The Age of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) Forum
Off Topic Section => World Events => Topic started by: Taurendil on April 14, 2006, 09:36:45 PM
It is well-known fact that the temperature on our planet constantly grows. According to many predictions if this process doesn't stop many cities and territories will be under water in next 25-50 years due to the melting of ice in Antarctica and Greenland. Moreover, the consequences of warming is a mass starving in Asia and other countries contiguous to equator. Many green areas and forests will turn into deserts.
Do you know any efficient measures that are being adopted in order to prevent all this?
I don't believe there is such a thing as global warming. We had an ICe Age didn't we? Is it not possible to have a heat age all the same?
I mean if you look at it in that sense then there really is no evidence to back up the fact that there is such a thing! It may just be another age like we had an Ice Age, and will eventually end. Or are scientists now telling us that it isn't possible. That we are only allowed to have an ice Age, and that was a one off anyway and will never happen again!?
Even if it is so, and I seriously doubt it, we endager ourselves, taking risks. What if it is not so? The problem is that this process isn't convertible, I mean, once begun the melting wouldn't stop whatever we do then. Besides, you can't deny that industrial development doesn't affect nature and the climate.
I am not denying that but what I am saying is there has been nothing to tell me that this isn't just another age. What evidence is there to say that this isn't just another age? Aswell as what evidence is there to say that it is.
Why do you seriously doubt it? I mean, there isn't any evidence saying either way. There isn't anything to rule out a Heat Age. If it is another age then there is nothing we can do, but it will end.
Well, anyway if we do nothing we risk to end up living in a sandy waterless desert, without any sources of food. This 'Heat Age' will end and we as well.
Here's an indirect proof: If industry and pollution indeed affects climat then it naturally changes; in fact this is what we see today. Only several degrees is enough to destroy everything. I don't agree there's nothing we can do, we can for instance not to aggravate the things. Actually there are some powerful methods of controlling the situation
I think that yes, things are not made any better by the fact we ARE polluting the Earth and we can help that. That is something that, if it were simply a Heat Age, wouldn't help, and we can do as much as possible to stop that. If it is another Age, we can't do anything about the fact it is a Heat Age.
During the Ice Age, millions of animals survived, including the human race, and we are much more technologically able than we were then. If they survived then, we can survive now.
Both of these things do not change the fact that: - There has been nothing to prove that this is a Heat Age.
- There has been nothing to prove that this isn't a Heat Age.
- There is also no proof to tell us that there is such a thing as Global Warming, and that it is just some conspiricy.
My mum read a book by someone who reckons that there isn't such a thing as Global Warming, I'll ask her what it is...
I think that yes, things are not made any better by the fact we ARE polluting the Earth and we can help that. That is something that, if it were simply a Heat Age, wouldn't help, and we can do as much as possible to stop that. If it is another Age, we can't do anything about the fact it is a Heat Age.
During the Ice Age, millions of animals survived, including the human race, and we are much more technologically able than we were then. If they survived then, we can survive now.
First I think we can do something to prevent a Heat Age. For instance to shade the Earth by letting out in the sky certain micro particles. In fact there are 2 processes going on: Global Warming(I still think it's happenning, whatever we call it, a heat age or a warming) and Global Shading. Moreover these processes are counteracting each other. Global Shading is caused by particles that are issued in the air by fabrics (in fact these particles is nothing other but ash) it prevents overheating the planet by the Sun. So if we stop polluting the air then it'll cause overheating(which is happened in Europe exactly due to the reduction of air pollution). That's what must be taken in to consideration.
Yes, many survived the Ice Age(and a great deal more people and animals not), but nowadays it'll cost us our current well-being, development and achievements.
I doubt that. If anything global warming will probably cause a new ice age. If the ice caps melt than the amount fresh and salt water will get screwed up, the gulf stream will probably shut down and the UK will end up as cold as Siberia....Ah well, I always liked snow.
I doubt that. If anything global warming will probably cause a new ice age. If the ice caps melt than the amount fresh and salt water will get screwed up, the gulf stream will probably shut down and the UK will end up as cold as Siberia....Ah well, I always liked snow.
I've heard of this theory too. But it'll cause not only cold climate in Europe, but even hotter one in Africa, South Asia.
