The Age of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) Forum
Tolkien only Section => The languages, weapons, jewellery, & clothing of Middle-Earth => Topic started by: EG on April 24, 2007, 05:35:57 AM
Im currently having a longbow made for me, by my archery tutor. I already have a recurve bow, which Ive been shooting for about a year now, but I have always wanted a longbow.
Anyway... its at the stage, when the wood will be bent soon, then pretty soon after all the finishing touches will be made.
However... before it is varnished, I have the option to "decorate" it.... and I would like to put some elvish writing on it.
You all are much better at recalling phrases than me... but can you think of anything that would be appropriate to put on a traditional longbow ???
(the only one that springs immediately to mind is... Leithio i philinn !!)
Gurth gothrim Tel'Quessir - Death to the foes of the Elves
Cuamin linduva yassen megrille - My bow shall sing with your sword
Lye nuquernuva sen e dagor - We will defeat them in battle
Cuamin linduva yassen megrille - My bow shall sing with your sword
WOW! Where did you get that from! thats amazing!
I thought you'd like that one, it's very elvish isn't it?
I got it from here (
thanks Lessa!
Im toying with that now and the script in my sig...
but written in tengwar script....
And Elril Galia in script on it too!
Saw it today! Its made from Hickory, Purple Heart and Lemonwood! Looking pretty good :D :D
well did you take any pics?
well, you cant see it very well......
you can see the purple stripe in it tho..
Hey nice looking bow. Couldn't you get him to stand to attention better than that EG? He looks like you stuffed a steel rod up his back ::) :P :D
hahhaah! Actually I wasnt even there when that photo was taken! Thats the son of the guy who is making the bow for me!! My Friend is making her own, with his guidance... and she took the photo! He actually was holding both bows, one in each hand!!
Have to show you it again, once its painted(decorated) and varnished!!
no wonder he was being so careful. poor lad :laugh:
so when are you going to be able to shoot this bow and what draw weight will it be?
be about 2/3 weeks before its finished ... at the moment, its not behaving with the bending... so it needs training! lol!
My recurve bow draws 32lbs... so I think the longbow will be drawing a similar amount.
So not to hard to draw then?
well, 32lbs is quite high for a lady.. the men draw more.. but you have to get a weight that you can manage to draw for a few hours!
yes but having already got a bow you are a veteran archer :D
I wish!!
well at least you can hit the target which is more than I can do :D
Okay I just gotta be nozey.
How much-ish did that cost you? I know non-custom bows are pretty pricy, but wow.. that musta set you back a pile..though if you love your hobby like I do mine, it's well worth it.
How long have you been shooting?
It will cost me about 100 GBP when its finished. Which is quite reasonable really.
Ive been shooting now for about a year, nearly. I was shooting with it today. I tried it out on Monday and the arrows were falling short of the target.. so he took it back and shortenend it a little to add poundage to it, and now it shoots brilliantly!
Have it at home at the moment so that I can decorate it before giving it back to him to varnish and put the handle on it! Its absoluletly beautiful to shoot... will have trouble now getting my recurve bow out!
that's a good price EG!!!
Mind you if you'd wanted it made of either ash or yew it would have been a heck of a lot more.
yes it would.. may well get a yew one.. the wood is beautiful! BUT a lot harder to work with and persuade to bend!
for all that doesn't it make the best bows?
each bow is different so its difficult to say. Each behaves differently. But yew, is yes the traditional wood used.
I want to put this phrase on it now
nįsiė i sśrė airita taulėllo mapa sślėnya
is there anyone clever enough to tell me if I have translated it correctly ?
May the wind from the hallowed trees take my breath
well I have no idea about the grammer and tenses but the words all seem to check out. Took me a while to find taulė for trees though :D
thankyou Lessa!
yeah took me a while too! But I wouldnt be surprised if I have the wrong endings on things, or they would be better in a different order!!
perhaps those at the Tolkien society might be able to help you out?
oh well! got to be right now! Ive painted it! hahah! Least I know what I want it to mean :jug:
Gurth gothrim Tel'Quessir - Death to the foes of the Elves
Cuamin linduva yassen megrille - My bow shall sing with your sword
Lye nuquernuva sen e dagor - We will defeat them in battle
For future reference, those phrase are... well they're crap. Don't trust any phrase the Grey Company gives out - indeed, if it's in your favourites or bookmarks delete it because what they have on the website is roleplay Elvish (aka Grelvish) and is a strange mix of Sindarin, Quenya and just made up rubbish. Stay well away!
ok ok don't lynch me :-\
Sounds really nice EG..and not quite as pricy as I'd imagined either.
Odd you should mention wood used for bows though. Around here there's a shrub called Osage Orange, or Bois d'arc ( The "orange" is actually inedible, but according th the wiki, "Straight-grained osage timber (most is knotty and twisted) makes very good bows. In Arkansas, in the early 19th century, a good osage bow was worth a horse and a blanket."
now that was an expensive bow :o
I've heard about the Osage Orange making good bows. The wood must be very flexible as well as tough.
sounds lovely wood! thats the nice thing about yew wood too.. you can really see the grain in it.
yeah the stuff bends fairly well without snapping, but it's finding an unknotted bit that's the trick.
If all else fails, one can use those awful osage oranges as trebuchet ammunition. Believe me, you don't want to park your car beneath one of those plants...especially if you own a soft-top.
ive never seen anything like them!
kinda like a cross between a cauliflower and a basketball!
wouldn't fancy eating one though :o
Nah..they'd make you froke up.
Osage peaches, on the other hand, make nice pies.
No chance of pictures? The previous one you posted doesn't seem to be there any more...
hmmm have to take some more, now its been painted. (the old one will be back once BT decide to start behaving again!)
I was shooting it today with my new arrows, and was quite pleased with the results! It draws 36lbs... which I can keep up for say 4 dozen arrows... at the most, but my arm tires after that! AND I have quite a few cuts on my fingers where the fletchings took a slice as I released the arrows!
So funny shooting longbow! Its all in the "can I hit the target" rather than with my recurve... "how close to the gold am I!!"
What bows do you shoot Ducky ???
you'll get used to it in time EG
I have two 1970s one piece recurve "hunter" bows. One is 32lb (and has "walked" since dad lent it out without asking.. :dry: So I can't shoot it and miss it muchly :() The other is 28lb. Gorgeous bows to shoot, and have an elvish look to them without the skill needed to shoot longbow ::)
Now why do Dads do that? They hit the roof if you do the same thing with their things ::)
Well surely you would like to acquire the skill needed to shoot the longbow better than you do now :D
Ah, I'm lazy. I'd have to practice far far more if I had a longbow....
I also have to afford one... since I can't even afford new underwear and that's slightly more important, long bows of glorious gorgeousness will have to wait XD
I've just been informed of my dad's reaction to finding out the friend of his who is borrowing my bow is gay. (Long sentence.. hope that makes sense) Considering my dad's reaction... There's a high chance I may never get it back. MISERABLE luck. I may be able to retrieve it myself but the gentleman also has a high dislike of women. Blah.
As it is you bow just go and coolect it. If he complains then threaten him with a lawyer's letter.
are they wooden your bows ?
They are, yes. Flexi-plastic arrow rests like on the modern recurve bows, and a laquer layer thing on the arms like a modern recurve
theyve done well to last that long then..... you must use them regularly
Princess (28lb) has aging issues with the laquer and wood in the arms and is (supposed to be) used less than Gordon (32lb).
I hadn't been practising because it was too cold and rainy to go out. Then my dad walked with the bow, and now Princess is seeing more use than she should. I dread the day she goes "bang", as she's my favourite.