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: Ban on kitchen knives!  ( 26038 )
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« : May 27, 2005, 05:17:55 PM »

Kitchen knife ban sought

Accident and emergency doctors today call for the banning of long, sharp kitchen knives, arguing they account for at least half of all stabbings.

They say such knives slice through clothing and penetrate vital organs.

"Many assaults are impulsive, often triggered by alcohol or misuse of other drugs, and the long, pointed kitchen knife is an easily accessible, potentially lethal weapon, particularly in the domestic setting," say the doctors from the West Middlesex university hospital, London, in the British Medical Journal.

Knives "of less than 5cm [2ins] in length" or with blunt, round ends would meet culinary needs and be far less likely to result in fatalities.

The doctors, Emma Hern, Will Glazebrook and Mike Beckett, say: "Unfortunately, no data seem to have been collected to indicate how often kitchen knives are used in stabbings, but our own experience and that of police officers and pathologists we have spoken to indicate they are used in at least half of all cases.

"UK government statistics show that 24% of all 16-year-old boys report carrying knives or other weapons, and 19% admitting attacking someone with the intent to cause harm.

"Although other weapons - such as baseball bats, screwdrivers and chains - are also carried, by far the most common weapons are knives."
Copyright © 2005 The Guardian. Source: Financial Times Information Limited 

 A while ago we were debating about swords being banned, I remember many of you asking, whatever next?

 Well this is next... I wonder if they will make DIY illegal after that to prevent people from stabbing other people with screwdrivers, trowels and masking tape.

 *makes another note of the wonderful things that happen in this place*



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« #1 : May 27, 2005, 07:05:02 PM »

2"!  How are you supposed to carve with a 2" knife?   Or cut up a melon?  Or slice a cabbage?  Or anything larger than a cherry tomato?  Next thing you know they'll be banning saucepans because some maniac might try and brain someone with one ... Tell you what, let's all stop eating - solve the obesity problem too.  >(


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« #2 : May 28, 2005, 12:27:18 AM »

Next they'll be banning bare hands ::)

Gotta love it when the gun control debate reaches it's ultimate conclusion, hehehehehe

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« #3 : May 28, 2005, 12:43:04 AM »

Appalling!  Anyway, we're not going to get inspectors coming round to every house in Britain confiscating them and melting them down are we?  *makes secret stash*

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« #4 : May 28, 2005, 03:29:26 AM »

Absolute cod wallops...

What, soon we will end up having plastic cutlery  ::)

To eat properly we need the proper items to cook  ::)

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« #5 : May 28, 2005, 11:33:01 PM »

Wow, that's...really stupid.  Um, if the knives are used as weapons while people are drunk or high, shouldn't something be done about the drink or the drug?   :-\  I mean, come on, people.  I think the government just wants too much power. 

I laugh much at the stupidity of it all.

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« #6 : May 28, 2005, 11:39:17 PM »

2"!  How are you supposed to carve with a 2" knife?   Or cut up a melon?  Or slice a cabbage?  Or anything larger than a cherry tomato?  Next thing you know they'll be banning saucepans because some maniac might try and brain someone with one ... Tell you what, let's all stop eating - solve the obesity problem too.  >(

 Anne with the advent of convenience food the laws of this country might soon force you to buy your vegetables already cut, sliced, chopped, or diced... then in their stupid little minds the problem will be sorted... problem is prices for pre cut stuff is always an awful lot more than usual, say a Cantaloupe melon might cost you say £1 half of it cut in slices will cost you £1.80  ::)
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« #7 : May 28, 2005, 11:46:15 PM »

if the knives are used as weapons while people are drunk or high, shouldn't something be done about the drink or the drug?   :-\

Totally agree with you there! It's so stupid banning kitchen knives as the majority of us wouldn't even consider attempting to injure someone with them. More action should be taken against drugs and alcohol, some people change instantly under the influence of these addictions. I've seen it. I think drugs should be banned all together and only a certain amount of alcohol allowed for people and such. OK, I do drink, yes, but not often and I only have a few bottles at most.

This whole banning swords and kitchen knives is so stupid!...And yet again I ask...What next?!!