I've also heard the arguement that we're still in an ice age. Its definition is: "A cold period marked by episodes of extensive glaciation alternating with episodes of relative warmth." This is why some people believe the ice caps are melting, simply because we're finally coming to the end of the ice age.
To be honest, there are so many different theories I'm not sure what to believe. Whatever's happening, I think we're contributing to it and something major needs to be done.
I agree, people should undoubtedly do something to prevent unfavourable changes, whatever is happening.
Very true. Africa is already suffering terribly from Global Warming. Just look at the size of Lake Chad. It's decreased in volume by something like 50%, and the worst thing is the lake supplies practically all the water to about 4 countries. I shudder to thinkl what africa will be like in a 100 years if we don't stop pumping co2 into the air at the current rate.
The thing is there's another theory. By letting CO2 and other burned gasses out in the air (especially particles of ash) we stop the Sun to overheat our planet. According to this theory the cause of hot summers in Europe was the reduction of emissions.
So it's very difficult to decide what to do for there are a lot of things to be taken into account, and in the meantime there's not much time left.
Whatever happens, I don't care. Humans ruined this planet beyond compare. Quite frankly, we deserve to be wiped out. Maybe when we're gone, the planet will regain its beauty and the animals can have a nice home.
Because our Earth, the thing that gives us life, is basically a landfill site now. Its covered in derelict buildings, rubbish tips, war-torn countries.
Humans are so wrapped up in fighting with each other, in petty arguments, and our own domination...we forget5 about the most important thing for every one of us - Earth.
The day we stop polluting will be the day we're actually worth something.
The thing i was taught was that the cause of global warming in the pollution of fossil fuels in-fa red rays and some other stuff (i cant remember what it was a couple of years back) all of the above are causing the polar ice caps to melt which do indeed add to the water levels, and when water levels rise the land mass decreases.
Which does indeed mean that places on the coast will be greatly affected by this change.
Also apparently the government "are trying to stop this" where as i see what has been done can not be reversed yes OK you can change to environmental friendly products but the damage that has been done can not be reversed.
Because our Earth, the thing that gives us life, is basically a landfill site now. Its covered in derelict buildings, rubbish tips, war-torn countries.
Humans are so wrapped up in fighting with each other, in petty arguments, and our own domination...we forget5 about the most important thing for every one of us - Earth.
The day we stop polluting will be the day we're actually worth something.
Yes indeed the day we stop polluting we MIGHT be worth something, but i think the day where we stop polluting will never come or if it does it wont be for some time now.
Not everything is about pettey arguments just look at the events that have taken place over the last couple of years.
If all that is "petty arguments" then i strongly disagree
Bhaal >:(
Disagree about what? You'll have to be specific :)
When I say petty arguments I meant between individuals. You know, friends and family arguing.
Ohh ok then i thought you ment other things when you said "petty arguments"
when i said i strongly disagree i ment that if all that has happened over the last couple of years, and all of the lives that have been lost is just over a "petty argument" then with that i dissagree. ;)
Still dont think that made sence but o well its sounds good in my head.
Bhaal >:(
It is well-known fact that the temperature on our planet constantly grows. According to many predictions if this process doesn't stop many cities and territories will be under water in next 25-50 years due to the melting of ice in Antarctica and Greenland. Moreover, the consequences of warming is a mass starving in Asia and other countries contiguous to equator. Many green areas and forests will turn into deserts.
Do you know any efficient measures that are being adopted in order to prevent all this?
Actually this well known fact is something of an urban legend. The global climate changes naturally over the course of history and this mimics an established pattern of many hundreds of years.
The actual net cost of global warming is something in the region of 1 degree over the course of the next 150 years which is likely to be easily counterable by the scientists working on this problem over the course of that time.
In my opinion, I think I'm quite worried about global warming. I mean, in the project we've just done for our exam piece at College, we focused on this festival called "The Big Green Gathering" & it made me think about how much crap we're putting into our planet.
