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: Age gap relationships  ( 63006 )
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« #105 : October 10, 2007, 02:52:30 PM »

Hum, interesting one.

I certainly agree with the point that you don't have to be exactly the same age to be compatable - infact, the one relationship where I was the same age as him, was all levels of awful.

Now, I grew up with elderly Grandparents, and was always reckoned to be above my real age - because I spent so much time in the company of "adults". With the result that my first bf was 3 years older than me, the 2nd was a the same age and a failure, the third was when I was 15, and he was 25... and the fourth was again about three years older than me. I then got together with my current partner, who is a year and a half older, we've been together five years and married for one.

But the 25 year old. When I was (just) 15. I have to say that had it come to it, I would have been quite happy to let that relationship develop into a full blown thing. Luckily he didn't like commitment. It's all very well saying that under 16 is under age; but I think you've got to take every case as an individual. Now, I would hate to think of my kid sister getting a 25 year old bf - but she has the mentality of a ten year old! When I was 15, I "hung" out with people in their 40s and up! MOstly with my bfs step mother and their friends! I wasn't excatly the average teen..

So yes, I think that in the right situation it works, and is ok. But each situation is thoroughly individual and unique. And in your case, tp, I'd only be worried in that, as you say, the two of you seem to lead very different lifestyles. Perhaps that would change if you did get together?  And I certainly don't think you're self centered - make the most of your teens!


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« #106 : October 11, 2007, 05:00:46 AM »

haha woah, I posted on page 6 of this thread when I was 18, I am 21 now!  :8o
My view is still pretty much the same, It depends on who they are etc
I get unwanted attention from 16/17 year olds that stand no chance whatsoever because I am looking for someone more mature and very very few people that age actually are.

Plus I spend a lot of my time down the pub with mates so if she cant partake in that then she is a no-go as I aint gonna let my social life slip for a relationship

I hate to ruin the magic
I hate to kill the dream
but once you've been behind the scenes then you'll know just what I mean
you might think that its cool to get up on stage
and play rock and roll from your heart and soul
but no one shows up and your songs all suck
and theres no applause and no flying bras
no girls will scream for you and no ones gonna sing along with you

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« #107 : October 11, 2007, 05:23:35 AM »

Haha Kamui, you're over halfway to 40 now ;)
I'm almsot halfway to 40 (I'm 19 argh lol).

And yes Shedara you are right, I need a guy who has a similar lifestyle to me otherwise it won't work.
Again, you are right, it could change if I did get with him but I can't help but doubt that it will change.
Thanks anyway though hun.

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« #108 : November 16, 2007, 02:07:08 AM »

I once went out with this guy that was 10 years older then me.
At first the age gap didnt seem important at all, we were just so besotted about each other.

But after a while we started to notice theage gap more and more, just silly things like
I wanted to go out clubbing, he wanted to stay in with a take-out.
I was out with my friends alot - he got jelous.

I think that age gap does matter, but it shouldnt mean that you arn't ment to be, I know that if i would have done something about it sooner, like try to grow up a bit then we would still be together.

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« #109 : August 09, 2012, 11:43:46 AM »

  I think that as long as both people are adults (18+) then there's nothing wrong with there being an age difference..  However, I don't think it's okay for a 30 yr old to date a 15 yr old..  That's sick because the 15 yr old is still a child, no matter how mature or developed they look or act..

  There can be some obstacles that you all (as a couple) must overcome, but if you're committed and dedicated to each other than just about any couple can work..

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