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« : September 23, 2005, 05:18:14 PM »

 I just thought I would start a topic on the subject.

 If any of you would like to talk about the technicalities is fine, if any of you would like to post awe inspiring photos is fine too. And if any of you would like to explain how it's done when you see awe inspiring photos it's even better.

 I might find a photo a day or something like and will start with this

 You wouldn't know if it's all real or if it's actually computer generated, would you?  ;)
« : September 26, 2005, 05:58:55 PM H˙llyn »

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« #1 : September 23, 2005, 06:41:58 PM »

i'm not sure if that's real or not, if it is real then whoever took it is certainly very talented!

i'm really interested in photography, although my main interest is videography, the basic setup of the shots etc. is fundamentally the same. i love nothing more than seeing a beautiful photograph, whether it's an amazing landscape, or a brief glimpse into someone's life, i think they're fantastic!

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« #2 : September 23, 2005, 07:42:12 PM »

 I feel the same way and I really can't begin to imagine what the world would be like without photography. :)

 That one was actually all digitally created with Terragen and Photoshop, but I have seen shots pretty close to it.

 Here's another one for those who like blue and green together
« : September 26, 2005, 05:59:14 PM H˙llyn »

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« #3 : September 26, 2005, 04:32:46 PM »

I do it for A level, so I don't even use digital cameras.

It annoys me when you see 16 year old kids taking pictures of sign posts with thier digital camera, in black and white and calling it art, its not art, its unoriginality.


« #4 : September 26, 2005, 05:56:14 PM »

 Well that's a problem which is generic to all forms of art... people who make something and then call it art whether it looks like moo poo or not. That's an amusing shot of Jean Reno you have there on your sig pic :laugh:

 My favourite today.

 Reminds me of the use of colour in the film 'Hero'

 And the perspective although is a typical exercise is always nice to see it well executed  :D
« : September 26, 2005, 06:00:46 PM H˙llyn »

« #5 : September 27, 2005, 12:39:18 AM »

I really like Photography. It's a really interesting subject. I was thinking about doing a Photography course in college but I decided to do A levels instead..I'm a little disappointed because I didn't know that I could do an A level in Photography but it doesn't matter because I'm thinking about staying in college for an extra year or two if my A level results aren't too great.  :)

I have tried to take photos on a number of occasions, I've really got into taking photos and stuff because I've had quite a few compliments about my pictures.  :)

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« #6 : September 28, 2005, 08:23:45 PM »

Well that's a problem which is generic to all forms of art... people who make something and then call it art whether it looks like moo poo or not. That's an amusing shot of Jean Reno you have there on your sig pic :laugh:

 My favourite today.

 Reminds me of the use of colour in the film 'Hero'

 And the perspective although is a typical exercise is always nice to see it well executed  :D
Aye it's mad.

Anyway that picture, it does actually remind me of the film Hero aswell, very tranquil and calm, like the whole film actually (including the fight scenes suprisingly enough).

A level Photography is a bit boring and focuses on the technical parts more than any art in Photography, whereas in University it's the other way around.


« #7 : September 28, 2005, 08:40:42 PM »

I'm currently doing my 2nd year (progressed onto) of Art & Design. I had to obviously work to get into Intermediate. Or as they now call it, the Btec First National Diploma.. And it's great. Haven't been for about 5 days, since I've been ill  :'( But this year's photography looks awesome. I cannot wait to start doing proper things since last year all we did was use computers (and our teacher, is, realistically a Graphics teacher). But yeah, we get to process our photographs and use the College blackroom, it's going to be great.

I don't think I could see a life without photography. It's one of my passions and I think if we didn't have camrera's in any context, or camera phones, web camera's etc, then I doubt the world would be able to communicate as interestingly or it wouldn't be as fascinatting.

I mean, you can take photo's on a old fashioned camera, have it developed at a shop and then scan it into your computer, or if the shop is available to, they can put it on a CD for you to upload to your PC that way, and then you can send it to your friends & family- a life without that would be very boring. And imagine how photo's sent from one side of the world to the other can inspire say an artist or conceptual photographer on another continent.

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« #8 : September 28, 2005, 11:24:41 PM »

I'm currently doing my 2nd year (progressed onto) of Art & Design. I had to obviously work to get into Intermediate. Or as they now call it, the Btec First National Diploma.. And it's great. Haven't been for about 5 days, since I've been ill  :'( But this year's photography looks awesome. I cannot wait to start doing proper things since last year all we did was use computers (and our teacher, is, realistically a Graphics teacher). But yeah, we get to process our photographs and use the College blackroom, it's going to be great.

I don't think I could see a life without photography. It's one of my passions and I think if we didn't have camrera's in any context, or camera phones, web camera's etc, then I doubt the world would be able to communicate as interestingly or it wouldn't be as fascinatting.

