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: XBox 360  ( 21730 )
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† Gilly †
Lord of Darkness
From The Dark Side

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« #30 : August 23, 2007, 12:06:59 AM »

Dead Rising
Fifa 07
Call of Duty 3
Gears of War
Test Drive Unlimited
WWE Smackdown Vs Raw 2007
Tom Clancy Rainbor Six Las Vegas
Tom Clancy Ghost recon Advance Warfighter 2
Dynasty Warriors 5
Samurai Warriors 2
Lost Planets
Command and Conquer 3 Tiberium Wars
Fight Night Round 3
Virtua Tennis 3
Saints Row
Battlefield 2
Call of Juarez

Buying Bioshock on Friday and Halo, Call of Duty 4, Medal of honor Airborne and GTA 4 on release dates

You'll Stand And Face The Hounds Of Hell
Rot Inside A Corpse's Shell
And Grizzy Ghouls From Every Tomb
Are Closing In To Seal Your Doom
And Though You Fight To Stay Alive
Your Body Starts To Shiver
For No Mere Mortal Can Resist
The Evil Of The Gilly

Fart Knocker

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« #31 : August 23, 2007, 02:53:21 PM »

I preordered Bioshock, should be getting it tomorrow  :D

Did you try the demo for it?
High Dúnedain King

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« #32 : August 23, 2007, 09:45:50 PM »

I bought an XBOX 360 on the weekend and got three games to go with it -

Saints Row
Tony Hawks Project 8
The Darkness

TOTALLY addicted to The Darkness at the moment though - one of the best games I've ever played.  It's stylish, it's thought-provoking, it's full of action, and the storyline is A-MAZE-ING!

My boyfriend has a PS3 though, and I think they're both great consoles, although I prefer the PS3....I only got an XBOX because we're moving in together soon, and there's no point having two PS3's so I thought we'd have one of each hehe!

† Gilly †
Lord of Darkness
From The Dark Side

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« #33 : August 27, 2007, 10:12:13 PM »

I bought Bioshock on thursday, still in it's plastic wrapping lol, not been on it yet been addicted to Godfather for some reason...

You'll Stand And Face The Hounds Of Hell
Rot Inside A Corpse's Shell
And Grizzy Ghouls From Every Tomb
Are Closing In To Seal Your Doom
And Though You Fight To Stay Alive
Your Body Starts To Shiver
For No Mere Mortal Can Resist
The Evil Of The Gilly


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« #34 : December 15, 2007, 07:12:10 AM »

i got gears of war,mua,guitar hero 2,lord of the ring battle for middle earth 2 :n:

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« #35 : January 12, 2008, 09:33:49 PM »

We collectively (Roommates) own Call of Duty 4, Dead Rising, Gears of War, Halo 3 and Pro Evolution Soccer 2008.....with my favourite by a country mile being Call of Duty 4, which would be my pick for Game of the Year 2007 were it not for Valve releasing the PC version of 'The Orange Box.'  :)

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p
High Dúnedain King

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« #36 : January 30, 2008, 08:32:01 PM »

I waaaant Call Of Duty 4 *is jealous of Edge* :P  But Craig is getting it in PS3 so when we move in together we're gonna set everything up properly with internet, new TV, etc etc :D

I have Assasins Creed on Xbox, and I'm currently loving that at the moment!  Amazing game that, and very addictive once on there!

Fart Knocker

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Dancing with the Devil by the Pale Moonlight

« #37 : January 31, 2008, 03:16:38 PM »

there is no truth. everything is permitted
Amy Lee

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« #38 : October 21, 2011, 12:53:16 AM »

 :wub: Sims 3, Lips, Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2, Monopoly, Oblivion: Elder Scrolls, Grand Theft Auto (Classic)... and I cant think of the rest lol.


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« #39 : November 04, 2011, 04:49:38 PM »

We have all but ps3 and xbox is our most used..

We have too many games to name all but few of the best

Gears of war 1,2 & 3 (though I'm gutted with 3s storyline)
Call of duty world at war
Asassins creed (all of em)
La noire was good
Fall out
Dead rising
Army of two
Marvel cd capcom
Alone in the dark
Soul calibur
Mortal kombat
Dirt 3 is ok

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