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: Final Fantasy.  ( 39251 )
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« : June 29, 2005, 08:09:49 PM »

I'm sure there's tonnes of fans of Final Fantasy here.

FF7 - THE!!! best game ever made. Bar bloody none!

FF8 - I havent beaten it yet...last time I played it was 5 years bored at FH and never turned it on again, so I'm starting from scratch no spoilers please  ;) It's still good but obviously doesn't compare to FF7. I'm at Galbadia Prison now though...

FF9 - Shνte....  :P

FF10 - I've got it in the house, I havent got round to playing it yet but I'll start on it once i've clocked FF8...sane goes with X-2 as well, havent bought it though...will do soon enough!

FF11 - It's online isnt it? I don't know much about it though.

I've never played any of the previous FF's apart from 1, but that was on ROM. Any other FF fans wanna step upto the stage?  :)

† Gilly †
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« #1 : June 29, 2005, 10:18:23 PM »

FF VII Is a truly amazing game...i just LOVED Sephiroth, and the Shinra theme tune :P Anyone manage to kill Ruby weapon?

FF VIII was ok i guess...found this game REALLY easy...Seifer looked did Squall

FF 9 was ok i guess...the characters were dodgy and the story was a bit cack, but I enjoyed playing...

FF X, really couldn't get into this...and Blitzball sucks :P

Not played X-2

I think 11 is available online for pc yeah...but my computer couldn't cope...NOW it this space

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« #2 : June 29, 2005, 10:38:18 PM »

I played FF7 years ago, and I wasn't very good at it.. but it's a brilliant game, and it's universally accepted as the best so I'll go with that ^_^ 9 is my favourite though. I know it's not very popular but I really enjoy playing it, I never get bored of it :) I don't like X or X-2 at all. X is boring, it's like 80% movies/dialogue 20% gameplay, I found that annoying, lol. I'm playing Final Fantasy and Final Fantasy II on my friend's GameBoy at the moment.. SO old but so magical :D

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« #3 : June 30, 2005, 12:59:12 AM »

w00t! finalfantasyage!  I love it....admittedly, the only one i *really* got into/completed was FF7, as i didnt buy any of the others but i've played bits and pieces of them at friends houses. 

I love FF7....just.....everything, its so genius! bring on advent children!

The music is brilliant as well....i'll always remember this one time playing it really stoned and just.......the fight music got so intense.....i couldnt handle  Good times. 

Also, everyone in ff7 is is buff.....tifa is buff....vincent is buff.....zack is buff....yuffie is buff....aeris needs to die....reno is buff....zack is buff....sephiroth....buffbuffbuff

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.
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« #4 : June 30, 2005, 01:23:17 AM »

Oh oh I can't wait to see Advent Children! Cloud looks great! And Sephiroth is very cool... didn't they take down the website with pics on it because of copyright, or something?

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« #5 : June 30, 2005, 01:31:58 AM »

Sephiroth IS the man! Did anyone else laugh when Sephiroth owned the flibble out of Aeris? The music is amazing...i remember when I first got it years ago I was scared to death of the Sephiroth theme...especially at the Nibelheim flashback at Kalm when oul Sephy burned Nibelheim..

Wasn't Advent Children meant to be released in like...March? What happened there...? Oi Shadowfax, you forgot Rufus Shinra....what a legend he was...ginger twirp. Apparently he's NOT dead, and he's in Advent Children, should be fun, he was my favourite non-playble character, apart from the Sephmeister himself.

FF7...where do I start and how do I end....amazing  8) 8) 8) 8) 8) 8)

† Gilly †
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« #6 : June 30, 2005, 01:47:39 AM »

LOL, yeah i thought it was great, spill her guts with his HUGE blade :P

I was really excited when i got Vincent :P

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« #7 : June 30, 2005, 01:49:15 AM »

im in love with him.

Time slowed, reality bent, on and on the eggman went<br /><br /><br />Hey," said Shadow."Huginn or Muninn, or whoever you are.   The bird turned, head tipped, suspiciously, on one side, and it stared at him with bright eyes "Say neverermore" said Shadow.    "F**k you," said the raven. It said nothing else as they went through the woodland together.

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« #8 : June 30, 2005, 01:52:01 AM »

Yeah Vincent rocked. Especially all the mini-storylines surrounding him too. But getting him was a pain in the arse. Lostnumber is hard as hell when you try and defeat him first time. Many people wait until the second disc (ie after City of the Ancients) to get him.

† Gilly †
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« #9 : June 30, 2005, 01:55:11 AM »

Did u kill Ruby Weapon?

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« #10 : June 30, 2005, 01:58:14 AM »

I did not no...I haven't played FF7 since last summer, and I've still got the file where Im about to defeat Sephiroth (i'm no where near ready though...I'm only level 50-something...) maybe now is a good time to do it...  :)

† Gilly †
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« #11 : June 30, 2005, 02:01:27 AM »

My hp was 9999, a was my magic, but the SOB STILL killed me :(

Killed Emerald and Ultima weapon though...really easy, had more problems from the GIANT cactuar :P

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« #12 : June 30, 2005, 02:03:45 AM »

Ultima weapon is piss....Emerald...I havent defeated him either....

† Gilly †
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« #13 : June 30, 2005, 02:07:56 AM »

Red 13 kinda got on my nerves...stupid creature things!

But the good old Choccobo' handy when on the world map!

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« #14 : June 30, 2005, 02:10:56 AM »

I hated that ganch dog. I so wanted Cid to shove that spear up his arse.

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