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: Summerised Roleplay Rules [Upated 13/9/2005]  ( 3513 )
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High Dúnedain King

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« : September 13, 2005, 05:50:27 PM »

Here is an easy-to-follow, summary of the Roleplay Rules.  Abide by them.

*  Place your roleplay in the correct boards now added

*  Allow anyone to join your roleplay, and do not be abusive to any fellow roleplayer's.  If you want an invite-only roleplay, you must clear it with an Administrator first.

*  Do NOT by any account, use TXT SPK.  It is hard to understand, and lazy.

*  When roleplaying, please write more than two lines.  Roleplaying is a way of expressing yourself and writing a story, so please try and write as much as you can.

*  If you want to have a conversation outside the roleplay, type in brackets ( ) so we know its not your character, its you thats talking.

*  If you are going away, please tell the people in any roleplays your in so they do not wait around for you.

*  Please be patient.  Some people are not always online and cannot reply to a roleplay straight away, so give people a chance and do NOT run off with the plot.

*  If you have any problems with roleplaying, or anyone your roleplaying with, please contact a Moderator about it.  Do not have arguments over the roleplay boards, as its not fair on any others roleplaying with you.

*  If you want your characters to be related, for example, b/f & g/f or any other connections ASK the other person before you do it.
« : September 22, 2005, 10:17:35 PM The Iron Maiden »

Remmirath - Empress of Chaos

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« #1 : November 11, 2011, 06:26:57 AM »

 And please, for further questions, go to the FAQ thread.. -Théo

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