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: Terrorist attacks/ threats  ( 22395 )
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« #15 : July 03, 2005, 08:29:32 AM »

I think many people misinterpret life in Northern Ireland. Compared to 25 years ago, it as normal as any other city in the UK...honestly. Walking to the nearest shop or supermarket or going into the City Centre in Belfast is no different than from doing the same thing in Manchester or Newcastle or Leeds....yes, about 25 years ago the place was completely war-torn, there was a burnt out building in every corner...but now Belfast is really on the map. Its in the top 5 places to be a student, the music scene and the nightclub scene is fantastic and the people are generally friendly, skyscrapers are raising from the ruins that was Belfast of 25 years's a good place to live, I enjoy living here and i'll never move unless I have I don't live in fear of anything, personally, I know Protestant people and get on with them with no hassle whatsoever. People have no need to fear anything unless they've done something to be fearful of the consequences, and thats the same in any town in the UK.

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« #16 : July 03, 2005, 08:33:45 AM »

very true

and many towns arent safe at all!

You're right tho, we do live in fear of the "troubles " in N Ireland.  All we hear here is the bad news, and the fighting and the killings.

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« #17 : July 03, 2005, 08:41:16 AM »

It's true that there will always be paramilitary linked killings. I mean if some people have their hands on guns they've obviously going to use them...but it is slightly niave in saying that you live in fear of the NI troubles...thats the same thing as saying I live in fear of racism in England, or the National Front stabbing some black student in Birmingham or wherever...yes it happens....but it's not on a scale where many people are made to believe.


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« #18 : July 03, 2005, 08:49:42 AM »

Yeah. Belfast, normaly city. Go to Manchester or Essex or Aberdeen and it'll be the same. Belfast is also getting dearer by the minute though, and personally I wouldn't walk up the Shankill road or through Sandy row just yet. The two sides aren'y hugging each other and buying each other pints.

There are still people flibbled in the head with thier views and ways of life, still people despising one and other because of opinions and religion (because not every republican and unionist are catholic and protestant), and there is the nee particular fat bigot who refuses to talk.

In saying that, Belfast is still a normal city, ya not gonna get shot for getting milk.

As for Terrorism in the UK, "Terrorism" is there for a reason. These people don't wake up in the morning, phone the lads and go "right feel like bombing the brighton hotel?".

The media have been known for giving one sided stories. Years ago there was an IRA member who ran over two kids while driving, that's the medias story to the British people. What actually happened was that he was shot dead by British soldiers while driving. He was dead by the time he hit the kids... Thats one example out of many, see whadda'mean?


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« #19 : July 03, 2005, 08:53:44 AM »

The problem of sectarianism in Northern Ireland isn't any worse than the problem of racism in England...and to be honest, race-crime is on the increase here in NI....


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« #20 : July 03, 2005, 09:03:20 AM »


You could say I'm properly secterian to loyalists, but not protestants, because loyalists have been proven to have links with the National front and all that, and it's just not on.


« #21 : July 05, 2005, 06:09:31 PM »

Alot of the "Terrorist attacks" is blown out of proportion. But where the attacks really take place, the imformation about it, we don't really get told about it.

Because the goverment limit what we are told.
« : July 06, 2005, 05:06:35 AM _absolution_ »
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« #22 : July 08, 2005, 12:44:01 AM »

and many towns arent safe at all!

London today wasnt a very safe place to be. My sympathy goes out to all those who were affected by the carnage.

Only a couple of days ago I was worrying what would happen if...

...And now it did. Its certainly not good.

Cuthien, Wolf-maiden

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« #23 : July 08, 2005, 02:01:40 AM »

Oh, man, I've been praying for all of you today.  For London, too.  That's horrible.   :(  Many prayers, you guys.  I hope it doesn't happen again. 
« : July 08, 2005, 02:20:32 AM Cuthien, Wolf-maiden »

"God is the Lord, of angels, and of men-and of elves."-J.R.R. Tolkien

And I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood and I,
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

To the class of 2005-Rock On!


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« #24 : July 08, 2005, 02:05:11 AM »

Found out whilst at school; so many people's parents and family were up there. My father, two uncles and an aunt were all in the city; one uncle was stuck in the Tube behind one of the trains that were attacked. But thankfullly they're all fine.

The worst thing for me was seeing the buses - they're such a symbol of home for me, and seeing them all so ripped up...just horrible. And I've been in those places so recently, made it all worse.

It's stupid, I'm still shaken. Really, truly shaken up.

Thanks Cuthien. Me too.

only S.M.A.R.T.I.E.S have the answer
Cuthien, Wolf-maiden

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« #25 : July 08, 2005, 02:22:07 AM »

Aw, I'm glad your family's okay.  When I saw it on the news this morning, I started thinking of all you guys and how many of you could be there or know someone there.... :-\

"God is the Lord, of angels, and of men-and of elves."-J.R.R. Tolkien

And I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood and I,
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

To the class of 2005-Rock On!


« #26 : July 08, 2005, 03:45:46 AM »

My dad told me about the bombings at lunchtime so I watched
the news to see what had happened altogether and for
updates etc. I am so upset but angry by how someone can
do such an immoral and disgusting act.

I have great sympathy for the victims and families that
were affected by the bombings. I hope that those who have
been affected are OK and are safe and with their families.

