The Age of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) Forum
Off Topic Section => Hobbies, Pastimes, Sports, & Leisure => Topic started by: Tellyn on October 21, 2004, 11:55:57 PM
This is a great online RPG. It is found at . If anyone has joined, tell me. My two usernames (I have a backup one) are Tellyn888 and adam_nathan. The last one was created three hours ago by me and my friend Adam. Tell me your username also.
I've been playing Runescape for about 3 years now. I dont play very often nowadays because all these rare items are making it stupid.
Waht is your username?
LOL Runescape! I used to go on that ages and ages ago. I think my screen name was twi66y_b or something like that, can't remember...
I was never good on it and I couldn't be bothered with the items and such. My mate used to get them all for me. I used to trade his really good items for bones and stuff =P
I be Draven Eldor and was on the game just last night...
Gave away some stuff too because I was going to quit but I may just keep it now ;D
Ooooh, im on this.... Kirst_Louise
Im fairly new to it but im getting better. Combat level 8 or 9 now!
I'm combat lvl 67 :P, but I have been playing for 3 years ::)
I used to play it like 2 months ago but after a while when u keep doing the same it gets really boaring well my name was ozzy osborn9 just in case i join again
Combat level 69...or 70...
Kirstieeeeee....want some stuffffff? :P
:-/ okk thats abit odd.Well a good place to train if you lvl 12 or over is barbarian village and if your lvl 7 or over goblin village is good.
Or simply go cow slaying...
Or even chickens ;D
Stay away from the wilderness though...even i tend to do that :D
Yeah I used to play this, havent been on in a while though. Not sure what level I am, only like combat level 20 I think. My screenname is FamousGrouse I think but I might have remembered it wrong... :-\ could have a the or a _ in the middle or something like that ::)
I might go back on again some time, I dunno *shrugs* if I get bored I might but theres a lot of things I need to do at the moment.
Combat level 69...or 70...
Kirstieeeeee....want some stuffffff? :P
Well first we have to actually get online at the same time ::)
but yeeeeees... i want a black sword... gurr...
Stay away from the wilderness though...even i tend to do that :D
I spend all of my time in the Wilderness mostly, Me and my lvl 87 mate slaughter people wearign full rune armour and then devide it between us. On last coutn we had something like several million gold coins between us ;D.
My first guy was called Iron_Knight or sumthink like dat n i got up to lvl 80 n walked around the wildy pretending to be a computer character n taking peeps stuff n when peeps attacked me i got out my rune n killed em
Yay...just got a lamp coz a Genie showed up...i got free Attack points ;D
i am logged on but i dont know how to play it lol can sum1 elp me ther (here)!!
whats ur user name?
What world you in?
I'm about to go into world 34 :P
Which is that?
Im in most populated brit world...
Yay - found you
Guys, we're in world 15 if you wanna come find us. Currently in Varrock.
I was playing that game, but tis so HARD in the Tutorial that I finally just stopped. ::) :P But I like that game!!! Runescape is a cool game. 8) ;D
hay peeps member of runescape here, who here is a member??
Runescape has got to be in my eyes the best online game of the centurey!! i luvs it
(not as much as i loves my ducky!)
I recently signed up for Membership again.
whats your levels?
im only lvl 50 n i been playing it for ages!!!
Level 63!
Im usually in World 32
Name... Draven Eldor
i died yesterday :o, lost my rune kite and helm...luckily i bought another 1 in about 5 mins :P
Died in Wildy?
How much GP you got?
Nah, i got killed by a troll general who can hit 44s.
Can't remember how much money I've got at the moment :-\
I am going to be a member. If someone wants a free character, here:
Username: tnmadmat
Password: football
Dude...your just level 3 :P
Im 64...have no use for that :P
Its not my character. Its my mate's. And its for people who don't want to do training.
Whats your name on there then?
Draven Eldor is my name 8)
I am Tellyn888, lvl 14 or 15.
lol, I only just joined Runescape today :P ::) my username's Uney Malfoy :) (My Aunt's been playing for months and is hooked on it, lol).
I am on runescape now. Draven Eldor was on but logged off.
Yeah sorry bout that my electricity was turned off due to housework going on :P
How many quests have people done? I have only done Imp Catcher... :[
I'm a level 75 member and i only have 4 quests to go: Legends, family crest eadgers ruse and monkey madness. I recenly got kille dby the level 195 jungle demon who uses both amgic and melee and hits 30s with both. Next time i will range him with my 51 range magic bow, blue dragon armour and rune arrows.
