The Age of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) Forum

Off Topic Section => World Events => Topic started by: EG on October 15, 2005, 05:31:03 AM

Title: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: EG on October 15, 2005, 05:31:03 AM
What should be done to prevent the spread of a deadly strain of bird flu found in Turkey?
EU veterinary officials are meeting in Brussels to discuss new measures to prevent bird flu spreading.

The UK government has said people should not panic after the discovery of the deadly strain in birds in Turkey.

The European Commission has already banned imports of live birds from both Turkey and Romania.

Are you worried about a 'deadly' bird flu pandemic? Do you think the preparations taken to combat bird flu are adequate? What else should be done to tackle bird flu?
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Waelith on October 15, 2005, 02:47:18 PM
I think at the moment, they are probably doing all they can to stop this spreading. I think that in the towns and villages who have had it sighted are doing everything in thie power to keep it under control.
Remember the foot and mouth epidemic in this country? All the farms, and any country side was cordoned off, until it was all under control.
If they use the same sort of system as they did for that, then we hould be safe.
Its a hell of a lot of stress for farmers, and people like that though.

I will still be eating chicken, and turkey though....
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: EG on October 15, 2005, 05:00:12 PM
yeah but they cant cordon off the wild bird flight pattern :-\  they think that that is our biggest danger :(
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Sez on October 15, 2005, 05:45:19 PM
I've heard a lot about this recently and I have to admit, I am a little worried about this in case the pandemic will get out of hand and there are many people ill or worse, dead plus I hope that I don't fall ill from this or anyone I know and love..that would be terrible.

I was watching the Politics Show a couple of weeks ago and it was believed that the Welsh may suffer badly from this because of lack of funds or something like that (which is why it worries me because I live in Wales).

I'm not sure what I think about how the government are going about this situation. I did think at first that they're acting a little too late because it's in Europe now but you never know, they might be able to prevent it from coming into Britain on time. Apparently, they're supposed to be vaccinating people against it and stuff but I don't know if that will happen anytime soon.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rwar on October 15, 2005, 09:10:19 PM
Hmm. I think we should be very cautious about this. I think that people should be careful about venturing out to different countries also. I don't think we should panic. As it's not spread into humain flu risks yet.

Though, perhaps we should be careful and check our own british population of the bird. Make sure it's not already here. Because you never know.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Mithrandir on October 16, 2005, 12:50:11 AM
I'm not scared because a) I remember SARS, and b) I remember BSE and c) various other diseases which were supposedly going to cause epidemics.

At the end of the day it's just scare-mongering, as previous "epidemics" have proven.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Waelith on October 16, 2005, 02:11:13 PM
I'm not scared because a) I remember SARS, and b) I remember BSE and c) various other diseases which were supposedly going to cause epidemics.

At the end of the day it's just scare-mongering, as previous "epidemics" have proven.
I have to agree with this. Whats the point of being scared of yet another disease?! If we were all frightened by it, then none of us would eat/go out/ etc etc. I think that we should not panic!
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Tellyn on October 16, 2005, 05:43:26 PM
Actually, the disease will only spread if you touch an infected bird.  At the moment, the only chance of us catching it are very slim, seeing as the flu has yet to evolve into a disease that spreads through the air.  Do not worry.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Phil on October 16, 2005, 08:00:51 PM
Personally, I think it's just scaremongering.

C'mon - think about it. If the govt really knew of a pandemic I'd like to think they'd have vacines stockpiled etc.

I find it funny when in news broadcasts they talk about the millions it could kill, how we should all be prepared, then at the very end there's an interview saying it could not even be carried to humans.

Lotta poo poo. ::)
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rwar on October 16, 2005, 08:51:35 PM
Yeah, it is scare-mongering. What can we do. Nothing, really. It's not reached Europe yet, I think, so we don't have anything to worry about..

The press like to hype things up, take things out of proportion.

But still, we should be aware of the situation. As long as it doesn't spread to the stage when it's by air, or anyone starts to get physical contact with them, then there's nothing to worry about.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Blaen on October 16, 2005, 09:33:42 PM
Actually it was found in Romania. And I agree, tis nothing to worry about and besides I get first call on the vaccine :P
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Jim on October 18, 2005, 01:42:33 AM
I'm not worried at all to be honest. No reason to be, theres so much conflicting information on so many things you need to take your own view of things sometimes.

