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: The Imperial Party Manifesto  ( 9553 )
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« : May 04, 2005, 04:32:45 AM »


The Imperial Party will take Britain out of the hindrance that is known as the European Union.  We pay almost £30million a day from our taxes directly to Brussels, which is enough to build a new hospital every 3 days.  We do receive half of that sum back to spend on projects picked by Brussels, some of which do not affect Britain.

The Imperial Party will pass new legislation and will ease the political correctness which obstructs with how the country is run.  One of these new pieces of legislation will be to bring back discipline to our classrooms.  The “modern” approach to discipline in schools does not affect the pupils.  We will not bring back tools like the cane, but schools will become more militarised.

The Imperial Party will pass new legislation to stop immigrants, legal as well as illegal, from entering the country.  Any person wanting to enter Britain will have to have a visa, issued by the British government, with the personal details of the bearer held on computer records.

Our intention to leave the EU will generate an influx of funds into the British government system.  We will also abolish taxes such as Council tax and lower Income tax.  We will also raise the minimum wage to £5.50 within 6 months of gaining power.

The Imperial Party will pledge more money to spend on the National Health Service.  We will use a formula to decipher the make up of the local population (e.g. the amount of elderly, old industries such as coal mines) to make sure the services provided will be adequate.

According to The Institute for the Study of Civil Society (Civitas), there were 5.8 million recorded crimes in 2002, compared to 1.7 million in 1972.  In 1963 there were 148 cases of murder in England and Wales. In the first eight months of 2002 alone, there were 135 murders in the Metropolitan police area alone.  The Imperial Party will create a new security fore that will be known as Core Security or “CorSec” that will protect our citizens from crime.

Our stance on the justice system is that “Life means life”.  This does not mean that we will execute prisoners, but it does mean that if someone is found guilty of murder, they will only leave prison for their funeral.

The Imperial Party will enforce every British citizen to have Identity cards.  These cards will have all their details on them including their picture, as well as their thumbprint and retina information.  These cards will be impossible to copy, and will help us in finding illegal immigrants in this country.

The Imperial Party will help to ensure that all world debt will be cancelled, especially in the Third World countries in Africa.  This will help make the world a much richer and safer place to live in.

Contributed by Grand Moff Dilly

« #1 : May 04, 2005, 04:53:34 AM »

I wrote that lol  ::)
Remmirath - Nazgûl Queen of Mordor

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« #2 : May 04, 2005, 03:56:43 PM »

Yeah I thought so, cos I posted in that thread. I was about to accuse someone of eating my post as well. Lol. So where did the other thread go? :laugh: ??? :P


« #3 : May 04, 2005, 07:15:31 PM »

Yeah I thought so, cos I posted in that thread. I was about to accuse someone of eating my post as well. Lol. So where did the other thread go? :laugh: ??? :P

I don't know...

Was there another one? ???
The Flying Monkey

« #4 : May 05, 2005, 04:14:41 AM »

So why have our replies been deleted? Freedom of speech no longer tolerated at LOTRUK eh?

« #5 : May 06, 2005, 02:37:02 AM »

Increasing the Security of the Empire

Since the creation of the Tarkin Doctrine it has become a cornerstone of Imperial Policy.

Summarized measures set forth by the Tarkin Doctrine:

1. Establish "Oversectors" which contain tumultuous systems; to monitor and react to rebellious activities within those systems. Oversectors would be formed without regard for the borders of standard sectors and would receive more forces than other regions of the Empire. This Imperial presence would be designed to stop small rebel factions before they could become a larger established threat. An average of three Sector Groups would be deployed in an Oversector.

2. Assign command of each Oversector to a single individual who reports directly to the Emperor, in order to eliminate any delays created by political opportunism by Imperial advisors.

3. Improve communication resources and Imperial response time by placing modified HoloNet transceivers (cannibalized from existing HoloNet transceivers) aboard each flagship of every Sector Group within an Oversector command. Place similar facilities aboard the Emperor's flagship and in Imperial City on Imperial Centre (formally Coruscant). [NOTE: Originally, the Emperor had the expensive to maintain HoloNet network dismantled, however Governor Tarkin urged the Emperor to reinstitute it on a far smaller scale. HoloNet would be reserved for use by the Imperial Navy only, and only at the Sector Group level of organization.]

4. Control unruly portions of the Galaxy through a fear of force rather than force itself. Through the combination of superior coordination of multiple Oversector groups and the control of information (news media) an impression of overwhelming force will be installed within the citizenry, thereby instilling the idea that resistance is futile.