I cheated with the shield of arrav quest. I had done the Phoenix Gang Member part, needed someone to get into the Black Arm Gang, then a stranger came to me and gave me a free certificate, which when I showed to the King of Varrock, earned me 600GP and 1 Quest Point!
Here are my levels:
Combat Lvl-24
Fletching-12, 13 or 14
What's everyone elses?
god i suck at this!! how dya get up levels?!! how dya even check what level your on?!!! I'm so bad at this!
ive started again my name is vampire roka im only lvl 6 mind u but i have a rare yo-yo
What is the yoyo for?
Im stuck now...stuck on quests and i want to do the Dragon Slayer quest so i can wear my Rune plate!
Still on level 64 ::)
I'm lvl 78 8)
To get a yoyo, go to the varrock fountain. Talk to Santa and he has a present for you. Do it quick though, he isn't there for much longer!
What is the yoyo for?
Its not for much but when its in your inventory just right click on it and you can do tricks lol
and my stats are
Combat Lvl-6
Runecrafting-1can any1 sugest what i should go up in?
My friend is having trouble with hackers, even though he knows who is doing it. Can anyone suggest a way to hack into his own character, so that we can get revenge?
^^Do you mainly PK?
I was playing as Gilly a couple of days ago :P Completed his Ernest the chicken quest for him :P
I'm on as you right now Gilly LOL
And i am suck :P
Well how comes you cant do your own darn quests? ;) just cause I'm only level 30.
can you do my silverlight quest? Its boring!
You have silverlite?
If so...yeah i can do it easy :P
No ive not got silverlight.. do it anyway and ill do two of yours as a reward :P
and reply to my PM!
- buy silverlite :P
Wots everyones names mine is Vampire Roka
Where do you buy silverlight? Can someone sell me one?
usually off someone at varrok fountain or near by Delrith
Character Stats for Draven Eldor
Combat Level - 65
Attack - 55
Hit Points - 53
Mining - 7
Strength - 54
Agility - 1
Smithing - 5
Defence - 53
Herblore - 1
Fishing - 1
Ranged - 5
Thieving - 1
Cooking - 27
Prayer - 32
Craft - 3
Fire making - 34
Magic - 45
Fletching - 1
Wood Cutting - 27
Runecraft - 1
Quest Points - 18
Slight Change there...and yup...
The bloody Vampire Slayer quest is stupid! The spike didn't kill him! >:( >(
Runescape rocks, I only wish i could afford to be a permenate member
What's your name on it?
Character Stats for Draven Eldor
Combat Level - 66
Attack - 57
Hit Points - 54
Mining - 7
Strength - 55
Agility - 1
Smithing - 5
Defence - 53
Herblore - 1
Fishing - 1
Ranged - 8
Thieving - 1
Cooking - 28
Prayer - 32
Craft - 3
Fire making - 35
Magic - 45
Fletching - 1
Wood Cutting - 27
Runecraft - 1
Quest Points - 23
I need help from a member :P I shall return a favour ;)
Also...they put up the qp's needed to do the Dragon Slayer quest! I wanna wear my rune plate!
gilly gave me aloda a crap lol n he wants me to get good at magic who here digs for stuff its quiet fun n u get loads
You didn't like the money or food? :P
Aaaaaaaaaaaargh.. lost my stake!!!! :'(
well yes i did like it i also liked the black :) :) any wayz gilly n amy shall we make a fellowship? with more peeps
I need air runes if you get any :P ;) Repayment..and bronze bars...and steel arrows
okkkkkkkkkk i was nearly kill by a guard i guess i should be lvl 25 not 20 n my new stats
Combat Level - 20
Attack - 18
Hit Points - 19
Mining - 7
Strength - 17
Agility - 1
Smithing - 3
Defence - 13
Herblore - 1
Fishing - 3
Ranged - 4
Thieving - 1
Cooking - 10
Prayer - 11
Craft - 2
Fire making - 23
Magic - 2
Fletching - 1
Wood Cutting - 23
Runecraft - 1
Combat Lvl-36
Quite a difference from page 3!
Character Stats for Draven Eldor
Combat Level - 70
Attack - 58
Hit Points - 57
Mining - 17
Strength - 58
Agility - 1
Smithing - 8
Defence - 56
Herblore - 1
Fishing - 1
Ranged - 10
Thieving - 1
Cooking - 29
Prayer - 34
Craft - 3
Fire making - 35
Magic - 45
Fletching - 1
Wood Cutting - 28
Runecraft - 1
Quest Points - 26
What about slaying level?
