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: What is the meaning of life?  ( 170987 )
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Khazad Dum

« : February 10, 2004, 06:51:58 AM »

The last one got all messed up and spammed on.

so i thought it could start from scratch.

Well, what in your eyes is the meaning of life and why are we here?


« #1 : February 10, 2004, 08:03:58 AM »

I don't think there is a real meaning - not unless you make one for yourself.

Some people may think we're here to prove ourselves to God, some may think we're just space dust that's become aware of itself, and some think we're just here to breed. Truth is (for me, personally anyway) I don't know why I'm here, and maybe I'll never know. I'm here physically because my parents produced me, and because my body can heal itself. Otherwise, there's no real reason, I just keep living because my body is programmed to until it dies or it is killed.

As for why I live... well, I want to see a bit more of life before I die. I've got nothing to lose by living, since I don't believe in an afterlife.  

Q-Tip Cloud

« #2 : February 10, 2004, 10:44:20 AM »

"The Meaning of Life" depends on many different things. Many people base the meaning of life on their religious practices..and others just live life to the fullest regardless of any religious background. It varies from person to person and meaning to meaning.

As far as how I see it. I see things in a rather pesimistical and radical view. I am(as they so nicely put it in a clinical sense)Anti-Social. I have not much respect for any human being on this planet. I have a very hard time dealing with human nature and human kind in general. Since I was a child, I have thought differently from other children and was placed in certain situations that many children will never have to go through in life. I have tried to find my own kind in many different situations. Sometimes it worked..but it failed more often than normal. I am not sure whether or not there is another life after death..and as far as I am concerned...I would hope that if there was an afterlife...that I had nothing or it has nothing to do with coming back as one of the most horrifying animals of all...human.

To is a human beings responsibility to make life productive and safe for everyone..and so far...that has been a failure than a hopeful triumph. I have tried everyday of my life to make an effort to make my life and the lives of whom I respect, a better one. I see too many people farting around whining about menial things and complaining about the smallest things when our world is falling apart. Life is to be seen as something productive...not something to take for granted..and that is what it happening in my eyes. Too much wasted time on topics that solve nothing. Whether it be the War or WMD or this crap and that. You have people who say that animals are the lesser of the world and so is the environment..but what many don't realize is that we were not here it is up to us to make the world a safer place and to me...that is the meaning of life. Live life to the fullest..but RESPECT what was here first.

Okay...I made my point and I don't want to start any radical views..but as you can see...I see things in a radical sense..and maybe even I cannot be what I wish to be in life..but I am damn sure trying to achieve as many goals to help those that cannot be heard..everyday of my life. Better than sitting on your ass all day.  

Don't worry folks..I've been in Therapy since I was 12 years of age. No...I am not the next world reknowned Socio-Path...nor am I cruel or non-empathetic. I just have issues...don't we all?
« : February 10, 2004, 10:57:17 AM Theft, and Wandering Lost »

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« #3 : February 10, 2004, 03:37:02 PM »

I don't think you can give 'meaning' to generally existing, no one knows our purpose our our 'meaning' all we can do is speculate.

What passing bells for these who die as cattle
only the monstrous anger of the guns
only the stuttering rifle's rapid rattle
No mockeries for them from prayers nor bells
Nor any voice of mourning save the choirs
The shrill demented choirs of wailing shells

« #4 : February 10, 2004, 05:41:08 PM »

We are all put on this planet for a reason - even if we do not ever find out our reason for being here, we were put her for a reason.  It might take a lifetime before you figure out why you are here.  I personally do not know my reason for living.  I've been alive for 18 and a half years, and I haven't done anything worthwhile in my life.

Some people believe they are put on this planet to love the love of their life basically, and I think that is my reason.  I mean, I'm crazy about my Dave, and yeah well, I think that's my reason - to think of a reason why you are here is hard to think of actually.  I don't know my true meaning, I probably never will, but I will always believe that everyone is here for a reason....whatever it may be.
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« #5 : February 11, 2004, 01:05:15 AM »

to look at it from a scientific perspective- there is no meaning... the human race and indeed all life on this planet is a fluke and that makes our reason for living, simply survival...  :-\

not a very pretty prospect but it's just a different perspective...  ::)


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« #6 : February 11, 2004, 02:29:17 AM »

the meaning of life is completely subjective to each individual.  We can hold to our theories of religion or evolution but nothing so far has been proved beyond doubt so its anyones choice of what you believe in.