There's this advert on TV, I don't know what it's for, but the narrator says "If we could see what we the gases we are actually putting into our atmosphere, we would do something about it." I totaly agree, if we saw the fumes and what-not that we're polluting this world of ours with, it would kick us into gear into actually doing something about it NOW, don't you think?
h'mm, most recent thing i read about this, and it was pretty convincingly done, lots of people with letters and poo poo after their names :o stated that yes, the climate of the planet does change, all the time, goes through hot spells and warm spells, but, not this fast. it's the speed with which the planet is heating up which is causing worry. and if indeed it's heating up faster because of whatever we're doing/not doing then there is perhaps the risk that it'll also heat up more, which could be a worry.
what worries me more is the administration in the white house deliberately hiding and manipulating the facts about global warming, or, certainly appearing to, from it's populace in order to justify it's choice to prioritise the economy over ecology. but hey, it's not my just happens to have a disproportionatly large influence over my particular country...poo poo man, come to think of it, people i didn't elect have a huge say over what happens to me...well, i guess some things really never do change...
That's very true.. I mean, the USA could change the amount of nuclear plants they have, the choice to act now and at least try and make a difference. I think that George Bush & his administration are just too deluded in what they're doing, they'll end up ruining the planet. Along with the countries they try and help out. Or perhaps I'm wrong, they know what's really going on with this planet and just decide to smooth everything over and keep it quiet from their citizens?
The world is changing, whether we like it or not, what we've put into the planet, I mean, I've seen the amount of fuel rubbish going into the sky, making the hole in the atmosphere bigger, I live by the sea and daily I see the gases from the funnels of ferries polluting the air, thick, disgusting black smoke going up into the air and quite alot of people I know think it'll just go away or we can sort it out in a few years time and it'll be fine.
But it's not, if we don't act now and sort it out, then we'll probably end up in some climate that'll last for year's, maybe centuries, do we really want to get to the point where it's unchangeable?
Where we live in a constant heat wave or the oposite?
I love how the Bush govt still denies global warming despite Hurricane katrina and the coming of a predictably strong hurricane season, and even the consensus of scientists regardless of the political spectrum. Basically saying, the american neo conservative government would rather make profit from human deaths and the destruction of our earth before giving in and making legislation to help the problem.
It is well-known fact that the temperature on our planet constantly grows. According to many predictions if this process doesn't stop many cities and territories will be under water in next 25-50 years due to the melting of ice in Antarctica and Greenland. Moreover, the consequences of warming is a mass starving in Asia and other countries contiguous to equator. Many green areas and forests will turn into deserts.
Do you know any efficient measures that are being adopted in order to prevent all this?
Actually this well known fact is something of an urban legend. The global climate changes naturally over the course of history and this mimics an established pattern of many hundreds of years.
The actual net cost of global warming is something in the region of 1 degree over the course of the next 150 years which is likely to be easily counterable by the scientists working on this problem over the course of that time.
Its also a well known fact that global climate change happens over hundreds of years; as if the ice age ended within 100 years, aye f*ck. There is no excuse for what is happening to the planet and the facts prove it. Global warming at this current rate will make our planet unlivible within the next 50~100 years in most areas, with the highlands of the landmass being the only useable areas.
we cannot predict the work of scientists over the course of the future 100 years and must combat global warming now, not tomorow.
careful controlling of information in order to harbour in your populace a world view which will cause them to go along with you in all that you say, up to and including waging war on a large portion of the known world?
you know, if history wasn't written by the winners, i'd love to see a comparative essay between the 2nd bush administration and the rise of the nazi party. from, say, 50 years into the future...
The Bush adminstration, since Bush senior, have controlled what they tell their citizens. It's a known fact. What is hidden/kept and what is decided to be let out to the public. It's like the American people have a cotton wool coating around them, the goverment deciding what they tell their countrymen and what they don't.
I'm sure they're eager to know what their goverment are keeping from them, but will they ever find out? Like for example, a good, solid reason for going to war?