1...not a member :P
Post mine up Gilly :P
Character Stats for Kirst Louise
Combat Level - 44
Attack - 40
Hit Points - 36
Mining - 15
Strength - 31
Agility - 1
Smithing - 7
Defence - 36
Herblore - 1
Fishing - 1
Ranged - 5
Thieving - 1
Cooking - 17
Prayer - 23
Craft - 5
Fire making - 23
Magic - 19
Fletching - 1
Wood Cutting - 20
Runecraft - 1
Slayer - 1
Quest Points - 28
oh my god!! there's a whole topic on runescab (or runescape whatever ... long story) there's a dood i no who plays this and he's addicted to it .... and i never knew what it was!! .... but a whole topic oh my god!! go runescab!!
Where do i find cheese?
I've been told you can get it in the Port Sarim food shop.
Yeah, anyone been a member before? I have :laugh:
The witch in draynor that makes dye has some cheese on her table!
aah, runescape! i have fond (HA) memories of this game...actually i couldnt really get in to it, since my "friends" tricked me into going to the part of the site where the other players ATTACK you, KILL you and STEAL your hard earned cabbages!!
aah, runescape! i have fond (HA) memories of this game...actually i couldnt really get in to it, since my "friends" tricked me into going to the part of the site where the other players ATTACK you, KILL you and STEAL your hard earned cabbages!!
LMAO at the cabbages remark!
You was taken to the wilderness then?
Im ALWAYS on the game :P
yes, as trusting as a lamb, i followed them! the wilderness... i was trying to remember what it was called.
anyway i think i lost more than just cabbages, but still, i never recovered from that terrible blow...
My mate used to be obsessed! He payed for the membership, and the decision to change from Deluxe to the new one was like the most important ever, the way he talked bout it!
Ok...where do you get the wilderness team capes from?
Where exactly is the shop?
i don't go on runescape as much anymore, i do other thigs
but i go on like twice a week
sure this has made a comeback. but its lost its touch! also it has a tendancy, like all games do, to suck ya life away as in it'd be bout 1 when you glance at the clock then what feels like 5 mins later its 3! those that are really into it though stick with it! i left with a high mining lvl cos robbin ore off noobs never got old! 8) look out 4 addx!
what exactly is
runescab runescape .... because i've heard a lot about it from certain fellows and i just don't know what it it goooood?? ;D
Once your out of the training is brilliant 8)
what is the whole context of it it a fighting game, racing game...mind-boggling game?!?! ;D
Massive Multiplayer RPG
sorry I'm a massive dunce.....what's RPM?? :-\
a rpg is a roleplay game
oh a roleplay it's like the roleplay board on here....but with visuals?! ...sounds cool ;D
Hi everybody! I haven't been on this site for ages, mostly because of RuneScape. I am thrilled so many people like it. Anyway, to Draven Eldor, you get Wilderness capes either near the Rune chainmail house in Edgeville (hunchback that sells you them for 50gp each) or the Chaos Altar in the Varrock Wilderness for 50gp each (again a hunchback).
Here are my new stats!
Combat Lvl-41
I hate getting my combat lvl up. Everyone is higher than me. Can anyone recommend a way of getting attack, hitpoints, strength, and defense up? Cheers.
I really need to get back on this...
Stopped playing while I had to deal with going back to dial up for three weeks... *shudders at memory*
Character Stats for Draven Eldor
Combat Level - 72
Attack - 59
Hit Points - 59
Mining - 19
Strength - 59
Agility - 1
Smithing - 14
Defence - 59
Herblore - 1
Fishing - 1
Ranged - 10
Thieving - 1
Cooking - 38
Prayer - 34
Craft - 3
Fire making - 36
Magic - 45
Fletching - 1
Wood Cutting - 29
Runecraft - 1
Quest Points - 26
You be a mainly combat person than I assume Gilly :P
Yeah...and avoid fighting pussy archers and mages :P
I'm a ranger.... :dry: And just because I kill many meleers doesn't make me a pussy :P.
whenever i load up runescape it loads up fine and i can submit a username and password but when i try to load the game up it says error after loading it anyone know hy this is?
Dodgy servers maybe???
