The Age of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) Forum
Off Topic Section => Fan Fiction and Fan Art => Topic started by: Amy Lee on December 29, 2014, 01:01:27 AM
So I used to have a topic here about photo editing.. very, very cringeworthy now haha, nearly 8 years old too. I haven't given up my photoshop love, though.. here's the things I do now (also, helps get this board moving again!) - I go by kitsune on a graphics forum, so that's why that username is there.
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I need to learn this!! Maybe you could teach us on here a little??
Absolutely! It really depends on what you want to do and such. Happy to help, though.
I just need to learn how to alter things properly. What don't you start with some of the basics and we can build on it??
Hmn, what might be best is if I log in to - it's a screen sharing program - then we could talk across here/fb and you could watch as i did it all and work through your own project in the meantime? I can't tonight as I don't feel too good but as soon as I get over this cold I'm game!
Sounds like a plan!! I'm away with work now, so only have phone with me, I'll take a laptop next week and we can do it then??
Anyone else who wants to do this, is like a conference software, so you're all more than welcome to join in. I can even provide a huge resource pack.
I'm soo excited right now!!!
...totally just went to like your post -facepalm-
...totally just went to like your post -facepalm-
They're all very good!
Their brilliant arent they pollz!! X
-blush- thanks, guys.. I just got made a featured gallery on the forum i do graphics on, too, so psyched!
Oh wow!!! That all looks fantastic :o I love your Loki image!!
Beautiful graphics kirstie, I love the blends! xx
Thanks a bunch guys <3
If any of you want to use any of the signatures on forums and such, feel free - they mostly just sit around being unused as they're for working on my graphics development only (:
Just, if anyone asks where you got it, direct them to kitsune at shadowplay (:
Their brilliant arent they pollz!! X
Yes they're all incredible!
You should be very proud of yourself Kirstie!
I definitely miss using photoshop. I did art for two years at college then 2 years of media. I used to love using photoshop to create things!
I love photoshop.. I couldn't live without it.
Hello, I'm Kirstie, and I am a photoshop addict...
Have you ever thought of selling art on etsy?
Doing custom designs and selling them?