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  The movie opens as the camera pans over the Misty Mountains

The Two Towers Extended Edition Movie Script

Compiled by Elril Galia for LOTRUK, and to whom we are extremely grateful for the hours of work she has put into this.
(this Script may not be copied onto any other website, without the permission of its author!)

Scenes Index

Scenes   Scenes  
1 to 4 The Foundations of Stone The Two Towers Scene 1 37 to 40 The Grace of the Valar
The Two Towers Scene 37
Elven Rope The Two Towers Scene 2 Arwen's Fate
The Two Towers Scene 38
The Taming of Smeagol The Two Towers Scene 3 The Story Foreseen from Lórien
The Two Towers Scene 39
The Uruk-hai The Two Towers Scene 4 The Window on the West The Two Towers Scene 40
5 to 8 The Three Hunters
The Two Towers Scene 5 41 to 44 Sons of the Steward
The Two Towers Scene 41
The Burning of the Westfold
The Two Towers Scene 6 The Forbidden Pool
The Two Towers Scene 42
Massacre at the Fords of Isen
The Two Towers Scene 7 Aragorn's Return
The Two Towers Scene 43
The Banishment of Éomer
The Two Towers Scene 8 Entmoot The Two Towers Scene 44
9 to 12 On the Trail of the Uruk-hai
The Two Towers Scene 9 45 to 48
 The Glittering Caves
The Two Towers Scene 45
Night Camp at Fangorn
The Two Towers Scene 10 "Where is the Horse and the Rider ?"
The Two Towers Scene 46
The Riders of Rohan
The Two Towers Scene 11 "Don't be Hasty Master Meriadoc!"
The Two Towers Scene 47
The Fate of Merry and Pippin
The Two Towers Scene 12 The Host of the Eldar The Two Towers Scene 48
13 to 16 Treebeard
The Two Towers Scene 13 49 to 52 The Battle of the Hornburg The Two Towers Scene 49
The Passage of the Marshes
The Two Towers Scene 14 Old Entish The Two Towers Scene 50
The White Rider
The Two Towers Scene 15 The Breach of the Deeping Wall The Two Towers Scene 51
The Song of the Entwives
The Two Towers Scene 16 The Entmoot Decides The Two Towers Scene 52
17 to 20 The Heir of Númenor
The Two Towers Scene 17 53 to 56 The Retreat to the Hornburg The Two Towers Scene 53
The Black Gate is Closed
The Two Towers Scene 18 Master Peregrin's Plan The Two Towers Scene 54
Ent Draft
The Two Towers Scene 19 Osgiliath The Two Towers Scene 55
The King of the Golden Hall
The Two Towers Scene 20 The Last March of the Ents The Two Towers Scene 56
21 to 24 The Funeral of Théodred
The Two Towers Scene 21 57 to 60 The Nazgûl Attacks The Two Towers Scene 57
Simbelmynë on the Burial Mounds
The Two Towers Scene 22 Forth Eorlingas The Two Towers Scene 58
The King's Decision
The Two Towers Scene 23 The Flooding of Isengard The Two Towers Scene 59
The Two Towers Scene 24 The Tales That Really Mattered The Two Towers Scene 60
25 to 28 The Ring of Barahir
The Two Towers Scene 25 61 to 64 Fangorn Comes to Helms Deep The Two Towers Scene 61
A Daughter of Kings
The Two Towers Scene 26 The Final Tally The Two Towers Scene 62
Exodus from Edoras
The Two Towers Scene 27 Flotsam and Jetsam The Two Towers Scene 63
The Forests of Ithilien
The Two Towers Scene 28 Farewell to Faramir The Two Towers Scene 64
29 to 32 Gollum and Sméagol
The Two Towers Scene 29 65 to 66 "The Battle for Middle Earth is About to Begin" The Two Towers Scene 65
Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit
The Two Towers Scene 30 Gollum's Plan The Two Towers Scene 66
Dwarf Women
The Two Towers Scene 31 The End The Two Towers - The End
One of the Dúnedain
The Two Towers Scene 32    
33 to 36 The Evenstar
The Two Towers Scene 33      
The Wolves of Isengard
The Two Towers Scene 34    
Helm's Deep
The Two Towers Scene 35    
Isengard Unleashed The Two Towers Scene 36    

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