I hate training. I train on varrock guards but have to run away to the bank for foood constantly. Can anyone catch and cook lobsters?
I'm Cloud Shaper on RS. I've been playing for about 10 months, been a member for 9.
I won't list all my stats but I'm combat 83, total 1160ish. My lowest stats are slayer (40) and runecrafting (45), the rest are between 50-73 (mining & defence being highest).
I've completed all quests (to date ie "Between a rock... is the latest) except Roving Elves.
I've just brought my dragom scimmy :D :D.
The pics on my sig pic are fairly out of date, although I still wear my blue beret a lot.
Tellyn, you might get on better with Al-kharid guards. Although it's is a multi-attack area.
Bezerker - probably down to the version of Java (if any) you have on your system. From the RuneScape front page look under FAQ / Technical FAQ for advice.
i lurve runescape!! many a night ive been addicted to it cutting trees ::) ::)
i have woodcutting of combat is 48 i think.....strength 40....defense 30.......attack....erm 40 i minings 56.......and all others are generally quite just attempting to buy a r2h atm......cant seem to find one unbelievably! ???
my username is henduil
I play runescape, I'm on it everyday my username is 'hibjib997' my combat is 71 almost 72 and I have full rune a dragon longsword therefore, I'm a member. I've played for less then a year......... I'm in the process of doing hero's quest, so I can weild my dragon mace and buy and weild a dragon battleaxe. I go to the wilderness, in fact thats where I'm going right now. I'm taking full addamente and a rune battleaxe and tele runes and of course a pocketfull of swordies(wich I caught and cooked myself after all it saves $$$)
I play runescape, I'm on it everyday my username is 'hibjib997' my combat is 71 almost 72 and I have full rune a dragon longsword therefore, I'm a member. I've played for less then a year......... I'm in the process of doing hero's quest, so I can weild my dragon mace and buy and weild a dragon battleaxe. I go to the wilderness, in fact thats where I'm going right now. I'm taking full addamente and a rune battleaxe and tele runes and of course a pocketfull of swordies(wich I caught and cooked myself after all it saves $$$)
Then you are Idril's son?
Then you are Idril's son?
Yes i'm Idril's son.
Time for an update on Stats!
Username: kappuccino
Combat lvl: 72
Attack lvl: 62
Strengh lvl: 58
Defence lvl: 54
Ranged: 52
Prayer: 38
Magic: 40
Runecraft: 12
Hitpoints: 60
Agility: 35
Herblore: 26
Thieving: 40
Crafting: 38
Fletching: 31
Slayer: 27
Mining: 53
Smithing: 41
Fishing: 58
Cooking: 54
Fire Making: 37
Woodcutting: 52
Minor update - I have just completed ALL the quests.
Just noting this bcos I doubt I'll be able to do the new one that's due in the next week or 2 - so the list won't stay all green for long.
Next task - up my ranging to 70 so I can use the Elven bow.
I want to wear my Rune Plate :P
But i not got enough Quest points to do Dragon Slayer
How many quests have you done exactly?... It sounds like not a lot. I am doing Fenkenstrains monster at mo, and Boihazard, Dragon Slayer and about everything else. I'll update stats soon. Anyway, here is a great help site for all the quests and every item, monster and person on the game. Maps too!
Awww I joined this not very long ago. (About a week ago.) I have only had a quick look though. I am still in the tutorial though, as I havent picked up the knack for it yet... so any tips/advice would be most welcome... :P
The only quests I can do is
Witch's potion
The Knights Sword
Prince Ali Rescue (Started)
Goblin Diplomacy (Started)
Dragon Slayer
Doric's quest
Awww I joined this not very long ago. (About a week ago.) I have only had a quick look though. I am still in the tutorial though, as I havent picked up the knack for it yet... so any tips/advice would be most welcome... :P
If you've not already worked it out, your keyboard arrow keys allow you to change the direction & height you are viewing.
Apart from that the tutorial's fairly straightforward.
Once you're on the mainland, in Lumbridge, it's worth exploring the castle & near area first. The newcomer's map in the General store can be handy.
If your computer is fast enough the interactive "world map" is very usefull (it sometimes crashes my 800MHz machine ::)); otherwise save a copy of the plain map (look for Extra Files from the RS homepage), chop out the Lumbridge/Varrock/Falador area & print it as a reference.
It's worth doing the Cook's assistant quest; and Rune Mysteries once you're ready to explore Varrock. Avoid the Restless Ghost for now though.
