The Age of the Ring (Lord of the Rings) Forum

Off Topic Section => World Events => Topic started by: Durin on February 10, 2004, 06:51:58 AM

Title: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Durin on February 10, 2004, 06:51:58 AM
The last one got all messed up and spammed on.

so i thought it could start from scratch.

Well, what in your eyes is the meaning of life and why are we here?

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 10, 2004, 08:03:58 AM
I don't think there is a real meaning - not unless you make one for yourself.

Some people may think we're here to prove ourselves to God, some may think we're just space dust that's become aware of itself, and some think we're just here to breed. Truth is (for me, personally anyway) I don't know why I'm here, and maybe I'll never know. I'm here physically because my parents produced me, and because my body can heal itself. Otherwise, there's no real reason, I just keep living because my body is programmed to until it dies or it is killed.

As for why I live... well, I want to see a bit more of life before I die. I've got nothing to lose by living, since I don't believe in an afterlife.  

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Q-Tip Cloud on February 10, 2004, 10:44:20 AM
"The Meaning of Life" depends on many different things. Many people base the meaning of life on their religious practices..and others just live life to the fullest regardless of any religious background. It varies from person to person and meaning to meaning.

As far as how I see it. I see things in a rather pesimistical and radical view. I am(as they so nicely put it in a clinical sense)Anti-Social. I have not much respect for any human being on this planet. I have a very hard time dealing with human nature and human kind in general. Since I was a child, I have thought differently from other children and was placed in certain situations that many children will never have to go through in life. I have tried to find my own kind in many different situations. Sometimes it worked..but it failed more often than normal. I am not sure whether or not there is another life after death..and as far as I am concerned...I would hope that if there was an afterlife...that I had nothing or it has nothing to do with coming back as one of the most horrifying animals of all...human.

To is a human beings responsibility to make life productive and safe for everyone..and so far...that has been a failure than a hopeful triumph. I have tried everyday of my life to make an effort to make my life and the lives of whom I respect, a better one. I see too many people farting around whining about menial things and complaining about the smallest things when our world is falling apart. Life is to be seen as something productive...not something to take for granted..and that is what it happening in my eyes. Too much wasted time on topics that solve nothing. Whether it be the War or WMD or this crap and that. You have people who say that animals are the lesser of the world and so is the environment..but what many don't realize is that we were not here it is up to us to make the world a safer place and to me...that is the meaning of life. Live life to the fullest..but RESPECT what was here first.

Okay...I made my point and I don't want to start any radical views..but as you can see...I see things in a radical sense..and maybe even I cannot be what I wish to be in life..but I am damn sure trying to achieve as many goals to help those that cannot be heard..everyday of my life. Better than sitting on your ass all day.  

Don't worry folks..I've been in Therapy since I was 12 years of age. No...I am not the next world reknowned Socio-Path...nor am I cruel or non-empathetic. I just have issues...don't we all?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: CRAZY IVAN on February 10, 2004, 03:37:02 PM
I don't think you can give 'meaning' to generally existing, no one knows our purpose our our 'meaning' all we can do is speculate.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Jezebel on February 10, 2004, 05:41:08 PM
We are all put on this planet for a reason - even if we do not ever find out our reason for being here, we were put her for a reason.  It might take a lifetime before you figure out why you are here.  I personally do not know my reason for living.  I've been alive for 18 and a half years, and I haven't done anything worthwhile in my life.

Some people believe they are put on this planet to love the love of their life basically, and I think that is my reason.  I mean, I'm crazy about my Dave, and yeah well, I think that's my reason - to think of a reason why you are here is hard to think of actually.  I don't know my true meaning, I probably never will, but I will always believe that everyone is here for a reason....whatever it may be.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Starzi on February 11, 2004, 01:05:15 AM
to look at it from a scientific perspective- there is no meaning... the human race and indeed all life on this planet is a fluke and that makes our reason for living, simply survival...  :-\

not a very pretty prospect but it's just a different perspective...  ::)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 11, 2004, 02:29:17 AM
the meaning of life is completely subjective to each individual.  We can hold to our theories of religion or evolution but nothing so far has been proved beyond doubt so its anyones choice of what you believe in.

People don't like to believe in god since the whole idea of an all powerful being that can exert their will upon us is a little hard to take for the ego of your typical all powerful human.  ;) and people don't like to believe in evolution since its negates any idea of the magic of life, love and heaven etc.

Either way what people believe is more a response to what they don't want to believe in. So basically the meaning of life is to find out what the meaning of life is, so we can all stop living in denial. ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Durin on February 11, 2004, 08:11:59 AM
 :owell there you have it.....
i didnt think there could be such a logical makeshift opinion/answer to that.

tips Dougie out the window throwing pillow after him ::)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Unebriwen on February 11, 2004, 09:17:02 AM
lmao! Durin the al-mighty spammer triple-poster dwarf :P ::) ..anyways, methinks - well, for me, the meaning of life is to fulfill your goals or dreams. Maybe even fulfill others, though I do believe in the second coming of Christ, so there'd also be the 'preparation', not exactly going to church and such, but yeah, I don't know.. there's also my old perspective of "to live is to die.. that is all".. lol, well, in some way it is :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Q-Tip Cloud on February 11, 2004, 09:54:23 AM
I remember a wonderful movie starring Christopher Walken(this man is an amazing actor)called 'The Prophecy' about a third war in heaven. The 'Angels' of God fighting other angels due to 'God' choosing humankind above his 'Angels' of heaven. Interesting theory that I shall never forget. For those of you who haven't seen it...check it out. It might give you a different opinion on life in general.

As far as people not believing in 'God'. I feel that half of those that don't believe(especially the younger folk)do it for the attention to make a statement in order to be heard. There are some young folk who are beyond their years and most likely lost faith due to a traumatic incident in their life.

Woops..sorry if I went off topic..but hey...I didn't bring up 'God'.  ;D  
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Asteris on February 11, 2004, 03:01:42 PM
To live is to be dying.

When a thing happened it will come to an end of its own, in the case of life the ending is death.

I'm a buddhist so this may sound pretty strange to you. But I beleive we came to birth for reasons, to repay what we had done in our former lives. Being birth is not a gift its an opportunity to make a difference. Life is filled with pain, and the true happiness can be had only when we born no more.  Being birth is a chance to achieve that goal, not to be birth again.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 11, 2004, 10:02:38 PM
:owell there you have it.....
i didnt think there could be such a logical makeshift opinion/answer to that.

there is always a logical answer :P ::)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Charlotte on February 11, 2004, 11:00:06 PM
This is pretty simple, but I think the meaning of life is to live, and do the best you can in everything. ;)
We are here because we're not there :P
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: EG on February 11, 2004, 11:12:25 PM
the meaning of all life forms, is to procreate and secure the future of their species :) ;D ;)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 12, 2004, 01:27:43 AM
the meaning of all life forms, is to procreate and secure the future of their species :) ;D ;)

Yeah, but what for? So that the species can go on endlessly procreating? I used to believe this myself, being a scientist, but there's something about human life that's bigger than that, or at least we recognise and expect more than that. Evolution is an interesting concept, but it acheives nothing more than stasis, an ability for some form of life in general to adapt to change. The sun is going to explode and engulf the earth someday, according to astronomy, and all that hard work by evolution will be kaput. Some people think humans will be able to go on living in cans floating around in space by then, but there still isn't a point to it.

Btw, if that was a joke, EG, then excuse my characteristic seriousness.  ;)

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Saz on February 12, 2004, 03:10:59 AM
I kinda agree with you there EG.If Everyone had a set meaning to their life, a purpose i mean, i wonder how many people fulfil it?

Everyone's views on this will be different (obviously  ::) ) But personally mine is to... Make the most of whatever life offers to you and to deal with it the best you can.

Yet ...If there was a set meaning to life...Why would we exsist? Just for the sake of it? Maybe the meaning of life is, to wonder what it is :P  

Not too sure there if i made sense at all but it just came out  :-[  
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 12, 2004, 04:31:01 AM
I kinda agree with you there EG.If Everyone had a set meaning to their life, a purpose i mean, i wonder how many people fulfil it?

Everyone's views on this will be different (obviously  ::) ) But personally mine is to... Make the most of whatever life offers to you and to deal with it the best you can.

Yet ...If there was a set meaning to life...Why would we exsist? Just for the sake of it? Maybe the meaning of life is, to wonder what it is :P  

Not too sure there if i made sense at all but it just came out  :-[  

If that was the case - and all we're here for is to procreate, why are so many people unhappy? Dissatisfied with the world and their existence? Disgusted at the rest of the human race?

I've been on this forum roughly two years now, amongst others, and the vast majority of people I've had these kinds of online discussions with agree that the human condition is flawed. We have too much intelligence (for want of a better word) to simply be here to procreate, or to be placated by a minimalist existence. We are more likely to destroy ourselves with this intelligence than to happily exist as the rest of the animal and plant kingdoms do. While there are those who believe we may not have been bestowed with the ability to think, and rather we evolved it, that doesn't answer the question of why the almighty Evolution is happening at all.

People in general don't like to think there's no point to anything, that their lives might be totally insignificant and worthless. They need some sort of purpose to hold on to. That's fair enough. The concept that life might simply be existing because it can and for no other, greater purpose, could be a bit of a mind-blower.  

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: EG on February 12, 2004, 05:21:49 AM
it wasnt a joke....

at the end of the day, the basics of it are, is that we are all animals.....  any life form exists to ensure its race survives.... be that for good, for evil, for disgust in others.... whatever....

no species wants their race to die out.......  in the face of diversity, even the smallest of seedlings will do its utmost to survive :-\
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 12, 2004, 05:43:42 AM
it wasnt a joke....

at the end of the day, the basics of it are, is that we are all animals.....  any life form exists to ensure its race survives.... be that for good, for evil, for disgust in others.... whatever....

no species wants their race to die out.......  in the face of diversity, even the smallest of seedlings will do its utmost to survive :-\

Yes, but why? Why even bother living when you're only going to die, and your offspring are going to die and so on. There's no real purpose behind it, we're all just living so that we can maintain a cycle of death and change by your rationale... and then what is the purpose of learning, of personal development, or indeed of being able to 'think' at all? Being human isn't exactly just about procreation, or so most people will say. So just what is it about, I wonder?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: EG on February 12, 2004, 05:49:51 AM
Animal instinct doesnt go that far....

it doesnt question why, a cow grazing in a field, doesnt wonder why she and the rest of them need to exist...

the point I was making, is that at the route of it, we, from an animal instinct point of view..... are no different from a cow....

thats a very basic point youre making Dagger... do you seriously beleive in the hundredish years you may survive on this Earth... you contribute NOTHING.... NOTHING! to those who love and care for you, nothing to those you help and assist..... SERIOUSLY!!! :o
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 12, 2004, 06:20:13 AM
Well... to be honest, I'm not sure. I may influence other people during my lifetime, yes... the people I am related to, the people who are my friends, the people who dislike me, etc. or anyone at all who comes into contact with me to some degree... but... after I'm gone, what's left? Their memories? The possessions I once owned? I don't remember my great-grandfather because I never met him, and after my grandparents die, everything he was will die with them and their memory. Unless I made some significant mark in history, whatever I was will vanish like it never existed. And the point I was making before was that history, too, will eventually be forgotten. Nothing lasts forever, right?

I'm a little confused. EG, you say we're here to procreate, and animal instinct goes no further, yet you're also saying there's more to our lives by the way we influence others? Well... that's sort of what I was saying too... that there's more to it than that for us humans... or at least we think there is. Is that what you meant? That animals are different? If so, I agree... after all, I haven't had a stimulating conversation with a dolphin yet, or a chimp or any other animal...

I don't suppose anybody really cares for my opinion, but I think personally you have to make up the reason for existence for yourself. Otherwise, if you think about it from an animal instinct point of view, you're here for a single purpose, and once you've completed it, your task it simply to die... and to make way for the next generation. I don't know what the meaning of life is, but I do know that it isn't just to procreate, else I'd be doing that quite happily. At the same time, though, I've been given no proof that there's a definite higher purpose intended for us all, or that something better awaits us after death. I think... the paradox is that early in our lives, society puts many ideas into our heads as to what life should be, and as we grow up we come to question these ideas, especially if they are contradicted.

Umm... for example, when I was a kid I was depressed, and my parents said that I had nothing to be depressed about, even though I knew I was. Or another time, when someone said how amazing life is, and I saw kids starving in Africa on the TV and I realised that it wasn't always so amazing because it was also very unfair.

My point is, I think people become confused about existence because they are fed ideas about it by society, or religion or whatever... and some people come back to questioning that.

Ah, it's late and I'm rambling. I'm going to crawl back to my pit now, before I say anything even more incomprehensible.

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Durin on February 12, 2004, 08:52:06 AM
tries to remember where he heard this.
oh well here goes.

"The day your born you start to die"  god, how morbid is that :-\
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 12, 2004, 09:26:26 AM
I've always imagined that your own personal death doesn't belong to you. You're never going to 'experience it' - because you'll be dead - and the aftermath belongs to others. You are only ever going to know what it's like to live, so look on the bright side...  :-\
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Q-Tip Cloud on February 12, 2004, 09:44:07 AM
As far as humankind using any sort of intelligence..baffles me. Still....we have never learned how to communicate or be sensible enough to handle things on a peaceful basis. It has always confused me how so many feel the need to be on top and screw everything else. It's a "get what you can while you can" society that humankind has created..the worst animal of all.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Saz on February 12, 2004, 11:10:18 PM
It's a "get what you can while you can" society that humankind has created..the worst animal of all.

If that is the point.... why do people bother living? Why don't we just kill ourselves now? This view has a lot to do with pesimisy (sp?) and optismisy (sp?). (obviously again  :-[ )  
"The day your born you start to die"  god, how morbid is that

Yeah that is really depressive.... yet true... too true, we have created a "dream world"  (come a long way...evolution) and we are not consistant to the truth. We do not want to here that. We listen to what WE want too. I mean are you really prepared to come to terms with that quote....

Well I'm not.. so i will (as usual) forget it ("Ignorance is bliss"). It will be forgotten just like the rest of the home truths that circulate our generations.  Not everyone will have a goal (s) in their life, but maybe they have a goal, to set a goal :P
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 12, 2004, 11:57:04 PM
As far as humankind using any sort of intelligence..baffles me. Still....we have never learned how to communicate or be sensible enough to handle things on a peaceful basis. It has always confused me how so many feel the need to be on top and screw everything else. It's a "get what you can while you can" society that humankind has created..the worst animal of all.

I'm not so sure. Are we any different from the cat that plays with a dying mouse but doesn't eat it? Or the bacteria in a dish that multiplies until all the resources are spent, and the colony dies? Are we any different from the elephant seals that rape in the mating season? Or the lions that kill the cubs that aren't their own? They're all selfish organisms, just like we are, governed by the instincts of greed, survival and sex. Not a pretty picture, but there we are.

When people say (in response to the above) "human beings ought to know better" I think... well yes, maybe we should - but we're still animals, we're still subject to instinct, to greed and short-sightedness... we're not infallible, or supremely intelligent at all. We're animals that can think. Doesn't mean we're any better off than the rest of the animal kingdom, in fact we are probably in the most precarious position of all, given that we're clever enough to create things like atomic bombs, but not smart enough to put them away afterwards.

I see humanity as (ultimately) innocent, just like these other animals. A developing species, that, like a child, will experiment and push the boundaries of risk, will fail sometimes, will make mistakes. Humanity has gone through the process we all have in our lives - of growing up. We don't know what the future will hold, and we really are blind in the dark on our little planet... just like the rest of life on earth.

The concepts of 'good and evil', 'right and wrong' are human concepts. Looking at life through the eyes of such concepts will make it seem unbearably unfair. It will make the human race appear selfish, evil perhaps. Of course it will. Fairness is something uniquely human, and not a bad thing... perhaps the greatest thing we have ever created. For that I am not sad.  
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Asteris on February 17, 2004, 03:21:29 PM
Well, you can consider life as one part of nature. Adn what I love about nature is that it seems always to have its own way to balance itself. The concept of good and Evil thingy is a matter of people's feelign, is the matter of our thoughts...what is good? what is evil? We made it up...we look at this and we say this is good and that is evil but would we say otherwise if we've never known or been told abotu it before? What is right? What is wrong? That's a matter of opionion.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Lady Catz on February 17, 2004, 07:04:19 PM

I used to think the meaning of life was to make new life...but that would be a problem for homosexuals..

So, I beleive life is what you make it. Things don't always go your way...but if you always got your own way life would be dull and is unpredictable which I think is what makes it interesting...

We don't live in a world we want to, because we all want different things...most people want peace on earth and to end world hunger, but obviously some people don't because if everone on earth wants the millions of years the earth has existed we would have achieved it by now.

Everyone has goals, or targets that they want to achieve before they die, some achieve them, some don't. Thats how life is...if no one ever achieved their goals the world would be even worse than it is...for example, Martin Luther King, he had many goals to create equal opportunaties. To an extent he did, and he died happy that he had acheived...but today, anyone would agree, we don't have equal opportunaties...there will never be a balance in blacks and whites, women and men unless we try hard enough...

There are people in this world, no names mentioned who bring hell to earth basically and are the cause of why the world can't come together and be in peace.

Back to the meaning of's different for different people...some people were born and developed goals to make the world a better place, and some to make it worse. That's it really.....were all different....we all want different things and these things wont always be good.

