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: My Latest Project  ( 70925 )
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« #15 : March 09, 2005, 12:19:06 AM »

sounds quite cool, deffinately a film i'd watch :P

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« #16 : March 09, 2005, 12:24:42 AM »

awwww thank you guys! :D  :-*
This has taken me and Sara (who i'm making this with) a lot of time, thought and preperation to create this idea. Obviously it still needs a lot of work but i will keep you lot posted. ;) :)

And in answer to your post Lowi, i could try and put parts onto the internet once they're done for you. :)

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
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« #17 : March 09, 2005, 12:29:16 AM »

it sounds like michael jackson meet the adams family lol but it still sounds cool.Wacko Jacko being the preist

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« #18 : March 09, 2005, 12:34:20 AM »

 :laugh: lmao yeah i see your point there

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
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« #19 : March 09, 2005, 01:51:26 AM »

It sounds quite like the Exorcist... with the priest going to do the exorcism etc.

Sounds really good hun, and I hope it goes well for you and your friend :D

~* Lowi *~

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« #20 : March 10, 2005, 10:08:53 PM »

Yeah good luck with it! ;) :-*

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

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« #21 : March 12, 2005, 03:30:32 AM »

Awww thanks very much for your support Ellie and Lowi.  :-*
*huggles both of you*  :)

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
~* Lowi *~

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« #22 : March 12, 2005, 07:18:22 PM »

You're welcome ;) *huggles back* *huggles Ellie too just for the sake of it!* ::)

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

Rob Kazinsky also rocks my socks <3 <-- more clickety!


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« #23 : March 16, 2005, 09:33:14 PM »

Ah we had an enrichment day today and me and Sara spent the whole day researching for our movie! :D 8)
We have sooooooo much to do, but it's gonna be worth it! :D

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
~* Lowi *~

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« #24 : March 17, 2005, 01:03:48 AM »

Yeah it's great that you're really serious about it! :) ;)

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

Rob Kazinsky also rocks my socks <3 <-- more clickety!


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« #25 : March 18, 2005, 12:38:47 AM »

Yeah, we're trying to find out all about directing and cinematographers and all the other fields involved in film-making. To be a director requires you to know near enough everything about film-making so we are researching and finding out who does what in making movies. :)
We're also trying to learn the right terminology. :D

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
~* Lowi *~

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« #26 : March 18, 2005, 11:54:54 PM »

lmao that'll be fun! :P :laugh:

A while ago we had this thing called Cinemagic and it was the dude that played Mr C in Hollyoaks goin round different places and telling people (about 12-16 year olds I think) what makes a good actor and all and it sounded pretty good but I found out about it too late :dry: ::)

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

Rob Kazinsky also rocks my socks <3 <-- more clickety!


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« #27 : March 19, 2005, 12:06:24 AM »

Awww, that's always the way isn't it! ::)

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
~* Lowi *~

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« #28 : March 19, 2005, 12:10:38 AM »

lmao yep tis indeed :D ::) :laugh: I really do have to finish my script lol I always start little projects but get distracted and dont finish them til like 3 years later! ::)

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

Rob Kazinsky also rocks my socks <3 <-- more clickety!


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« #29 : March 19, 2005, 12:13:03 AM »

lmao yeah, i used to be like that but now i am dedicated nothing can stop me lol. (cept the money issue at the mo lol ::))

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
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