5. Continue to research and develop new and more powerful starships and weapons designed to inspire fear in the resistant systems. Present the citizen with a weapon so powerful, so immense as to defy all conceivable attack against it, a weapon invulnerable and invincible in battle, that shall become a symbol for the Empire. This weapon must possess a power great enough to dispatch an entire system. Only a handful or one of these weapons would be required to accomplish this task.
josher the hobbit

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« #6 : May 19, 2005, 04:38:13 PM »

Is anyone else seriously frightened now??

the world smiles on the brave and good!

Isiong, you're the one who can tear them apart.

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« #7 : June 22, 2005, 10:54:53 PM »

Is this real?

Arise riders of Theoden!  Spears shall be shaken, shield shall be splintered, a sword day, a red day, ere the sun rises!

Aranel i Eldaliéva, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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Ú-chebin estel anim. Nai hiruvalye Valimar.

« #8 : June 23, 2005, 04:22:56 PM »

Real or not I agree with the Imperial Party Manifesto

Please rush me my portable walrus polishing kit. Four super brushes that will clean even the trickiest of seabound mammals. Yes, I am over eighteen, though my IQ isn't.

Protect Me From What I Want

« #9 : June 23, 2005, 11:53:14 PM »

I don't know if this is real or a fake but I'm just gonna
have my say about it if that's OK.

With some points, I can see where they're coming from.
For example, when they talk about the European Union and how
we pay £30 million a day when that money should be spent to
improve hospitals etc. I've heard recently about the EU discussing
about a rebate or something, not sure if that has anything to do
with this though.

However, they have made their points clear but I don't agree
with them. My reasons being, about the identity cards. I think
that they're a waste of time and money. Yes, I see where they
are coming from though about finding terrorists or criminals.
I'm sure that many people would refuse to have an identity card
and they will be discriminated against.

Another point, I don't know if anyone saw the documentary
they had on Channel 4 about the immigration laws in Britain.
The programme was called 'Unwelcome Britain' though I missed it.
I think it's ethnic discrimination in a way but maybe there is
something quite bad about immigration in this country.
Something I won't judge on.

I may write my other views another time.

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Back from the Dead.

« #10 : June 29, 2005, 08:56:21 PM »

Is that real?  'Cause then I cant go and live in England, like I have always wanted to... DAMN...


Amputechture came
Philistine praise
Bottomless pit of empty names
Incarcerated habits
Tore from the palms
Severing the breast
Nursing all the young

« #11 : June 29, 2005, 09:03:19 PM »

ooOOoo why don't we all just walk round with electronic tags on our ankles, then everytime we step out of line, we can be electrocuted too. ???

The Imperial Party will pledge more money to spend on the National Health Service.  We will use a formula to decipher the make up of the local population (e.g. the amount of elderly, old industries such as coal mines) to make sure the services provided will be adequate.

That just wouldn't work.  People constantly move, die, give birth, change occupations etc. :-\

The Imperial Party will enforce every British citizen to have Identity cards.  These cards will have all their details on them including their picture, as well as their thumbprint and retina information.  These cards will be impossible to copy, and will help us in finding illegal immigrants in this country.

HA yeah and imagine if one of those cards got lost or stolen :-\  Why not stick our credit card details and favourite sexual positions on them while we're at it.
Aranel i Eldaliéva, Gwaith-i-Mírdain

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Ú-chebin estel anim. Nai hiruvalye Valimar.

« #12 : June 29, 2005, 09:51:32 PM »

It's save us having to remember everything  8) :laugh:

Please rush me my portable walrus polishing kit. Four super brushes that will clean even the trickiest of seabound mammals. Yes, I am over eighteen, though my IQ isn't.

Protect Me From What I Want

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« #13 : June 30, 2005, 03:01:12 AM »

Looked at thier website.

Honour, Integrity and truth go hand in hand with Christianity
The religion of our fathers should be taught again in our schools and not given a back seat to guest religions, how many children today can say the Lords prayer?
I can't believe my eyes. I refuse to believe this is serious.

Keep Britain white, christian and proper. Great Britain, great what?
« : June 30, 2005, 03:02:54 AM Jaymz »

josher the hobbit

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« #14 : June 30, 2005, 04:58:08 PM »

 :-\ I sincerely hope no-one takes this seriously!
The religion of our fathers...hmm if we go back long enough that would mean Paganism...

the world smiles on the brave and good!

Isiong, you're the one who can tear them apart.

An active member of H.A.S.S!
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