Back on topic, the USA of all countries, the superpower of the world, should make an effort on the worrying effect we're making and have made on our planet! because one day the chance to make a change, will not be available!
sometimes best not to bring well known, yet undocumentable, facts into rational debate. if you can't source it, it might as well not have happened. certainly it avoids the unpleasant moment when someone asks for proof ::)
True true... :P Shall take note for further posting
Wouldn't worry about it anyway , if it gets too hot then just wear a t shirt.
roast that all :laugh:
sometimes best not to bring well known, yet undocumentable, facts into rational debate. if you can't source it, it might as well not have happened. certainly it avoids the unpleasant moment when someone asks for proof ::)
Aye, but the proof in this case is the rapid change to our planet to be honest. Its no secret our planet is changing faster than it should be, and its at our hands.
the point made regarded the bush administrations systematic alteration of facts and events in order to make it's policies more justifiable and itself more electable. as for global warming itself, yes, that CAN be documented easily enough.
People want to be mislead sometimes so they don't have to face up to the hard truth-we are destoying our planet-all of us collectively-we all contribute to Globlal Warming. It doesnt sound nice-but everytime we get a brand new computer-we have such a glut of this castoff trash-it hurts all of us. Everytime we buy fast food-we kill a rainforest. It's a hard fact but alot of people really don't want to and wouldn't know how to live green. I recycle-yet still I'm just as guilty as anyone else. Our economies are based on WANT-not NEED. There is a basic difference-and yes in the US we have this love affair with a car that is quite out of hand. When I was growing up-we had maybe one or two cars-now every family has to have three or four. It is a bit insane.
And yes I do worry about Global Warming. :-\
i think this ( explains it all
Bhaal >:(
Well, apparantly the Ozone layer is now healing itself...
That's our problem. The Ozone layer is healing itself? It shouldn't have been damaged to the extent it was in the first place!!
Totally agree there Icy.
Can I ask where you heard about "the ozone layer healing itself" cos I haven't heard a thing
about that and also whoever on the news or wherever it came from said that, they're
probably saying it just to make everyone in the world relax and stop worrying about global
warming. Like that will help lol.
It was like the main story on the news for a couple of days...
It's probably all made up just to spur on this type of debate that's why I put 'apparantly'
But apparantly a load of scientists said so... I'll see if I can find an article with it :)
... Not like I have anything better to be doing *cough*homework*cough*
Edit: Still searching but so far all I can find is Scientists reckon it will be totally recovered in 50 years
I'm not worried at all about...*dundundun*GLOBAL WARMING! *gaspshriekrunaway*
Massive snow storms in Colorado. My boyfriend's area (out in the Midwest, but not Colorado) is having a pretty decent ice storm. Yeah, I know those are two relatively small parts of the world, but guess what? Parts of Africa are always hot and have always been. I don't think the mercury there is any indication that we should be afraid.
I'm a Christian. I do believe that we should be good stewards of the earth that we have been given charge of by the Creator. I don't think this earth is going to end because of some missing molecules. How do scientists know that the hole or whatever has not been there for a long time? Weather runs in 20 year cycles. In 20 years scientists will be all afraid of another Ice Age, because the weather will change a little bit, somewhere, somehow. *dundundun* GLOBAL WARMING! *gaspshriekrunaway* wasn't a huge worry in 1880 (I think that's close to the right year) when the hottest day to that date was recorded.
So in conclusion, you can see I'm not too worried about *dundundun* GLOBAL WARMING! *gaspshriekrunaway*
I don't personally know whether it is man-made or not.
You might believe that the global warming isn't man-made, but are you willing to take the risk of being wrong? If you're right you can hold your head up high, but at least we would all have more efficient life-styles; if you're wrong, millions could die.
You might believe that global warming is nothing to worry about, but are you willing to take your chances?
Yes. Yes I am.
Yes. Yes I am.
Is that because of your faith?
Yes. That and that I know that this could very well be a warmer weather cycle.
We were shown this video in Geography last year which I only just remembered... I must've fallen asleep but anyway...
It showed us that like millions of years ago the sea level was so high it was covering places on the coast like Yorkshire and stuff so those places didn't exist!
It made me think that maybe the Earth does this all the time, it goes iiiiin and ouuuuut and iiiiiin and ouuuuut and maybe we're just going iiiiiiin... and we'll then go ooooout again...
(i'm talking 'bout the Sea level rising because of Global Warming part)
Plus there were those hurrendous winds the other day all over the UK and they weren't warm and it's not exactly like thats the first time we've had a freezing day in years... we're getting them loads, like we've had 2006 as the warmest year on record but we've also had its winter as being one of the coldest!
