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: Ban on kitchen knives!  ( 25948 )
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« #15 : May 29, 2005, 10:10:14 PM »

Hey lets ban anything that is pointy.... >(

« #16 : May 29, 2005, 11:03:17 PM »

Removing the weapons will not remove the violence. Its will probably just result in some kind of black market kitchen knife trading... ::)

 And will also result in me relocating sooner than I want to and you people don't want that, do you?  :P


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« #17 : May 29, 2005, 11:09:34 PM »

I think people need to think outside the box of just banning stuff that people can do harm with and try and do something to stop people being so criminally... I don't know what but they should.... people will still find a way to kill people and be violent without point stuff!

Cuthien, Wolf-maiden

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« #18 : May 30, 2005, 07:25:49 AM »

Hey lets ban anything that is pointy.... >(

They could ban windows...broken windows are pointy. 

Let's see what else can be banned...
sewing needles
box cutters
thumb tacks
gift cards
Christmas lights
cinema tickets (too pointy!)
computers (guy in my class cut his leg on one!)
paper (paper cuts!  very dangerous!)
The possibilities for stupidity at the governmental level are endless, really. ::)

"God is the Lord, of angels, and of men-and of elves."-J.R.R. Tolkien

And I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood and I,
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

To the class of 2005-Rock On!


« #19 : May 30, 2005, 07:37:37 AM »

Thing is, anything can be made pointy.

If it's not pointy to begin with, with work, it can be made into a pointy object.

Yeah there are some things that won't hurt you, like fabric (DEATH BY COTTON!!!) so yes, let's live in a world where we have nothing but our bare hands.  Even with them, we can kill something by simply wrapping them round someones throat >(

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« #20 : May 30, 2005, 05:48:37 PM »

Hey lets ban anything that is pointy.... >(

They could ban windows...broken windows are pointy. 

Let's see what else can be banned...
sewing needles
box cutters
thumb tacks
gift cards
Christmas lights
cinema tickets (too pointy!)
computers (guy in my class cut his leg on one!)
paper (paper cuts!  very dangerous!)
The possibilities for stupidity at the governmental level are endless, really. ::)

well if they do that.... no school because we won't have anything to write with or on!! ;D

It's completelty ridiculous that they're banning stuff like that... they need more police about that actually do heir job instead of just giving people speeding tickets for going just a few mph faster... and actualyl focus on real problems

Cuthien, Wolf-maiden

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« #21 : May 31, 2005, 05:55:27 AM »

Let's ban hands! ;D

Yeah, police focus a lot on the little things.  Speeding does kill (or, rather, the sudden crash), but so do drugs.  Criminals, loose on the street.  To borrow part of another phrase, knives don't kill people, people kill people. 

Let's ban ourselves!

"God is the Lord, of angels, and of men-and of elves."-J.R.R. Tolkien

And I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood and I,
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

To the class of 2005-Rock On!

Wicked Thain of the Shire

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« #22 : May 31, 2005, 01:54:43 PM »

Lol Mort, you could well be right. I agree that removing weapons
will not remove violence.

I don't see what this ban of kitchen knives is going to do. I don't
think that it's going to bring any good. Even if they do ban knives,
there is still going to be violence anyway.

About the situation of who's to blame, people would think that
youths would be to blame because they are acting irresponsibly
and if they did kill someone by using a knive then they'd be
responsible because they killed someone which is classed as

However, the government probably would be to blame
because they haven't done enough to tackle the problems that
crime do bring to society. Discipline perhaps should be another
thing that could be sorted out, bring back National Service or
something (yeah I know I sound silly for saying it but I don't care
and maybe it could sort out the problems).

Another point I'd like to add about the youths, I read in a paper
that youths do carry weapons for reasons such as self-defence
because they don't feel safe in their neighbourhood anymore.
I'll admit that I did carry a knife with me NOT because I thought
it was cool (I don't think it is cool), I carried a knife with me when
I'd go out because of self-defence because I didn't feel safe in my
neighbourhood and I was worried about getting attacked.

There is nothing wrong with wanting national service to be brought back in.  It would be brilliant IMO and would soon help to sort young people's heads out. 

