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Remmirath - Nazgϋl Queen of Mordor

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« #30 : July 24, 2005, 04:28:00 PM »

I agree with Bel. She has valid points.
This is unfortunatley the way it is in this country now... We have been too soft on criminals in general, whether they are British, or not! The whole judicial system in my opinion sucks big time. The punishments of these terrorists/criminals/whatever are just hopeless. You can get away with murder here in this country. You dont even seem to get a "life" sentence any more...and when you do, you are treated as though you are kept in a 5 star hotel! The criminals in this country will never learn respect, and the government will just carry on being soft.

The difference between right and  wrong are becoming one big blur.

Ok... rant over for now.

† Gilly †
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« #31 : July 24, 2005, 06:00:12 PM »

The brazilian guy was innocent wasn't he?

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« #32 : July 24, 2005, 06:12:35 PM »

Yes apparently he was innocent but that doesn't explain why he ran when told to stay put by the armed police officers. You can understand the police reaction in such circumstances. As with any shooting involving a policeman it will be investigted as to the whys and wherefores over the next wekk or so.


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« #33 : July 24, 2005, 07:00:43 PM »

He might just not have had a valid Visa or Passport or something, and then panicked when the Police told him to freeze..Fight or Flight Syndrome...Is that reason enough to be shot in the head?

The Oldish Wicked Took

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« #34 : July 24, 2005, 07:04:14 PM »

we don't know the ins and outs of what happened before the shooting. If a person is suspected of having explosives on him/her then shooting them in the body would be disatrous as it would in all likelihood detonate the explosives. This is why they use a head shot rather then anywhere else.


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« #35 : July 24, 2005, 07:37:28 PM »

Yeah heard that on the news yesterday. But still..This does come across a bit flippant to me. Was there a reason they couldnt shoot them in the limbs or something?..Maybe thats because the person could potentially still detonate the "bomb"..I don't know, this whole incident doesn't rest easy.

The thing that does get me is he was suspected to be carrying explosives, but on what grounds? That he had different colour skin, a padded jacket and a rucksack? And that he had apparently been seen to come out of a house connected with the bombings? Yeah, running probably wasnt the smartest thing to do if he indeed was innocent, but like I said, fight or flight, people panic in those situations. They obviously didn't know who this person was by name, or they would have found out what they have now, that hes Brazilian and not connected.

This is going to strike fear in alot of people particularly those with different coloured skin wearing big coats and backpacks who have to travel the tube.

The Oldish Wicked Took

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« #36 : July 24, 2005, 07:42:12 PM »

well if you shoot some in a limb who ahs explosives strapped to themselves they are going to set thenm off so the police can't risk that.

As for the whys and the wherefors of the whole thing it is best not to speculate but to await the report. Then you can condemn or congratulate the police whichever is most appropriate. In the meantime such speculation doesn't help the situation but rather inflames an already difficult task the police have.


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« #37 : July 24, 2005, 09:06:57 PM »

But the chief of police has already apologised...

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« #38 : July 24, 2005, 09:12:26 PM »

Well of course he has. He couldn't do otherwise. They still jave to determine exactly waht happened though.


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« #39 : July 25, 2005, 12:06:41 AM »

The whole thing is just basically a nightmare for every one whos involved...and now those who are'nt.
The police have, like Lessa said, got a bad situation, made worse by reacting to what they thought was a suspect situation. After the other weeks bombings, it has seemingly got the Police on edge, so they are obviously a bit panicky. I am not making excuses for them, or for the bombers, or anyone else. Its just turned everything on top of itself, all those involved are "over-reacting" or some may argue, doing the best they can to stop future attacks.

Like someone said in another post, in perhaps a different topic, we, as a country, and our government have been somewhat complacent in the past, thinking "This will never happen in our country"
Indeed we have been proved wrong, and its got the government, police, security all in a state of "red alert" or panic. They are the ones who need to get on top of this situation, and calmly deal with it, so then the nation will begin to trust them again.

All the while the Police or who ever make "rash" decisions, like the one with the Brazilian, the public are not going to be able to trust, are they.

Its a situation which is/has been blown up into a big nightmare!

Did I make any sense there?

The Flying Monkey

« #40 : July 25, 2005, 03:18:05 AM »

The police have apologised unreservedly for making a 'lamentable error'. Given that they are currently toting firearms on the street, it's extremely worrying that they could be so lacking in judgement, instinct and training that they could shoot dead an innocent man, and furthermore, stake out the wrong address. Is there room for such deadly incompetency when so much is at stake?

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« #41 : July 25, 2005, 06:18:28 PM »

There we go. The "suspect" had ran from the police because he didn't update his Student Visa and he didn't want to be prosecuted. Does that justify state murder?

† Gilly †
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« #42 : July 25, 2005, 06:22:26 PM »

What if im walking round with a bag on my back and i reach in to pull out say a sandwich...should they shoot me? Because i may look like a terrorist?

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« #43 : July 25, 2005, 06:26:13 PM »

This brings back shocking memories of the British Army in Northern Ireland, shooting innocent catholics, dragging them from their seems as if any government can get away with murder, providing they use "terrorism" as an alibi.


« #44 : August 24, 2005, 01:35:55 AM »

We all know it could happen again. We cannot just stop these things happening completely. We can't just keep an eye on every person who we think could be at risk of bombing any city in the UK. We don't have the resources and plus, what is the point. We cannot stop bombing anywhere. There will be more threats on our country whether we like it or not, we can't stop people just doing things, though we can try to track down them before they follow their plans through.
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