For fishing & the nearest bank go to Draynor Village.
Early combat - the men & women around Lumbridge, and the goblins in the woods between Lumbridge & Draynor.
Iv kinda got a bit back into this game, I was playin it the other day and havin a good laugh anyway.
My username is famousgrouse, your welcome to add me as a friend or whatever if you want :)
Im currently combat level 27 havent played for very long. Iv done one quest, the Silverlite one and thats all.
If anyone needs help on it, add Tellyn888 because I have done most quests.
Thanks very much... Ill bear these things in mind when I go in again. :)
Time for an update on my skills:
I've got into it again ...
But i forgot my pw how do you get it?
There is something on the homepage i think :)
Oh right. Duh, my mistake. Yes, there is password recovery on the main page, you can report a lost or stolen password with recovery details and have your password sent to your email.
It couldnt identify my password :( but i have made a new account called Qpr Rocka
Want any starter items? I have 50K so anyone who wants basic armour, weapons, etc ask me.
I have just joined rune scape and my user naem is: Amy The Leg
I'm still new to it all so i have no idea what i am doing lol
I'll try and guide you. (Are you doing it for camera money? lol)
Thankies! :D (Hopefully! lol) ::)
I have just joined rune scape and my user naem is: Amy The Leg
I'm still new to it all so i have no idea what i am doing lol
OMG remember my mate Mark? He's always on runescape when he's online so add him and you'll be able to talk to him. His username is bhchild (anyone can add him lol and you can tell him you know me :))
oh cool will do :D
Damn im finding it hard to level up now :P
I find it hard anyway. Does anyone want to join a clan? The clan is called the Unseen Hunters, and here is the sites.
Don't join for the sake of it, clan-only.
Well, I'm officially rich on RS now, a while back I invested in a santa hat which cost me 400k, now they're selling for 1.5 mil :laugh:
Finally, ranging 70
*does new jig emote, then dons black drag hide*
You'll be looking for... Hythnick I think I was. (I've had to stop for GCSEs but will be back on at the end of the month.)
Where do i get orange Goblin mail from?
Mix two dies... Er, look on here
Red and yellow im guessing? ::)
I cant be bothered :P
Er, yes, red and yellow! Just stand in a bank and pay a higher amount than normal for them.
lol yeah im trying that now :P
Good good. Did you know that the Farming Skill is out next month? And POH (Player-Owned-Houses) at the end of the year?
POH, WOW! Members only though eh? ::)
I expect both farming & POH will be members only.
Red dye - 3 redberries.
Yellow dye - 1 or 2 onions.
plus 5gp for Aggie the witch in Draynor.
DUDE, you are a demo-god :P
Can i afford 5gp? ::)
an update on my lvs :) I'll only say the ones im in high scores for (other then combat and stuff)
runescape name: hibjib997
time played: almost 1 year.....
member : yes
combat: 80
total: 1009
quest points: 94
attack: 66
defence: 62
strength: 68
hitpoints: 65
ranged: 42
prayer: 40
magic: 47
cooking: 61
woodcutting: 61
fletching: 51
fishing: 59
fire making: 38
crafting: 43
smithing: 51
mining: 55
herblore: 30
agility: 41
theiving: 47
slayer: 36
look me up in high scores :D now for the armor i usually wear
platebody: rune
platelegs: rune
helm: beserker
cape: light blue fremmink cloak
boots: light blue
gloves: ice
arrows: none
necklace: ammulet of power or amulet of glory
weapon: dragon battle axe (soon will be a dragon halberd as soon as i finish regicide)
How do I make blue goblin armor?
It is the only quest left i can do and im not sure i will ever be able to wear my Rune plate because i don't have enough quest points to do Dragon Slayer quest...
Kill the goblins in goblin village for armour.
Talk to Aggie in Draynor Village about dyes.
(Wyson the gardener in Falador sells woad leaves.)
I need woadleaves to make Blue Dye?
if anyone needs help with anything add me my name is Hibjib997.
Can anyone tell me where Oziach is?
I wanna wear my Runeplate :P
Also, is the dragon slayer quest hard?
Anyone have any tips?
Oziach is next to Edgeville, near the start from Barabrian village, go along the left side, its the far left from the coffin place. He lives in a small hut. Also: tells you everything about Dragon hunting and quest guides. It tells you what items to take, everything.
