The shooting of a could-be innocent man yesterday is an absolute outrage...some questions must be brought up after the shooting...
- Were the Brits operating an illegal (against all human rights laws) shoot-to-kill policy? (This brings back chilling memories of the RUC's shoot to kill policy in Northern Ireland against innocent Catholics) Or did they fire in panic?
- Why wasn't the suspect arrested before he entered a crowded Underground rail station, I mean he was under close surveillance, therefore the Brits should've known he was carrying a bomb.
- Why was it necessary to fire five bullets into his head from point blank range?
- Will there now be an open and independent inquiry into the shooting?
No doubt he wasnt and got everything he deserved
And you know this for sure? 
1. So why didnt he do as the officers asked him then?
2. Why did he run away?
3. What did he have to hide?
You have to remember that if a suicide bomber intends to blow up and kill himself and others, then obviously if the police try to stop such a person then they have to act within a very fast time frame, otherwise that suspect
could have maybe set off something he was carrying.
What they did was not an outrage! What the suicide bombers do is an outrage! I am glad that the police have done at least SOMETHING.
Stopping such methods of terrorism is nigh on impossible. If someone is determined to kill themselves and others, by means of a concealed bomb this is extremely difficult to detect. The police had this guy under surveillance, he emerged from a house that was connected to some of the suspects, they followed him, he ran and failed to respond to their warnings. What do you think they should have done, tapped him on the shoulder and said 'oh excuse me, I want to just search you now' yeah RITE!
And if he HAD detonated a bomb.... what would you be saying right now eh? The total opposite......
1. Why didnt they stop him?
2. Where are the stiffer policies we have been promised?
3. Why didnt they step in and neutralise the threat immediately? especially if they knew he might be armed....
I strikes me that they cant win no matter what they do. All I know is that the safety of the public is paramount in their instructions.
5 shots at point blank range in the head? I want to know more about that before I comment on it.