The Age of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) Forum
The Forum / Website and Members Section => SITE SUGGESTIONS / VOLUNTEERS / QUESTIONS => Topic started by: Mithrandir on August 22, 2006, 03:47:27 PM
For some reason, everytime I press "Mark as Read" (for an individual board or the whole forum), I get the following error:
Session verification failed. Please try logging out and back in again, and then try again.
I have tried logging out and logging back in again but it seems to have no affect. Does anyone know why this is?
Sorry Mithrandir I have no odea it works fine for me :wacko:
hmmmm the only time that has happened to me on things on the forum, is when Ive done some changes to it, and theyre not quite complete..... but i hvaent changed anything for a week or two now :-\
Are you still in Helios ? have you tried changing the theme to see if that makes a difference ?
I don't use Helios, I use the TLOTR:UK Classic skin; and it appears, annoyingly, to be the only one on which "Mark as Read" doesn't work.
OK I'll look into it
I posted this elsewhere, but I am also receiving an error message when I try to mark all as read..
Using the LotRUK theme..
Topic resurrection!
I get the same error..using classic theme as my default, but also getting error on parts of the forum (Party Tree, for instance) where there is a different theme override.
I remember tweaking the original CSS years ago to jibe with the current (at the time) version of ProBoards...but maybe there was an element that did not work with SMF at all.