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: Hurricane Katrina  ( 12048 )
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« #15 : September 25, 2005, 02:27:15 AM »

Why do you say "let's hope that Bush actually gets aid and stuff as soon as possible."?  Bush is not in charge of emergency relief, the city of Houston, the state of texas (though he used to be), or of New Orleans etc...  My post above explains how American government works.  Our's is a system that puts the responsibility for different situations into different people's hands.   And I might add that those who are in charge of New Orleans and Louisiana who were responsible refused help that was offered before Katrina landed.  Hindsight is 20/20. 
  Things are going better in Texas because they have learned from Katrina and they have different people in charge there of evacuation.  BUSH IS NOT TO BLAME!!!

I understand what you're saying but from what I've seen on the news, newspapers etc (and I'm not saying that I believe everything that the media says because I don't) are portraying Bush as a bad person and saying that he along with the FEMA took too long to help them evacuate and for aid to arrive.

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« #16 : September 25, 2005, 06:44:05 AM »

I understand what you're saying but from what I've seen on the news, newspapers etc (and I'm not saying that I believe everything that the media says because I don't) are portraying Bush as a bad person and saying that he along with the FEMA took too long to help them evacuate and for aid to arrive.

I can appreciate that. :)  But our media leans to the left as well as overemphasizing the bad stuff while hardly mentioning the good (they love the sensational just as all media outlets do).  The media is a business that has an agenda and you would be right to not trust their opinions.  Only listen to the facts of America's media not the opinions (which are plenty).  Bad stuff happens and Katrina was a bad thing.  It wasn't Bush job to respond but many offered help to those who did bear the responsibility before Katrina hit and they turned it down because they had experienced hurricanes before and didn't believe this one would be all that bad.  They were wrong! 

On a sidenote I have personally been of the opinion that we should not always rely on the government to take care of us.  The wealthy and the middle class should take care of themselves as well as taking care of those who are less fortunate and going through tough times with well run charities but that would only happen in a semi perfect world and this is far from even an almost perfect world.  Still I perfer to do my best Ican for myself as well as for others.  If we all went by the idea of "love your neighbor as yourself" than the government wouldn't have to take care of anyone.  So what if we never can achieve perfection in taking care of the needy, I am still going to try. 

"Politics is basically about who's ox gets gored" Dr. Frank Niles

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« #17 : September 25, 2005, 10:52:31 PM »

I understand the points you have made Vevian.

Whenever disaster/problems strike, a society will try and do whatever they can to solve the problems but maybe they can't solve the problems by themselves or maybe they can't solve them alone which is why the government may have to step in and help the disaster/problems be resolved..maybe this is the reason why many of the survivors of Hurricane Katrina were angry about FEMA and Bush delaying the help that they needed.

What I'm trying to say here is, this could be the reason why society or the mass media are pointing the finger at Bush and the FEMA becuase it took them a week or so to help those who needed the help.


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« #18 : September 26, 2005, 09:35:55 AM »

Because I doubt you all will hear as much good news as you will bad from the media let me tell you something I just heard about happening in Texas.  We have family friends that had to evacuate from Texas but texans were not the only people evacuating.  About 80 refugees from New Orleans had been hosted by our friends church and all of them had to evacuate as well so our friends and some of the refugees evacuated together. 

    All along the highway the traffic was stuck and not going anywhere even though they had passed the danger zone.  But it did not stay that way because people from the community who lived near the highway would come up to the highway and take the different families sitting in the cars to their own homes.  Our friend said that she was so proud of texans and that this was happening all over the highway, thus clearing it up for the traffic. 

I doubt you will hear this story from the media.  The first news I heard from the media about Rita was the one bus that caught fire and not of all the hundreds of people who were helping families along the highway and the good people of Texas who, despite their own peril, have been helping those from New Orleans.

"Politics is basically about who's ox gets gored" Dr. Frank Niles

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« #19 : September 28, 2005, 02:46:20 AM »

I heard about the one bus that was caught on fire, can't remember how many injuries/deaths there were though. I also heard about traffic jams that occured during evacuation hours before Rita was going to arrive in the Gulf Coast.

« #20 : September 30, 2005, 04:00:08 AM »

I haven't been keeping up to date with the hurricane Rita situation, nor the end of the Katrina crisis either. I think the sad and pathetic way George Bush dealth with this is disgracefull. He should've come to his country's need when he was supposed to! However, at least they had some sort of warning and such beforehand so they could evacuate.

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« #21 : September 30, 2005, 08:42:49 AM »

Tell you the truth... I dont think it is Bush's fault...

It is his stupid cabinet members... for not telling him things when he needed them...

And that damned FEMA... it is there fault for not doing anything, not Bush's...

Cha... my opinion has been said...

(HA... silenced another one!)
« : October 02, 2005, 07:42:31 AM I AM a person... trust me »


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« #22 : October 08, 2005, 09:51:38 AM »

Here is an interesting article about Katrina and helping those in need

"Politics is basically about who's ox gets gored" Dr. Frank Niles

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