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: Voting...?  ( 21751 )
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Aranel i Eldaliéva, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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Ú-chebin estel anim. Nai hiruvalye Valimar.

« #30 : January 12, 2006, 08:27:36 PM »

When I can be bothered voting, I vote Lib Dem as the Monster Raving Loonies don't have a candidate in my area  :'(

Please rush me my portable walrus polishing kit. Four super brushes that will clean even the trickiest of seabound mammals. Yes, I am over eighteen, though my IQ isn't.

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« #31 : January 13, 2006, 12:25:30 PM »

Why give your confidence to people who don't deserve it, I say; a vote is a personal endorsement of policies and ideals of a(n) group of/individual person(s).

It's sad that my people fought, died, clawed, scraped and sacrificed to earn our vote and our civil rights, and yet there's not really anybody with enough integrity and midline thinking in our political system as to be worth a damn. If anyone, I'd vote Sinn Fein, mainly because they are excellent Councellors for our constituencies.....other than that, you have the SDLP, who are dead.....Alliance, who are basically the DUP's bootlickers.....UUP, who fundamentally turn my stomach sometimes, and the DUP, whose policies spit in the face of human rights, spit in the face of each and every person on this island and even spits in the face of the British government they claim to love so much.

The occupied counties political system isn't worth a s[CENSORED]t and god do we ever know it.....

As for England, I'd vote Lib Dems, if only just in pure spite against the Tories and Labour, the latter of which will only become respectable again as soon as Tony Blair is replaced. Great politician and all, but he wields his power sometimes like a child with a toy- and rarely takes "no" for an answer- hence why so many young British men and women lost their lives in Iraq.

Politics can be a very pointless game, but one in which we all must take heed of if we're to know the rights and laws of the everyman.....

Well to be honest, it's not as if we are voting for the Westminster Government. People fought and died for our votes in the North but it was part of the Civil rights movement. Some people have 5 votes and others had none.

The North's voting is dominated by partition. Either your for or against it, and people have even asked the green party on their views for it, which they have none as far as I know, so they don't get the votes apart from being in local councils.

While I don't like the DUP and the UUP, Ian Paiso is known to be good to his constituents as part of his job, and Sinn Fein do a good job aswell.

We don't actually have much of a political system right now to vote for, but when (and I mean when, not if) the assembly goes back up, we will and each vote will be crucial.

If I was in the mainland UK? I'd vote Labour.


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« #32 : July 17, 2007, 04:30:18 AM »

vote vote vote vote.
Everyone should get off of their lazy rearends and go vote when the day rolls around. Doesn't matter if its the biggest national election of the century or the one close to home. Get up and go vote.
Really- this is the easier duty we could POSSIBLY have as citizens. And how many people don't even bother? Its a disgrace.
Especially the local elections. Very often local elections are settled by only a few hundred votes. And when you take into account how many THOUSANDS of people in a district don't vote. The election could go any which way.

As for myself- my party. Here in the US of A we aren't scant on choices- just scant on parties that have any power. The two biggies though ::shudder:: pass. I vote independent. The best candidate, the best platforms, ideas, values. Best alternatives. I vote for who I think is the best for the position- I don't give a flying fig what the parties think.

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
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« #33 : July 18, 2007, 05:22:23 PM »

vote vote vote vote.
Everyone should get off of their lazy rearends and go vote when the day rolls around. Doesn't matter if its the biggest national election of the century or the one close to home. Get up and go vote.
Really- this is the easier duty we could POSSIBLY have as citizens. And how many people don't even bother? Its a disgrace.
Especially the local elections. Very often local elections are settled by only a few hundred votes. And when you take into account how many THOUSANDS of people in a district don't vote. The election could go any which way.

As for myself- my party. Here in the US of A we aren't scant on choices- just scant on parties that have any power. The two biggies though ::shudder:: pass. I vote independent. The best candidate, the best platforms, ideas, values. Best alternatives. I vote for who I think is the best for the position- I don't give a flying fig what the parties think.

Maybe in the USA its different, but you can't tell people to vote, and make them feel bad for not voting.

In Wales' last election, I voted Monster Raving Loony Party because lets face it, they got their heads screwed on more than the damn Labour party or Tory's (spit) and I also voted Independent, which is who got into power i.e. Dai Davis and Trish Law.  Although, I only voted for them because I know they're local, and they at least have SOME notion of the problems of the county (plus I know Trish's and Dai's best mate ;))

However, working in the Community Development Sector and Voluntary Sector, I see everyday the problems the communities of Blaenau Gwent face, and I KNOW that none of the political parties will help.
They barely have a clue what issues are rife here!

So although I voted for my local elections, I wouldn't vote in the national ones or whatever they are, because 1) I have no interest in Party Politics and 2) there's no one good enough to vote for!

Therefore, if I don't vote, it's my RIGHT as a British and Welsh Citizen not too :)

And please, don't give me that 'people died for your right to vote....' line.  I know they did, but thats not the issue these days is it :)


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« #34 : July 22, 2007, 08:35:48 AM »

No, I can't Make anyone go and vote, but its something I feel very strongly about.
I don't think I said anything that would make someone feel bad (unless they were already feeling guilty about not voting- which case I apologize)- its simply where I stand on the issue. Does anyone know what percent of the population capable of voting actually does? In the United States, rarely much higher than 50% And thats for Big elections. Presidential. Is that sad to anyone else? Its sad to me. Wikipedia (I know, I know- not exactly a leak proof document, but useful) has a lovely chart on its "Voter Turnout" page listing the approximate voter turn out for several countries, and denotes which ones have compulsory voting. The highest noncompulsory country was Malta. With 94%. Amazing. United States? I'm glad to be one of the 54% of us that bother.

Japan- 71%
Sweden- 86%
Israel- 80%
United Kingdom- 76%
Austria- 92%
Just to list a few.
Then comes the US of A. 54%
I hope that is might seem a little less harsh when I say that it is a "disgrace." Because really- that is. Every citizen that makes up that 46% that did not vote has an opinion on how they think things ought to be run, they just couldn't bother to go and say so. (And yes- there are some countries with about the same turnout as the US, and some lower, but I'm not in them to take a look around at the demographic- so any judgement is withheld.)

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
High Dúnedain King

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« #35 : July 23, 2007, 06:29:42 PM »

I do see what you mean, and I do agree with you, especially when your number of voters is so low.  But, from a British point of view, none of the Party's that you can vote for are any good.  I've not heard of one party that would make Britian better, they're all just pointless lol. 

But then people I would consider voting for, such as the Green Party, nefer get enough votes anyway, because people always vote for either 'Labour' or 'Conservative'  -  two parties I think the British people need to stand up and realise are a load of bull :)


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« #36 : July 23, 2007, 08:42:37 PM »

Oh Icy- trust me. I understand that point of view. We have the oh-so-wonderful democrats and republicans. Republicans usually win out, but its pretty much 50/50. Lovely. Which is why I am independent.
SO many people in this country are die-hard party liners. They do what their party says. Period. Doesn't matter WHO the rep is for their party- they get voted for. Its annoying. And its also easy. If you have no care or desire to know anything about anything of whats going on, just vote for the party. Trust them. And usually, gripe later.
Though I have no problems listening to someone that actually voted complain.

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« #37 : August 02, 2007, 03:24:47 AM »

My political views are apathetic.
It means that I couldn't give a rat's arse about anything political. I think it's a load of rubbish.
I didn't even vote in the last election.
I think that voting changes nothing and that the government seem to be the problem, not the solution.

Jesus Christ, I sound like an anarchist.
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