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OMG! he is sooooo buff! :D

« : March 08, 2005, 02:16:48 AM »

At this currnet moment in time me and one of my best mates Sara Kennedy are making a proper movie. We have been raising some money by doing sponsored runs ect, ect. At first people thought it was just a normal teenage phase we were going through but we have been going for about 6 months now and we are deadly serious. We really want to make this movie! It's going to be a horror movie. We going on a course for 5 days in april during school time. It's £100 per day (so it better bloody be a good course! :P)
« : March 08, 2005, 02:23:27 AM Amy the leg »

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
~* Lowi *~

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« #1 : March 08, 2005, 02:33:00 AM »

awww sounds well cool babe! ;) :o :D :-*
I started writing a movie script but I aint finished it'd be cool if your movie made it big and turned into a blockbuster lol ;) :P

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

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OMG! he is sooooo buff! :D

« #2 : March 08, 2005, 02:35:18 AM »

lmao yeah it would be well cool. :D 8)
i can just imagine me walking up to get an oscar or something and at the last minute i'd break it or i'd fall flat on my arse or something lol. ::)
It would be just like me lmao

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
~* Lowi *~

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« #3 : March 08, 2005, 02:38:24 AM »

haha yeah I can see that happenin as well :P :laugh: ::) I hope it goes well for you! ;) :-*

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

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OMG! he is sooooo buff! :D

« #4 : March 08, 2005, 02:43:03 AM »

awww thankies hunny!  :-*

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
~* Lowi *~

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« #5 : March 08, 2005, 02:47:44 AM »

You're welcome! ;) :-* I would never have that kinda money!! :o :dry: ::)

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

Rob Kazinsky also rocks my socks <3 <-- more clickety!


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OMG! he is sooooo buff! :D

« #6 : March 08, 2005, 03:01:45 AM »

lol we have no where near enough but that's when sponsor's come in handy! ;)

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
~* Lowi *~

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« #7 : March 08, 2005, 03:08:12 AM »

lol oh yeah I'd forgotten about that bit! :laugh: ::)

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

Rob Kazinsky also rocks my socks <3 <-- more clickety!

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« #8 : March 08, 2005, 05:39:22 PM »

Thats cool, Amy! Good luck with it :D

Jess takes Media and she made a music video for part of her project and I was one of the stars ::). Although I had to dress up as a Victorian man, with the suit and top hat :dry:. But twas a fun day, and I got to miss school :P

~* Lowi *~

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« #9 : March 08, 2005, 11:17:04 PM »

haha well, its worth it to miss a day of school! ;)

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

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OMG! he is sooooo buff! :D

« #10 : March 08, 2005, 11:33:24 PM »

Awww thanks Megz! :D  :-*

Wow that sounds really cool, bet you and Jess had mega fun! :D
Did it turn out any good? :D
« : March 08, 2005, 11:35:05 PM Amy the leg »

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
~* Lowi *~

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« #11 : March 08, 2005, 11:53:00 PM »

What's this movie about then?
Maybe you could add in any mistakes you made at the end? I always find the mistakes they made and a few behind the scenes shots funny! ;)

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

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« #12 : March 09, 2005, 12:00:29 AM »

ohhhhhh sounds good and yesh what is it about

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OMG! he is sooooo buff! :D

« #13 : March 09, 2005, 12:04:48 AM »

okay this could take a while ;) lol

It's about a priest (and before you say hold on i thought this was a horror movie, not some relgious movie, it gets a whole lot scarier than him lol ;)) who comes to this new church that has been built in a small village.

If you have ever heard of those ceromonies (sp?) where priest's sometimes go to houses to bless them and get rid of "evil" spirits and stuff, this is what our priest does to this new church. Before the church was built it was an old creepy graveyard you see but no one had ever payed any respect to it and just trashed it basically. So he blesses the church from all the angered "dead".
However, what he doesn't realise id that he has awakened and annoyed in doing so a very evil spirit! The spirit later takes over this priest and makes him do murderous things. For instance he kinapps little boys and girls and murders them each differently and horribly.

Then basically, later on in the movie our secong main character comes into the scene. He is a mental patient who cannot be trusted. He's really twisted in the head and has done bad things in the past. He's a really religious man and he is looked after in a mental institution home. He escapes when he reads his local newspaper about the missing people and the murders. He trys to  warn people it's the priest and evil spirits have awoken but he's mental right?! So who's going to believe him?

Lowi's my ickle niece! (i've claimed her so get your own!)
Winner of best movie fan fiction!
Poll's Mad Hatter!
~* Lowi *~

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« #14 : March 09, 2005, 12:14:41 AM »

wow sounds rather interesting! ;) Very original indeedy! ;) :P Do ya reckon there would be a way that you could put it on the net for us all to see once ya's have finished it cuz it sounds cool?

I gots my very own Aunt Amy!! :P  Charli-Lou's my coot lil Auntie :P

Ian Meadows/Rocco Cooper rocks my socks <3 <-- clickety!

Rob Kazinsky also rocks my socks <3 <-- more clickety!

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