It IS a threat if you're working with birds, if not your fine.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Gollum on October 18, 2005, 02:14:37 AM
I'm not worried at all to be honest. No reason to be, theres so much conflicting information on so many things you need to take your own view of things sometimes.

It IS a threat if you're working with birds, if not your fine.

In which case it is a threat. Just because it may not affect you at the present time doesn't mean it's not a threat. Just think about people who do work with birds.

As for my views on the subject, I don't think it's as bad as other viruses that are around in the world. It's just the chance that the virus could mutate which is quite likely, at which point it could affect everyone. It all comes down to chance though, and the conditions and principles that are set down to combat what could be a potential large killer.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Jim on October 18, 2005, 02:55:00 AM
Let me rephrase then  ::)

It's not a threat for me
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Gollum on October 18, 2005, 03:35:37 AM
In which case to me, failing to acknowledge it as a threat because it doesn't affect you would give the impression that you do not care about the lives of others.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Waelith on October 18, 2005, 01:39:59 PM
My manager at work has a rotten cough and cold. he caught it off his missus, who's still got it...after 2-3 weeks. the have only recently flown back from a 2 week break in Slovenia... :police:I dont think theres any bird flu in Slovenia. Not sure how close it is to Romania, or Turkey though.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Gollum on October 18, 2005, 01:51:32 PM
Romania and Turkey really aren't ....

*gets distacted by squittel running across roof of house opposite

.... that close to Slovenia.
So it's not going to be anything to do with this.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Boromir on October 18, 2005, 08:30:56 PM
i am rather worried about it. if it does mutate and develop into a disease that can be passed on from human to human, which is obviously a big IF, then we should be scared. lets just hope they can contain it before it moves any further. the testing time will probably be this winter or possibly next winter as the flu seasons are obviously going to be the hardest times.

i think the government is doing all they can. they have stockpiled lots of the antiviral drugs (tammyflu and some other i think) which at the moment is the only thing that can help with bird flu. and they have already ordered millions of vaccines once they have actually been made.....which isnt yet :P
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Edge on October 20, 2005, 07:19:48 AM
Yes, I'm worried.....

Oh wait, you thought I was going to say of the bird flu coming here!!  ;D No, I don't think it'll come here.

However, I'm worried by the Government's complete lack of knowledge of this virus, and complete lack of knowledge on vaccines to it. Who cares what particular strain it is, in the name of national security and human rights, make all available vaccines now and stockpile them until necessary, they might never need using, but it's better to be safe than sorry- especially with the projected deaths among the elderly and young that this virus could potentially cause. The flu is bad enough- the flu everyone's scared of is worse.

However, I do believe it's scaremongering- we'll see how much further it spreads before we panic, shall we?

I believe it's reached Greece, but then, who knows really?

stockpiled lots of the antiviral drugs

Unfortunately, that's an inaccurate statement, as these are not the anti-virus at all, merely a drug that can slow, or stifle the effects of a Bird Flu pandemic- these pills cannot and will not cure everyone, and specific vaccines could take half a year to mass produce enough to give to everyone. The bottom line is, these drugs they have are like Lemsip is to a cold- you'll feel relievingly better, but not to the point where you can recover quicker.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Waelith on October 20, 2005, 01:36:59 PM
Adding to Edge's post...In fact, there is no "cure" for a cold or flu on the market. There are many drugs out there that relive the symptoms, but none of them actually cure it.
As for anti-viral drugs, quite often, the flu jab can make you feel worse.
Besides that, flu jabs are only given to those who reach a certain criteria. For instance, you are over 60, or asthmatic, or stuff like that.
If you dont fall into that criteria, you wont be offered a flu jab.

Even if the bird flu thing became a problem here, and there are vaccines available to protect people from it, once again, You will probably need to fit into the criteria, the same with the regular flu jab.

