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: Dominic Monaghan  ( 66610 )
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Remmirath - Empress of Chaos

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« #120 : September 04, 2010, 12:37:50 AM »

  I've seen parts of it..  "They" were afraid the video would sensationalize an abusive relationship..  There was some controversy over it when it first came out..


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« #121 : April 25, 2012, 02:19:34 AM »

I thought of this topic the other day when I tweeted Dom and he replied!
I asked if he'd ever tour the UK in a play (realistically I thought someone else MUST'VE asked that) - and he said 'would love to!' Meep.  :wub: :wub: :wub:


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« #122 : January 03, 2015, 02:05:25 AM »

Pretty sure Viggo took this, anyone else think so?
Seem to remember seeing it on the LOTR DVD special features about the fact Viggo took so many photos and covered the make up van on it.  ;D

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