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Craig Parker as Haldir

Haldir Craig Parker

Date of Birth: November 12th 1970
Place: Suva, Fiji
Height: 5' 10" (177cm)

HaldirHaldir Haldir Haldir HaldirHaldir

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Craig was born in the island paradise of Fiji, where he says he had an "idyllic childhood". He moved to New Zealand with his family when he was 10 years old.

"In a decision I can only put down to a hurried, late night flight and too many gins," Craig remembers, "my parents decided to settle in Glenfield. Here, the story might very well have ended. Me, doomed to a life of suburban mediocrity, married with 2.4 children, with only the remains of a fading tan, my fire extinguished forever. However, Destiny, she moves in mysterious ways."

After seeing a production of "Peter Pan", he became interested in the magic of theater. In his teenage years, he began to think about it seriously as a job.  At the age of nineteen,  a PADI Advanced Diver, started out on a TV show called Hot Shots directed by Steve La Hood. He then gained more experience, working on various TV- and theatre-productions, such as Macbeth (1991), directed by Michael Hurst, and the NZ-series Gloss (1990). He eventually became a well known face to NZ TV viewers.  Since 1987 Craig has also been involved in Theatresports, proving his talent for improvisation and stand-up comedy performance.

His big breakthrough came in 1992, when he was cast as "Guy Warner" for the popular New Zealand soap opera Shortland Street. Craig, who also speaks French, remained a core-cast member of the show for four years, winning the New Zealand audience’s sympathy. Afterwards he appeared in several episodes of the internationally renowned TV-shows Xena - Warrior Princess and Young Hercules.

Afterwards  Craig worked on radio-plays (Ashleys World I & II and Caffeine Comedy/News in Briefs, both 1996 - 1997), which eventually brought him in touch with Peter Jackson

After doing preproduction work in the very early stages of LOTR's development, he landed the part of Haldir, a thrill for the dark haired actor who has long been a fan of the books.

Originally, he provided the voice for Frodo in the cartoon versions of the story boards for Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Rings". Yet it was not until the casting in the first movie for the elf Haldir that Peter Jackson made the decision to cast him in the part.  However, Craig wasn't as enthusiastic about being blonde.

"I don't think I suit blonde, but the wigs were these spectacular things which were $15,000 worth of human hair. I was always aware that if I fell over and damaged the wig, it cost a lot more than I did."

Although his character Haldir was killed off in The Two Towers, his voice made an appearance in the Return of the King

"I managed to sneak into the film. I do the voices of a few guys running and screaming in the battles, but the fun stuff was supplying voices for a couple of the orcs, Gothmog and his evil lieutenant. The characters were beautifully played by Laurence Makore and Joel Tobeck, so making up voices for them was great fun... Great fun but hell on the voice. I could hardly speak for a couple of days afterwards. Gothmog is the witch king's right hand orc. His face is a wonderful homage to the elephant man, and his lieutenant, played by Joel Tobeck, is the nose-less beauty with a head stuck on his helmet. All very charming chaps."

After the Lord of the Rings, Craig has presented and hosted many fanbased Lord of the Rings events with his co-partner Mark Ferguson (who played Gil-Galad in the Fellowship of the Rings).  The pair have known each other for many years and never cease to entertain audiences with their clever wit, humour and banter.

"I went to a convention last year in Germany thinking it was going to be strange. But Lord of the Rings is such a powerful influence, as a book, that I think a lot of people who loved the book, loved the film. They're smart, funny and have a sense of humour."

Craig appeared in a new play called Serial Killers, from October 29th to November 26th 2005 at the Derby Playhouse.

His latest TV appearances have been as a travel explorer in Nepal for TV

Random facts

  • Craig enjoys swimming, sailing, yardwork, debating, and participating in Theatre Sports.
  • Some of his skills include:French, Voiceovers, Public Speaking, Debating, MC, PADI Advanced Diver
  • It took 3 hours to apply the blonde wig he wore in The Lord of the Rings trilogy
  • Originally, he provided the voice for Frodo in the cartoon versions of the story boards for Peter Jackson's "The Lord of the Rings". Yet it was not until the casting in the first movie for the elf warden Haldir that Peter Jackson made the decision to cast him in the part.
  • Also provided the voice for Gothmog in Return of the King.


"Intrepid Journeys- Nepal" (2003) TV Series
"Power Rangers Ninja Storm" (2003) TV Series (voice)
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers (2002)
The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring (2001)
No One Can Hear You (2001)
"Mercy Peak" (2001) TV Series
Man Made (1996) Short Film
"2 People" (1997) TV Series
"Shortland Street" (1992) TV Series
The Tommyknockers (1993) (TV)
Mother Tongue (1992)
"Gloss" (1987) TV Series


All letters should be sent to:

Craig Parker
c/o Karen Kay Management
PO Box 446
Auckland 1

Contributed by Elril Galia

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