If you are a normal "healthy" adult, like me, you wont be offered any vaccine.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Elfy on October 20, 2005, 04:20:11 PM
I'm really not that worried about it. I think the government should be doing more to prevent it, and they should be stockpiling much more vaccine. That said, if they are only keeping something like 200,000 vaccines, then they can't be that worried about it.
It is all scaremongering. I don't think that in a rich, well-developed country like the UK, that it will kill normal healthy adults. It is the people who are at risk such as frontline NHS workers, children, the elderly and anyone with compromised immune systems they need to be vaccinating. I had regular old flu about 8 or 9 months ago and although it was horrible, it didn't kill me or do me any harm.
Same happened with the salmonella thing years ago, then it was BSE, then foot and mouth. None of them killed large numbers of people, so there is no reason that avian flu should be allowed (or able) to do the same.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Pippy on October 21, 2005, 03:45:19 AM
I dont know enough about Bird flu to be honest  :[
But I am worried about my lovely birds. Ma daddy building a dam avery in which we hope to hold all collection of birds and quail (quite alot like a chicken a quail is) But what more we wants exotic birds in our avery  :[ We want sexy looking parrots.....and such other birds..
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Beleriel on October 23, 2005, 12:55:11 AM
waaah we have a dead parrot!!!!   :8o :o :8o

Does this call for a dead parrot sketch do you think?   :laugh:

Nah Im not scared.  Whats the point?  If you are gonna get it, you will get it.  I cant see them managing to keep it out for long though. 

But these flu scares are quite a regular occurence arent they?   ::)
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Gollum on October 23, 2005, 02:05:18 AM
Yeah, the parrot died in quarantine didn't it on British soil. But it's still only with the birds and hasn't mutated yet into a human infectious form of the virus.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: ::Paper-Clip:: on October 26, 2005, 02:14:54 AM
I'm not sure if I'm worried or not ??? It's a bit of a conflict really :[
Obviously(as mentioned earlier) if it does mutate into a disease harmful towards humans, then no doubt I'll be pretty darned jumpy ;)
But then again, I am the kind of person to say "well if it happens", so if the time does come, I think I'll do my best to face the music with a smile ::) :P

Anyhoo, I don't feel like putting all my trust in the government, but I do believe a vaccination could quite possibly be discovered or developed in time. All we can do is put faith in science and hope.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rwar on October 26, 2005, 03:24:40 AM
Actually it was found in Romania. And I agree, tis nothing to worry about and besides I get first call on the vaccine :P

LOL yeah, nice one Chris..  ::) Too late anyways, it's reached the UK, by means of a parrot.. :dry: Let's hope there won't be anymore. But there probably will be. With the amount of trade in pet birds and the types of diseases they carry, and then them coming into the country also.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Snowdrift on October 28, 2005, 05:07:00 AM
Nope, i'm not at all worried about Avian Flu really.. i can see it as being, as people suggested, more of a scare monger than a real problem. Afterall, Virus's cannot turn into harmful himan Viruses over night, there is alot of changing to be undertaken for humans to be receptable for these animal Viruses and Bacteria! I mean, if this was a problem then we'd all end up with Kennel Cough, Cat flu, and other such illness found in our pets!

Avian flu's been around for a long while but there's no mass death's from it, as far as i am aware..i might be wrong! so why the sudden comotion about it now?
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Blaen on October 28, 2005, 10:32:21 PM
I'm sure someone else has pointed this out but come on the Parrots were in quarantine. That's the point of quarantine, to stop the spread of any disease. If the bird died in quarantine then it did not bring Avian Flu into this country. To be honest I'm about as worried about bird flu as I am worried about Aliens invading.... ::)
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Shadowfax on November 02, 2005, 06:13:33 AM
who touches dead birds anyway?
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Follower of Sadness on November 03, 2005, 03:19:44 AM
Not really, mostly because I'm practically a vegitarian, I only eat meat on \Special occasions if it's served, and when I eat it it's a VERY small amount...meat sickens me.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Phil on December 11, 2005, 06:42:55 PM
Not really, mostly because I'm practically a vegitarian, I only eat meat on \Special occasions if it's served, and when I eat it it's a VERY small amount...meat sickens me.

Then you're not a vegitarian.

Here, anyone else notice how *remakably* quickly this bird flu went off the headlines? I mean, if its so deadly....surely we'd be better informed.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Hyllyn on December 19, 2005, 07:59:32 PM
Yeah, the parrot died in quarantine didn't it on British soil. But it's still only with the birds and hasn't mutated yet into a human infectious form of the virus.