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Afirewiel on February 18, 2004, 12:40:40 AM
i was watching a really intressting si-fi program (i'm not a space geek or anything but

i do think it was intressting) about space coloneys, and one guy at the end said that

maby the meaning of life was to create other life and expand to other planets, to

over come barriers and to make space stations and travel space and perhaps find

other life on other planets. i think that it could be the meaning of life.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 18, 2004, 01:39:49 AM
The meaning of life is 42.

Here is a simplistic view of life.

You're born.
You live.
You pro-create.
You grow old.
You die.

End of.

Our basic need for survival is to spread our genes as much as possible.  Men are not meant to be monogamous since it is in their genes to pro-create with as many females as possible to spread their genes.

We are the way we are because of intellect.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 18, 2004, 01:43:59 AM
Here is a simplistic view of life.
We are the way we are because of intellect.

If lifes so simple then why do we have an intellect that puts us head and shoulders above any other species? :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Saz on February 18, 2004, 02:10:26 AM
Because....Thats the way (evolution) the way being has progressed Deal with it ;) :P
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 18, 2004, 02:29:19 AM
Here is a simplistic view of life.
We are the way we are because of intellect.

If lifes so simple then why do we have an intellect that puts us head and shoulders above any other species? :)

Who say's we're head and shoulders above any species?

We've ruined this world in a blink of an eye.  Who is head above the shoulders now?

If the earths age was a clock, the last to minutes would be humans coming to bear.

Look in 2 minutes we've screwed this world over and every other lifeform living on this earth.  I don't think we are intellient.  We're ignorant.

If life were simple, we'd all be amoebas...well we were, but we'd still be them  ::)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 18, 2004, 02:45:08 AM
Because....Thats the way (evolution) the way being has progressed Deal with it ;) :P

why would evolution progress us to stage where people think beyond there own survival? makes no sense. :P

to think humans can destroy the world is fairly arrogant - yes we could wipe ourselves out but the earth will out survive us.

yeah the doomsayers will tell you we are destroying the earth but its not that bad and we're getting better all the time.

and yes we are head and shoulders above the rest. ::)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Saz on February 18, 2004, 02:56:45 AM
Because....Thats the way (evolution) the way being has progressed Deal with it ;) :P

why would evolution progress us to stage where people think beyond there own survival? makes no sense. :P

and yes we are head and shoulders above the rest. ::)

That is not Evolutions' fault, it is our own doing.

Hey you never know, there are soo many species we haven't discovered. Maybe we don't want to discover this species, MAYBE they are 100 heads and shoulders above us. The fact is we simply don't know...
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 18, 2004, 03:12:25 AM
There is a species head and shoulders above us and they are called Virus's.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Saz on February 18, 2004, 03:28:00 AM
::) yeeeess! see that totally crushes your theory
:P  Viruses...... they will be the end of (NOT THE WORLD) US in the being of the world :(
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 18, 2004, 03:33:48 AM
Yes but virus's have the same inbuilt circle of life that humans and every other thing that lives and breathes.

To be born, to live, to pro-create, die.  I don't know if virus's age.  ???

So like I said it's a simple breakdown.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Saz on February 18, 2004, 03:40:36 AM
Yes :P very clever ;) Virus' age... depends what you mean by age... while we grow... they multiply i think. Woohoo "what will kill us will teach us the meaning of our existance.." ahhhh no.. i'm sure i have seen that in a fortune cookie :P
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 18, 2004, 03:46:30 AM
Show me the virus that wrote Romeo and Juliet or painted the sistine chapel.  The point is a virus functions to do one thing, it functions perfectly yes, but that’s all it does.  :P

That’s why humans stand above the rest – our ability to think outside box, our need to push our boundaries beyond what is required to survive.  The theory of evolution fails completely to explain this. 8)

Just take our J.R Tolkien, was this mans work created by a mind that only desires to survive and procreate. Or is there more at work behind this creative genius. I think so.  ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Saz on February 18, 2004, 03:54:30 AM
We aren't saying WE are Virus'....well i am not   :-\ If Evolution is correct...We have Evolved To... wel us. And what i am saying is, what is to say that virus'  "evolve" they could become mightier. Infact they can destroy US without much effort... Hey Dmx... LEAVE Tolkien OUT of this :P  
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 18, 2004, 04:00:01 AM
yeah but there is no evolutionary reason for being the creative people we are.

there's plenty of other animals at the top of there particluar food chain that have reportedly been around for eons that have not evolved any further. why us?

it makes no sense - yes we may have evolved but there certainly appears to be more at work.

AND Tolkien is perfect example to use :P
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Saz on February 18, 2004, 04:14:56 AM
why us.... i think that SHOULD have been the question. A question that many scientists have tried to answer over time. Why US?, why are we the humans?  call it fate, call it whatever... IT JUST HAPPENED :P

(btw if you want to shut me up, feel free too kick me :P)

though you know i won't listen :P[/color]
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 18, 2004, 04:19:34 AM
Here is why viruses are viruses, just as humans are humans.

"I just picked it up on the tip of my glove. If I put it down again and it asks another ant 'what was that?' how would it explain?"  

"There are things in the Universe billions of years older than either of our races. They are vast, timeless, and if they are aware of us at all, it is as little more than ants and we have as much chance of communicating with them as an ant has with us. We know. We've tried and we've learned that we can either stay out from underfoot or be stepped on. They are a mystery and I am both terrified and reassured to know that there are still wonders in the Universe, that we have not explained everything. Whatever they are, Miss Sakai, they walk near Sigma 957 and they must walk there alone."  

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Saz on February 18, 2004, 04:28:52 AM
TO that really does sumarises what I have been trying to say...At one point there i thought it was talking about souls or spirits... hey maybe it is, maybe i am stupid :P  :-[ Where did you get that from TO ? Wrote that yourself? Whoever did liked ants ;) :P all i can do is agree with you there and just point

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vevian on February 18, 2004, 04:30:45 AM
why us.... i think that SHOULD have been the question. A question that many scientists have tried to answer over time. Why US?, why are we the humans?  call it fate, call it whatever... IT JUST HAPPENED :P

(btw if you want to shut me up, feel free too kick me :P)

though you know i won't listen :P[/color]

Because we were created to be over all of creation, to take care of it, and to use it.  Well, I am sure someone has already offered this explanation but if you ask me evolution can't explain the "why us" question very well.  Chance?  That's a pleasant thought, by chance I just happened to have a body that can do what it can do, a brain that can reason, and a spirit that yearns for answers.  If you ask me (actually we were all asked what we think the answer is) the very fact that humans can ask questions llike "What is the meaning of life?" shows that we are a little more complex then the rest of nature and that just chance couldn't come up with something like us.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 18, 2004, 04:31:43 AM
It's from Babylon 5 and the character G Kar said it in one episode.  When I first heard it, my jaw almost hit the floor.  Praise J Michael Straszinski for his brilliant mind.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 18, 2004, 04:34:21 AM
why us.... i think that SHOULD have been the question. A question that many scientists have tried to answer over time. Why US?, why are we the humans?  call it fate, call it whatever... IT JUST HAPPENED :P

(btw if you want to shut me up, feel free too kick me :P)

though you know i won't listen :P[/color]

Because we were created to be over all of creation, to take care of it, and to use it.  Well, I am sure someone has already offered this explanation but if you ask me evolution can't explain the "why us" question very well.  Chance?  That's a pleasant thought, by chance I just happened to have a body that can do what it can do, a brain that can reason, and a spirit that yearns for answers.  If you ask me (actually we were all asked what we think the answer is) the very fact that humans can ask questions llike "What is the meaning of life?" shows that we are a little more complex then the rest of nature and that just chance couldn't come up with something like us.

But my point is, how do we know animals aren't thinking the same thing?  We mimic everything in the animal kingdom.  Rape, murder, adultery etc.  We are no different to animals, because we are animals.

Not all animals can communicate, but they show signs of intelligence.  Just because they don't show it, does not mean they cannot.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 18, 2004, 05:06:51 AM
But doesn’t your ant quote show that life is not simple. For your quote to work there had to be something greater that showed us the way and broke us out of our circle of survival. That showed us how to ask questions.

It’s the something that made the ant decide to question its surroundings that complicates things.

Human race is filled with evil but there is goodness out there.  It’s difficult to find both extremes in the animal kingdom and hard to think we copied them from there.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vevian on February 18, 2004, 05:14:28 AM
Agreed!  It takes a whole lot more faith to believe that animals might by as smart as us or that we are here by chance than to believe in something bigger then us that created us.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 18, 2004, 04:54:45 PM

Humankind loves stories, patterns and explanations. Religion is just that, a story or an explanation, something that gives meaning to one's existence... and the theories of agnostics and atheists (evolutionists included) are 'religions' or belief systems also. It is very hard not to believe in something.

To say a human being is superior to a virus is an obvious observation, if you are talking about achievement in human terms. If you are talking about achievement in viral terms, a virus is far more efficient at its task than a human being and therefore 'superior'. It is all relative to the kind of superiority you are discussing. While human beings are indeed a dominating species, inasmuchas we have changed the environment to suit our own needs, we will neither outlast nor completely eliminate viruses. Superiority and importance remains a moot point. Even more interesting is the fact that viruses resemble a chemical compound more than they do a living organism; it is still in debate as to whether or not they can be conisdered 'alive' and classified as such. So, human beings versus a highly efficient self-replicating protein-covered chemical 'machine'... evenly matched I'd say.

In response to TO's post, very true. We can't prove animals are as 'intelligent' as us, but neither can we disprove it. We don't even have a satisfactory definition of intelligence yet anyhow. If human beings arose from animals, there is a distinct possibility that another species will follow a similar evolutionary path as us and develop the language and communication skills central to our knowledge base. But our current form of intelligence may not be the only one, and other kinds may yet evolve. Since we can only judge in human terms as humans, we will likely never know.

As for dmx's posts... well, human intelligence might indeed be considered frivolous -in that we don't need it to fit into the evolutionary equation, and yet we retain the capacity. However, it is an interesting point to note that all of our evoutionary ancestors and the rest of the genus Hominis are exinct. Every form of pre-human and similar counterpart no longer exist, save for in the fossil record... so it might well be that Homo sapiens sapiens were saved from exinction by their ability to use their brains. We human beings are weak enough without tools, clothes and other such things... it might have been our species' saving grace that one or two individuals managed to make a fire with a flint at some point.

It is unknown as to why human beings have such a brain capacity, or the reasons which led to its development, but capacity exists in all living things to some degree. Chimps are a good example. A chimp left to its own devices in its natural environment will never learn to communicate with a human being. However, if trained to use a language of symbols and gestures by a human, a chimp can interact with a human being on quite a sophisticated level. Without this intervention, the chimp's capacity for such things would never have been utilised or realised. Similarly, a human being brought up by chimps retains the capacity for human intelligence but does not use it to its fullest, nor develops complex language skills.

The reason human beings have managed to be what we are now is because we have that capacity, because we have language, and because we walk on two feet and have freed our hands for making things. Chimps are already well on the way to being very much like us.

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 18, 2004, 05:38:01 PM
You can argue that humans are the ultimate virus - we inhabitat every corner of the world and are pushing to move into other areas like the sea bed and mars.  Is there a animal or plant that humans have not tried to eat in a bid to survive?

The problem with chimps is there is no evidence to suggest they can develop on their own without human intervention. They only show human qualities because we taught them how to behave that way. Which brings back to the point of who taught humans to question themselves.  The theory of evolution does not allow us to have a brain capacity that lets us think along those lines.

Many animals shows signs of intelligence that allows them to survive and co-exist in their world and many have, according to evoltionary theory, been around as long as we have. Yet none have decided to question there own role in life. They follow a routine. Even a virus follows a predictable pattern. Human behavoir is sometimes so alien to that of other animals.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 18, 2004, 09:45:59 PM
Firstly, all life follows a viral pattern if left unchecked. All organisms would destroy their own systems and consume all resources if they were not checked by predation, disease and ageing. What we see in human terms is the result of a species that has removed all of its predation, checked disease and is in the process of finding ways to slow the ageing process. Hence why there are so many humans on this planet. The same would bode for any organism that was capable of this feat.

Chimps do have a simple language that they have evolved on their own, consisting of facial gestures, sounds and body postures. They live in large groups with complex social bonding structures, and can use a large variety of natural 'tools'. They have achieved this seemingly without any input from another species... in fact they are very close to what early hominids mostly likely resembled.

Again, you can't prove animals don't question themselves. As absurd as it sounds, you just don't know if they do or don't; just because they don't speak doesn't mean they cannot. Chimps, for one, are very intrigued when they see themselves in a mirror, and can identify themselves as individuals.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 18, 2004, 10:34:36 PM
Firstly, all life follows a viral pattern if left unchecked. All organisms would destroy their own systems and consume all resources if they were not checked by predation, disease and ageing. What we see in human terms is the result of a species that has removed all of its predation, checked disease and is in the process of finding ways to slow the ageing process. Hence why there are so many humans on this planet. The same would bode for any organism that was capable of this feat.

I don't believe thats true - many species operate in a manner that conserves their food source. Most notable is a migration route by herd animals. They have an inbuilt sense that tells them not to eat everything, leave some to grow and come back to. Animals behavoiur works togethor to preserve their enviroment till we humans come along and mess it all up for them.  An example of how human thinking differs so greatly from animals.

Humans have not removed all predation - as pointed out earlier we are still very susceptible to virus'. :P

Who made the mirror that chimp is looking in? - once again its an outside source that has made the chimp think outside its own way of life. Plus i'm sure chimps have seen their reflection in water thousands of times over thousands of years with no effect. Other than outside intervention I don't see any reason for animals to start questioning why they exist. Animals evolve to point where they can survive and fit in with their eco system and there is no evolutionary requirement for a radical increase in intelligence that makes them think outside their own survival. ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 18, 2004, 11:34:12 PM
Actually animals consume food and as much as possible since they don't know when they will get their next meal.  Lots of animals have adapted themselves so that they can eat the most gross plant and still live.

This again is due to evolution.  Chimps can do alot with out the aid of humans and they have the capacity to learn just like us.

All animals do else how could we get cats and dogs to understand a few words.  My cat understands the word, hungry and out.  He also comes home when I whistle for him.  If he wasn't sufficiently intelligent enough, he would not be able to communicate with me.  Much less me with him.  Dolphins understand too, Whales.  Buffalo have been seen to save another when a lion attacks.  It has been proven that they will protect another if the need arises.

It's been proven that elephants are not as maternal as we hoped they would be.  They will kill another baby if the need arises.

We are at the end of the day animals that have surpassed the other animals.  But are we any better than them?  Some seem to think so.  But I don't.

Dolphins have been known to be sweet and kind.  Yet male dolphins have been known to rape females that travel alone.

Chimps will murder other monkeys for a morsel of meat, they also practice having sex when they get a chance to.

Another thing about female elephants is that they will sleep with the head male elephant, but if another comes along that's more powerful, she will also sleep with him.

Love birds are not magnogamous, they too sleep around when the other is not looking.

We are no different to animals.  The reason being we are animals.

We cannot communicate with animals because nature has not allowed them the means to.  IE voice box.  A parrot can.  A dog maybe, another one of my cats attempted, but it's impossible.  The voice box does not allow them to 'talk'.

Therefore we use body language to try and understand them better, or teach them sign language.  Or picture recognition.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 18, 2004, 11:51:54 PM
I don't believe thats true - many species operate in a manner that conserves their food source. Most notable is a migration route by herd animals. They have an inbuilt sense that tells them not to eat everything, leave some to grow and come back to. Animals behavoiur works togethor to preserve their enviroment till we humans come along and mess it all up for them.  An example of how human thinking differs so greatly from animals.

Do they? You're making huge assumptions there. So you're saying these animals are as forward-thinking as to leave pastures green to return to in the future, yet you're saying they aren't capable of rational thought? Sounds like a contradiction to me. Anyway, how do you know? Can you read their minds? Most likely the grazing herds migrate to find better nourishment since the grasses wither during the dry season, and in such large concentrations, they quickly exhaust the availible food. They are probably doing it because it is the only way to survive, not because they've thought out the system and know that it's the right thing to do. Reinforcement of the migratory instinct is likely.
Animal behaviour works in such a way as to counteract the destructive forces of natural selection. When these forces are removed, there is an imbalance. While they exist however, the natural survival instincts of animals and humans alike are not a threat to the system. How can I explain this? Well, consider obesity in humans. Naturally, and in a natural environment, you will always be hungry. Why? Because you will never have ample food to go around, you will work hard to find what food you can, and therefore obesity is rare. However, given an unnatural environment such as that we have created in the West where food is always availible and one does not have to hunt for it, obesity is common. Our instinct to eat is not diminished by this change of lifestyle, and thus people become obese very easily. Hence, if you remove the force of natural selection, the system is unbalanced. This occurs in any situation with just about any animal you care to name.

Humans have not removed all predation - as pointed out earlier we are still very susceptible to virus'.
As I pointed out earlier there are three types of check: predation, disease (possibly viral) and death by ageing. Viruses are parasitic organisms, my friend.  :P

Who made the mirror that chimp is looking in? - once again its an outside source that has made the chimp think outside its own way of life. Plus i'm sure chimps have seen their reflection in water thousands of times over thousands of years with no effect. Other than outside intervention I don't see any reason for animals to start questioning why they exist. Animals evolve to point where they can survive and fit in with their eco system and there is no evolutionary requirement for a radical increase in intelligence that makes them think outside their own survival.

