Thanks all of you who have already sent in articles/pictures to my email, or sent them to me through Spikie.
I would like to credit as many of you as possible, so if you have already sent in an article, post me a quick PM telling me which article you sent and how you would like your credit to appear.
I'd like to show credits like this, though if you wish only to use your username, I can leave your real-world name out.
Submitted by Jennifer (Gollum Girl) Kacey on 31 February, 2004
For those of you who plan to submit an article to me by email, please include in the subject, "FOR THE LOTR WEBSITE" or something of that nature so I'll know it's not spam. Also include how you wish to be credited in addition to any credits to sources you used in your article.
I am a simple creature with a simple computer. In other words, I don't have Microsoft Word. I have WordPad, and NotePad, so if you could send printed articles in either of those file formats, it'd make things alot easier.
Also, if you wish to submit pictures, I have WinZip so you will be able to send them compressed if your email server supports Zipfiles.
My email is