« #8 : May 29, 2005, 04:15:03 PM »

None of us can deny there is a large knife problem in the well as guns.....Isiotic youths think it is COOL to carry a knife with them. They think they are hard if they get into a fight and stab another person. A kitchen knife could be used in one of these incidents.

I personally do not care. I will just buy ready cut things ::)

Never had an accident in the kitchens where I work as a waitress...and there are like 10-15 peeps in a TINY kitchen working with knives and accident at all..

Anyways blame the stupid youths of today who beleive it is a wiase thing to stab eachother for this ban  :)
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« #9 : May 29, 2005, 04:58:39 PM »

None of us can deny there is a large knife problem in the well as guns.....Isiotic youths think it is COOL to carry a knife with them. They think they are hard if they get into a fight and stab another person. A kitchen knife could be used in one of these incidents. 

  Youths thinking it is cool to carry a knife is nothing new.  THAT was going on as far back as as the  50's and 60's... and the LAST thing they would do would be to carry a kitchen knife!!!  THAT would not be seen as being so cool!!!   :P

I personally do not care. I will just buy ready cut things ::)    Well, you must have plenty of money then!  I do not want to pay exorbitant rates for fresh food, just because the government have been so dictatorial  that I am not allowed to cut my own food!   >( >(

Never had an accident in the kitchens where I work as a waitress...and there are like 10-15 peeps in a TINY kitchen working with knives and accident at all..

Anyways blame the stupid youths of today who beleive it is a wiase thing to stab eachother for this ban  :)  No as I said the Government is to blame, NOT the youths.  What will they ban next eh?  Scissors?  Screwdrivers?  Knitting needles?  CROCHET HOOKS??!!??   :8o :8o :8o >(


« #10 : May 29, 2005, 05:19:40 PM »

I think pippy has got a point. I think it IS the youths, i mean, look at them, they think its 'big' and 'hard' to carry knives and such, they live in their own fantasies about being 'gangsters' thinking its 'cool' to carry lethal weapons around, it isn't the governments fault at all, its these kids who take drugs, who binge drink, who walk around like the world has a grudge against them, its these kids that carry the knives, the government dont put them in their hands, pat them on the back and go tell them to play nice... :dry:
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« #11 : May 29, 2005, 05:46:38 PM »

Well fact is, we will ALWAYS have a nice amount of knives stashed somewhere, tis just the government trying to act on something that the public want, but very little can be done  ::)

Are stores to sell ONLY ready cut things? I think not  ::)

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« #12 : May 29, 2005, 06:24:23 PM »

Removing the weapons will not remove the violence. Its will probably just result in some kind of black market kitchen knife trading... ::)


« #13 : May 29, 2005, 07:20:08 PM »

Lol Mort, you could well be right. I agree that removing weapons
will not remove violence.

I don't see what this ban of kitchen knives is going to do. I don't
think that it's going to bring any good. Even if they do ban knives,
there is still going to be violence anyway.

About the situation of who's to blame, people would think that
youths would be to blame because they are acting irresponsibly
and if they did kill someone by using a knive then they'd be
responsible because they killed someone which is classed as

However, the government probably would be to blame
because they haven't done enough to tackle the problems that
crime do bring to society. Discipline perhaps should be another
thing that could be sorted out, bring back National Service or
something (yeah I know I sound silly for saying it but I don't care
and maybe it could sort out the problems).

Another point I'd like to add about the youths, I read in a paper
that youths do carry weapons for reasons such as self-defence
because they don't feel safe in their neighbourhood anymore.
I'll admit that I did carry a knife with me NOT because I thought
it was cool (I don't think it is cool), I carried a knife with me when
I'd go out because of self-defence because I didn't feel safe in my
neighbourhood and I was worried about getting attacked.


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« #14 : May 29, 2005, 07:59:35 PM »

People can't ban kitchen knives!! that is just ridiculous!! what are ya going to chop up your cheese and your beef with!?! if the people who decides this stuff carries on the way they're ging people will just end up living it little boxes safe from everything.... which isn't very fun because it's a box and you're by yourself.... they'll make people into hermits and that's just daft!!

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