So, do you, as a human animal, consider yourself capable of survival if you found yourself suddenly out in the middle of the African Savannah, far from any civilisation? Your capacity for intelligence would be highly beneficial to you then, wouldn't it? You'd die without it.

The point I suppose that is being made here is where did we get our relatively large brains and capacity for intelligence from, and why? Technically speaking, a rat doesn't need the intelligence it has; a dolphin doesn't require the full capacity of its brain to survive; and we as humans are rumoured to use only ten percent of the full capacity of our brains. Deal.

So what are you, religious or what, dmx?

While it is overwhelming to think that a piece of meat like a brain can think, dream and rationalise, it's even more amazing that such a brain could invent something like a supercomputer. But there we are. Complexity birthing complexity... and yet it does not seem (to most people anyhow) such an incredible feat, and a lot more realistic than the evolutionary creation of our own brains. Yet supercomputers, too, 'evolve' through constant iteration of past designs to suit a purpose that we do not - apparently - fully require in order to survive. And yet they exist.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 19, 2004, 12:44:06 AM
Personally I do think there is a case for evolution but I also believe there is more to it than that.  The physical evidence, like our teeth for one thing makes it hard for me not believe we evolved from something. I’m open to options, not ready to make my mind up yet. :P

I’m not making assumptions you just have to look at world around you.  Yes I’m saying that animals are capable of thought.  Generations of animals do the same things and inhabit the same areas, follow routines that they have done for thousands of years.  They need intelligence to carry out theses tasks.  But this is where I have a problem the intelligence required to survive comes no where near the complex thinking required to question your own existing. Learning to survive is trial and error.  We can train animals to do things through trial and error.  I’ve seen examples of animals showing the intelligence to adapt to new situations but that’s it.  Again its trial and error – if we do this we survive so lets keep doing it till it stops working.  What animals don’t do is find something that works then decide to investigate something else out of curiosity.

Why did evolution give us a brain that we only use 10% of? That’s pointless and inefficient – totally against the idea of evolution.  If I found myself in the middle of the desert facing death I asked myself why? What’s it all about? Has it been worth it? A young child who knew the enviroment would have more chance of surviving than an extremely intelliegent person with no local knowledge.  The child, who had learnt and been taught by generations of trial and error, what food to eat and where to get water, Surviving requires minimal intelligence at best.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 19, 2004, 12:48:34 AM
Personally I do think there is a case for evolution but I also believe there is more to it than that.  The physical evidence, like our teeth for one thing makes it hard for me not believe we evolved from something. I’m open to options, not ready to make my mind up yet. :P

What about our teeth, exactly?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 19, 2004, 12:50:58 AM

No one knows why we have giant brains.  Bigger brains does not make you anymore intelligent.

But it has been suggested that because it takes us at least 18 years to teach a child to grow and learn, that is why we have bigger brains.  Because we're slower.

Look at the animals, it takes them around 2 weeks to find their feet and then they know what they want to do.  Although saying that there are still animals that look after their kids longer.  But normally it's usually for around a year before they move on to another set of kid(s).

Us being here is all about evolution.

Just as giraffes are here.  We learnt to walk on two feet, use our hand, communicate.  At best, the human species is the best shape for doing things.  But that does not make us faster just because we've got two feet.  And no more stronger because we use our arms.

In terms of humans, we are weak.  Compared to the animals in the wild.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 19, 2004, 12:58:00 AM
Just as giraffes are here.  We learnt to walk on two feet, use our hand, communicate.  At best, the human species is the best shape for doing things.  But that does not make us faster just because we've got two feet.  And no more stronger because we use our arms.

In terms of humans, we are weak.  Compared to the animals in the wild.

Very true. Humans are by no means perfectly formed or designed for the role we have chosen to take. For instance, humans are prone to back problems. The reason being that the human spine is simply a 'straightened' version of a quadruped spine, with all pressure being placed in the lumbar region rather than being more evenly distributed as in the quadruped variation, and as such humans often suffer pain in the delicate lumbar region, increasingly so with age and wear.

The human spine is not a good design. In fact, it's terrible. But we sacrifice that in order to free our hands.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 19, 2004, 01:02:12 AM
Our wisdom teeth don't fit because we have evolved shorter jaws - with todays diet is there any need for them etc. Thats the arguement anyway.

Exactly humans just don't behave in manner that fits with the rest of the animal kingdom. Makes me wonder why that is.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 19, 2004, 01:06:11 AM
I thought we all had bad back from practicing crap sex, but there you go  ::) ;D

But yeah we are a fragile race.  We consume, we want the world.  But will the world be here, once we've taken away all it's resources.

Oh yeah look at disease.  More and more are becoming immune.  Now the scientists are going to ants for anitbac solution to the problem as ants don't get sick.

Surely if you do that and the disease becomes immune to that, the ants are doomed because we've created a bug that CAN effect them?

Also how many other animals must we harvest their ability before we wipe them out as well.

A really good programme to watch is an episode of Sapphire and Steel where a family from the future come to live in our present (their past).  To see what it was like to live in this time.  The thing is they brought something back with them, that isn't going to forgive them anytime soon.

Another good one to watch is Soylent Green, a more truer account of the human culture, in where we are overpopulated and unable to feed everyone that a substitute food is found.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 19, 2004, 01:41:57 AM
Our wisdom teeth don't fit because we have evolved shorter jaws - with todays diet is there any need for them etc. Thats the arguement anyway.

Exactly humans just don't behave in manner that fits with the rest of the animal kingdom. Makes me wonder why that is.

Yes, there is a dispute over the wisdom teeth thing, but shorter jaws would have taken millions of years to evolve, and teeth do not evolve fast enough to cope with a change in diet that has arisen in the last ten thousand years. Remember that vestigial features are not eliminated by evolution unless they are detrimental to the individual. Since having wisdom teeth doesn't increase your chances of death as a species, there is no selection against that trait and therefore they remain, despite the change in diet and apparent uselessness.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 19, 2004, 01:49:46 AM
there is a dispute over the wisdom teeth thing, but shorter jaws would have taken millions of years to evolve, and teeth do not evolve fast enough to cope with a change in diet that has arisen in the last ten thousand years. Remember that vestigial features are not eliminated by evolution unless they are detrimental to the individual. Since having wisdom teeth doesn't increase your chances of death as a species, there is no selection against that trait and therefore they remain, despite the change in diet and apparent uselessness.

yup thats the theory, lets just see if they can prove it with something substantial or how many alternative theories they can come up with mean time. ;D

Lets not forget War of the Worlds - where a virus came to the rescue of the human race. ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 19, 2004, 01:53:38 AM
Yup thats the theory, lets just see if they can prove it with something substantial or how many alternative theories they can come up with mean time. ;D

In that case, there's nothing 'special' about humans having wisdom teeth... they're just useless vestiges, just like our appendix. And myriad other members of the animal kingdom have useless vestiges too.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 19, 2004, 01:58:41 AM
nope not special, just another piece of the jigsaw of the meaning of life :P

so many theories so little proof - drives you mad ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 19, 2004, 02:02:20 AM
nope not special, just another piece of the jigsaw of the meaning of life :P

so many theories so little proof - drives you mad ;D

Not really... I question, but I don't really care.  ;)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 19, 2004, 02:09:49 AM
apathy is the best defense agaisnt the unknown ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 19, 2004, 02:16:33 AM
Well, put it this way... you're never gonna know for sure. So there's no point getting worked up about it.

I'm gonna go make me a sammich.  ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 19, 2004, 02:32:03 AM
Actually that same virus that killed the aliens in War of the Worlds is the same virus that's also killing humans too.  

Feel safe still?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 19, 2004, 02:54:35 AM
Yes - as Guns n Roses put it 'i don't worry about nothing cos worryings a waste of my time' :P

everytime someone sneezes these days its a scare and we're all going to die. maybe we're more resilent than we give ourselves credit for. :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Orlis sex-slave on February 19, 2004, 09:35:00 PM
I dont know what the meaning of life is, but there has to be...either to make someone else happy or just revenge
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 19, 2004, 11:15:16 PM
I dont know what the meaning of life is, but there has to be...either to make someone else happy or just revenge

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: EG on February 20, 2004, 06:08:22 AM
:)  yeah... revenge for what ???
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Garfield666999 on February 20, 2004, 06:25:02 PM
meaning of life is to have fun
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on February 20, 2004, 10:21:12 PM
meaning of life is to have fun

Then why are people never happy?  ;)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 21, 2004, 04:58:50 AM
Because they've forgotten how to smile.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mithrandir on February 21, 2004, 05:48:12 PM
I don't see why life has to have a meaning.
We all know life is the act of living, I don't think it is anymore than that.
There is no pupous to our living, just that we are what we are.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Tigerlilly on February 25, 2004, 12:37:18 AM
I live my life on the theory that everything happens for a reason. Now I completely understand if people disagree with me, but it's just the way I work.

I cannot believe that our whole existance is pointless, that we are just here to- well for no reason at all.

I do believe that we are part of a much bigger picture. This is going to sound really odd, but have you ever seen "Men In Black"?? At the end of that, they kinda zoom out of the universe and everything is just part of this huge game of marbles that these huge monsters are playing with.
Anyway, despite the fact I don't think we're being "played" by giant green monsters, I do think that we are not the "point" of life the universe and everything, that we are just a teeny tiny part of the bigger picture, and that sometime in the very very distant future, when we have all moved on to... well... wherever this will proved, and we will find more universes and stuff. :-\

This topic could go on forever and nobody will ever agree.
So, I think you all need to realise the fact that the answer of life, the universe and everything is 42. :P
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trueogre on February 25, 2004, 12:57:35 AM
There was once a cartoon I saw in 2000AD.  It was one of Tharg's future shocks.

It was only on one page as far as I can remember, but it struck me as being very thought provoking, and it's along the same lines as Men in Black.  But this cartoon strip was written in the 80's.

Basically, it was about a world that was doomed.  A large moon was heading towards their world, and they had to escape else die.

It starts with the moon in view and people scared to death all running to their ships.  But the ships can't house everyone, so it's first come first serve.

Well as the ship takes off the moon crashes into their world.

The panel zooms out to two baseball players playing catch, and one of the men have just caught the ball in his mitt.  The guy who has caught the ball say's "man, there's a lot of dust on this mitt."
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on February 25, 2004, 03:13:49 AM
The panel zooms out to two baseball players playing catch, and one of the men have just caught the ball in his mitt.  The guy who has caught the ball say's "man, there's a lot of dust on this mitt."

so sport is the meaning of life ;D ;)

here's an interesting article about the whole human/chimp thing :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Pruurk on February 25, 2004, 06:00:20 PM
the most likely meaning of life is to survive
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Pruurk on February 25, 2004, 06:07:46 PM
according to douglas adams it is 42
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Ethiwen on February 25, 2004, 06:11:30 PM
surviving is probbably right, my thought on the whole meaning of life is, that life isn't worth living there is nothing but sadness for me and there is always a war or something going on, what kinda life is that?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Athene, Goddess of Wisdom on February 26, 2004, 12:02:20 PM
Life is hoping and dreaming, and then working to accomplish what you were hoping and dreaming for.  
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Athene, Goddess of Wisdom on February 26, 2004, 12:04:49 PM
I cannot believe that our whole existance is pointless, that we are just here to- well for no reason at all.

I do believe that we are part of a much bigger picture. This is going to sound really odd, but have you ever seen "Men In Black"?? At the end of that, they kinda zoom out of the universe and everything is just part of this huge game of marbles that these huge monsters are playing with.
Anyway, despite the fact I don't think we're being "played" by giant green monsters, I do think that we are not the "point" of life the universe and everything, that we are just a teeny tiny part of the bigger picture, and that sometime in the very very distant future, when we have all moved on to... well... wherever this will proved, and we will find more universes and stuff. :-\

We may be nothing to the universe, but we're everything to ourselves.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Athene, Goddess of Wisdom on February 26, 2004, 12:06:00 PM
surviving is probbably right, my thought on the whole meaning of life is, that life isn't worth living there is nothing but sadness for me and there is always a war or something going on, what kinda life is that?

I can't believe I still have stuff to say--If you don't like something, change it. If you're sad then make yourself happy. If you don't like wars then help make peace.

Just a thought.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Unebriwen on February 26, 2004, 01:53:50 PM
wow.. this is still here :o

well, since I deleted myself my views on life actually changed a lot. I think that we're all set out here for different purposes. I also believe that we're here to serve eachother - not ourselves. I got a whole lot more to say, but my mind's gone too far away ::)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Durin on February 26, 2004, 04:46:36 PM
well you only deleted urself like less than two weeks ago, and its not uncommon for a thread to last that long ::)

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: ^Yaker^ on February 26, 2004, 05:50:20 PM
"Death" is the meaning of life. Life is a the precusor (or whatever that word is) to death and darkness. The evil in this world is a taster for when you all reach hell!  :P
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Unebriwen on February 27, 2004, 05:45:40 PM
well you only deleted urself like less than two weeks ago, and its not uncommon for a thread to last that long ::)

smart arse ;)

hey, Oromë, that used to be my point of view ;) :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Arwen003 on February 27, 2004, 09:10:33 PM
i think that the meaning of life it to well
to grow up and than die
and have fun and love and alsort of other this along the way
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: ^Yaker^ on February 28, 2004, 02:48:22 AM
hhmmm. Life and Death beautiful things and also terrible things!!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: elfprincess02 on February 29, 2004, 05:48:44 PM

other than that nothing it seems kind of pointless but thats just me
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Unebriwen on March 01, 2004, 04:21:59 PM
hhmmm. Life and Death beautiful things and also terrible things!!
I don't think death is terrible.. it's life.. or rather, how you die :-\ :) I want to be burnt alive
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on March 01, 2004, 05:28:09 PM
I don't think death is terrible.. it's life.. or rather, how you die :-\ :) I want to be burnt alive

burnt alive :o that would be so painful 8) think i would rather fall from a great height (your heart is supposed to stop before you hit the ground lol)

at the moment death does not worry me though i would much rather keep living for a good while yet. but just out of curiousty it would be nice to see what happens next if anything.  ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Unebriwen on March 02, 2004, 02:44:57 PM
think i would rather fall from a great height (your heart is supposed to stop before you hit the ground lol)
..but how would they know? ;) ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Sainy on March 02, 2004, 03:22:10 PM
In my opinion......I think everyone is put on this world for a reason.....

If you forfill those reasons or not is up to you.......

The main thing in life is to please youself...and not others.....make sure that youre happy first.....

People thry to find what they are spose to do in life...when its right in font of them really ::)

Care for other peoplr like they care for you, And forsill youre dream
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Gollum on March 05, 2004, 01:02:07 AM
I believe that the underlying principle of life is reproduction. The only thing that we need to do is to reproduce to ensure that our species survives. Without this, life would not continue. However, there must be some issues on top of this, as otherwise life wouldn't really be that worthwhile. 70ish years of life (or whatever the life expectancy is) and for what. To reproduce and pass on your genes.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Yuruth on March 05, 2004, 02:38:12 PM
the meaning of life is told to a person when they die and when they come back they forget :-X
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rune on March 05, 2004, 07:39:04 PM
the meaning of life is told to a person when they die and when they come back they forget :-X

How do you know that if noone remembrs? :P
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Gollum on March 05, 2004, 08:19:40 PM
And what would be the point in being told if you were going to forget in a short period of time anyway. You'd be told over and over again. And who would be telling them aswell?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: andonewhitetree on March 05, 2004, 08:21:45 PM
i believe life to be a gift from god.  It is up to us how we use it, for better or worse. :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: God(Aka; Juggalette chik) on March 07, 2004, 07:05:52 AM
The meaning of life, the universe and everything may or may not be fourty-two.  I don't know it is ultimatly eneffable.  It is something that we can not eff.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Kakyuu on March 07, 2004, 01:30:24 PM
Who really knows what the meaning of life is?

It really depends on if you believe that god made the world or the 'Big bang' theory or maybe so totally different way.

I personally think that we were put on this Earth to enjoy what it can give us in life but I do worry sometimes that the human race is too greedy. Building on everything and killing other animals, when they have as much right to be here as us.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Yuruth on March 07, 2004, 02:08:48 PM
i don't know i never rember things that happen at that time  but rember things that happend long time ago  but what is life how did we get where we are  :-X
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Ar_Pharazon on March 10, 2004, 12:57:59 AM
How abouts I go all controversial here, and say that the meaning of Life is to become so powerful and so technologically advanced that we know longer call ourselves humans, but Gods?  :o :o :o
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Gollum on March 10, 2004, 11:50:52 PM
Could you please explain what you just said as I do not understand you mean?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Ar_Pharazon on March 11, 2004, 12:36:05 AM
Huh? I didnt think it was that difficult, but lets imagine 200-300 years ago, well, lets go back to the Tudors. Say if you were to show them a torch or anything we take for granted like a dvd player etc. Wouldn't they be like "Woah thats some sick poo poo!!" :o (well maybe not in those precise words)

They might think you were a magician, or even perhaps, a God? I mean, light out of your hand, people trapped in a box? Miracles surely.

So what if, in the next two hundred years, we invented wormholes and stuff that seems unbelievable. Perhaps then, we could turn water into wine, bring people back from the dead even using their DNA. Perhaps we might even be able to stop ageing and manipulate loads of stuff, or mindread etc.

