I thought we could start a list of links for Tolkien LOTR and middle earth related links. as our list progresses it will be more helpful to others looking for any info on the web

Our Main Site
Cast Biographies
Movie Transcripts
Movie Info, statistics etc
Tolkien Character Bios
Image gallery, including the well known artists
Animated LOTR and the Hobbit
Forum artists personal artwork
Name Translator
Personality Quiz
Dating Quiz
The Encyclopedia of Arda A fully Comprehensive online encyclopedia of Arda and all of Tolkien's works involved.
The Lord Of The Rings.net Official website for the lotr movies
Annals of Arda - another encyclopedia
more Maps
Script Links
Council of Elrond - has both theatrical and EE versions
more scripts
http://anduin.eldar.org/artgallery/tolkien/alee/justpixs.html Beautiful artwork by Alan Lee
http://www.john-howe.com/ The Art of John Howe, Tolkien artist
(TORN) The One Ring.net A great site for tolkien, newline, movie cast members, books and all round updates and info. Forums and lots of other cool stuff.
Ardalambion - Middle Earth languages.
What Tolkien Officially Said About Elf Sex - Essay about, well, I think the title is self explanatory.
orc debate @ onering.net debate including discussion on how Orcs reproduce
The history of Dwarves in Middle earth. Quite full in content on the history of Dwarves and not much left out.
Box office Mojo Top box office earning films of all time. All 3 lotr films in top 10.
The Lord of the Rings & Tolkien Things - reference site for other tolkien related sites..
Tolkien top 100 links Top 100 tolkien links on the web (apparently)
Tolkien world.com Top tolkien sites to visit and lots of cool other stuff
The lord of the rings.com forums, news, archives, pics lots of stuff
Complete sean Bean websiteRingBearer.org is a good site
has lots of info, forums, chat, competitions and links. Worth a visit
http://www.freewebs.com/lord_ofthe_rings/main.htmllots of pics
http://www.grey-company.org/Circle/language/phrase.htm#commonA few elven phrases
www.quintessentialwebsites.com/lordoftheringsmany pics, scripts and trailers
http://www.blades-uk.com/ - A UK website for buying the official swords
http://www.elvish.org/gwaith/movie.htm - the fellowship of wordsmiths
http://www.tolkienion.net/index2.html - A great reference website
http://www.lotrspoofs.com/main.html - TLOTR Spoof page
http://www.decipher.com/lordoftherings/index.html - Official TCG website
http://www.shirepost.com/ - good website for Shire coins
www.mckellen.com - Ian McKellen's official website
Mellonath Daeron is a very nice site: (that also has a detailing of the contents of the HOME series).
http://www.forodrim.org/daeron/md_home.htmlhttp://www.forodrim.org/daeron/md_hm.html (thanks Iyri)
http://www.cep.unt.edu/songs/tolkien.htmlall the poems from the books
http://www.elvish.org/gwaith/movie_soundtrack.htmthe lyrics from the soundtrack
www.lotr.comhttp://www.angelfire.com/film/rings/ LOTR fansite with lots of pictures
The Land of shadow For all you Mordorians!
http://www.lotrplaza.com LOTR community site for Tolkien fans
http://fan.theonering.net/middleearthtours/shire.html - Artists conceptions of different characters, scenes from the films based on the books, and it also compares them with actual scenes from the movies.
www.tolkien-movies.comAudible Beauty - sound clips from the films and trailers
Alqualondë - quality fansite made by my friend Jon
Furiae - not strictly Tolkien, but Tolkien-inspired. Beautiful artwork
Meduseld - fan site
Arwen Undomiel Tolkien FAQ -
the most useful online resource for all those unanswered questions
The Argonath - has somevery good paintings of elves
Omniglot - information on how to write Tengwar
Checked all links and deleted dead ones and added the ones Mith had suggested thanks for that.