 I think John Cleese was the one lodging that case.  :laugh:

 Coem on it's about bloody time we have a pandemic, there are too many bloody people in the world!  :P
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Angelus on January 02, 2006, 08:10:21 AM
im not really worried about all this bird flue buisness really,

mainly coz if ya times up ya times up, nothing we can do about it really!
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: In AmericEar on January 31, 2006, 11:18:21 PM
I am not scared of bird flu at all. Two reasons for this are a) No-one has actually proved that it can be caught from person to person. It has only been proved you can catch it from being in contact with birds
b) because according to the press' previous reports on 'deadly' illnesses, we should be dead by now from some other deadly illness that never happened :8o
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: leafi on February 03, 2006, 11:58:59 PM
well personally im not that concerned about it at the moment i mean maybe in a few months when things have developed futher (for better or worse) than ill panic! the only thing that worries me as many have already said is the lack of organisation within the goverment. i mean i know that a huge amount of the population would feel alot more secure if they began the registration of chickens etc if theres one sure way for the virus to spread its some idiot with a load of infected chickens that no one knows about. but hey what do i know! i think the best course of action is to just take precautions im a firm believer in better safe than sorry.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Sharon on April 06, 2006, 11:03:08 PM
Well tis official Bird Fly is in the UK
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rubber_Ducky on April 09, 2006, 08:40:05 PM
Bird flu's already hit the uk. A swan was found dead in Fife, and later confirmed to carry the strain H151 which IS a risk to humans. The government have set up a containment area around the scene in which no birds are allowed to be moved and all are being prepared to move indoors.

Am I worried? LOL food poisoning worries me, I'm petrefied. But do I think I should be? No. The way I look at it, it's only killed just over 100 people throughout the world so far. It's covered most of asia and europe hasn't it? How many millions of people live there, and it's only just killed over 100! Some of these areas of europe and asia are extremely poor, with citizens sharing their living areas with their free range birds, whereas barely any UK citizens are in these circumstances. The virus cannot be contracted from eating properly cooked poultry, the only risk to us is from close contact with infected birds and their faeces and other fluids. Not a very large percentage of us live like this anyway! And as for pidgeons in city centres... maybe it's just where I live, or me, but aren't there much much less pidgeons than there used to be? I used to see loads when I went to town, but yesterday when I went out I didn't even see five! I personally think there's some sort of wild bird culling scheme going on, it's spring, and there are barely any out there! I think they should have been culling wild pidgeons years ago.

What foxes me is.. if it's borne on the birds flying north for the summer, why did Scotland get it first? Shouldn't it have hit the southern coastlines first? In which case... is it already here ..?

I can't find you the most relevant article on bird flu... but here's the most recent one, from the aol news, in which it details the government plans leaked in a letter..

Further details have emerged of government plans to deal with a human flu pandemic.

The chief medical officer has advised schools should be planning closures in case the bird flu virus mutates into a form that can be transferred from human to human.

There are also reports that off-duty firefighters and retired lorry drivers will be pressed into service to ensure deliveries of essential food supplies in the event of a pandemic.

The Sunday Telegraph reported that laws which restricted the daily hours of drivers and other vital workers would be suspended.

Cabinet papers reportedly show the unwillingness of many long-distance HGV drivers to go to infected areas is seen as a possible "pinch point" if avian flu takes hold.

The documents also show government concern over a lack of preparation among big food firms.

They apparently state: "HGV drivers had been identified as a potential pinch-point by some sectors.

"Various mitigation options were being discussed, including using retired drivers or off-duty fire service personnel, and lifting the requirements of the Working Time Directive."

The newspaper also says in the event of a serious outbreak overseas preventative medicine would be given to embassy and consular staff, but not British holidaymakers or ex-pats.

And the Government fears any pandemic could last more than six months.

The documents were drawn up before the dead swan that tested positive for the H5N1 strain was discovered in Scotland.

They say Whitehall should be on alert for a pandemic on an "extended time-scale - certainly for six months... and perhaps longer".