Isn't that what Gods do? If we could reach that kind of level when time didnt matter, we'd have completed our purpose for being here.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on March 11, 2004, 06:29:39 AM
That depends on your definition of God. We'll never be omnipotent, I suspect, but we could certainly appear God-like to a species/race of lesser technology.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Unebriwen on March 11, 2004, 07:12:32 AM
the meaning of life is told to a person when they die and when they come back they forget :-X you believe in reincarnation, then? :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: elbereth on March 11, 2004, 09:02:50 AM
not time around is enough for me...I just want this one time to be as good as possible.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Ar_Pharazon on March 11, 2004, 10:18:47 PM
That depends on your definition of God. We'll never be omnipotent, I suspect, but we could certainly appear God-like to a species/race of lesser technology.

True  8)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Gomaithol on March 12, 2004, 12:28:37 AM
now i dont mean this in any way at all but 42!

Seriously we may be able to do things but to make a time machine one has to b able to tell the futre first right?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Ar_Pharazon on March 12, 2004, 11:30:00 PM
Why would we need to tell the future, in order to build a time machine? I don't get ya  ???
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Unebriwen on March 16, 2004, 08:02:39 AM
I just want this one time to be as good as possible.
lmao! Totally agreed 8) methinks we should make this life the best (because we don't necessarily know if it's our last or not :-X )
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: witch - king on March 16, 2004, 09:17:34 PM
basicaly the meaning of life is to die, dunno y. my theory is life is some sorta test for the next stage, HEAVY!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mithrandir on March 16, 2004, 10:22:03 PM
Well, this is how I see things:
Life has no meaning, it doesn't need or require one. We are on this Earth purely for the reason to reproduce as out parents did, we are around to ensure the success of the species, to carry the genes on.
There is no reincarnation because no body remembers before they were born, so why should it exist after we die.
I would hate to sound harsh, but the things people are saying are what they want rather than what happens.
There is nothing after death, we cease to exist, therefore there is nothing to be scared of because, there is nothing.
The point is, we are not Gods as we know them, we don't move oceans and such like. We are on the Earth, that is the end of it, there is no because. Have you ever had your science teacher say to you because it is when you go into something so infinitely complicated and meaningful that it loses meaning and there is no longer and why it happens, just that it does happen, and you have to accept it. It is the same with life; There is no meaning of, we just are, and that is something that we should all come to terms with.
The things people are saying here are personal motives about self-satisfaction and so forth, nothing to do with meanings.
Technology does not affect our "meaning" for it is only an evolutionary advance.
If we were being controlled by some Gods, we would know about it.
And the Universe doesn't revolve around us, we are not the only life, we just haven't found it yet, there is quite likely to be a more advanced race than us out there, somewhere, but until then, we are alone, in a big black space.

To sum this all up:
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: witch - king on March 16, 2004, 11:16:43 PM
thats true, were probly just here because a cingular cell organism just evolved over billions and billions of years for no reason and were all just an axident. seems harsh huh
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cobryn on March 17, 2004, 01:46:57 AM
The meaning of life is to learn and then die seems rather pointless
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on March 17, 2004, 11:33:40 PM
Only because most people seem to think there ought to be a point to existing.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Bobble_Hat on March 19, 2004, 01:10:38 AM
now i dont mean this in any way at all but 42!

I quite agree.... (Douglas Adamsthe Hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy just in case you didn't know.

Seriously though, I think that it's up to us to find the meaning of our lives.  Personally I think mine is to be a Social Worker, but that's just me being my usual strange self  (Not that there's anythin wrong with being a social worker... oh, i'll shut up, i'm burbling..  Again.)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blood-Ryu on March 19, 2004, 02:56:33 AM
I believe we are here to serve some purpose. Perhaps life fawked up when technology was introduced. I don't know. But, I do believe we were supposed to use our body, soul and mind as one to complete a task no machine could do, no technology could achieve. I believe we are all true beings of a competeting chain. The strongest shall prevail and the weak shall perish.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Unebriwen on March 20, 2004, 08:46:40 AM
so you believe in a dog-eat-dog world, then? I think we could all be better in some way or another, but yeah, it's basically survival of the fittest (and boy, I'm not that fit :: :-X ;D )
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Sarton on March 21, 2004, 06:13:37 PM
The meaning of life is life.
Having life, you were given a gift from God. Some people chose to hate that gift. Thus, makes them ungrateful of the gift and anger's God. Despression is just a mere illusion. You can't actually reach out to it and touch it. Suicidal people, are those who can't cope with it and then commit suicide will not be forgiven and go to hell. Having bumps in the path of life, only makes you stronger.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Gomaithol on March 21, 2004, 07:17:26 PM
well, to be able to make a time machine we have to set a range for it to go throught forward and back, now, we have to be able to tell the futre so as to be able to see how many years this earth has left (Not that many with the bozo's around laeding the earth i'll add!) then, when that has been done we can set the range and go right to the end of time, or to the start of it. Of course this'll probably go and totally cock up what we call the present so it's best to leave it. But then the question to ask is why 42? why not a answer that makes sense?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Sarton on March 21, 2004, 09:32:51 PM
if we create a time machine then we can only go back to when it was created!!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Glamaithil on March 22, 2004, 12:52:08 AM
Its hard to say really, we've got to be here for some purpose, just not sure what. What I believe is hard to explain, I just believe that we're put on the earth to discover and help the world survive, and to evolve.

But, then I believe in life after death, I mean, whats the point on being put on the earth for a few decades just to die again?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Aravis Verinrosenus Kil'ana on March 23, 2004, 02:02:48 AM
I've always felt the meaning of life was to set a goal for yourself and dedicate yourself to accomplishing it. Everything else is simply an obstacle.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: God(Aka; Juggalette chik) on March 23, 2004, 07:56:26 AM
now i dont mean this in any way at all but 42!

I quite agree.... (Douglas Adamsthe Hitch hiker's guide to the galaxy just in case you didn't know.

Seriously though, I think that it's up to us to find the meaning of our lives.  Personally I think mine is to be a Social Worker, but that's just me being my usual strange self  (Not that there's anythin wrong with being a social worker... oh, i'll shut up, i'm burbling..  Again.)
HHGG! yes 42 is the answer!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Gomaithol on March 26, 2004, 12:06:48 AM
But, then I believe in life after death, I mean, whats the point on being put on the earth for a few decades just to die again?

very true, i mean, it can't be so blunt for us to live, then die, and just lie under the earth to rot for ages, life after death seems like a good idea.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mithrandir on March 26, 2004, 01:41:22 AM
It can be so blunt for us, people just can not admit it. At the end of the day there is no meaning, you just have to accept that. It is people who are too compassionate for their own good who believe there is something more there. All I can say is just look at my signature, and that explains it all.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Sarton on March 26, 2004, 11:28:11 AM
You find the meaning of life right before you die. Your life flashes before your eyes. Everything. Which sucks when you die, because you can't tell anyone what the meaning of life is... ::)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Gollum on March 26, 2004, 06:36:19 PM
But how do you know this if you then go on to die. You can't pass on the information as your dead
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Pippin on March 26, 2004, 09:52:26 PM
I have two different views of my own on this matter:

1. There is no point. You're born, you have kids to keep the species going, then you die. No point at all.

2. Love.

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mithrandir on March 29, 2004, 12:47:20 PM
See, and there is the difference I've mentioned before.
People confuse reasonfs for living with the meaning of living!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Sarton on March 29, 2004, 08:57:12 PM
The meaning of life is to live!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on March 29, 2004, 11:53:48 PM
Cue NGE line: "Maybe we exist to find out why we exist"
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Lee aka Isaldur on April 08, 2004, 11:33:34 PM
A friend told me that the reason of life is to make new life... I agree with him on a certain level. The question cannot be answered because no one will ever know - or are ever meant to know. I mean, if we did know, do you think it will change the world? For good, or for bad...
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blood-Ryu on April 09, 2004, 05:26:45 PM
I believe the meaning of life means more than living. It also means death. We die sometime or another. However, my scepticism of death means more than just dieing. Most people believe in reincarnation...well, I don't. Why would you want to live another life of pain? Of misery and suffering? I don't. One life is more than enough for I strongly believe that when you die, you..."live" your strongest desire.

  But that also defies the fact that I don't believe in reincarnation. You must obviously be reborn in order to experience that desire.

  Back to the subject at hand lol... I agree with Dark order for any organism to survive is for them to breed. So, to some extent, I do believe that the meaning of life is to give life.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Legebriril on April 09, 2004, 09:38:33 PM
Well, this is how I see things:
Life has no meaning, it doesn't need or require one. We are on this Earth purely for the reason to reproduce as out parents did, we are around to ensure the success of the species, to carry the genes on.
There is no reincarnation because no body remembers before they were born, so why should it exist after we die.
I would hate to sound harsh, but the things people are saying are what they want rather than what happens.
There is nothing after death, we cease to exist, therefore there is nothing to be scared of because, there is nothing.
The point is, we are not Gods as we know them, we don't move oceans and such like. We are on the Earth, that is the end of it, there is no because. Have you ever had your science teacher say to you because it is when you go into something so infinitely complicated and meaningful that it loses meaning and there is no longer and why it happens, just that it does happen, and you have to accept it. It is the same with life; There is no meaning of, we just are, and that is something that we should all come to terms with.
The things people are saying here are personal motives about self-satisfaction and so forth, nothing to do with meanings.
Technology does not affect our "meaning" for it is only an evolutionary advance.
If we were being controlled by some Gods, we would know about it.
And the Universe doesn't revolve around us, we are not the only life, we just haven't found it yet, there is quite likely to be a more advanced race than us out there, somewhere, but until then, we are alone, in a big black space.

To sum this all up:
  • We are here because we are.
  • We are born, we live, we die

I know this post is from a while ago but that is basically exactly the same as what i think...humans want to believe that we are all here for some reason and that we are special in some way but i think that we arent...weve just evolved form a couple of cells of something thousands of years ago. One thing im not sure about is what happens when you die, i believe a little bit that in some way your soul lives on but not that ure 'next life' is decided by what you do in this life or that you go to heaven or hell, but maybe your soul lives on in another plane of existence...mostly though i believe that it is just like before you are born, you are aware of nothing because you dont exist and there is nothing...
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Sarton on April 10, 2004, 04:17:54 PM
uh...The meaning of life is to find your own purpose in this life. Maybe the meaning of life is love. Maybe it isn't. Maybe it's to give life. Maybe it isn't. We each have to find out for ourselves.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: God(Aka; Juggalette chik) on April 11, 2004, 05:27:41 AM
lol but wouldnt that be what life is rather than the meaning to it? Were kinda talking about the point to it or something in a way...
But the meaning of the word life was of or realated to animate being.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mithrandir on April 11, 2004, 01:40:18 PM
~Bangs head against a wall resulting in a trip to the hospital...~

I thought we solved this little mystery! I thought we said that life doesn't have a meaning, and further more it doesn't need one. People can see what they want to get out of life, but no one here has states the meanings, only the happens of life, the facts of life, and the reasons for living.
It seems to me we're pretty incapabe of finding a meaning of life anyway, perhaps it is beyond us humans to expect to know one.
So I'll just stick with my life-has-no-meaning-it-doesn't-need-one theory, and you lot can think whatever you like.
But at the end of the day, because we are all independant life forces, and we all live independant lives, surely the meaning of life is individual dependant. i.e. It relates to who you are, and what you want it to be.
And ultimately you do end up as a nutient for plants and worms. Remember "Earth is Earth is Earth" we are all part of the same thing, and you yourselves are made up of previous human fertilisers and dead animals and space stuff. It's not an encouraging thought so you may want to foget I wrote it lol.

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Arwen on April 14, 2004, 01:54:44 AM
I personally believe in that 'life' doesn't end when we pass from this materialistic world.  I think the time we spend here, all the things we experience, all the things we learn, are a test for what happens beyond.  The meaning or point of life is to be prepared for when we pass onto something greater, something that doesn't depend on material.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: snow on April 16, 2004, 05:09:52 AM
There is a theory which states that if ever anybody discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more
bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
-Douglas Adams

oki maybe someone alredy posted it but...
im not sure at all what teh meaning is but im in to the theory that you have to find your own meaning with your life, what is meaningful to you.
what the purpose of life in general... well.. do there have to be a meaning?  :-\  ???
eff.. i dont know i jsut get confused really...
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: sadie mariee on May 01, 2004, 08:48:20 PM
2 be Gods children.

its simple
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on May 02, 2004, 06:06:02 AM
2 be Gods children.

its simple

Then why, I wonder, is life so hard?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: God(Aka; Juggalette chik) on May 02, 2004, 07:44:25 AM
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dwalin on May 02, 2004, 03:35:26 PM
Without going into any deep philosophy, this debate just seems to be going round and round in circles.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on May 02, 2004, 08:44:02 PM
Without going into any deep philosophy, this debate just seems to be going round and round in circles.

I guess that's because it's all just a matter of personal opinion and experience.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rikku on May 20, 2004, 10:08:24 PM
i fink every1 has their own meaning of life.mine is 2 have fun and make the most of things. also my quote is 'the meaning of life is to uncover the mysteries of the universe'
 :) lol
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Lorelei on May 21, 2004, 09:43:49 AM
The Meaning of Life to me are born. You eventually educate yourself the best you can through school and your family. You find a job. Work your ass off to survive in this world....then you grow old. Retire eventually. Die....and then are reborn in another realm(depending on what religion you believe in)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: x~x..cheese+beef..x~x on May 22, 2004, 05:59:03 PM
I dont think life has a meaning, I think we're just here to live it and enjoy it or hate it, whatever your situation is.  
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Lorelei on May 23, 2004, 03:34:18 AM
Of course life has a meaning. Maybe your's does not...and you have yet to find your true meaning to life...but there is a meaning to life under all circumstances.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on May 24, 2004, 12:28:46 AM
There is meaning if you wish there to be. If you seek meaning, then you will see it.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on May 24, 2004, 01:46:30 AM
are you talking about personal meaning, social meaning(as in  society),the physical meaning of life or the spiritual meaning?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Lorelei on May 24, 2004, 10:19:37 AM
All of the above 'Dead President'.  ;D

Why name yourself after a womanizer JFK? And why vote Kennedy?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on May 24, 2004, 04:13:09 PM
JFK might have been a womaniser, and much worse besides... but he might also have averted a war at the most delicate stage in the nuclear arms race...  :-\
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on May 24, 2004, 08:07:26 PM
i am far from a womanizer the CIA told me that we could avoid nuclear war! besides i see kennedy(me) as a nearly perfect being besides my physical problems.

(in truth i think John Fitzgerald Kennedy was a good president that did not take bribes or was corrupt in any way he fought for racial rights and besides his perfect(exept his body problems) life he also gained the perfect death in my taste...young powerfull riding in an open lemo with thousands of people cheering you on the way and then being killed in the most painless way......i could only dream of such a death, no the normal everyday person might die in a cosy bed at a respectable age, and before you would be moving slowly wary to not cause more pain to the already decaying body. pathetic? i think so

in question to the meaning of life? what is the meaning of death? why must we decay?
oh well
the meaning of life well)

i will answer your question of life......unlike communism we shall speak of this matter openly and with no worry of rifle men ready to shoot if you ask me a difficult question.

Personal meaning: well i see it as reaching optimal results, to use logic as your pocket mind, logic can calculate everything given time, therefor my lifestyle has been to seem as logical as possible but ofcourse its immpossible.....i am only human and as a human i boast  at myself as meaning next question(thats why to vote Kennedy i averted the question completly)

Social: society craves one to function like a hive and reave knowledge and wisdom through those that show most results, but to evolve we need radical minds like me(JFK), Thomas Jefferson, ghandi, budha, napoleaon, castro, even hitler and many more through out time, all of these had come out from difficult times and in those times people need leaders, new leaders since society also craves evolution(like nature), but instead it is called a revolution. After a grand revolution a hellhole begins opening causing conflict and then once again when people were on the of war a hero must come up and lead them to failure or victory and in this time we are nearing this brink where chaos seems inevitable. to allow this process it requires that society does not function optimally, the role of the citizen is too learn most from thier elders and thier experiances. Wisdom. Then there is Knowledge which teaches the hows and whys based on the foundations of the physical world. But why do this, we do it because society rewards us by(if you are succesful) with highly prefered functions and by preforming these tasks that you gain with this occupation you are given select pleasures. but logic and says that not all will reach this level because of the anomaly of difference.

physical meaning: simple breeding evolution

Spiritual: im not gonna talk about this until i have a lawyer present!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on May 24, 2004, 10:17:42 PM
Okay, Mr. Kennedy... what about Castro? *poke* Not exactly perfect nor innocent where he's concerned, huh?  ;)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dodo on May 24, 2004, 10:34:36 PM
I have two opinions on the meaning of life. One, like Dagger is that we're just here and the other is that we're here to help each other - which I prefer because it's happier. :P

My opinion of mankind is, that everyone has been effected by someone in their life. Other people, being our parents, other family or friends shape who we are, even random people in the street. For someone like, random example Martin Luther King these people could have proved essential for him to continue living and have the knowledge he needed. Without these people, would he have achieved anything? Is our purpose therefore to help each, so that we can all make a difference in the world?

But as my friend pointed out it's totally flawed when people like Hitler come along and don't help the world at all. :-\ So anyway...
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on May 24, 2004, 10:50:34 PM
Oh, I agree... everything we do and think affects ourselves and others around us... just like that crazy little theory that somewhere in the world a butterfly beats its wings and that same air can contribute to a tornado on the other side of the world. It seems crazy at first, until you realise that the air molecules float freely around the globe, each molecule's presence or absence affecting another...