I mean, you can take photo's on a old fashioned camera, have it developed at a shop and then scan it into your computer, or if the shop is available to, they can put it on a CD for you to upload to your PC that way, and then you can send it to your friends & family- a life without that would be very boring. And imagine how photo's sent from one side of the world to the other can inspire say an artist or conceptual photographer on another continent.

I was doing the BTEC ND in general art and design last year, included photography. Course wasn't for me, but I enjoyed the photography and am now retrying it at another college at A level (actually NCFE because the A level class was full but hey-ho, A levels next year!).

I love black and white photography, and experimenting with different shutter speeds to allow light to travel (EG those shots of traffic where the light trails behind them, and getting impressive shots or aurora borealis) or not travel (hummingbirds caught mid-flap!). I prefer landscape photography, images from nature, they inspire me, partilcularly natural phenomenon photography, like the aurora borealis, just beautiful!  Wouldn't mind getting into fashion phtography though, will probably combine it into the textiles course I'm on!

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my rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you

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« #9 : September 28, 2005, 11:33:30 PM »

The photography degree at my uni looks quite good, I'm in the videography department so I always see the photography students about.

I love Hero as well, as far as Directors of Photography go, whoever did that film has got to be my favourite. It's easy to understand why photography fans like that film, as its extremely focused on the visual elements.

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« #10 : September 29, 2005, 02:24:38 PM »

I'm currently doing my 2nd year (progressed onto) of Art & Design. I had to obviously work to get into Intermediate. Or as they now call it, the Btec First National Diploma.. And it's great. Haven't been for about 5 days, since I've been ill  :'( But this year's photography looks awesome. I cannot wait to start doing proper things since last year all we did was use computers (and our teacher, is, realistically a Graphics teacher). But yeah, we get to process our photographs and use the College blackroom, it's going to be great.

I don't think I could see a life without photography. It's one of my passions and I think if we didn't have camrera's in any context, or camera phones, web camera's etc, then I doubt the world would be able to communicate as interestingly or it wouldn't be as fascinatting.

I mean, you can take photo's on a old fashioned camera, have it developed at a shop and then scan it into your computer, or if the shop is available to, they can put it on a CD for you to upload to your PC that way, and then you can send it to your friends & family- a life without that would be very boring. And imagine how photo's sent from one side of the world to the other can inspire say an artist or conceptual photographer on another continent.

I was doing the BTEC ND in general art and design last year, included photography. Course wasn't for me, but I enjoyed the photography and am now retrying it at another college at A level (actually NCFE because the A level class was full but hey-ho, A levels next year!).

Yeah, I think combining subjects like textiles and photography would be interesting. Imagine the effect's of colour and shadow etc you could get, with taking photo's of your work, I mean, you could have a certain lens that's not too far off black and white, but a yellowy tone. That I quite like.

The Btec ND in general art and design is an overal art thing, you know, has Photography, Graphics, Sculpture, Ceramics, the whole lot. I love it, but I think if you want to do a certain defined subject, like photography alone, then you should do it, that way you get to do the complete in-depth learning course that it intails.

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« #11 : October 20, 2005, 04:35:36 PM »

If anyone is doing Photography in University can you explain to me what they mean by they want a Portfolio?

I know what it is, but what type of photographs would it need? I was thinking about doing my own project (out of boredum to be honest) of taking pictures of West Belfast, street life photography similar to what Abbott done to New York in the 1930s.
Entry Requirements
Requirements as are specified for BA degrees in Art & Design with a minimum of 5 GCSE at grade C and above plus two passes at Advanced GCSE with BTEC foundation course in Art & Design or GNVQ Distinction.

We prefer not to offer deferred entry.

Offers are based on portfolio and interview for the next available entry point.
I don't have a BTEC foundation course, I'm doing A levels and one of them is in Photography   :[

Regardless, these pictures would be self developed, and printed in a dark room in Black and white.
« : October 20, 2005, 04:38:07 PM Jim »


« #12 : October 20, 2005, 10:46:48 PM »

I'd imagine a portfolio would be all of your work...

I can't see what else it would be

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« #13 : October 20, 2005, 11:18:57 PM »

Coursework ? Sure it's sent away to be marked, and I'm not doing any other form of Art and Design

Too bad cuz I would like to do photography

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« #14 : October 21, 2005, 12:36:21 AM »

Aww man... I'va always wanted to be a photographer... There's always something I see that I'd like to capture, so that I can look at it again and again...

There is so mch good work on deviantART, I practically live on that site. Gwarf is incredible... I can stare at his photos for hours. :wub:

Hero - what a film. That, and Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon are about my favourite films ever just because of their sheer beauty.

I'm hoping to do a photography A level next year.

Unfortunately I don't have a camera. :-\

the -S-k-y- is __x__ a :L.A.N.D.F.I.L.L:

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