I think your point about discipline is also correct.    The problem does not lie with the knife, it lies with who is picking it up and using it.  The government would do a lot better if it got to the root of the problem of the yobs and that lies in the home.  These kids need teaching respect and conformity from the youngest age so that they can fit into society. 

As a teacher I see the lack of respect and responsibility every day.  I have to confront kids with their own behaviour and force them to take responsibility for it.   To be fair, most of them respond.  But you have a hard core of kids who blame their own behaviour on anyone but themselves.  Why?  Because they have heard this in the home and therefore they copy it. 

The government would be far more effective if it picked up on inadequate parents and sent them into parenting classes so that they can bring their children up PROPERLY.  Because THAT is the problem and until it is addressed nothing will improve.  Just you watch!   ::)

Instead they try to take things away .... dont they know the way to teach someone is to leave the object there and tell them NO!   ::)  Removing stuff out of reach doesnt teach zip!   >(I mean THIS is back to basic parenting... even the GOVERNMENT cannot flippin do it!   >(
« : May 31, 2005, 01:58:23 PM Obi Wan Cannoli »


« #23 : May 31, 2005, 03:56:50 PM »

 I have unveiled the government's scheme!!!!!!!

 They plan to ban and ban to the point where you will even be banned from going outside of your house... in the future evolution will get rid of everything you don't use soooo you will lose your hands and feet and will morph bit by bit into a blob.

 The whole blob thing is also aimed at changing then name of the country to United kingdom of Great Blobtain and Northern Ireland in an attempt to get rid of the bad reputation of Brits at sports, holiday making, and many etceteras.

 Well ok maybe not the exact scheme but it could well happen  ;D :P

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« #24 : May 31, 2005, 05:17:41 PM »

lol, yeah it might do!! I think the banning is just well daft myself!! I understand why they might be banning it... but it isn't going to get people anywhere.... it may lead to more jaw inmjuries becasue people have to cut things more with their teeth... people won't be able to chop up the meat to go into a stew or anything.... so it'll just be a massive hunk of beef in the stew!!

Murderous people may start making spears out fo trees and kill people with them.. so then the government will band trees... and then where would we be? We wouldn't be able to breathe!!

Cuthien, Wolf-maiden

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« #25 : June 01, 2005, 04:08:24 AM »

Hey, you gotta have hands to pick up a weapon, so, like I said before, let's ban hands. 

Just about anything on this planet can be used as a weapon.  It all depends on the creativity of the wielder. 

So I guess we should all just be...banned! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

"God is the Lord, of angels, and of men-and of elves."-J.R.R. Tolkien

And I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood and I,
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

To the class of 2005-Rock On!


« #26 : June 01, 2005, 06:28:36 PM »

Hey, you gotta have hands to pick up a weapon, so, like I said before, let's ban hands. 

Just about anything on this planet can be used as a weapon.  It all depends on the creativity of the wielder. 

So I guess we should all just be...banned! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

 Sounds like a sensible plan :laugh:
Cuthien, Wolf-maiden

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« #27 : June 02, 2005, 12:34:27 AM »

Why, thank you, thank you.

"God is the Lord, of angels, and of men-and of elves."-J.R.R. Tolkien

And I shall be telling this with a sigh
somewhere ages and ages hence
Two roads diverged in a wood and I,
I took the road less traveled by
And that has made all the difference.

To the class of 2005-Rock On!


« #28 : June 02, 2005, 06:31:23 AM »

I can see the point about stabbings and so on... but if people are getting stabbed in drunken or domestic fights and they're going to use some kind of object as a weapon, what's stopping them from going for something else... a screwdriver or a pair of scissors instead, even if long knives were banned? Pretty much anything can be used as weapon, it doesn't have to be long and sharp.

This just sounds a bit like trying to cure a problem's symptoms rather than attacking the roots of it.
† Gilly †
Lord of Darkness
From The Dark Side

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« #29 : June 02, 2005, 04:39:09 PM »

A local restaurant here has been ordered to put all blades over 3" into a security locked box  ::)

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Rot Inside A Corpse's Shell
And Grizzy Ghouls From Every Tomb
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Your Body Starts To Shiver
For No Mere Mortal Can Resist
The Evil Of The Gilly

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