People are just the same. Everyone I meet affects me in some way... but whether such meetings are pre-ordained or meant to be isn't something I will ever know. As for the purpose behind the meetings... well, I think it not that we are here to made a difference in the world... I think it is more a matter of deciding what we want as a species, growing up as a species and learning from our past mistakes. Our desire for progress is the justification of our purpose, it is a purpose we ourselves have identified and adhered to. Of course, there are still those people who would rather we not progress, or would rather hinder than help. But that's 'free will', and an entirely different argument...  
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dodo on May 24, 2004, 11:04:53 PM
Wow, someone understood what I was  talking about. :o

But yes, I agree it's more like an evolution thing, as we progress through life we learn from our mistakes.

None of us will probably ever know the meaning of life, and there probably isn't one, it would just be nice to think that we had some purpose in this world rather than destroying it...

Although that's another theory. We're here to wreck this world. Kinda depressive :-\....
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on May 24, 2004, 11:29:22 PM
the physical meaning of the universe is matter against anti-matter(good against evil) and probably to create matter, matter reformed itself, but why or how did it become sentience. but as it seems the meaning is warfare. then again my guess could be astray.

oh and about castro well as i put out as an example he did do something revolutionary he led a revolution that over threw Batista

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on May 24, 2004, 11:39:45 PM
the physical meaning of the universe is matter against anti-matter(good against evil) and probably to create matter, matter reformed itself, but why or how did it become sentience. but as it seems the meaning is warfare. then again my guess could be astray.

Rather I would guess, from my sparse knowledge of quantum-physics, that matter seeks always to revert to the most stable state. Unstable states will spontaneously revert to more stable ones, as in the case of violent reactions like explosions, and in slightly unstable states, matter decays to a base form, such as lead in the case of the radioactive (particularly unstable) materials.
Similar can be said of human and animal behaviour. Unstable states are prone to cataclysm, to revolution, and to decay... reverting afterwards to a base theory of survival. In nature, however, there is an apparently conflicting force... a move toward order and complexity in Life, to diversity and increased mental capacity... but only while the stable state favours it. Given unstable states, the base formula is predicted to prevail... I could use rats as an example... if human civilisation fell tomorrow, rats would almost certainly be better equipped to survive than us. Their 'complexity' is less, but the stability of their mode of life is greater and more adaptable.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on May 24, 2004, 11:50:42 PM
of what i understood you have reached the same point that i have, everything is ment to be destroyed naturally, and then to be replaced by something new and more efficient.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Lorelei on May 25, 2004, 09:18:09 AM
Honestly..."Kennedy" dear....I would rather die in my sleep peacefully like my mother did than be shot twice in the head and shoulder and have my brains spilling out in public and on the lap of my wife's body.

Not the most honorable way of dying now is it?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Elvish Nemesis on May 25, 2004, 11:18:01 AM
I don't particularly believe in evolution, but then again, I haven't totally established my beliefs yet, so at the moment I'm uncertain about what I'm/we're here for :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on May 25, 2004, 06:00:06 PM
to tear drop: ´when he was shot he died think about it you die being loved by thousands cheering your your just slip away nothing grand about that.

to Ishizu: what do you mean by not believing in evolution?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Elvish Nemesis on May 25, 2004, 07:01:36 PM
I mean what I mean.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on May 25, 2004, 11:37:56 PM
that you dont believe that all animals and humans were products of thousands of years of evolution or you dont believe in progress of society please clarify
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Lorelei on May 26, 2004, 09:16:52 AM
To JFK...

My mother passed away recently in her sleep and she was loved by hundreds of people that showed up at her wake. I found it more honorable than being shot and don't go telling me that dying in your sleep is a lonely thing.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Poodles on May 26, 2004, 03:32:38 PM
JFK, your opinion on death is totally cracked. Have you been smoking the  weed for the past week or something?

Personally I beleive the way you die doesnt matter. It's the life you've lived that will mean something in the long run. Personally I would like to die  surrounded by my loved ones. My grandfather died in his bed beside his wife. Not cold outside on a pavement...

As I said before it is the way you live that relly matters. Not the way you die..
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Princess_Of_Dark on May 26, 2004, 04:20:29 PM
I agree with Pippy. It's not how you die. It's the life you have led and how you chose to live it. I can't really remember how my granddad died or my gran, but i know they were loved and well thought of at the time.

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on May 26, 2004, 05:45:20 PM
I have to agree. Your life belongs to you... but your death certainly doesn't. Life is what's important.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Princess_Of_Dark on May 26, 2004, 11:27:39 PM
Very true. And straight to the point.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: x~x..cheese+beef..x~x on May 27, 2004, 01:15:03 AM
how do you find your life's meaning? cos i've been looking for mine, but it aint there
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Ivan_vect on May 27, 2004, 01:23:50 AM
We'll probably find out the meaning of life wen were old, but until then enjoy urself, and live life to teh fullest!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: x~x..cheese+beef..x~x on May 27, 2004, 02:05:30 AM
i will as long as i've got you to talk to sweetie :-*
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Amy Lee on May 31, 2004, 01:05:58 AM
The meaning of life is to live, and to love others. It's about learning balance and trying to live a balanced life.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Poodles on May 31, 2004, 05:02:34 AM
Exactly Ivan_vect one will not know what the true meaning of life is untill we are near death I guess. But ok I love Skadi very very much (tho we are both argumentative ikkle critters who throw stuff about at eachother and scream and growl :P) But please my meaning in life is not only love others, Tis to persecute the wrong with nifty hand cuffs and be able to use these objects of the law for kinky purpouses No seriously the meaning if life is to make the most with what we got
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Nilmadë on May 31, 2004, 02:46:23 PM
ooh tis a tough one, i spent most of last yrs philosophy lessons arguing this.
Therefore i have come to the conclusion that there is no straight answer. But my only personal motto is the meaning of life is to love, live and laugh!  ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: lotrfotrttrotk on June 10, 2004, 06:30:37 PM
don't kill me for this.. but here's MHO
Humans were created by God for the purpose of worshipping and living for him. We were given control over animals and such by God, so our purpose is simply to love, worship and serve God, while taking care of the Earth he has gifted us with.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on June 10, 2004, 07:16:15 PM
don't kill me for this.. but here's MHO
Humans were created by God for the purpose of worshipping and living for him. We were given control over animals and such by God, so our purpose is simply to love, worship and serve God, while taking care of the Earth he has gifted us with.

Why would anyone kill you for that? Everyone's opinion is equal here, and of course you are entitled to it.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on June 11, 2004, 05:10:14 AM
JFK, your opinion on death is totally cracked. Have you been smoking the  weed for the past week or something?

Personally I beleive the way you die doesnt matter. It's the life you've lived that will mean something in the long run. Personally I would like to die  surrounded by my loved ones. My grandfather died in his bed beside his wife. Not cold outside on a pavement...

As I said before it is the way you live that relly matters. Not the way you die..
alright ill bow my head i guess im probably mentally loathsome, or at least thats how i am being esteemed(victory has 100 fathers and defeat is a lonely orphan)

ill round off by saying that change is the law of life and those who look only to the past or the present are certain to miss the future.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hera on June 11, 2004, 11:08:03 AM
True ray.

The meaning of life is to enjoy it the best that you can...for our time shall come where we go into a different world filled with your heart's desire. Your reason for life is to fufill what was mean't for you to do...whether you are aware of it or not.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on June 11, 2004, 09:33:31 PM
I don't believe in a paradise after death. I never have done.

What reinforced that belief is that lately suicide bombers have been flying planes into towers and blowing up innocent people in the hope of a place in their 'paradise'. To my mind, such people do not deserve paradise, but they believe it none the less. So... I suppose it is up to your own personal God whether or not you will get to paradise, and how much you can disregard the life you have, and the lives of others for it. But to me... life is for living now, and you only get one chance, which is why it is sad when it is wasted.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on June 12, 2004, 12:24:04 AM
yes i agree
"the death of one is a tragedy the death of a millions is just a statistic"- Joseph Stalin

but if your life has been in a theocracy, it might affect you to do these things to "redeem" themselves

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hera on June 12, 2004, 11:24:37 AM
To me...those terrorists are nothing more than brainwashed unedcuated fools who have nothing better to do than prove themselves to a madman.

Whether or not you believe in God is your problem...but to me...there is a special place outside of this planet and our minds that you go to when your time comes. There is a special place for those that have done good deeds...and the ones who have not...have a true tormentous life afterwards...and to me...that is fact.  
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on June 12, 2004, 08:11:13 PM
in other words heaven, let me ask you something, is it hope that there is a heaven or are you sure there is one, and on what background?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hera on June 13, 2004, 03:15:17 AM
To is all about faith. Read about Lorelei's mother and how she feels about her mothers passing. You might find some sense in that to read.

I belive that there is a special place that we all go to when we die. Whether or not you belive in God is your issue and not mine.

I feel that I have done many a good thing in my lifetime and that I will be rewarded by those that realize what I have done here on earth. Those that have taken the lives of others without any due cause...shall suffer the worse pain for there is a place for them as well.

Without respect for other human beings or the animal kingdom...there is some place that evil doers do go to when their time comes.

Complain to me all you want about relgion...but that won't change my point of view. That is how I see it and in the end...that is all that matters to me.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on June 13, 2004, 03:19:41 AM
chill, i was just asking, i respect your opinion i was just curious on why you had that opinion
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hera on June 13, 2004, 03:36:48 AM
I was not upset either. It seems that voicing a strong opinion is see as being somewhat "irrational" on this forum? One can voice their opinion strongly...but it doesnt' mean I am attacking you personally Clinton.

And why did you choose such a crummy President to represent your Avatar? I must admit, I do love the signature under the avatar. i can't help but laugh at it everytime. Did you make that one up yourself? If're pretty damned funny there!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on June 13, 2004, 03:45:57 AM
exactly, but i just wrote that, because i have been picking my words and conversations with caution, since last time i came with a rash opinion on death, and was flamed for it.

well i have been many political profiles over the last few weeks, and i guess i thought Clinton was next, and after him Castro, or stalin dont know yet, and yes i did write that. (check my profile and the picture i added quite humorous)

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hera on June 13, 2004, 03:50:51 AM
I know. Don't worry about it. It seems that it is not easy to voice one's opinion on here that much...but oh well. I shall say what I have to say if it suits me.

Speak your mind Bill. don't let other deter you from doing so.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on June 13, 2004, 04:15:04 AM
i bowed my head in an attempt to keep the topic going which we have stopped(poo poo) but i still keep it unchanged.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hera on June 13, 2004, 04:42:42 AM
Bowed your head? How come?

Sorry...this is spamming...I shall stop. Tell me in IM Billy boy!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Evilshadowfax on June 14, 2004, 08:26:43 AM
The point of life is to live and work hard in every aspect in your life.  If you do good deeds, work hard, and treat others with respect, and above all believe in the Lord then you'll go to heaven.  If you have a poor life then you will experience paradise in heaven.  If we are only science then why would we be the only species that can do so many things with our life.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hera on June 14, 2004, 10:00:04 AM
True. I have always believed that there is another world outside of the problematic one that we live in everyday...and having a belief in something also helps.

I feel bad for those who don't believe in anything. It just shows that they possibly do need help...that is just my personal opinion though.

*feel free to stomp away on that one* ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: dying swan on June 14, 2004, 09:44:15 PM
Its like that monty python movie! WOW! The meaning of life?? watch monty python it tells all. lol
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hera on June 15, 2004, 09:18:35 AM
No...that is rather satiric.

Watching a Python flick and relating it to something as important as this is a bit silly padded cell...but it is humorous.

Live life. Work til you can pay all your bills. Die. then move onto a different life where there are hopes, dreams and more adventures to come.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on June 15, 2004, 07:25:42 PM
No...that is rather satiric.

Watching a Python flick and relating it to something as important as this is a bit silly padded cell...but it is humorous.

Live life. Work til you can pay all your bills. Die. then move onto a different life where there are hopes, dreams and more adventures to come.

What if there isn't another life after this one? If you work and labour all this life without ever enjoying it, and there's nothing better afterwards, well, what a waste. That's what's always kept me from totally giving up on this life... as painful as it is... because I don't know what comes after - if anything.

Of course I do think that our molecules are used by other living things after we die, and we become a part of them, physically, but the actual being that we once were will never come to pass again. In that sense our matter is reincarnated, but us - as we exist now - is only for this life. Imagining there's something better afterward probably lessens the pain of how shitty this life can be, and utterly insignificant we really are in the grand scheme of things, but if you just look at the smaller picture, and stop worrying about the big one and making sense of it, and just appreciate all your moments of living, there is no need to worry or to regret.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on June 16, 2004, 01:14:55 AM
good point.....i often wonder if the human race gaining sentience was a mistake or not.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hera on June 16, 2004, 02:40:06 AM
I don't fully believe in re-incarnation at all. I have always believed there is a world outside of this crummy one that we go to when our time has come and our duties are performed on this earth.

Dagger...I can understand your adamant point of view on not believing of another world outside of this one....but if you really thought about it...we all have souls...that pass on to another worldly experience in the afterlife. We just don't rot in wormy earth...we continue on in a different form or perhaps the same form as we were here on earth but another plane of exisistence.

That is just how I see it.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on June 16, 2004, 07:37:10 PM
i see that more as hopefull wishing. we already know what thoughts are made of , i just cant see heaven or hell before me. with enough understanding in biology we might know what makes up diversity. i think that there is 99% explanation for everything in life but there is always an anomaly if not more than one. logic is clarity
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on June 16, 2004, 07:46:23 PM
   It's still a belief of a kind though, even if it's based on science and 'fact'.

   But Life cannot be satisfactorily defined by science or philosophy, and religion's mysticism makes it easier to accept for some people, while fact may appeal to others. But fact is one thing, truth is another, and subjective to the individual. The meaning of life is subjective to the individual.  
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: super legolas on June 19, 2004, 10:40:07 PM
if i knew dat den i would be very famous but unfortuneately i dont!anwayz i dont fink dat there is is just mere exsitence*strokes imaginary beard* 8)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: dying swan on June 25, 2004, 07:20:19 PM
i agree there is no meaning.  :) its cool to be here, its like a little holiday. from where ever.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Piecrust on June 27, 2004, 03:41:15 PM
The meaning of life is to reproduce and then die there is no underlining matter its merley a biological reason. Its creating stronger people when others get to old and weak. Life is merley a replacement for the last life lost so a race can continue.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: TIG YOURE IT!! on June 28, 2004, 09:13:43 PM
If we knew the meaning of life, what would be the purpose of living? ::)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Shadow Ghost on June 29, 2004, 09:27:15 PM
To live.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: TIG YOURE IT!! on June 29, 2004, 10:36:31 PM
But there would be no mystery. We would know everything, so there would be no point to living because what would there be to find out or do?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on July 01, 2004, 08:04:04 PM
The meaning of life is to reproduce and then die there is no underlining matter its merley a biological reason. Its creating stronger people when others get to old and weak. Life is merley a replacement for the last life lost so a race can continue.

But if that is the case then what benefit does conciousness really have for a human being...?

You could say that it's a survival adaptation... but give the potential instability of the human psyche, is it a blessing or a curse...?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: TIG YOURE IT!! on July 01, 2004, 11:13:05 PM
Ow. this is making my brain hurt. ???  ::)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: dying swan on July 01, 2004, 11:33:49 PM
 ;D I know. The meaning of life is to ROCK ON!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Lee aka Isaldur on July 02, 2004, 12:14:04 AM
If we knew the meaning of life, what would be the purpose of living? ::)

Very right. We are not MEANT to know, that's why it's so hard to find.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Lady Arwen on July 02, 2004, 05:23:50 PM
It would be so goodif only we had an idea of the meaning of life...It wouldn't mean that we would be in the possession of the ultimate truth concerning everything and everyone,but we would have some sense of direction. We would know where we are supposed to go,but not how to get there,and thus life would still hold all its mystery.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Piecrust on July 02, 2004, 05:57:22 PM
The meaning of life is to reproduce and then die there is no underlining matter its merley a biological reason. Its creating stronger people when others get to old and weak. Life is merley a replacement for the last life lost so a race can continue.

But if that is the case then what benefit does conciousness really have for a human being...?

You could say that it's a survival adaptation... but give the potential instability of the human psyche, is it a blessing or a curse...?

A mistake?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on July 03, 2004, 06:23:54 AM
Possibly... evolution itself is not far-thinking; conciousness may be a by-product of evolving larger brains, and is definitely not a detriment yet to us on a species level... unless we see fit to destroy our world along with us.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: God(Aka; Juggalette chik) on July 03, 2004, 08:50:20 AM
the meaning of life is 42!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Rikku on July 05, 2004, 03:23:42 AM
i think everyone has their own meaning of life. it depends on the person and what thay want to achieve in life  :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dark_Angel_@_night on July 06, 2004, 02:48:44 PM
The meaning of life
Everyone is here for a reason and has a pat to place
Stick to your beliefs and live it to the full

ife can suck at times and you wonder what is the meaning of it. I have. Then i thought well, I ain't going without seeing the world and trying to find out myself what i think its all about. You will know yourself someday.