Yes. That and that I know that this could very well be a warmer weather cycle.
Couldn't global warming be God's way of showing us that we are being unkind to the Earth? Couldn't God be saying, "Stop using all this oil, or you will all drown?"
So you know better than most scientists?
Ear, for me it's been a very noticeably warmer winter here in Sussex. Most days are in double figures. My personal experience is that we've had an incredibly mild winter.
It could well be an Earth cycle, I don't know, but I don't want the guilt of knowing people in countries like Kiribati and Bangladesh will die because of us Western cultures sucking up all the world's resources.
So you know better than most scientists?
I myself don't think thats a fair comment to make because we've got a load of moron scientists out there investigating how milk in your tea isn't as good as tea with no milk while they could be doing something worthwhile and investigating this debate more so we know exactly whats happening and exactly what to do so this debate can end and we can get on with doing whatever it is we should be!
Sorry, I really don't mean to offend your faith Cuthien, but that was the most ignorant statement I have ever read in my life.
It's people like you who say it's 'God's work' and stuff, that will kill us all. Global Warming, which is sometimes a natural occurence, is increased greatly by our use of fossil fuels, burning oil, petrol, gas, etc. Christians cannot keep saying it's the will of 'God'. Get some self-worth and blame yourself and your fellow man, because WE are too blame. I will hold my hand up and say, yes, I HAVE polluted. I drive a car, I put things in the bin when I should recycle. But I'm changing, I'm changing because I give a damn about my planet.
People have forgotten to worship the real 'God' - not a man in the sky - but our Mother Earth. SHE is the one we should be asking for forgiveness from, sor destroying her, building on her, raping her of her gifts she gave us freely.
It's common sense to worry about the planet. Even if Global Warming never hurts us, what about the small percentage of fuel, oil, and other unrenewable energy sources? What will we do when they run out, huh? Bit screwed then, aren't we?
And as you used your faith, I'll use mine. I'm Wiccan. The Earth is MY God, my Maker, whatever you want to call it. How do you think I feel when people use parts of the earth, and burn them, and kill them, and cut down trees (starving us of oxygen by the way!).
I'm not saying you should worry about it but you can't dismiss it and just forget it's a problem.
My Mum just told me this:
'The Earth has gotten warmer by 0.7 degrees in the last 10 years, fact!'
To me thats pretty pathetic considering what they're making it out to be...
Also apparantly Cows produce more Carbon Dioxide that Cars do. :P
My Mum just told me this:
'The Earth has gotten warmer by 0.7 degrees in the last 10 years, fact!'
To me thats pretty pathetic considering what they're making it out to be...
You don't think that's because you underestimate the significance of that?
Also apparantly Cows produce more Carbon Dioxide that Cars do. :P
They don't.
Scientists say they do, and you argued earlier that the scientists know more than us...
Oh and WOAH I got that quote from my mum wrong. In the past 150 years its gone up 0.7 of a degree... which IS pathetic :8o
Whether that fact is true or not Ear, we still have to worry about global warming.
It's getting extremely serious now I think.
Next, we will be told not to fart as they contain gases that are harmful to the environment.
Btw that was nicked off South park in case you didn't know :P
lol! Yeah I thought i'd heard it somewhere! :P
Well I know that they're planning to give cows these special tablets that are to reduce their carbon emissions.
Though, considering Carbon Emissions have gone down in the past 9 years and Global Warming is still apparantly getting worse, where's the correlation? :8o
I believe, Ear, it is methane which cows release a lot of, not Carbon Dioxide. However, there is still no conclusive proof that cows contribute more to global warming than cars (and cars only take up a small proportion of humanity's carbon emissions).
Also, that is average world temperature, which distorts the seriousness of local temperature increases. The seas have barely increased in temperature, and as sea covers 71% of the Earth, that statistic will hide the severity some what, "There are lies, damn lies, and statistics."
Living in the UK, I am in no doubt that the Earth is warming up, although I can neither prove nor disprove that it is due to the actions of humans, but I'm not going to be complacent and risk being wrong.
Um...don't humans exhale carbon dioxide?
So...should we eliminate ourselves?
