The Age of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) Forum
Off Topic Section => RolePlay => Topic started by: Waelith on July 17, 2004, 09:08:19 PM
The terms and conditions are as follows:
* When posting your character Bio's, please make sure your pics are not copyrighted, as this practise is illegal. Google or search engines of a similar nature are usually quite reliable.
* On no account must you swear, or use foul language. Posts with-holding such content WILL be deleted or modified.
* If anyone thinks that posting sexual/graphic violence/rape/etc is a good idea, then...
This will not be tolerated. Again, your posts WILL be removed. This board is for people of all ages, and that includes people as young as 12. Please keep your RP's clean.
* RP's which involve just 2 people are not allowed. For an RP to be successful, and interesting, and for it to move on properly, it requires more than 2 people.
* RP's made exclusively "For me and X only" will not be tolerated here. Its unfair to other members. Such RP's will be removed.
* RP's that havent been posted in a fortnight or more will be deleted. If you want an RP to remain in the board, then it is a good idea to wake it up once in a while, and post in it.
If you are going away, and you cannot get online through that time, please IM one of the mods of this board, and let them know, so they can make sure that your RP's are safe from deletion while you are gone.
* Please do not reserve characters for your RP. You may find that new RP-ers will want to come and join as a particular character, or that one of the regulars just fancy a change from the norm.
(Variety is the spice of life)
* Please have respect for the people you are role-playing with. If you and other's in the RP are not getting along, then the story will not move on, and will remain stagnant, and un-interesting.
Please have respect for the creator of the RP, and if they are guiding a story line, don't be rude and mean by messing it up for them.
* Those who take no notice of the plot set up by the creator will find their posts removed. It is not fair to spoil it for people.
If you have an idea to vary the plot/topic in question, then please IM the creator of that thread, and make your suggestion to them there. Lack of consideration for another person's RP will not be tolerated.
* Take time out from your RP...(Type in brackets) that you want to confirm where you see the RP going, and get the people involved to agree the basic plot.
People are not mind readers, but it may only take a few minutes to come to agreement what you see happening next.
If your RP is not going the way you would like it, and the plot is going off course to how you imagined, then please take time out and PM the people involved in basic terms the direction that you want the RP to go in.
Please make sure every one is aware, then continue with your RP.
* Please do not double post in any RP's. If you need to change something in a post, then please use the modify button on your screen.
* Please do not use "TXT SPK" as this is very difficult for a lot of members to understand, and read. A lot of people do find this irritating.
* If you are having problems with other members in your RP, whether they are messing your RP up, or breaking the above rules in general, please let one of us board mods know, so that we can deal with any problems promptly.
We are here to make the RP board a fun place to be, and we are here to help.
Post counts are once again Zero in this board!
Please stick to the above rules.
Thank you.
Here are some rules made by myself and Sakudra which apply during a Roleplay.
1. If you know someone is going to be away then please at least slow your post rate down, it is nice to come back without having to fear having millions of pages to catch up.
2. If people in R/Ps are offline then don't post wildly and give them pages to read, it isn't polite. This also ends up with their character being fazed out of the roleplay by no fault of their own. So WAIT for everyone to post first.
3. I think this is well observed but no Text Talking. This makes it highly annoying and difficult to read a roleplay, and also shows lack of grammar and punctuation. Roleplays are stories written by many people, lets have it look like a story :)
4. Please give a plot for your R/P and leave it open to everyone. (Before anyone argues that I keep my R/Ps closed you are wrong. I give some chars to some people, who I speak to on MSN and have checked if they want to be them but at the end I always put anyone else can join - Sakudra)
5. When craeting your char try and give them a few litte quirks and don't make them totally boring, also don't give your char super human strength and make them unbeatable (You could argue with me again that Mouth is unbeatable but there you are wrong, he has 2 weakness one is that he is blind in his right eye the other is that he is weak to water - Sakudra)
6. If you must turn your char from evil to good don't do it straight away and don't make it without concequences. (With Mouth I turned him from evil to good but it weren't done in 2 posts, it took a lot longer then that and the concequence was that Mouth lost his right eye. - Sakudra)
Example of a char bio.
Age: (If applicable)
Race: (If applicable)
Horse: (if applicable)
Animals: (if applicable)
Example of a R/P start
Storyline/plot: There was a rustle of wind through the forest of fangorn. Nothing stirred, but on the wind was the voice of the trees and a sound that hadn't been heard for a long time. The sound of orcs.
Anyone is welcome to join, you can be either an orc a ruler or a normal human or even an ent. It leaves you open to many possibilities.
If anyone has anything else to add to this, then please IM one of us Moderators, and we will add them :)
Icy xXx
As there appear to be a few people on here having problems, getting lost in RP's, etc...
Can I just re-iterate:
To try and make things easier on people, If you feel you must post in other peoples roleplay's while they are not online, please IM your intentions to the person in question, to see if it is ok. In some cases it probably is, but in other's it is obviously not welcome.
When posting in peoples role-plays, please abide by THEIR rules, and respect them. If for example the Author of the roleplay isnt on, and she/he specifically doesnt want you to post while they are not here, then please dont.
On the other hand, those of you who dont mind your fellow players posting when your gone, thats also fine...but PLEASE make the effort to catch up and read whats happened since you were last on. Instead of "whats happened" "im lost" would save every ones time, (including mine), and you will have caught up on the story! It really doesnt take long to catch up.
(who wants to read endless pointless posts, just to catch up???)
Pointless posts WILL be removed...
I hope thats of some help, guys.
Any more problems, please IM myself, or Icy, and we will endeavour to help.
When you are getting pictures from websites to show your characters description, can you please make sure it's not from a copywright site, it's illeagal to use them. :o
Search engines, like google, are ok (I'm pretty sure of this! ::))
So, if it's possible, try and stick to them! :)
And please, for further questions, go to the FAQ ( thread.. -Théo