I'm really worried about what could happen next and where
the next bombing could take place.
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« #27 : July 08, 2005, 05:26:56 AM »

  On 9/11/01 I was very worried for my sister's safety. She worked, and still does, in Manhattan, but fortunately, about a mile away from the World Trade Center.
  I hope no one at this site was injured or had a family member injured as a result of the terrorist activity in London yesterday morning.

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  Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
  It's better to be old than cold.
  There's more sex between the ears than between the thighs. 
Two great myths of our time:
1. Everything called 'natural' is good for you.
2. Everything you read on the Web must be true.

« #28 : July 08, 2005, 05:57:11 AM »

London today wasnt a very safe place to be. My sympathy goes out to all those who were affected by the carnage.

Only a couple of days ago I was worrying what would happen if...

...And now it did. Its certainly not good.

I, too, Waelith, thought about "What if..." and now look, it's so upsetting.

I found out when I woke up: 11:30.
I've never been so shocked in my life. The first thing I heard about was the bus' top deck being blown off.
I was so taken aback by hearing all these train's had at least one carriage torn apart. And many people
telling reporter's their accounts of what they heard and saw. It was just horrific.
Thankfully all my relatives are ok. And I hope everyone else on here who has been or are in London are ok
and their relatives too.

It's sad how people want to take revenge or just hurt and kill people like this. Innocent people who have
done nothing to the bombers themselves.

I heard on the news that "They'll always remember 7/7" <- Saying that this is like our 9/11. Obviously
this hasn't caused as many deaths as 9/11, which I'm not saying is a good thing. At all.

It was a shock to the system to see hundreds of people walking home. Or to a near enough train
station so they could try and get home.

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« #29 : July 08, 2005, 06:10:24 AM »

I've got to admit, I crapped them earlier when I was watching the coverage of the bombing, mostly for the fact that most of my best friends over there use Kings Cross at times, and that I myself have been there every time I've been in England. It's a very important area of the City, so you can imagine I texted my friends immediately to see if they were OK.....which thankfully they are.  :)

This series of bombings make little sense to me, as since no-one has claimed responsability, any political, social or in some way justifiable reasoning they could have gave just went out the window, as was any real reason as to why these attacks could have happened.

As far as I'm concerned, no attack on the public (and I'm talking about civilians here) that takes lives away is justified, no matter the reasoning- I'm OK with fighting for freedom, I'm OK with scare tactics to put the excrement up the Government- but when you target the actual people of a state, wether it's British, American, Irish, French, Korean or whomever then the line must be drawn and the very idea put to bed.

Now, with that said- I do want to see whomever did this suffer for it- suffer great! For it could have been anyone in that blast, it could have been children, or good friends of mine- it could have affected anyone; that's how random and idiotic the attack was.

Funny thing is that the attacks weren't even strategically sound- they targeted individual vehicles thinking that that in some way would prove a point. The only thing it proven was how much of a pile of scum the perps really are.

On the subject of Northern Ireland, I must ask anyone that thinks the IRA are the main "terrorist" group here to go and look at the UFF, UVF, LVF, Red Hand Commando and Paisley's army whom I've forgotten the name of. Some of the above are linked and/or ringleading the North's Drug links, reaching as far as Scotland in their empire of drug money, with Glasgow being the most affected. They have also reputedly been involved in prostitution, and illegal thuggery such as their own personal feuds of which there is a new one every time you think it's cooled down.

Personally, the only thing I know the IRA to do in the North is to put the excrement up Joyriders and drug dealers, which is upon whom many of the so-called "punishment- beatings" are commited.

I'm not saying they are devoid of blame, they are an organisation with the power to deal death and have done in the past, just like any paramilitary organisation, but some reading into Loyalist feuds and the drug rings of the North would give you a flipside to the anti-IRA coin.

And yeah, I agree with F.L.C, in that this country is flourishing and has become a bastion of calm compared to what it was.

That's part of our problem though.

When the troubles were at their most violent, people here were at their hardiest- they were wary of violence and held their own personal morals. Nowadays, with the groups disarming and stepping down (visibility wise anyway.) the youth see only a bunch of "old men" and not the romantic sort of sect they were once seen as- that may sound dumb, but you know; that presence was enough to keep common crime down. Nowadays, my area has become more influxed with drugs and joyriding- most especially the Poleglass and Turf Lodge areas of the town.....back when the IRA were active they didn't allow that into the community.

That may sound like I'm condoning, I'm not- I'm pointing out that there is a difference in thinking these days compared to back then. Nowadays there isn't any real threat of the troubles flaring again, the notions that the groups could kill you is now washing from our minds- as liberalism and freedom increase, so too does the ability to not care for that freedom and to create crime- or so it seems in this country in parts anyway.

Actually, it's getting to the point where white supremacism, using the swastika and the "white power" slogans that made the KKK famous is now beginning to flare up, most especially in Loyalist areas, most reputedly in Sandy Row and other such hardline areas. We have a bit of it too, but it's not really as vocal, or as readily grafittied.

Bottom line is really, when people wake up to the pettyness and stop the differences there will be peace proper. Not before.

Anyhow, hopefully everyone from here living in or around London are OK, sorry for the long post but hey, it's what I do.
Anyway, goodnight and I'll talk to you soon.  :)

I'm still alive guys.....a bit like GlaDOs only, you know, ACTUALLY alive. :p
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