They also suggest "more than one pandemic wave" of bird flu.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Sharon on April 09, 2006, 08:51:50 PM
They are testing a dead swan found in Anglesey also. Dont get the results back till tomorrow. ::)
Ohh well I aint all that bothered about it  :laugh:
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: In AmericEar on April 09, 2006, 09:23:13 PM
Bird flu's already hit the uk. A swan was found dead in Fife, and later confirmed to carry the strain H151 which IS a risk to humans. The government have set up a containment area around the scene in which no birds are allowed to be moved and all are being prepared to move indoors.

Yes it is a risk to humans but it is only a risk to humans in contact with many birds a lot of the time.

We have been given many statistics and estimates on how long bird flu will be in England and how many people will die from it but this is all counting on the fact it goes through people. There is no evidence to prove that it does.

My family is full of doctors with strong views so I can't get out of the house without being given peoples views on illnesses. The topic of the last four months is bird flu so I have my own strong views now.

People are getting into hysterics because of this illness. And who is to blame? The Media. They are blowing things way out of proportion.
Why should we be worrying??

How many of us are in contact with birds enough to catch bird flu? You have to be in contact with them more than passing a pidgeon in the street (which is about the most contact many of us have with bird flu)

If you aren't in contact with birds There is nothing to worry about.

Seriously, don't believe everything you're told, should it be friends or news.

 :D ::)

Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: In AmericEar on April 11, 2006, 11:44:34 PM
(Sorry for double posting)

What foxes me is.. if it's borne on the birds flying north for the summer, why did Scotland get it first? Shouldn't it have hit the southern coastlines first? In which case... is it already here ..?

It's just been found, the dead swan floated from Germany... it died IN Germany apparantly :8o
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Mithrandir on April 12, 2006, 05:11:29 PM
I think we've got to keep a bit of perspective here. In my opinion three things could happen:

1) Bird flu will wipe out the entire human race like SARS did. ;) (i.e. nothing will happen and it's all scaremongery)
2) A cure to bird flu will be found by some American scientist and we'll all live happily ever after.
3) Bird flue will actually wipe out a quater of the human race as some scientists predict, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it.

With a lot of flu "pandemics" (something, I'd like to add, this is not) the come in waves. Remember how SARS came and went just a quicj? In 18 months it will have gone. If you look at the places in the far east where bird flu came from, they are not getting any more new cases.

Bird flu is not an immediate threat to the human race yet, so don't get worked up about it. If it really is a threat to a quater of the world (about 1.6 billion people - the populations of China and the USA combined, to put perspective on that figure) then there is little we can do about it anyway so there's no point worrying. When your time's up, your time's up.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: In AmericEar on April 12, 2006, 06:52:56 PM
I strongly agree with that Mithrandir :)

What I would also like to add is that less than 100 people have been killed from bird flu. Put that number up against the total population of the places bird flu has affected. It isn't that much.
It's covered most of asia and europe hasn't it? How many millions of people live there, and it's only just killed over 100! Some of these areas of europe and asia are extremely poor, with citizens sharing their living areas with their free range birds, whereas barely any UK citizens are in these circumstances. The virus cannot be contracted from eating properly cooked poultry, the only risk to us is from close contact with infected birds and their faeces and other fluids. Not a very large percentage of us live like this anyway!

Thats one thing we seriously have to remember before we panic.

(Or don't panic to begin with) 8) ::) :D
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Blaen on April 17, 2006, 02:36:31 AM
Wasn't SARS supposed to wipe us all out? I'll not be worried about bird flu until I here on the news that it's mutated and can now be spread from human to human. Even then I won't be too worried unless someone I know contracts it, and then I'll just stay away from them...Problem solved :D.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: malkcontent on May 29, 2006, 12:45:43 AM
What should be done to prevent the spread of a deadly strain of bird flu found in Turkey?
EU veterinary officials are meeting in Brussels to discuss new measures to prevent bird flu spreading.

The UK government has said people should not panic after the discovery of the deadly strain in birds in Turkey.

The European Commission has already banned imports of live birds from both Turkey and Romania.

Are you worried about a 'deadly' bird flu pandemic? Do you think the preparations taken to combat bird flu are adequate? What else should be done to tackle bird flu?

I'm not worried because there are so many if's and maybe's here for making it deadly in the slightest

IF someone has normal flu and IF they work with birds and IF they get it off them then it MIGHT turn into something that could kill a lot of us.