Can ya help me once more :P
How do i make a wig? ::)
Hmm... That has me stumped, go to Rune HQ item database, search wig. :D
I know now :)
The dragon slayer quest looks tricky...
Im lvl 73, is that high enough you think?
Wig - take some rope to Ned the sailor in Draynor Village.
Dragon Slayer at 73? Elvarg will be easy. Whether you can figure out the Seer's riddle though... :D
Did Dragon Slayer at 45 and it was easy so you'll have no problem Gilly. Hardest quest I've ever attempted is Underground Pass. Zamorak won't stop whispering in my ears >(
lol i just can't be bothered to be honest :P
Too much to do
How do i repair my pick axe?
Well I TRIED to read back the 11 pages but got bored on page 5... so... never mind :dry:
I've been playing on runescape little over a week, have earned over 8 grand in GP, and combat level mid thirties I think :-\ My fiance randomly splashed out to make it a member's account :P
My account's Eglarion, if anyone's interested in knowing our wee little character :-\
We've done about 10 quests...
Is Silverlight any good to fight with outside of the quest? :-\
lol, if you have already got 8000 you are well on your way to buying a rune weapon :P
I have got 247k, full rune armour (Wearing Chain but got Plate), rune 2h weapon and have done ALL quests minus Dragon Slayer :(
*giggle* typo :[ Not 8 grand, but 80 grand :angel:
Reason I asked about Silverlight is because I like that the sword has a name, makes me feel valiant ::)
It also looks kinda cool, different than the usual bog standard swords :P
And 80k eh...I'm sure you can buy better stuff now you are a member :P
Im bored on it now...all i can do is Dragon Slayer quest and it's hard to advance my combat level coz im level 73 and it takes AGES!
Why not go into wilderness and player kill? If you don't go too deep and stay above varrock, surely you'll come across hapless newbies who venture too far? It's the sort of sadistic thing I know you'd enjoy ;) You can steal items and get levels up?
Wheeee I read back!
In answer to someone's question, I can fish and cook lobsters, and swordfish too if anyone's interested! I usually sell them for 200 - 100GP each, but I can trade for other items, depends what you've got ;)
I've just been readdicted to RS, and I'm 6k in exp away from wielding Dragon weapons!
I've been playing RS for a while now, i think i started the week before christmas. Did all the quests now.
Whats your username Legendel? Mine is Tellyn888.
I'm an on-off player on RS, i just get bored cause i gotz no-one to go PKing wiv, lol
What's your username? I'm lvl 67, i'LL GO WITH YOU.
What's your username? I'm lvl 67, i'LL GO WITH YOU.
lol, i'm about a lvl 43 and user name is: M Toner
Whats your username Legendel? Mine is Tellyn888.
my username is legendel115 :)
Whos up for meeting up on a world this week and having a PKing trip?
Also, do any runescape players have Xfire ( messenger? If ya do add: psychoticdeath i'm on Xfire pretty much every evening, lol
I used to play it and when i get bord i might play it but my names are.
Dark Grunge1
Blue Elf90
Finally finished all the quests :angel: ::).
Well, I think I did once before, just before Desert Treasure came out.
Now what to do? Oh yeh, shade burning, zogre killing, and lots of Void Knights :D
Wow, you finished them all? Congratulations! I just got a new lvl 84 account from my friend who quit. Freedom73, though my other friend uses it and I'm worries about being IP banned for account sharing, so I might change the password and recovery questions.
You are directly breaking the RuneScape rules. I suggest you read this (, then lose that account and create your own.
Yes I know, they took the account back.
I haven't played on this game for a long LONG time!
Might sell my account to some lazy yank...
Everything has changed so much on it since i lasp played ???
Started playing again, though I have forgot how to do some stuff lol, I guess im kind of a nOOb again :D
I haven't been on this in ages either...
Cant even remember my
Come to think of it, i'm not 100% sure of my password either....hmmm.
I haven't been on in ages properly. Maybe not since Xmas.
I recently called in a debt and got my 40k back from a friend lol, might donate that to my 10 year old nephew who plays it, though he keeps getting killed in wildy so... may have to keep hold for now
Oi, what about me? lol
I'll probably never go on this again actually.... The graphics annoy me now after ages of playing on things like Dungeon Siege/Lords, etc.
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaaaaaa, this game kept me entertained for minutes at a time :8o
It has changed so much! :-\
It has changed so much! :-\
haven't played this in years, changed for the better?
Didn't play long enough to decide, maybe that is an answer in itself lol