People don't like to believe in god since the whole idea of an all powerful being that can exert their will upon us is a little hard to take for the ego of your typical all powerful human.  ;) and people don't like to believe in evolution since its negates any idea of the magic of life, love and heaven etc.

Either way what people believe is more a response to what they don't want to believe in. So basically the meaning of life is to find out what the meaning of life is, so we can all stop living in denial. ;D


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Khazad Dum

« #7 : February 11, 2004, 08:11:59 AM »

 :owell there you have it.....
i didnt think there could be such a logical makeshift opinion/answer to that.

tips Dougie out the window throwing pillow after him ::)
« : February 11, 2004, 08:13:19 AM All in Favor say Aya!!! »


« #8 : February 11, 2004, 09:17:02 AM »

lmao! Durin the al-mighty spammer triple-poster dwarf :P ::) ..anyways, methinks - well, for me, the meaning of life is to fulfill your goals or dreams. Maybe even fulfill others, though I do believe in the second coming of Christ, so there'd also be the 'preparation', not exactly going to church and such, but yeah, I don't know.. there's also my old perspective of "to live is to die.. that is all".. lol, well, in some way it is :)
Q-Tip Cloud

« #9 : February 11, 2004, 09:54:23 AM »

I remember a wonderful movie starring Christopher Walken(this man is an amazing actor)called 'The Prophecy' about a third war in heaven. The 'Angels' of God fighting other angels due to 'God' choosing humankind above his 'Angels' of heaven. Interesting theory that I shall never forget. For those of you who haven't seen it...check it out. It might give you a different opinion on life in general.

As far as people not believing in 'God'. I feel that half of those that don't believe(especially the younger folk)do it for the attention to make a statement in order to be heard. There are some young folk who are beyond their years and most likely lost faith due to a traumatic incident in their life.

Woops..sorry if I went off topic..but hey...I didn't bring up 'God'.  ;D  

« #10 : February 11, 2004, 03:01:42 PM »

To live is to be dying.

When a thing happened it will come to an end of its own, in the case of life the ending is death.

I'm a buddhist so this may sound pretty strange to you. But I beleive we came to birth for reasons, to repay what we had done in our former lives. Being birth is not a gift its an opportunity to make a difference. Life is filled with pain, and the true happiness can be had only when we born no more.  Being birth is a chance to achieve that goal, not to be birth again.

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« #11 : February 11, 2004, 10:02:38 PM »

:owell there you have it.....
i didnt think there could be such a logical makeshift opinion/answer to that.

there is always a logical answer :P ::)


tagged by pinky

« #12 : February 11, 2004, 11:00:06 PM »

This is pretty simple, but I think the meaning of life is to live, and do the best you can in everything. ;)
We are here because we're not there :P
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« #13 : February 11, 2004, 11:12:25 PM »

the meaning of all life forms, is to procreate and secure the future of their species :) ;D ;)

All Keeps Well for those who Wait. Nai tiruvantel ar varyuvantel i Valar tielyanna nu Vilya

« #14 : February 12, 2004, 01:27:43 AM »

the meaning of all life forms, is to procreate and secure the future of their species :) ;D ;)

Yeah, but what for? So that the species can go on endlessly procreating? I used to believe this myself, being a scientist, but there's something about human life that's bigger than that, or at least we recognise and expect more than that. Evolution is an interesting concept, but it acheives nothing more than stasis, an ability for some form of life in general to adapt to change. The sun is going to explode and engulf the earth someday, according to astronomy, and all that hard work by evolution will be kaput. Some people think humans will be able to go on living in cans floating around in space by then, but there still isn't a point to it.

Btw, if that was a joke, EG, then excuse my characteristic seriousness.  ;)

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