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: Topic Suggestions  ( 24910 )
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Remmirath - Nazgūl Queen of Mordor

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« #30 : October 06, 2005, 01:27:38 AM »

I think a poll would be the safest way to go on this one, too. I agree with Jezz.:)

Ranger of the North

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« #31 : December 10, 2005, 12:47:19 AM »

Just scrolled through the list of topics and notest we didn't have one about the Death Penalty (Or perhaps I'm just blind and I missed it :P). It's something I feel strongly about and would like to debate if noone has any objections?

Remmirath - Nazgūl Queen of Mordor

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« #32 : January 02, 2006, 06:33:44 PM »

That sounds like a good idea. I will put up a topic about the Death Penalty. :)

From The Dark Side

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« #33 : June 13, 2006, 02:02:29 AM »

I have an idea...well two actually but I need to think on the second a wee bit more.

What about a topic on the Genetics and cloning.

Do people think its right for pairant to be able to select the DNT that there children have, to make them have blue eyes and blond hair? The fear of the designer baby is becoming an increasingly commen item these days. What about cloning of human organs to cut down the waiting lists for organ transfers? The fear is that a good idea can lead to something more severe such as human cloning. Fortunately the cloning of human embryos are illegal in Great Britain and Japan but it may not always be like this.

I think it could be an intresting topic personally

« : June 13, 2006, 02:19:26 AM Shalimar »

Soon as the evening shades prevail,
The moon takes up the wondrous tale,
And nightly to the listening earth,
Repeats the story of her birth.

Whilst all the stars that round her burn,
And all the planets, in their turn,
Conform the tidings as they roll,
And spread the truth from pole to pole.

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« #34 : October 22, 2006, 11:30:04 PM »

Hmm....what about a topic on the legality of magic mushrooms?

"As of April 2005, magic mushrooms in all forms - fresh, dried, processed, naturally growing - are illegal and class A under UK law.

In the US, mushrooms and psilocybin are categorised under schedule 1 along with LSD, cannabis, and heroin."

Magic mushrooms are not physically addictive. (although perhaps the psychological effects could become compelling and therefore hard to resist) Yet still, they only grow in the north of the UK for around a month a year, so it is practically impossible to pick up some kind of drug habit with them unless they are being imported.

There are no known adverse side effects, apart from slight fatigue. The main danger with taking them is if you pick the wrong kind of mushroom and that is most likely to just make you vomit and is really down to stupidity. A bad trip is possibly, but if they are being taken responsibly and in a safe enviroment there shouldn't be a problem. So things like alcohol and nicotine are legal....but being in the possesion of magic mushrooms is not. Alcohol is one of the biggest killers. Cigarettes are higly addictive.  :dry:

So it would be interesting to find out what people think about why magic mushrooms are illegal and things like alcohol are legal (mabye because they can't be taxed - they grow naturally!)...and perhaps to hear whether people think its wrong or right for them to be illegal...?


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« #35 : February 04, 2007, 01:42:53 AM »

I have a topic suggestion. How about a discussion about the growing problem in the UK
(and possibly the USA) about sex offenders. I've had many discussions about this with many people
and I think it would be good to see what people on here think about that.

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« #36 : April 11, 2007, 04:06:28 PM »

How about a topic on Natalie Evans

This woman had ovarian cancer i think it was 4-5 years ago. At this time she had a fiancee Howard.

Together they froze embryos to give her the chance of still being a mother.

They then split up and he withdrew his consent for the embryos to be used.

She fought and lost a battle to use one of these emryos and become a mother.

There are of course two sides to this:

On the one hand..  It is her only chance to have children, she asks for nothing from her ex fiancee just the chance to be a mother. It is of course a womans (who desires children of course) most devastating blow if she is unable to have children and of course the worst feeling in the world if you are desperate for a child.  Blood is not always neccessarily thicker than water. If she was able her and a partner may bring up the child and this partner would act as a father

On the other hand... This is her ex fiancees sperm and his bodily fluid, he should be able to withdraw this if he doesnt want it to be used. He has rights also to say no to this of he doesnt want to have his own child. No matter what happens wether he never wants to see this child it would still be his and of course the child may want to seek out his biological father when the time comes.

Should she be able to use these embryos as it is the only chane she will ever have to become a mother or should they be destroyed as her ex fiancee wishes?


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« #37 : June 15, 2007, 06:24:07 PM »

How about we have a discussion involving the case with Big Brother.

I don't think I have to explain much about it as I'm sure that everyone is aware about what
happened and everything.

However, it may be a better idea to vote on whether we should start it or not as some people
may find the topic a bit touchy.

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« #38 : July 11, 2007, 01:39:50 AM »


This crap is still going on?

I wasn't gone long enough after all.  :dry:

How about a debate about whether or not to open the World Events board back up to the public to start threads. Seeing as how it is as dead as it is anyway (how many haven't been touched in over a Year on the front page?)
Lets breathe some life back into this board- with the understanding, of course, that there is tight MOD control- anything over the line or useless is Out.

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
Fart Knocker

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« #39 : July 16, 2007, 07:26:18 PM »

2nd'd!  :D

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« #40 : July 20, 2007, 08:14:52 AM »

We have a second! Come on Mods, lets hear it...
We seem like a pretty well behaved bunch right now.
And I'm sure we can all agree to MUCH stricter rules concerning content. Anything out of bounds, anything that doesn't belong, anything getting too heated can be axed- plain and simple.

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.

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« #41 : July 22, 2007, 08:59:14 AM »

No thoughts? Mods?

Come on now- in a board where everything that goes on is under TIGHT Mod control, surely they at least read the topic suggestion board. Otherwise no one gets to discuss Anything.

Seems unfair to all of the good ideas for topics and all of the people with opinions. Supported and fair opinions, of course.

Whatsay we reopen the board. Anything deemed unworth can be shut down with a good reason attached. I'm sure we could all agree to that.

Any threads that Mods decide are out of order or too sensitive can be locked after a post with the reasons why is written.

I don't see why this would be an issue. If a proper reason is given for the locking of any thread and all new debates meet the standard requirements (i.e. nothing silly or useless, avoiding especially sensitive topics, and nothing getting overheated) we should all get along fantastically.

Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die.
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