Well the scientists believe cows release a lot of Carbon Dioxide.
Plus Cabon Dioxide emission levels have dropped in the last 9 years, and global warming is still getting worse apparantly so I don't see a correlation :8o
Unless we're all totally wrong and Carbon Dioxide is GOOD for the environment :P
The way I look at it. I will be long dead by the time the polar ice caps compleatly melt and there for I have nothing to worry about. So I am happy as pie that I will not be drowned
Your children will suffer. And your grand children and so on. And so will mine.
Thats fair, isn't it? Lets let the next generation sort OUR problems out!
Ohhh I sense some Deja Vu.
I don't see how you sense Deja Vu because everyones only becomming obsessed with Global Warming now :8o
So much so that its mainly the elder generations that doubt its happening (And no I know not EVERYONE of the older generations thinks that) Its just people my age are being TOLD what to think, its not like we get a choice ::)
I see you don't grasp much.
And get used to people telling you what to do. That's the provblem with people like you. You don't see the huge problems that can and will occur, so people HAVE to tell you what to do, otherwise nothing with change.
People who already recycle, people who already cut their carbon emissions, people who have bothered to take action are the ones who should be applauded. People who need to be told to do these things are just rather selfish.
I'd rather you didn't use the term 'people like you' we are all individuals in the way we think and I find it offensive.
Secondly, did anybody see that program that was on about Global Warming and how it wasn't happening? It was fantastic! :D
Also, I do not believe anyone should be told what to think, that's exactly how we start wars ::)
Yes I did see the program. It's just a shame the person who made it, Martin Durkin, has twisted the facts to fit his view in documentaries before. The scientist they interviewed who seemed to support what they claimed the next day said his words had been taken grossly out of context. Now I do listen to the evidence from both sides of the arguement and it seems to me that the majority of scientists who agree that global warming is happening seem alot more convincing but surely it is better to be safe than sorry. A recent report in the Inderpendant stated that unless we invest 2% of the worlds wealth combating global warming right now we may risk loosing 20%. Maybe the next generation will look back at us and laugh at the fact that we thought global warming was real, but that's a much better scenario than a generation that curses those before it for ruining their lives.
(Woah first post for a long time. Nice to see I still have it in me :D)
did anybody see that program that was on about Global Warming and how it wasn't happening?
Have you seen the countless programmes which say it is?
I'd rather you didn't use the term 'people like you' we are all individuals in the way we think and I find it offensive.
Secondly, did anybody see that program that was on about Global Warming and how it wasn't happening? It was fantastic! :D
Also, I do not believe anyone should be told what to think, that's exactly how we start wars ::)
Well, you just said about a program which you believe in, then you say being told what to think starts wars? What do you think that program did? It told you what to think! Hence, you ARE rather silly, in that you blindly believe the program.
I am sorry if I offend you, but people with you're way of thinking make me sick. If we don't stop polluting and ruining the planet, every animal on this planet, human or not, will perish. And I want my children to grow up in a nice, clean world, not the disgusting, fume-filled world we live in now.
I thought you were a Christian, anyway. (I apologise if you're not, I may have got you mixed up with someone else :-\) Surely destroying 'God's creation' is against your beliefs, and you'd want to preserve his work?
Actually I believe that Global Warming wasn't happening before I saw that program so I'm not being silly in that sense. Also the program didn't actually tell anybody anything except for the facts, and I remember countless occassions though the program where it said, 'Yes so-an-so is happening' and aknowledged the reasons people think Global Warming is happening.
And I'm not a Christian (It doesn't matter :P) I prefer not to have a religion because I think religions getting WAY to serious and in the way and blah blah. BUT! My Mum is and she believes even more than I do that Global Warming isn't a man-made problem.
did anybody see that program that was on about Global Warming and how it wasn't happening?
Have you seen the countless programmes which say it is?
:dry: :dry:
I meant did anyone see that because I thought it was a good program.
Like saying 'Did anyone see Corrie last night?' but slightly more relevent ::)
(I do apologise, I had you mixed up with someone else! Gah shows how often I come online these days, sooo busy! Sorry though! :D)
(Lol nah it's not problem, I don't mind, :P I mix up my friends every day and I see them every day :8o)