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: Terrorist attacks/ threats  ( 22396 )
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« : July 02, 2005, 01:33:11 PM »

((Feel free to move this if the GEneral board is not fitting for it))

I was wondering, was this a real thing, or was it a threat.  I got confused from watching the movie Dirty War... please enlighten me... :8o
« : July 03, 2005, 02:04:46 AM Waelith »


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Remmirath - Nazgûl Queen of Mordor

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« #1 : July 02, 2005, 07:48:29 PM »

I am afraid I have no idea... Has there been some kind of attack recently? I have just got in from work, and know nothing, so I am confused!! :8o

The Oldish Wicked Took

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« #2 : July 02, 2005, 08:02:20 PM »

As I recall it was a response to the former USSR states having access to the uranium which powers there nuclear warheads and the possibility of their selling them to terrorist groups in exchange for hard currency.

The film was a worst case scenario and didn't happen but could if the above occurred.


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« #3 : July 02, 2005, 08:04:31 PM »

Now that would be a worry... :-\

The Oldish Wicked Took

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« #4 : July 02, 2005, 08:07:57 PM »

like other forms of terrorism the mere thought of it is frightening so you have to put it out of your mind and continue your life otherwise they win.
I remember in the 70s our school had a bomb threat at least once a term but we just turned out for the firealarm waited for the ok from the fire brigade and got on with life thankful we had missed Maths or english or science. It never made us afraid of going to school or walking around everyday for that matter.


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« #5 : July 02, 2005, 09:43:40 PM »

 When you think about tactics of terror you can't just put it out of your mind Lessa.

 If you picture the situation it's like a Siege, but to a psychological level, and during a siege you don't ignore it and carry on as if nothing is happening. What you do is either defend, or concentrate all your resources into the besieger's weakest point and then break through because eventually besiegers starve you out.

 You could quote the experiences of ETA and IRA but still it's there, ETA ruined the chances Madrid had of hosting the olympic games, IRA still has a country divided (well perhaps not all of their own doing but with a lot of help of Henry VIII).

 In Colombia you basically have two governments, the guerrillas and the government.

 What does it all say? no solution has been found but if you don't keep trying they will still be there and take over.
The Oldish Wicked Took

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« #6 : July 02, 2005, 09:50:06 PM »

What I meant was that you don't have to dwell on it all the time and if the worst happens as it did in Manchester in 1996 fortunately without fatalities then you pick yourself up dust yourself off and get on with your life.
Granted you take sensible precautions like not picking up an unattended bag but reporting it instead.


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« #7 : July 02, 2005, 10:05:03 PM »



 A self educating campaign is also essential to realising what lies beneath the motivations of terrorists... then the whole picture broadens and even oen can begin to realise their methods and get to avoid or tamper their actions.

The Oldish Wicked Took

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« #8 : July 02, 2005, 10:12:42 PM »

The difference between the governments reaction to the real threat of the IRA here on the mainland and the, so far, perceived threat of action by middle east factions is that then we were asked to be vigilant for such packages that were left unattended. Now we have to have things like the restriction of moevement for certain persons and the ID cards for everyone else. Now to me this is an unwarranted overreaction both to civil liberties in general and the imprisonment without trial of individuals.


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« #9 : July 03, 2005, 02:03:04 AM »

This might be a good debate for the world events board, actually...

*goes to move it*


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« #10 : July 03, 2005, 06:07:52 AM »

"Terrorist" attacks aren't a threat, if your army keeps its guard up.

"Terrorists" aren't going to fire a nuke into the middle of Birmingham or London, if anything they would rather go after America a bit more.

It's like saying "The IRA have links with arab countries, are they gonna nuke london?!?!?!?".


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« #11 : July 03, 2005, 08:03:40 AM »

The IRA have never, nor will the ever, target innocent civillians. Many of their (in my eyes, justified and lawful) bombing campaigns in London have been economical, political and military targets. They were carefully planned so that as little civilians as possible would be injured/killed. Unfortunately many people happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, casualties DO happen, so immediately the British media jumps in "Oh! This is a 'crime' against the people of England"....bollocks to that, because it's not. I'll give a few examples...

1 - The IRA bombed Canary Wharf in 1996 - the financial heart of London...wanted to cause millions of pounds of damage (and they did) to the British treasury. One person was killed. The reson why they bombed in this case was because the Conservative government at the time was giving consessions to the Unionist political parties in Northern Ireland, by banning Republican political parties from the peace talks...why? Because the Tories had lost alot of marginal seats to Labour in 1992 and they wanted the Unionist support in the House of Commons.

2. A chip shop was bombed on the hugely protestant Shankill Road in Belfast (about 5 mins from where I live). Unfortunatly 9 people lost their lives in the bombing, plus one of the bombers Thomas Begley. Again the media jumped to the conclusion that the IRA had purposely sought out to kill innocent Protestants, which was also untrue for the reason I'm about to give you; the owner of that particular chip shop owned an apartment above it. He allowed several predominant loyalist paramilitary leaders use that apartment to discuss "tactics" - alot of innocent Catholics had their fate decided there.

The IRA a number of years ago apologised to all innocent victims of the armed struggle....something which many so-called terrorist groups fail to do. It also must be remembered that "one mans another mans freedom fighter."

I'm sorry if I'm tarring you all with the same brush, but many English people believe that the IRA are this "bad bunch of terrorists who want to kill all English people and all Protestants" - which is really untrue. I'm willing to bet that there will be some people who read this post, hate the IRA with a passion, but support the British Army in all what they do. Well I'm a Catholic from Belfast who supports the Irish-Nationalist ideology...and anyone who hasnt lived in Northern Ireland as a Catholic will not know the sheer brutality that the British Army made the people in my area suffer. The Army has murdered many unarmed Catholics (under the media headline that they were "armed IRA terrorists") and gotten away completely scratch-free, free from any scrutiny over their actions. The most famous case of that is the Bloody Sunday massacre, were 13 innocent Catholic civil rights marchers were shot dead by the British Parachute Regiment. Another is when Thomas Fisher and Mark Wright (soldiers), shot dead an unarmed father of two babies - Mark Hamill dead....for reasons unknown (of course under the headline he was carrying a bomb). Lee Clegg (soldier) shot 17 year old girl in the back...also for reasons unknown....

I don't care how I may seem to anyone....but as far as I'm concerned, I'm a Catholic from Belfast telling it like it is....from the world as I see it......

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« #12 : July 03, 2005, 08:06:11 AM »

I dont think theres any justification for causing the death of another person, whoever does it

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« #13 : July 03, 2005, 08:13:46 AM »

I dont think theres any justification for causing the death of another person, whoever does it

Absolutely. However the motives behind such actions should be taken into account.....and not for calous murder, manslaughter. I know no one is justified to kill anyone, but mass murder wasn't on the IRA's mind when planning bombing campaigns.

However it's different when it's during a war thats morally illegal...for example Gulf War I&II...etc.

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« #14 : July 03, 2005, 08:20:47 AM »

ah well, matter of opinion again..

I dont agree with what is happening in Northern Ireland... I really wish someone could sort it out there, so no one need live in fear from anyone, but I dont know how that will be ever possible.,

(did you ever watch the programme "Yes Minister"  ???  there was a sketch there, where they said, the best way to control a country was to split it in 2 and let it fight over itself within itself... I still find that too close to the truth, its frighetning)

as for the Gulf War....  well thats another discussion.... somewhere along the line, someone had to call a halt.  But again we're entering the realms of the G8 discussion..  Do the countries in the G8 have too much democratic power, that will eventually backfire :-\  Is so much "democracy" actually dicatorial ???

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