Way too alarmist. The biggest thing likely is that price of chicken goes up.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rowiel the Elven Maiden on May 29, 2006, 06:43:23 PM
i bought the medicine.. better safe then sorry
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: malkcontent on May 30, 2006, 06:58:02 AM
What is the medicine for though , if it's the existing bird flu and you don't work with chickens or whatever then it's a waste of time.
If it's meant to be for the possible mutated strain, well it doens't exist yet so it's probably snake oil
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rowiel the Elven Maiden on May 30, 2006, 06:14:41 PM
they are trying tamiflu... maybe it works
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: malkcontent on June 01, 2006, 11:06:19 PM
maybe hopping on one leg under a bridge will too
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rowiel the Elven Maiden on June 01, 2006, 11:11:17 PM
sure why not
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: malkcontent on June 03, 2006, 06:13:06 AM
do it while rubbign vole genitals on your face. It's guaranteed.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: deleteme on June 03, 2006, 06:36:51 AM
Yea, while your doing that, would you like to buy a magic button off me for afew million, it'll give you three wishs.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rowiel the Elven Maiden on June 03, 2006, 03:15:31 PM
do it while rubbign vole genitals on your face. It's guaranteed.

oh thats a good idea after all yr a god you know better
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Vårn on June 03, 2006, 08:53:55 PM
i think perhaps you could have made your point a smidgen more diplomatically malkontent :P but yes, it's really kinda difficult (impossible) to vaccinate against a disease which doesn't yet exist ::)

incidentally, if i have to travel in fife for any reason, do the genitals still have to be attached to the vole? ???
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rowiel the Elven Maiden on June 04, 2006, 01:43:20 PM

good point lol.... yeah indeed the fact that no vaccine exists is quite troubling
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Vårn on June 04, 2006, 06:04:52 PM
well, how could it possibly exist? :S IF it mutates suitably to be tranfered from human to human, THEN it might be worrying that there's no vaccine, but i imagine IF it does, some wee boffin somewhere will get his noggin workin' on one. until then i'd be lying if i said the absence of a vaccine worried me overly xD
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: malkcontent on June 05, 2006, 03:50:08 AM
i think perhaps you could have made your point a smidgen more diplomatically malkontent :P but yes, it's really kinda difficult (impossible) to vaccinate against a disease which doesn't yet exist ::)

incidentally, if i have to travel in fife for any reason, do the genitals still have to be attached to the vole? ???

Diplomatically only works when the recipient might understand it.
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rowiel the Elven Maiden on June 05, 2006, 03:52:31 AM
well seems that in the uk there where some cases... but i dont think that it will be alarming
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Frances on June 06, 2006, 12:42:15 PM
Ok people...some facts. I live in Romania, so I'm close to the whole thing.

Fact one: the virus dies at an approximate temperature of 70 degrees Celsius. But as we know, water boils at 100 degrees. So tell me, unless you eat the chicken raw, how could you boil it at LESS than 100 degrees?!

Fact two: it is said that the disease can be caught through direct contact. And in Romania they're "discovered" a point of spreading at a chicken farm named Codlea. But I was wondering...why NONE of the workers there got the disease? and it's not like they didn't have contact with the birds...

Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Rowiel the Elven Maiden on June 06, 2006, 04:20:04 PM
interesting fact indeed! thanks for the inof it was useful :)
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: Vårn on June 06, 2006, 06:50:24 PM
well, it seems to be the case that the virus has a great deal of difficulty transfering itself to humans, i'm not well verrsed on the specifics, but there are virus's that die in direct sunlight, that die from any number of things, so it could be the case that all the workers not having it was down to these factors, it could be the fact that the virus is, to the best of my knowledge, at present only really hugely dangerous to the old, young, or those with an otherwise compromised immune system. there are factors which could lead to that, although i don't certainly, claim the expertise or knowledge to be able to be in any way sure of them. ^^

so there's every chance i'm wrong xD

OR it could be a conspiracy! :o
Title: Re: Are you worried by 'deadly' bird flu?
Post by: malkcontent on June 06, 2006, 10:12:46 PM
Well The virus can't be transmitted by dead flesh anyway I'm sure I read.

You basically have to be in contact with live birds who have it and then get their feaces in your mouth or something equally unlikely.

It's a very unlikely thing to get