I am on holiday right now so i am living it to the full. Lol is pain though. Don't go to mexico if you are scottish..................YOU WILL BURN!!!!!
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: BlackCat on July 10, 2004, 04:32:47 AM
According to A Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy .. the question "What's the meaning of life?" was entered into the fastest smartest computer ever built and it took *so many* year for it to generate the answer and the answer it came out with was: 44.

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: God(Aka; Juggalette chik) on July 17, 2004, 07:51:10 AM
It is 42 not 44!The question was "what is the answer to the question of life, the universe, and everything" not "what is the meaning of life." The computer's name was deep thought. And deep thought told the people to build a new and better computer called earth to find out the question to the answer of life the universe and everything.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on July 17, 2004, 07:00:28 PM
 life could be a mistake aswell a and the only meaning is to survive the best way possible, evolution is just a way to adapt better to certain conditions. now why we are sentient could also  be a way of adapting. if people think in other ways than the "herd"(or whatever) they can find a better way of surviving, instead of adapting into ever changing conditions.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: destiny on July 24, 2004, 09:31:32 PM
i think the meaning of life is, 'living it and not wasteing it' live it to it's full potential and make something of yourself
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: M on July 27, 2004, 02:39:12 AM
I agree with you destiny but I think living should be more than what it is already...I mean look at us, our lives contain: going to school to learn things so we can get a decent job so we can earn money. The way I see it, all life is about is earning money, getting a husband/wife and having a family shouldn't there be more to life than just this? Having someone to love and having a family is great and everything but sometimes that just isn't enough for me, I feel as if this life is sometimes not worth living because when I'm older all that will happen is I'll find someone I want to be with, have a family and have a good job, but to me that's boring...I want to make something of myself and be satisfied with my life cos when I look at, in the end we're all going to die so why not make something out of life then just getting money and having a job
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: violater on July 27, 2004, 11:06:56 PM
if you feel that way then why dont you quit society, the bricks are made up in that there are a select few winners and whole bunch of loosers(thats us yay)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: enigma on July 31, 2004, 04:11:10 PM
What is the meaning of life??? Just ask Monty Python!  ;D ;D ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on August 18, 2004, 01:09:26 AM
i reckon that all humans are really a virus engineered by a superior alien interlect to destroy all other sentinent life in the universe....yes im mad ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dodo on August 23, 2004, 03:40:21 PM
I'd like to think there was a meaning to life because it's just a comforting thought but maybe we're just, well here. I think even if there isn't a meaning to life though, living everyday to the fullest is a pretty good way to go. :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on August 23, 2004, 04:37:46 PM
My outlook can be somewhat quasi-hedonistic I suppose. I don't know if there's a reason or a point to living... but you should certainly try to enjoy life while you can. After all, if it turns out that we are just here, and there was no real point other than to make the best of what you've got, then a life of self-inflicted hardship wouldn't be it's own reward... unless living it actually made you feel good in some way. Most people are like this, no matter what their religious or philosophical stance... it's a rare person that will live in misery for the sake of misery and gain nothing from it, not even catharsis. Most of us have some reason for doing the things we do... and that reason is usually to satisfy ourselves.

My life has never followed a 'path' as some other lives do... a series of acquisitions or desired experiences... such as finding love, finding a home, getting married, having children, etc. I do not wish to follow this path... in fact I feel no need for any of those things. For me, the meaning of life is simply what it is, what it feels like, and what it proves of itself. The greatest meaning life will ever have for me is born inside the mind, and it will never be more than a notion, a guess, an observation. I always bear that in mind, and it is enough.  
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: The Scryer on August 29, 2004, 04:55:40 PM
Live fast die young look good in a coffin hahahahaha
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on August 30, 2004, 07:09:46 AM
Live fast die young look good in a coffin hahahahaha

Didn't some teen suicide say that too... no, "leave a pretty corpse" is what he said, based on a website he visited...
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: TIG YOURE IT!! on August 31, 2004, 04:38:33 AM
I still think if you knew the meaning of life there would be no point to living, because then there would be no wondering, no suspense, no "What's going to happen next?" Because you would know what to expect and what is the fun in that?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on September 01, 2004, 02:44:59 AM
the meaning of life is simple. to pass on ones genetic code
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on September 01, 2004, 11:51:09 PM
the meaning of life is simple. to pass on ones genetic code

In that case my life has no meaning at all. If it is true, however, and if the meaning of life is nothing more than to pass on genetic patterns, then life itself is meaningless. What meaning can be found in existence simply for existence's sake, in a world destined for destruction? If the cycle of birth and death is never broken, just what is life existing for...?

Well, I'm inclined to think that life exists simply because it can. Just in the same way that the laws of physics determine the movement of matter between states of instability and stability, so the behaviour of DNA molecules and other chemicals associated with life behave equally spontaneously and passively. DNA can re-form itself in solution based on the stability and intrinsic attractions of its chemical structure, utterly independent of outside forces - it exists because the configuration of its structure contains mutual attraction. What I am saying is... that life has assembled itself in the same spontaneous way as a crystal of salt does upon evaporation of its solution, or an explosive separates itself from its previously unstable state in a violent reaction. The laws of physics... these are, it seems, what provides the presence of life. And as such - unless physics itself possesses some meaning - even genetic patterns, survival instincts, memories, evolution and the constant struggles of life... are all meaningless.    
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dark_Elf on September 02, 2004, 06:00:01 AM
For me, life has no real meaning because noone of us was asked if he wants to live. But we are here so let's make the best out of it.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: ¤ Lor'ie`a¤ on September 03, 2004, 09:17:04 PM
my life pretty much is meaningless and depressing...since my mom hates boyfriend left friends dont accept me..and my father is always away at work.....sometimes i just want to die....but i cant.....
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on September 04, 2004, 01:41:38 AM
What makes you think that death will be any easier, or a way out?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on September 04, 2004, 03:41:55 AM
I dont know about religions but death is most likely just another transisional phase. we might all become beings of pure energy who exists on a parralel plane of existance. maybe thats wot ghosts are a rip in the fabric of sub-space which allows us to temporarily see into the other dimension...who knows?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: destiny on September 08, 2004, 07:31:00 PM
death is part of life but i don't know whats beyond life, all i know is that the meaning of life to me is to live it to the full, don't waste it.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on September 08, 2004, 08:33:45 PM
if people knew wot happens wen we die than things wuld be bad. for example, if we knew that we wuld be reincarnated than u culd do loads of evil stuff and know that even if u r killed doing it that u will live agen....if that makes sense
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Jezebel on September 08, 2004, 09:20:34 PM
One of us ever ask to be born.  Your parents usually want a child so they go for it.  Sometimes, it can be an accident, but still...

I don't know what the meaning of life is.  The meaning of life is to carry it on I think.  You have to be happy in life, or else it just isn't worth it.  There's no point living a life if you feel you are going to be depressed all the time.

Some people need to learn that life is much more than being depressed and such.  Life is something that needs you to be happy with whatever you do, no matter how big or small it might be.

However, life might not have a meaning, like many things, but we are here, and we have to learn to live with it ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Trails of Black on September 26, 2004, 02:19:17 AM
Well, I was going to quote from Life, the Universe and Everything but I would probably get eaten for spamming SO my answer is I think the meaning of life find YOUR meaning of life. Yup. I don't believe that everyone has the same meaning...well they kind of do because as I said I think the meaning of life is to find your own meaning but everyone has different meanings to find. Yes, my head hurts too.  ???
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: M on September 27, 2004, 06:10:56 PM
Anyway, i think no one will ever really know the meaning of life

I agree, I don't think there actually is a meaning to life, unless you make one. Life is made up of your own decisions and whether or not you'll use them. There is no purpose to life until you make one, life is made up of choices, your choices. Like, you can choose to believe or do whatever you want, then your common sense kicks in telling you to do certain things ::).

When I look at life today, I start to think that no life has the same meaning because everybody makes different choices in their life :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vårn on September 29, 2004, 08:27:17 PM
why is it you all see this deap seated need to find some greater meaning for your life?

i know this is off topic, but it's related to the topic, and you seem the obvious people to ask :)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on October 12, 2004, 03:55:05 PM
why is it you all see this deap seated need to find some greater meaning for your life?

i know this is off topic, but it's related to the topic, and you seem the obvious people to ask :)

I don't. I think I've mentioned this several times before, perhaps not on this version of the thread, but in its many other incarnations since I've been here. Looking for meaning isn't always a fruitless quest, but for some... perhaps they are looking where it doesn't exist. Some people don't need a reason to be here, they are just happy being. I think I'm finally one of those people. Sounds like you are too. You're too brainy for your own good. *poke*  ;)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vårn on October 17, 2004, 09:37:55 PM
well, fair play, that seems reasonable, it's just, sure, find some meaning for yourself, some reason, but to claim that anything is THE definitive meaning of live smacks of, well, self importance, vanity, that sort of jazz. but, yeah, just being and enjoying that is good enough for me, but i don't think i needs to be terribly brainy to be that way does i? ;) :)  but if i does then you does too surely? so is we both too brainy for our own goods? hurumm, in which case we clearly have a good case for needing state funding to support our sheer selfless braininess? for the public good of course *shines halo*
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: angelus on October 18, 2004, 01:18:36 AM
the meaning of life!!

personaly i feel that the meaning of life is where you find someone who you know is your soul mate you fall inlove and you have a wonderfull life together through tough times even when you think that you cant go on anymore you look into there eyes and you see safety and hope!

thats the meaning of life to live!
never to die!

(i know im strange so if you mods wana deleate this post more than welcome!)
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: The Wicked One on October 18, 2004, 06:34:42 PM
Now, in my opinion there is no meaning of life, that is set for everyone! That would just be stupid. Everyone is different. And everyone has their own lives, own goals and own opinions and views etc in life.
What would be the point of having a definate meaning of life for the whole mankind?
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vori on October 19, 2004, 01:15:21 AM
I think the meaning in life is simple, to live it, i agree with pollz in part you got to have your own goals and opinions, your own life is yours to live ;D
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: The Wicked One on October 23, 2004, 11:30:18 PM
Thankyou Vori!
Not everyone has the same goals, opinions etc for everyone in the world. Everyone is different, individual.

And I agree with Vori, everyone has a 'agreed' goal, live it to the full and be happy.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Loser Boy on October 24, 2004, 04:22:02 AM
Well everyone has their own meaning is what I think. Some people live to survive, some people live to die, idk. I'm still trying to find out my own.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Jezebel on October 24, 2004, 05:18:17 AM
the meaning of life!!

personaly i feel that the meaning of life is where you find someone who you know is your soul mate you fall inlove and you have a wonderfull life together through tough times even when you think that you cant go on anymore you look into there eyes and you see safety and hope!

thats the meaning of life to live!
never to die!

(i know im strange so if you mods wana deleate this post more than welcome!)

Awww that's so sweet!  I kind of agree....

But that isn't the meaning to everyones life.  It certainly isn't the meaning to mine! :P
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: † Gilly † on October 24, 2004, 05:25:09 AM
Don't we all make our own meaning of our life?

So there isn't A single meaning to is what we make of it...
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Amy Lee on October 24, 2004, 12:57:26 PM
The meaning of my life? I dunno.. but I know my main purpose in  life is to be with Gilly and have his kiddies ;D . As well as being in my band - I'm just going to do what I love - find a job i get paid well in and can carry on with my band on the side and if we hit it big time, i can do that :P
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Canis Lupess on October 30, 2004, 03:35:56 AM
I agree that there is no reason. Does there have to be?

There doesn't have to be a reason for everything, I think it is just us as humans trying to apply human logic to things that are way beyond us and would, as a result, never adere to human logic.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Follower of Sadness on November 07, 2004, 10:33:01 AM
I think that the answer is to support the place we call our home, "Earth,".
It seems to be all a test to see how long we can grow and live without destroying ourselves in the process.  But I fear that we have already failed this test, and whomever gave us this test is making us already give up before we're finished. I already think this fear is a plain reality.
Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Pippy on November 08, 2004, 04:41:47 AM
I personally think that the meaning of lie (well for me) is find someone you love make that person happy be happy yourself make the most of what you have been given make babies... (in mine and Annie's case mutant donkey-dragon ones :P)
....mainly to enjoy life.

There is no right or wrong answer to this question. To me personally those are to things that make my life worth living  :P and yes the mutant donkey-dragon babies part and all
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: BlackCat on December 04, 2004, 07:40:51 AM

Title: Re:What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on December 05, 2004, 05:25:49 AM
I agree that there is no reason. Does there have to be?

There doesn't have to be a reason for everything, I think it is just us as humans trying to apply human logic to things that are way beyond us and would, as a result, never adere to human logic.

Indeed. Surprisingly enough existence appears to continue on after us, and without our logic... it certainly doesn't fall apart without the religious explanations and scientific theorems we frantically apply to it. Which is what leads me to suspect that everything phsyical, and indeed life itself, is more likened to an energy flux or series of stable states occuring simply because they 'can'.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Edge on December 09, 2004, 06:00:08 PM
I've already given a proper responce, but thinking about it, the meaning of life is to die. Everything in this life is trying to get somewhere- death is just the final destination.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Unebriwen on December 10, 2004, 01:56:30 AM
I agree with ^ on this one. To live is to die. Unless you have a potion or elixar or something to keep you alive, it's the one thing all humans have in common, really.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Arch Enemy on December 10, 2004, 03:20:18 PM
~ If lying to yourself makes you happiest then why strive for knowledge. A love for information is a meaning to ones life. Yet it contradicts ignorance. I believe that don quijote had the happiest life. Only in a state of total illusion will we totally be happy. Proof would be drug users. While drugs are shunned by society for whatever reason they are a gateway to total bliss. In some cases the persons life would border death. Which makes me tend to believe that we are only happy when we are dead or close to it. We are a species that strives for happiness. Yet some believe life should be full of hardships. That not everything in life is rosey. Also that you will love things you struggled for more than things that are naturally there. ~
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on December 17, 2004, 01:33:23 PM
I've already given a proper responce, but thinking about it, the meaning of life is to die. Everything in this life is trying to get somewhere- death is just the final destination.

If non-existence precedes all life (i.e. before birth) and after, then why does life exist at all therefore? Death is a stable state, one might argue, and to be caused to live is to be caused a state of instability, constant change, and futility, then. Why does life strive to live if it comes from death only to return to death? A little pointless, don't you think? It might as well stay dead, and not live at all.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on December 24, 2004, 08:06:11 AM
I think we are here to...
be stewards of the Earth that I believe God made and to glorify God, because he made it.  There's just a lot of people not doing so.  (Don't hurt me; I'm not trying to preach or anything!)
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vårn on December 25, 2004, 02:04:43 AM
why is it that, whatever manner of live you lead, unless you believe in the big man you're damned as a sinner.

seems a bit, vindictive, somewhat out of character for an all loving being surely?
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on December 25, 2004, 03:21:54 AM
why is it that, whatever manner of live you lead, unless you believe in the big man you're damned as a sinner.

seems a bit, vindictive, somewhat out of character for an all loving being surely?

What I meant was that there are people out there that are bumming around, not doing anything with their life talentwise or whatever.  Or hurting people for no good reason, and making life generally miserable.  I didn't say you have to believe in God or anything.  What you believe is your choice.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vårn on December 25, 2004, 03:23:37 AM
oh i'm not saying you say that, but it is, well, written.

and is wasting your life such a wrong thing, if it's what you want to do?
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on December 25, 2004, 07:43:21 PM
Well, you're certainly not helping anyone. :D

Merry Christmas! :D
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on December 26, 2004, 03:28:48 AM
The Bible is certainly incongruous in that respect, yes...

But if being faithful to a God helps you live a better life for yourself, though, it doesn't matter. That's precisely what it's for on the individual level.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vårn on December 26, 2004, 04:37:47 AM
yes it's just the ramifications of some bits that upset me, i don't like being a 'sinner' in someone's eyes, 'tis most unpleasant to be judged so, although i do admit that it is, unfortunately, well within their human rights to do so.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Åš†å®æ£ Škÿw@£kér on December 26, 2004, 05:28:15 AM
The Bible says God put us here on earth for our pleasure. That's what I think meaning of life is.  :)
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on December 26, 2004, 06:02:13 AM
yes it's just the ramifications of some bits that upset me, i don't like being a 'sinner' in someone's eyes, 'tis most unpleasant to be judged so, although i do admit that it is, unfortunately, well within their human rights to do so.

Indeed. "Judge not, lest ye be judged" is apparently one of the most overlooked messages in the ol' Good Book, and in my opinion, ironically one of the most pertinent.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hyllyn on December 26, 2004, 06:50:19 AM
 I know I will be tomatoed for this but, isn't it a film by Monty Python?  :ph34r:  ;D *legs it*
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vårn on December 27, 2004, 01:30:31 AM
The Bible says God put us here on earth for our pleasure. That's what I think meaning of life is.  :)

if the earth was put here for our pleasure then why on earth are some of the most pleasurable activities on it sins?

and i couldn't agree more dagger, 'tis odd to see what people can do with selective deafness.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on December 27, 2004, 02:53:42 AM
I think that people shouldn't judge by the outside.  If they did, I wouldn't have any friends. 

