Noli Nothis Permiterre te terere~*~

« #25 : January 09, 2006, 07:58:39 PM »

 Yeah that's what i thought, but I had no filter at all *sniff* next time should have a polarizer at least to make the stone less silhoutted and therefore give it a bit more depth.

 The darkness was somewhat intentional in the other images tho, I have another one which I'm still thinking of posting which was far simpler in b&w too but has a lot better definition of form without being too dark.

 Thanks for the comments Ducky :)
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« #26 : January 09, 2006, 10:19:29 PM »

I dont think they look too bad at all with the darker effect!
Having been to all makes them look more spectacular than they actually are, i like  :D :D


« #27 : January 09, 2006, 10:41:05 PM »

 I did want some darker atmosphere to them, but well there are ways in which it could be improved, never a bad excuse to go back that way  ;D
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« #28 : January 09, 2006, 11:31:17 PM »

well in that case......yes they definately need some work  :P  and let me know if you need a sidekick!  :D


« #29 : January 10, 2006, 06:10:29 PM »

  ::) :P

 Sidekicks tend to be comic relief as well, are you a good one?  :laugh:

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