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: Terrorist attacks/ threats  ( 22394 )
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« #30 : July 08, 2005, 12:30:43 PM »

I'm extremely angry about the events of yesterday - I think its disgusting and immoral. I'm a little disturbed that this topic was opened just 5 days before it happened, believing in premonitions and such, but, well, sometimes things like that happen.

Anyway, my friend was knocked into a coma by a piece of flying metal. Her family, thankfully, escaped with minor cuts and bruises. But my friend being so hurt has affected me deeply. It may be way down on the other end of the island, but its still hurting us all up here. I don't care what measures the government has to take here to avenge the deaths. Al Quieda have claimed responsibility, but I expect several Islamic militant groups shall claim responsibility throughout the week, so its too early to take any claims seriously.

My dad raised a very interesting point yesterday - He doesn't think Al Quieda truly exists. His theory is that its a lot of different Islamic groups using the united name because its one we would recognise. Interesting point.


« #31 : July 08, 2005, 03:02:23 PM »

Kirstie, I am sorry to hear about your friend. I hope she is getting better.

When something like this happens, the whole country is in shock, but when you are personally involved because you, or a loved one or a friend have been present by this. It affects you more. And you'll probably have the memory of it for a long time.

I think that point your dad made is a very good one, and obviously relivant. I mean, this group claiming to be a secret European
group of Al Quieda, claiming to have done it, there could be plenty more groups out there who use the same name. Go by the same rules, believe in the same faith etc.
Remmirath - Nazgûl Queen of Mordor

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« #32 : July 08, 2005, 03:27:55 PM »

...And a lot of these "secret" groups are full of people who the government let slip through the immigration process, and given permission to stay here...and then there are the ones who sneaked in, and the government, and immigration authorities dont even know they are here! :-\


« #33 : July 08, 2005, 03:38:17 PM »

Yeah. There are a number of people who have slipped through and who are at risk of setting off bombs etc, planning attacks, but there are alot of people who come into this country, who some people think are dangerous, the British people think are dangerous, but their not. They're just people who have had to escape or just left their own country because they have goverment issues or problems with their own goverment, and their rule.

Ok, rant over.... Sorry..

Anyway, Waelith, yes, I agree, some of these groups and societies are set up in this country and around Europe and we have no idea how many of them, there are, do we?

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« #34 : July 10, 2005, 03:57:10 PM »

No we don't and it seems they grow out of the ground like mushrooms.
I just want to say how deep this attacks touched us here in New Zealand. A lot of colleagues are from UK and at least nearly everybody has been at least once in London. Well, I was there several times and I love the city and her people. And it hurts to see the places I know so well destroyed and spoiled by this attacks. But even more I am troubled about the many losts of life and the many injured victims.  What can men do against such reckless hate? And will it ever end?


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Are you thinking what I'm thinking?

« #35 : July 21, 2005, 07:29:15 PM »

Will it ever end?  Apparantly not.  Some bright sparks have just set off dummy bombs on the tube and on a bus.   >(


Back on the dried frog pills now, honest              HDS
† Gilly †
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« #36 : August 03, 2005, 07:30:17 PM »

Oh my God, have you seen the families of the victims, moaning because they are only being payed £11,000 compensation!!!  >( friend was killed a month ago by 2 asian lads, should his family get paid £11,000???

You'll Stand And Face The Hounds Of Hell
Rot Inside A Corpse's Shell
And Grizzy Ghouls From Every Tomb
Are Closing In To Seal Your Doom
And Though You Fight To Stay Alive
Your Body Starts To Shiver
For No Mere Mortal Can Resist
The Evil Of The Gilly

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« #37 : August 07, 2005, 11:16:43 PM »

The attacks were atrocious and anyone who was injured in the attacks or knew anyone who died as a result you have my deepest sympathy. It was a shock and I watched the news all day but we must not let them win, we must carry on with our lives. This new warfare will not defeat us, we are strong and with the help of our friends and families we can come through this. Terrorists want attention to put a stop to our normal lives. I rarely travel to London but after the attacks I actaully wanted to go and see some of the sights that our magnificant capital has to offer.

Remember we have nothing to fear but fear itself-Frankilin.D. Roosevelt

They paved paradise and put up a parking lot
They took all the trees and put them in a tree museum,
And they charge the people a dollar and a half just to see
Aranel i Eldaliéva, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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« #38 : August 09, 2005, 04:20:14 PM »

Oh my God, have you seen the families of the victims, moaning because they are only being payed £11,000 compensation!!!  >( friend was killed a month ago by 2 asian lads, should his family get paid £11,000???

You can't put a price on life.

As for the fundamentalist terrorism, I can't say anything for fear of sounding racist, which I am certainly not.

Please rush me my portable walrus polishing kit. Four super brushes that will clean even the trickiest of seabound mammals. Yes, I am over eighteen, though my IQ isn't.

Protect Me From What I Want

« #39 : August 13, 2005, 08:55:46 PM »

I think it's disgusting how thats all people think about when they lose a family member...MONEY

Totally unrelated, but I saw something on the front of a newspaper where a girl died and the cannabis smoking driver only got fined £60 for her death.....god, I hate people.
The NOT So Magical Elf

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« #40 : October 06, 2005, 06:29:57 PM »

the way in which the gouvernments deal with this certain topic is stupid. :8o problems dont jus go away if u throw money at them, it mearly drives people to get more and more extreme, until the world actually notices.   >(

ur a goshdarn chiorboy compaired 2 me
Aranel i Eldaliéva, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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Ú-chebin estel anim. Nai hiruvalye Valimar.

« #41 : October 07, 2005, 04:47:09 AM »

Bearing in mind that no amount of money can change the fact that a loved one has died, why don't the government instead use the money they would give to the families, to help put measures in place to stop this sort of thing happening again?

This topic kinda crosses over with immigration, which I'd be interested to hear people's opinions on.

Please rush me my portable walrus polishing kit. Four super brushes that will clean even the trickiest of seabound mammals. Yes, I am over eighteen, though my IQ isn't.

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The NOT So Magical Elf

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« #42 : October 18, 2005, 08:13:22 PM »

Bearing in mind that no amount of money can change the fact that a loved one has died, why don't the government instead use the money they would give to the families, to help put measures in place to stop this sort of thing happening again?

This topic kinda crosses over with immigration, which I'd be interested to hear people's opinions on.

thats true the money doesnt really make up for the loss of a life, i mean can u actually put a rice on a life..

ur a goshdarn chiorboy compaired 2 me
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