The inside's what God sees, I think.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on December 27, 2004, 05:36:59 PM
It seems that humans have a tendency to look for a meaning to everything. But maybe life has no meaning, we're just here. After all we're all simply spiralling cords of self-replicating DNA.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on December 27, 2004, 08:06:33 PM
I think we really do have a purpose.  Or everything that happens does.  What I mean is, I think there is a reason for everything happening, only we can't see it yet.  I think that's why life's so confusing. :8o :wacko:  You know?
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Dagger on December 27, 2004, 08:36:08 PM
Perhaps life is confusing because we invariably attempt to simplify (or complicate) it with classifications. Ever wondered why the simplest and most basic things in life can be among the most pleasurable?
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on December 27, 2004, 10:31:08 PM
Like chocolate?  Yeah. :)  No really.  I do take pleasure in some of the strangest stuff.  Like washing my face.  I don't know, but I just like to feel clean, you know?  :)

Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Subterranean Homesick Alien on January 14, 2005, 12:26:28 AM
"As the days go by, we face the increasing inevitability that we are alone in a godless, uninhabited, hostile and meaningless universe.  Still, you've got to laugh, haven't you?"

Holly - Red Dwarf Computer ;)
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on January 14, 2005, 12:41:29 AM
Lol I agree completely with Holly ;D
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on January 14, 2005, 01:45:44 AM
Laughing...perhaps one of the greatest human pleasures.  In my opinion.  I'm glad God gifted us with it.  (You have no idea how hard those last four words were to type.) 
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Elfy on January 14, 2005, 03:34:27 PM
*wanders into topic late*

I agree........... to gift us with a sense of humour, God must have one himself  :)
I get the impression quite a lot that He's laughing along with me at something funny  :laugh:

The meaning of life...........apart from being 42, I guess I go with the 'traditional' Christian ideas
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on January 15, 2005, 10:04:05 PM
I think the duck-billed platypus is an example of God's sense of defies logical thought, really.  Also, God sends us laughter when we're with our friends.  It's kind of sad since one of my best friends stopped laughing so much.  Still, I laugh with my other friends, so...
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Hawkes on January 20, 2005, 08:23:15 AM
I have always found it say when any of my friends have stopped laughing so much, no matter if their laughter gave me happiness or not. No laughter is a sign of a deep hurt.

The meaning of life, a topic i did not expect to see on here i will admit. I wonder if the world or universe would truly end if the answer was found? But to be serious, i have always believed the meaning of life has always been to experience life. To live how you want and to enjoy being alive here. To enjoy life.

Ofcourse we have the pains of life, the sadness that fills our heart at times of tragedies at times we lose those we care most for. But we have the joys of life to experience. The joy of spending that quite afternoon with a friend who has been down and who over the course of the afternoon began to smile and laugh again. The joy of being out on the town with your mates, drinking and enjoying the music of a club and dancing the night away. Or the joy and love of spending a morning in the hands of the person you love as you watch the sun rise on a new day, and see the face of the one you love beside you. There are many other joys to balance out the heartaches this world is capable of sending.

As Cuthien put it, a sense of humor was one of the greatest gifts we were born with.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: x~x..cheese+beef..x~x on January 31, 2005, 05:27:22 PM
Wooah ... that is like a major indepth question there people!!

I don't think anyone can know the meaning of life or why we are here and how we are here, etc .... people just go on theories and many people get into arguments about these things which can never be proved no matter what all the scientists say ..... so I think people should just live life to the fullest and stuff the theories and everything!!

In my opinion ... the meaning of life is to just live life and do your best to be happy and make everyone around you happy .... ;D  ... and smile ... ;D
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on January 31, 2005, 08:36:54 PM
Smiling and laughing definitely helps!   :D
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on February 06, 2005, 11:12:37 PM
It appears that human have a compulsion to search for meaning in everything. That's why we search for a meaning in life, but maybe it has no meaning.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: x~x..cheese+beef..x~x on February 07, 2005, 03:01:29 AM
It appears that human have a compulsion to search for meaning in everything. That's why we search for a meaning in life, but maybe it has no meaning.

Exactly!!  ;D People just get into arguments about stuff that they just cannot possibly prove ... getting themselves in pickles and all that and it's like WHAT IS THE POINT??? If you spend your life searching for the meaning of it .. you never actually get to live it and you don't really get any closer to the question you started off with do u
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on February 07, 2005, 08:17:29 AM
But it's got to have a meaning.  Every life affects another, and that life in turn affects others...Have you ever read The Five People You Meet in Heaven?  Awesome book, and even awsomer lesson.  Our lives affect others, no matter what religion we are.  A terrorist could affect the life of a 5-year-old in Minnesota, if not directly, indirectly. 
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on February 07, 2005, 04:25:00 PM
If there is a meaning then it will be too complicated for humans to comprehend so why bother trying to discover it?
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mojo Toner on February 07, 2005, 08:14:18 PM
If there is a meaning then it will be too complicated for humans to comprehend so why bother trying to discover it?

Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: x~x..cheese+beef..x~x on February 07, 2005, 08:47:01 PM
If there is a meaning then it will be too complicated for humans to comprehend so why bother trying to discover it?


Try living your life instead of wasting your time trying to do something you can never do .... it's things like the these that the word 'can't' was invented for people!!

But it's got to have a meaning.  Every life affects another, and that life in turn affects others...Have you ever read The Five People You Meet in Heaven?  Awesome book, and even awsomer lesson.  Our lives affect others, no matter what religion we are.  A terrorist could affect the life of a 5-year-old in Minnesota, if not directly, indirectly. 

Yeah everyone's lives effect others people's lives ... that's just a fact .. it isn;t a meaning or anything .... and there are many different opinions about the meanings of life and there are people from each argument who are so certain that they would bet their lives on it .... but they can't possibly all be right ... they're all has no meaning ... we're just meant to live it and try our best to be happy  ;D  >:(
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Subterranean Homesick Alien on February 08, 2005, 02:56:28 AM
WHAT IS THE POINT??? If you spend your life searching for the meaning of it .. you never actually get to live it and you don't really get any closer to the question you started off with do u

Reading that reminded me of a song by James

I’ve been looking for truth
At the cost of living
I’ve been afraid
Of what’s before mine eyes
Every answer found
Begs another question
The further you go, the less you know

James - Five 0

Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Jezebel on February 08, 2005, 03:03:10 AM
The meaning of life is to be happy with Karl and find true love preferibly with karl and welll...just live life to the max with Karl.

I don't know....I just think life is.....there.  I don't know I don't know...pooey :P has a reason....what it is...ugh.....

The meaning is Karl....but thats just my meaning :P
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on February 12, 2005, 04:31:50 AM
If there is a meaning then it will be too complicated for humans to comprehend so why bother trying to discover it?


Try living your life instead of wasting your time trying to do something you can never do .... it's things like the these that the word 'can't' was invented for people!!

But it's got to have a meaning. Every life affects another, and that life in turn affects others...Have you ever read The Five People You Meet in Heaven? Awesome book, and even awsomer lesson. Our lives affect others, no matter what religion we are. A terrorist could affect the life of a 5-year-old in Minnesota, if not directly, indirectly.

Yeah everyone's lives effect others people's lives ... that's just a fact .. it isn;t a meaning or anything .... and there are many different opinions about the meanings of life and there are people from each argument who are so certain that they would bet their lives on it .... but they can't possibly all be right ... they're all has no meaning ... we're just meant to live it and try our best to be happy ;D >:(

I think the purpose of our lives is, from my perspective, to glorify God.  That's my belief.  But if you think about, for instance, all the soldiers who fought in WWII...the meanings of their lives were, in the end, to pave the way for freedom.  Affecting people is a meaning.


BUT WHY!!!????  :wacko: :D
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on February 12, 2005, 04:34:00 AM
You need to know the question first before you can understand the answer...The question is "How many roads must a man walk down, before you can call him a man?" and the answer is "42"...Make sense? ::)
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on February 12, 2005, 07:50:36 AM
Oh, okay, now I get it!  Thank you! :D
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vårn on February 14, 2005, 01:43:46 PM
that's not the question! the question was 'what is six times seven' that was just the question they made up for the masses *mutters*

so shall we start a debate on sci-fi trivia with added pedantry?
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on February 15, 2005, 06:36:32 AM
Okay! :D
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: x~x..cheese+beef..x~x on February 18, 2005, 02:48:47 AM
that's not the question! the question was 'what is six times seven' that was just the question they made up for the masses *mutters*

so shall we start a debate on sci-fi trivia with added pedantry?

i don't understand sci-fi and what on earth is pedantry??  :-\
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on February 18, 2005, 02:59:30 AM
Pedantic-It means your fussy and a nit-picker, you correct everyone all the time, apparently I'm pedantic :P
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: x~x..cheese+beef..x~x on February 18, 2005, 03:00:56 AM
ah i see .... so y r people going to be talking about sci-fi on the 'what is the meaning of life topic'??  ???
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on February 18, 2005, 08:37:19 AM
It's just a joke.   

I think.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vårn on February 18, 2005, 12:59:44 PM
an awful lot of people were referancing the book 'the hitchhikers guide to the galaxy' in which the answer to the ultimate question (note: not the meaning of life) was given as being 42. i was hoping to knock a redundant and overdone joke on the head before it got any more boring :)
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: x~x..cheese+beef..x~x on February 18, 2005, 04:10:47 PM
oh i get it ;D I read that .... LOADS of people have just been posting 42 ... i see  ;D

I don't know why but I keep thinking that when I read it it said 23  ??? but it was a long time ago lol
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: *~Toruko-Sekai~* on March 23, 2005, 03:25:18 AM
my own opinion of meaning of life is that you are born into this world and you go out there to live! lol other than that life lets you as an individual to go out and experience life and experience what will bring! to myself i wonder sometimes as myself as an individual who can see everything and can't see in another persons eyes on what they are seeing or thinking, it's werid i know lol but i think these things alot!

I believe that when you die, you just die! there's no thing such as a soul or heaven or hell, your life would vanish in a oblivion!
Thats another matter, but i believe thats part of meaning of life.

Toruko ~
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on March 23, 2005, 04:10:41 AM
I think the meaning of life is that every life has a purpose.  I know my purpose is to glorify God.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: *~Toruko-Sekai~* on March 23, 2005, 04:20:20 AM
I think the meaning of life is that every life has a purpose.  I know my purpose is to glorify God.

yes my friend, the meaning of life is that you gotta go out there and live your life and to find your destany and a purpose

Toruko ~
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on March 23, 2005, 06:36:52 AM
I think it's awesome that a person is not just something, but someone.  (I read that recently.)  And the fact that we're someone means that we have a purpose and a meaning.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on March 23, 2005, 03:52:09 PM
I know not if there is a purpose to life, but I do know that if there is a purpose that we will most likely never find out the answer. Why is the universe here? Some people believe that the universe was created by something divine. Why? Because the universe is so hugely complex that it is impossible for human beings to comprehend how such an amazingly complicated thing came into being, There response is usually "It must have a creator". It's like if you find a watch in the middle of the desert, it is complicated, it can't just have formed, it must have a creator. But the problem is that any sentient life that could create a universe would be so vastly complicated, so complicated that human beings could not comprehend it, so therefore the same arguement can be applied, it must have a creator too. And it goes on and on and on for infinity. I myself believe in science. I know that science cannot prove everything, but everyday more break throughs are achieved. Just think, hundreds of years ago we did not even know the earth was round, now we know how galaxies form. Over time science will find the answers, but when answers are found new questions arise. But the meaning of life if there is a meaning is one of those things that we can never find the answer to. Just as there is no way to prove or disprove the existance of god.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on March 24, 2005, 07:06:23 AM
Yeah, you can't physically prove the existence of God; He's a matter of faith.  (Much like Creaton vs. evolution-no one was there.)  But I feel as if my life has purpose.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: x~x..cheese+beef..x~x on March 28, 2005, 02:22:11 PM
if people say that the purpose of life is God and whatever those Christian peoples say....then isn't that saying that people who don't believe in God or serve him have no purpose in life and are just here with no purpose and no meaning  ???

I think the meaning and purpose of life is to just live and have a good time doing you nice to other people...don't be a just be free as a bird ;D
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on March 30, 2005, 02:16:00 AM
No, everyone's life has meaning.  We're all someones, not somethings.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Tellyn on March 31, 2005, 10:17:49 PM
The meaning of life is to live it and find out.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on April 11, 2005, 02:16:34 AM
You mean for each of us?
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Humiliated on May 14, 2005, 02:13:35 AM
The meaning of life is to live it and find out.

I agree with that.

I think the meaning of life is to love, to live every emotion you are given. To go through experiences and live it to the full.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Vevian on May 14, 2005, 05:21:43 AM
Man, I haven't posted on this topic in over a year but, much to my surprise, my posting is still there on page 4 (or was it 5).  So I just spent a very long time reading all 22 pages and I have seen a lot of themes repeated, the most popular being 42.
   Other popular ones are:
To live
To be happy
To reproduce
To help others
To fulfill yourself or live for yourself

I was just reading from my favorite website ( where you can find articles on everything from the meaning of life to buying a new house.   Here is an interesting excerpt from a book review about the different kind of seekers out there.

"Although seeking is in vogue today, Guinness sees a big difference between true and false seekers. False seekers just don’t want to be attached to anything. True seekers, he says, are looking for real answers. Here’s how he describes real seekers:

On meeting them you feel their seriousness, their driven restlessness. . . . Seekers are people for whom life, or a part of life, has become a point of wonder, a question, a problem, an irritation. It happens so intensely, so persistently, that a sense of need consumes them and launches them on their quest.
Now comes the tough part: the answers. Anyone can raise questions, but today, suggesting answers is akin to walking a minefield. Doubts lay buried underfoot, waiting to explode the arrogant and the naïve. Skepticism is one of the chief marks of our poets. “There isn’t any answer to the question,” sings Sinead O’Connor. “Don’t bother with anyone who says there is.” “There ain’t no real truth,” croons Richard Ashcroft, “we have existence and it’s all we share.”

So, I wonder.  What kind of seeker do you think yourself to be.  Actually, I wouldn't label myself as a seeker at all because I actually think that I know what the meaning of life is (how about that for ego!  :D).

If you would like to read more articles on the meaning of life here is a webpage that will allow you to explore some opinions.

Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Humiliated on May 14, 2005, 06:34:28 PM
I agree Vevian. That's very interesting what you've posted.

I think I am a seeker to be quite honest. I always have been. I find myself seeking the answer in every part of my life. Love life, friends, family; everything.
I don't know what the answer is to the meaning of life. But I believe that there is one. And one day in one way or another, each of us will find it, in any shape or form.

The meaning of life.. Is a tricky question - To me it is.

I think we all have to find our own way's in life and thus seek the meaning ourselves. Not be told it by someone else.

Everyone is different, aren't they? So the answer surely cannot be the same for everyone or is it?

Perhaps it is.

Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on May 26, 2005, 08:30:40 AM
I think the answer is the same for all of us.  It's that everyone has a purpose and every life will play a part in the grand scheme of things.  (I have, by the way, found my answer.  But, unless asked via PM, I won't post my belief in detail so I can avoid others harping on me because of it.)  Anyway, I think that the seeking consists of finding how we play a part, and what part is ours.  And we have to help others.  Not to look good, or earn our way to heaven (which is impossible).  But to help others for them.  To be a friend for your friends, not just so you won't be lonely.  Today, my senior class visited and worked at a rescue mission.  So many men and women there, all seeking an answer, a solution, which many of them have found.  (It was awesome to work there, by the way.)  But the bottom line is, deep down you always wonder:  Am I doing this for others (or God), or really just for myself? 
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on May 27, 2005, 11:01:12 PM
I think the meaning of life is to find purpose. As long as you find a purpose in life then you also having meaning.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on May 27, 2005, 11:49:43 PM
Yeah, but do you ever think that the purpose of life is to serve others, and not just yourself?
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Tellyn on June 02, 2005, 04:54:46 PM
By Robert J Hastings

Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.
We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent
We are travelling by trains.  Out of the windows we drink
in the passing scene of cars on highways, or children
waving at a passing crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of
smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and
wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides
of city skylines and village halls.

But uppermost in our mind is the final destination.
On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station.
Bands will be playing and flags waving.  Once we get there so may
wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will
fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle.  How restlessly we pace
the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering, waiting, waiting
waiting for the station.

‘When we reach the station, that will be it! We cry!
‘When I’m 18.’  ‘When I buy the new 450SLMercedes Benz!’
‘When I put the last kid through college.’  ‘When I have paid off the
mortgage!’  ‘When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever

Sooner or later we must realise that there is no station, no one
place to arrive at once and for all.  The true joy of life is the trip.
The station is only a dream.  It constantly outdistances us.

‘Relish the moment’ is a good motto, especially when coupled
with Psalm 118:24 ‘This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice
and be glad in it.’  It is the regrets over yesterday
and the fear of tomorrow.  Regret and fear are twin thieves that
rob us of today.

So, stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles.
Climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot more often,
Forge more,
watch more sunsets, laugh more, cry less.
life must be lived as we go along.  The station will come soon enough.

