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: Lord of the Rings : The Battle for Middle Earth  ( 9548 )
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Firstborn of Imladris

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« : August 27, 2005, 02:53:52 PM »

Has anyone played this ???  the graphics are amazing, and its so much better than The Third Age game on the console, even if it is a PC based game

BUT, Im stuck! trying to defend Rohan, either the West or the Eastfold!  I spend all my time trying to defend my castle, and never seem to have any resources available to either find or destroy enemy camps!

Any tips ???  anyone......  pleaassseee..... :D

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya
Ranger of the North

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« #1 : August 27, 2005, 08:24:52 PM »

When the enemies come to attack, have pikes in front, archers behind (upgrade with fire arrows) and when you have killed a few off and they get close, take out the archers.  They are the trickiest.  Then move on to everything else.

Arise riders of Theoden!  Spears shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered, a sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!

Brown Istar, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #2 : August 31, 2005, 12:50:42 AM »

I have the game, just registering now. :)


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« #3 : August 31, 2005, 01:15:54 AM »

I have that game. I find that it's so much easier to play as the good side. I mean, the evil side don't have walls around their bases.
Gondor's the best, especially with Gandalf leading the charges on Shadowfax.

I've completed the Good Campaign, but twas a while ago. And I really can't remember that level. I tried loading my old campaign, but couldn't find my old load state to go and have a look. :(
I found that the best thing to do in selecting places to go was to pick the one that gave Resources, then Command Points. 

By the way, are you playing as Gondor or Rohan??
If you have the choice, play as Gondor and build at least 3 farms, and build a fire throwing trebuchet either side of the gate, and then every other space.
If you're playing as Rohan, place all of your archers by the gaps in the walls of the base.

I'll try and have a go on the level again.


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« #4 : September 02, 2005, 04:58:17 AM »

There's yet another lotr game? :o
Oh no fair! *demands parents for money to go buy it* ::) :P

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« #5 : September 02, 2005, 04:34:54 PM »

Tis definitely worth getting, even if it is a little frustrating at times.

*Thinks back to the Black Gates mission. There was so many of them, wave after wave of them.

Brown Istar, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #6 : September 04, 2005, 11:50:28 PM »

I can't register.  :8o It says my authenticity code's being used!  :o  :-\  :ph34r:

Ranger of the North

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« #7 : September 05, 2005, 09:52:56 PM »

Either your game's preowned or you have a case of hacker.

Arise riders of Theoden!  Spears shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered, a sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!

Brown Istar, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #8 : September 06, 2005, 01:51:23 AM »

What should I do? ???


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« #9 : September 06, 2005, 03:47:03 AM »

You can't just take it back can you?

Brown Istar, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #10 : September 07, 2005, 12:06:33 AM »

Yeah... I guess so.

Ranger of the North

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« #11 : September 07, 2005, 12:25:57 AM »

You need another copy of the game.

Arise riders of Theoden!  Spears shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered, a sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!


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« #12 : September 11, 2005, 09:45:56 PM »

Just went back to Battle For Middle Earth this afternoon. Conquered Helms Deep no problem. With the number of troops of orcs I had, they were queueing up to get in through the gates for AGES. Scored Total Victory on that one. Twas great. Plus, I managed to get in and out before all their reinforcements and such. Marvelous  ::)

Firstborn of Imladris

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« #13 : October 05, 2005, 04:35:02 AM »

oh i gave up!

i was fighting in Rohan and even tho I got as close to finishing off one enemy encampment left... after 2 hours I had severe wrist ache and cramp!  and it was only like the 4th battle in the whole game!

I figured I just wouldnt get anywhere :(  really sad, coz I was quite enjoying it :-\

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya

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« #14 : October 05, 2005, 03:29:38 PM »

No, don't give up. :o
Tis good, honest. I know it takes a bit of getting used to what the good forces to use are, but you should stick with it. What you need with Rohan is to have archers standing in the gaps of the walls, about 2 or 3 groups to each gap, have a main group of normal Rohirrim, and have a a small band of Rohirirm Archers. Then just move all the Rohirrim down to the enemy base so that you're within firing range for your archers to attack. And if anyone moves towards you, Charge. Although if a troll comes at your horses, RUN back to the rear of your base (making sure the troll follows you) and your archers and towers will take it down. And make sure you heal everyone with the fountain/pool before going into another battle.
Actually, I should probably take my own advice aswell and finish it for th EVIL campaign aswell.

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