I think this poem hits the nail on the head.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: andonewhitetree on June 02, 2005, 05:06:29 PM
Surely life only has a meaning if you believe that the World was created by God and that we were put here for a purpose, whatever that may be.  If you believe that the Earth was createde by a sceientific bang or whatevre then aren't we all just a freak accident and therefore have no definite purpose? :-\
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Tellyn on June 02, 2005, 05:16:39 PM
We can't just be an accident!  Even though I am not religious, never have been, there has to be a reason why everything on planet earth survived, and not on other planets.  Because there WAS life on Mars, some microorganisms were found a few years ago in fossils.  I don't think it has anything to do with atmosphere 9although it does keep us alive) we do have a purpose.  Maybe our lives might just be recycled, the concept of reincarnation?  Our life forces might just be used over and over, and time reverses in our mind, so that we live our lives over and over.  We could have already lived our life, been born and died, seventy million times already!  Which would explain deja vu.  Some people might be stuck in the same time period, so the time pattern stays the same for them, but maybe there are alternate universes going on in seperate peoples minds?  please tell me if that made sense, but read it thoroughly before answering.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: andonewhitetree on June 02, 2005, 05:19:01 PM
why cant we just be an accident?  There are reactions going off in space all the time.  Maybe other life forms have been created by these.  Maybe we all survived because everything was in the right place and time and sync.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Cuthien, Wolf-maiden on June 02, 2005, 10:27:05 PM
By Robert J Hastings

Tucked away in our subconscious is an idyllic vision.
We see ourselves on a long trip that spans the continent
We are travelling by trains. Out of the windows we drink
in the passing scene of cars on highways, or children
waving at a passing crossing, of cattle grazing on a distant hillside, of
smoke pouring from a power plant, of row upon row of corn and
wheat, of flatlands and valleys, of mountains and rolling hillsides
of city skylines and village halls.

But uppermost in our mind is the final destination.
On a certain day at a certain hour, we will pull into the station.
Bands will be playing and flags waving. Once we get there so may
wonderful dreams will come true and the pieces of our lives will
fit together like a completed jigsaw puzzle. How restlessly we pace
the aisles, damning the minutes for loitering, waiting, waiting
waiting for the station.

‘When we reach the station, that will be it! We cry!
‘When I’m 18.’ ‘When I buy the new 450SLMercedes Benz!’
‘When I put the last kid through college.’ ‘When I have paid off the
mortgage!’ ‘When I reach the age of retirement, I shall live happily ever

Sooner or later we must realise that there is no station, no one
place to arrive at once and for all. The true joy of life is the trip.
The station is only a dream. It constantly outdistances us.

‘Relish the moment’ is a good motto, especially when coupled
with Psalm 118:24 ‘This is the day that the Lord has made; we will rejoice
and be glad in it.’ It is the regrets over yesterday
and the fear of tomorrow. Regret and fear are twin thieves that
rob us of today.

So, stop pacing the aisles and counting the miles.
Climb more mountains, eat more ice cream, go barefoot more often,
Forge more,
watch more sunsets, laugh more, cry less.
life must be lived as we go along. The station will come soon enough.

I think this poem hits the nail on the head.

Yeah, we really should enjoy the day.  I look forward to things, but I always forget that every day is a gift from God, to use it for His glory.  That's what I believe, but yet I always forget, sadly.  Just, everyone, enjoy the day you've been given.  It's a gift, that's why it's called the present.  Corny, I know, but true.

why cant we just be an accident?  There are reactions going off in space all the time.  Maybe other life forms have been created by these.  Maybe we all survived because everything was in the right place and time and sync.

Well, we work too well.  Yeah, there's disease, but I still marvel at the ability of the human body to fix itself.  Given the right help (plenty of nutritional supplenments and nutritionally dense foods, not chemo), the body can even rid itself of cancer.  I mean, how can an accident create emotion?  The ability to love another person, or even your dog.  How can an accident create the ability to make art and music?  You can throw a bunch of parts together and hope it will make a violin or a skateboard.  Someone has to build it.  And the complexity of the human mind could not have come from an accident.  A reaction between two random particles cannot create the brain of Einstein, nor the laugh that you share with a friend. 
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: morbid_mind on July 27, 2005, 06:21:36 AM
Here...its this simple...the meaning of life is 42...err...or was it 43? hmm...i got it!!! 42!! right?? lol jp its definitly 42
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: EG on October 02, 2005, 05:43:17 AM
yeah but what is the ultimate question ???
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: The NOT So Magical Elf on October 06, 2005, 06:51:16 PM
is there really any point worring about the meaning, because while u sit and ponder.. its out there passing u by.
as long as U feel uv lived a worthwile life what does it matta..

howeva i am kinda curious as 2y im here in the first place :8o :8o :8o
but whateva the reason, idunno.. Liv Long N Prospa
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on February 03, 2006, 01:57:32 PM
Life on Earth is an accident, it appeared due to special conditions and we’re a natural development of those micro organisms, I’m sure. This naturally suggests that there is not meaning of life and so I thought until I asked myself a question how all the universe itself appeared. If it is a creation of something or someone then there is meaning of life since we were intended to be. Though there is no proof of that there is no proof of the contrary.
I feel discontent with the ideas like ‘to live for the others’, ‘to seek some goal’ or ‘to live for life’. All of these make me think of other questions like ‘why to live for the others’ and ‘what the goal should be’.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Gollum on February 03, 2006, 07:46:17 PM
Other popular ones are:
To live
To be happy
To reproduce
To help others
To fulfill yourself or live for yourself

To me, the only possible meaning would be to reproduce and continue the species, as that's the only thing that counts in the natural world.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mithrandir on February 03, 2006, 07:53:53 PM
But that's not a meaning, that's a reason.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on February 04, 2006, 01:00:33 AM
To me, the only possible meaning would be to reproduce and continue the species, as that's the only thing that counts in the natural world.

And for the sake of what may I inquire?
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Gollum on February 04, 2006, 08:39:10 PM
But that's not a meaning, that's a reason.
Meaning, reason, they're both the same.

And for the sake of what may I inquire?
As I said, for the subconscious and instinctual belief of continuing the species and passing on your genes.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mithrandir on February 04, 2006, 08:43:59 PM
But that's not a meaning, that's a reason.
Meaning, reason, they're both the same.

No, they're not. Which is my point.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on February 05, 2006, 02:43:30 AM
To me, the only possible meaning would be to reproduce and continue the species, as that's the only thing that counts in the natural world.

And for the sake of what may I inquire?

As I said, for the subconscious and instinctual belief of continuing the species and passing on your genes.

So, as far as I understand you, to reproduce and continue the species for the sake of reproducing and continuing. Is not it a closed circle? Life for the sake of life?  ???
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Gollum on February 06, 2006, 01:16:47 AM
Well what are the differences if they are so completely unrelated. To me on a basic level, they are equivalent.

And without that level of understanding as to the meaning of life, there would be no life to have a meaning for.
This however I believe to be the meaning, if and only if there has to be an ultimate one.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mithrandir on February 06, 2006, 02:13:31 AM
Despite being two years older, and wiser, I stand by what I said in this thread (page 6) almost two years ago...

I don't see why life has to have a meaning.

We all know life is the act of living, I don't think it is anymore than that.

There is no pupous to our living, just that we are what we are.

Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on February 06, 2006, 02:25:32 AM
And without that level of understanding as to the meaning of life, there would be no life to have a meaning for.

Well, that's obvious. But what is the meaning of reproducing then? What's the meaning of continuing of life??

Despite being two years older, and wiser, I stand by what I said in this thread (page 6) almost two years ago...

I don't see why life has to have a meaning.

We all know life is the act of living, I don't think it is anymore than that.

There is no pupous to our living, just that we are what we are.

So, according to you, the life hasn't got a meaning? I agree with your quopte, but however life MAY have a meaning that's what I think.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Jim on February 06, 2006, 04:53:18 AM
Life on Earth is an accident, it appeared due to special conditions and we’re a natural development of those micro organisms, I’m sure. This naturally suggests that there is not meaning of life and so I thought until I asked myself a question how all the universe itself appeared. If it is a creation of something or someone then there is meaning of life since we were intended to be. Though there is no proof of that there is no proof of the contrary.
I feel discontent with the ideas like ‘to live for the others’, ‘to seek some goal’ or ‘to live for life’. All of these make me think of other questions like ‘why to live for the others’ and ‘what the goal should be’.

But if there is no meaning to life, then why do we have intelligence that allows us to have an awareness, something other animals don't.

Because we have that intelligence over other animals, we have meaning to life, it's what you make of it. Thats my take.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on February 06, 2006, 09:12:19 AM
Life on Earth is an accident, it appeared due to special conditions and we’re a natural development of those micro organisms, I’m sure. This naturally suggests that there is not meaning of life and so I thought until I asked myself a question how all the universe itself appeared. If it is a creation of something or someone then there is meaning of life since we were intended to be. Though there is no proof of that there is no proof of the contrary.
I feel discontent with the ideas like ‘to live for the others’, ‘to seek some goal’ or ‘to live for life’. All of these make me think of other questions like ‘why to live for the others’ and ‘what the goal should be’.

But if there is no meaning to life, then why do we have intelligence that allows us to have an awareness, something other animals don't.

Because we have that intelligence over other animals, we have meaning to life, it's what you make of it. Thats my take.

I do not deny the possibility of the meaninig to life. However from my point of view intelligence is a natural development and is not the reason of why do we have the meaninigof life.

Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mithrandir on February 15, 2006, 02:43:40 PM
Life on Earth is an accident, it appeared due to special conditions and we’re a natural development of those micro organisms, I’m sure. This naturally suggests that there is not meaning of life and so I thought until I asked myself a question how all the universe itself appeared. If it is a creation of something or someone then there is meaning of life since we were intended to be. Though there is no proof of that there is no proof of the contrary.
I feel discontent with the ideas like ‘to live for the others’, ‘to seek some goal’ or ‘to live for life’. All of these make me think of other questions like ‘why to live for the others’ and ‘what the goal should be’.

But if there is no meaning to life, then why do we have intelligence that allows us to have an awareness, something other animals don't.

Because we have that intelligence over other animals, we have meaning to life, it's what you make of it. Thats my take.

I do not deny the possibility of the meaninig to life. However from my point of view intelligence is a natural development and is not the reason of why do we have the meaninigof life.

I agree. Saying that we have intelligence over animals (debateable in some cases) isn't an excuse to give our existant a meaning. Surely the more intelligent animals would therefore have to have meanings over less intelligent animals, such as dogs over amoebae.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on April 01, 2006, 01:52:55 AM
I think there are two aspects of this problem. The first is the meaning of life on the whole, of life of mankind. From this point of view a life of a certain person hasn't got a meaning as such, since the mankind appeared as a result of special conditions and long evolution. But the second one is the meaning of life of a concrete man. It has the meaning, and moreover it is not universal, but different for each person. But in any case it includes a creation of something. In fact, I believe that this creation is a main thing the man can do in his life.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Blaen on April 04, 2006, 02:24:06 AM
To understand the meaning of existance would infact render existance meaningless. If we knew what we were here for then we'd just do it, cogs in a universal machine. Humans are soo much more than mere cogs (Though alot of them act like they're just that :P). If there's a meaning at all. Frankly I still think it's most likely that we're just a nice little experiment of nature. Perhaps one of many, perhaps not.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on April 04, 2006, 02:40:39 AM
To understand the meaning of existance would infact render existance meaningless. If we knew what we were here for then we'd just do it, cogs in a universal machine. Humans are soo much more than mere cogs (Though alot of them act like they're just that :P). If there's a meaning at all. Frankly I still think it's most likely that we're just a nice little experiment of nature. Perhaps one of many, perhaps not.
I'd say rather a natural development of nature than an experiment.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Mithrandir on April 06, 2006, 03:12:32 PM
I stand by what I said over two years ago...

I don't see why life has to have a meaning.
We all know life is the act of living, I don't think it is anymore than that.
There is no purpose to our living, just that we are what we are.

Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on April 06, 2006, 09:05:27 PM
Do you think a life of certain man hasn't got a meaning? The life as such apparently hasn't got a meaning, I agree.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Li Jie on April 12, 2006, 07:20:55 PM
I think it's a difficult question . No one can answer easily.Everyday.we are busy at doing kinds of jobs .so busy to think about what your heart desire indeed.And anyone isn't live only for himself but also for people around you.There are many things unfair in our life .You will not always get a chance even you have done all you could .When Friendship become sick , "ture love "acompanied by money ,trust become weaker and weaker in our everyday life...What is life meaning? I think we born to Exist as the God 's wish .There are certain reasons which the wisest could not tell. Just do our best to lead a happy life for you and anyone who love you. Lord of the Rings showed us a beautiful world and a dream. Unfortunately , that's not a real world .For a time , this story made me sad when I thought of our real world.But I also learned something from this story.That is, a men is really a brave men when he can  hold on when  there is little hope and trust something good still in this world.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on April 12, 2006, 10:41:33 PM
I think it's a difficult question . No one can answer easily.Everyday.we are busy at doing kinds of jobs .so busy to think about what your heart desire indeed.And anyone isn't live only for himself but also for people around you.There are many things unfair in our life .You will not always get a chance even you have done all you could .When Friendship become sick , "ture love "acompanied by money ,trust become weaker and weaker in our everyday life...What is life meaning? I think we born to Exist as the God 's wish .There are certain reasons which the wisest could not tell. Just do our best to lead a happy life for you and anyone who love you. Lord of the Rings showed us a beautiful world and a dream. Unfortunately , that's not a real world .For a time , this story made me sad when I thought of our real world.But I also learned something from this story.That is, a men is really a brave men when he can  hold on when  there is little hope and trust something good still in this world.

You see, its not easy just to be content with this position: the meaning of life is to try do one's best. How can you prove that? What happens when your life ends? And it's not very clean-cut what is best and good, as is in Tolkien's brilliant world.  What if a person doesn't believe in God? In fact it raises a lot of other difficult questions. I also think it is in human's nature to seek an anwer for this question no matter the wisest cannot answer it.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Li Jie on April 30, 2006, 11:19:58 AM
I’m so sorry for answering your question so late , but I got several exams to prepare . I thought this question again .I can’t deny this : it’s not very clean-cut what is best and good . Nothing in this world can be told absolutely right or wrong , best or worst . And not everyone believed in God . Every person may have asked meaning of life and try to find a answer .   
The reason why we try to find a answer , in my opinion , is trying to find a way we can live happily and in peace . So in my view , the meaning of life is to try hard to let our heart content or  in peace . Happiness comes from many things :
1 . success ,of course . We worked hard and succeed . Surely, we taste happiness of success .
2.find peace . Not everything can be achieved ,though hard work has been paid . We may fail unfairly .Then ,we need to find a method to keeping us from hurt .So why not tell ourselves” we have tried hard and no guilty at least “, or” ‘ God’ means to “ , “perhaps , it should be like this ". You said not everyone believe in God. I agree. And there are kinds of religions in this world with different ‘God’. When human couldn’t explain everything , they thought there is a kind of mysterious power that controls everything . If we try to think our failure was doomed by this kind of power,we can make ourselves feel a little better . Then we let it go and begin our new business . ‘try best’ as I said before is just a kind of positive attitude .When you feel you could do no more , just let it go like put loads down and cheer you up again .
3.The happiness of the people who love you or you love is also yours . As your happiness is important for them , their happiness is important for you . Concern about them ,love them . Sometimes a few things you do can make different . Even when life is going to be end ,  trying to smile to the heart -break ones for the last time can help them relieve the pain of losing beloved people a little .
try to help others . we can feel we are capable men , or even enjoy the sense of hero .
Try hard to live happily , happy and peace is the most impotant things of life . That’s my view of meaning of life . You are a thoughtful person . I’m very glad to talk to you .

Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on April 30, 2006, 03:15:51 PM
So, your point is that the meaning of life is to live happily and in peace. But what is the meaning of happy, peaceful life then? Happy life is rather a final aim of a man than a meaning of his existence. What is a meaning of life in a scale of universe, that’s what tortures the minds of men since ancient times. Why do I exist, for what purpose…
Again I return to my previous conclusion that life appeared as a natural development of this Earth, and so isn’t filled with some high meaning. 
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Li Jie on May 02, 2006, 03:54:03 PM
Mm...I see .perhaps you are right .We just exist as any other things and animals.
Life on Earth is an accident, it appeared due to special conditions and we’re a natural development of those micro organisms, I’m sure. This naturally suggests that there is not meaning of life and so I thought until I asked myself a question how all the universe itself appeared. If it is a creation of something or someone then there is meaning of life since we were intended to be. Though there is no proof of that there is no proof of the contrary.
I feel discontent with the ideas like ‘to live for the others’, ‘to seek some goal’ or ‘to live for life’. All of these make me think of other questions like ‘why to live for the others’ and ‘what the goal should be’.

Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Ethi on May 08, 2006, 09:34:48 AM
The meaning of life is to live and learn from our experiences. There's this whole theory about Gaia (sp?) and that the planet has its own energy, an actual mother nature if you will and that we are a part of that and when we die we return to Gaia; taking with us all the experiences we had when we were alive. In the Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordan there is a race called the Aiel who live in a wasteland pretty much and they believe that it is there to shape them, test them and punish them for their sins...

Just a couple of ways of looking at it :D
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Taurendil on May 08, 2006, 03:43:48 PM
Well, there are a lot of theories, for instance that we're a creation of god and live because he wants us to and so on. But where's the proof of all these theories? I judge by what I see and know for certain, what is obvious and clear. My point of view has already been posted below.

However, I do not deny the possibility of the existane of meaning (since there's no proof to reject some of the theories), but it seems so improbable to me.
Title: Re: What is the meaning of life?
Post by: Theo on August 24, 2012, 04:13:07 AM
  Without purpose or meaning given to us by some higher being, what is there to live for?  Really..  I mean, if we don't believe in God what hope do we have?  What hope do we have without the promise of an afterlife?  There has to be some kind of meaning, not just to live our lives for ourselves..  I don't see how someone could be happy thinking that there's no God or that there's nothing more after we're dead..  We would have nothing to live for, it seems to me..